package com.zmosoft.flickrfree; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.HttpMultipartMode; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity; import com.electronapps.LJPro.PhotoAPIBase; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.util.Log; public class MultipartEntityMonitored extends MultipartEntity { public class OutputStreamMonitored extends FilterOutputStream { public OutputStreamMonitored(OutputStream out, long length) { super(out); m_out = out; m_length = length; m_broadcast_trigger = Math.round((double)m_length / 100.0); BroadcastPercentUploaded(); } public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { m_out.write(b, off, len); m_bytes_transferred += len; // We don't want to send a broadcast every time data is written, // so only do it when the amount written since the last broadcast // is at least 1% of the total size. if (m_broadcast_count < m_broadcast_trigger) { m_broadcast_count += len; } else { m_broadcast_intent.putExtra("percent", PercentUploaded()); m_broadcast_intent.putExtra("title", m_title); if (m_context != null) { m_context.sendBroadcast(m_broadcast_intent); } m_broadcast_count = 0; } } public void write(int b) throws IOException { m_out.write(b); m_bytes_transferred += 1; // We don't want to send a broadcast every time data is written, // so only do it when the amount written since the last broadcast // is at least 1% of the total size. if (m_broadcast_count < m_broadcast_trigger) { m_broadcast_count += 1; } else { m_broadcast_intent.putExtra("percent", PercentUploaded()); m_broadcast_intent.putExtra("title", m_title); if (m_context != null) { m_context.sendBroadcast(m_broadcast_intent); } m_broadcast_count = 0; } } private void BroadcastPercentUploaded() { if (m_broadcast_intent == null) { m_broadcast_intent = new Intent(); m_broadcast_intent.setAction(PhotoAPIBase.UPLOAD_PROGRESS_UPDATE); } m_broadcast_intent.putExtra("percent", PercentUploaded()); m_broadcast_intent.putExtra("file", m_file); if (m_context != null) { m_context.sendBroadcast(m_broadcast_intent); } m_broadcast_count = 0; } private int PercentUploaded() { return (int)Math.round(100.0 * (double)m_bytes_transferred / (double)m_length); } private long m_length = 0; private long m_bytes_transferred = 0; private long m_broadcast_count = 0; private long m_broadcast_trigger = 0; private OutputStream m_out = null; } private String m_file; public MultipartEntityMonitored(Context context, String file,String title) { super(); m_file=file; m_context = context; m_title = title; } public MultipartEntityMonitored(HttpMultipartMode mode) { super(mode); } public MultipartEntityMonitored(HttpMultipartMode mode, String boundary, Charset charset) { super(mode, boundary, charset); } @Override public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream) throws IOException { Log.d("UPLOAD", "Uploading data"); if (m_outputstream == null) { m_outputstream = new OutputStreamMonitored(outstream, getContentLength()); } super.writeTo(m_outputstream); } private OutputStreamMonitored m_outputstream = null; private Intent m_broadcast_intent = null; private Context m_context = null; private String m_title = null; }