package com.zmosoft.flickrfree; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Environment; import android.util.Log; public class GlobalResources { public static String m_EDITPERMS_URL = ""; public static final String INTENT_UPLOAD_STARTED = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.UPLOAD_STARTED"; public static final String INTENT_UPLOAD_FINISHED = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.UPLOAD_FINISHED"; public static final String INTENT_UPLOAD_FAILED = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.UPLOAD_FAILED"; public static final String INTENT_DOWNLOAD_STARTED = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.DOWNLOAD_STARTED"; public static final String INTENT_DOWNLOAD_FINISHED = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED"; public static final String INTENT_DOWNLOAD_FAILED = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.DOWNLOAD_FAILED"; public static final String INTENT_BIND_TRANSFER_SERVICE = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.BIND_TRANSFER_SERVICE"; public static final String INTENT_BIND_DOWNLOADER = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.BIND_DOWNLOADER"; public static final String INTENT_UPLOAD_PROGRESS_UPDATE = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.UPLOAD_PROGRESS_UPDATE"; public static final String INTENT_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS_UPDATE = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS_UPDATE"; public static final String INTENT_GET_PHOTOSTREAM = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.GET_PHOTOSTREAM"; public static final String INTENT_GET_POOL = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.GET_POOL"; public static final String INTENT_FLICKR_SEARCH = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.FLICKR_SEARCH"; public static final String INTENT_GET_FAVORITES = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.GET_FAVORITES"; public static final String INTENT_GET_USERLIST = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.GET_USERLIST"; public static final String INTENT_SET_USER = "com.zmosoft.flickrfree.SET_USER"; public static final String HAS_NOTIFIED_UPGRADE = "has_notified_upgrade"; public static final String TRANSFER_TYPE_UPLOAD = "Upload"; public static final String TRANSFER_TYPE_DOWNLOAD = "Download"; public static int API_DELAY_MS = 1000; public static int ERROR_DELAY_MS = 1000; static final int ADD_ACCOUNT_REQ = 1; static final int MANAGE_ACCOUNTS_REQ = 2; static final int PICK_IMAGE_REQ = 999; static final int IMGS_PER_PAGE = 20; static final int NRETRIES = 10; static final int UPLOADER_ID = 243; static final int DOWNLOADER_ID = 253; public enum ImgSize { SMALLSQUARE(0), THUMB(1), SMALL(2), MED(3), LARGE(4), ORIG(5); private int m_sizenum; private ImgSize(int i) { m_sizenum = i; } public int getNum() { return m_sizenum; } public void setNum(int num) { m_sizenum = num; } public String toString() { if (m_sizenum == 0) { return "Small Square"; } else if (m_sizenum == 1) { return "Thumb"; } else if (m_sizenum == 2) { return "Small"; } else if (m_sizenum == 3) { return "Medium"; } else if (m_sizenum == 4) { return "Large"; } else if (m_sizenum == 5) { return "Original"; } else { return "Unknown"; } } } public static boolean CheckNetwork(Context context) { ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager)context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo.State wifi_state = cm.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI).getState(); NetworkInfo.State mobile_state = cm.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE).getState(); if ((wifi_state == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED) || (mobile_state == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED)) { //return (!"fail")); return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean isAppUser(Activity a, String nsid) { return (nsid != "" && a.getSharedPreferences("Auth",0).getString("nsid", "").equals(nsid)); } public static String getDisplayName(String username, String realname) { String displayname = ""; if (!realname.equals("")) { displayname = realname + " (" + username + ")"; } else { displayname = username; } return displayname; } public static Bitmap getBitmapFromURL(String url) throws JSONException, IOException { Bitmap bm = null; URL aURL = new URL(url); URLConnection conn = aURL.openConnection(); conn.connect(); InputStream is = conn.getInputStream(); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is); bm = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(bis); bis.close(); is.close(); return bm; } public static String getImageURL(String farm, String server, String id, String secret, ImgSize size, String extension) { String img_url = "http://farm" + farm + "" + server + "/" + id + "_" + secret; if (size == ImgSize.SMALLSQUARE) { img_url = img_url + "_s"; } else if (size == ImgSize.THUMB) { img_url = img_url + "_t"; } else if (size == ImgSize.SMALL) { img_url = img_url + "_m"; } else if (size == ImgSize.LARGE) { img_url = img_url + "_b"; } else if (size == ImgSize.ORIG) { img_url = img_url + "_o"; } img_url = img_url + "." + extension; return img_url; } public static String downloadImage(String url, String filename, boolean show_progress, Context context) throws IOException { String dlpath = GetDownloadDir(); if (!dlpath.equals("")) { return downloadImage(url, filename, dlpath, show_progress, context); } else { return "Failed to save image"; } } public static String downloadImage(String url, String filename, String dlpath, boolean show_progress, Context context) throws IOException { if (filename.equals("")) { filename = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } URL u = new URL(url); URLConnection uc = u.openConnection(); if (uc == null) { Log.e("flickrfree", "Failed to open connection while trying to download \"" + url + "\"."); return "fail: Failed to open connection"; } double contentLength = (double)uc.getContentLength(); double contentReceived = 0; if (uc.getContentType() == null || !uc.getContentType().contains("image")) { Log.e("flickrfree", "File at URL \"" + url + "\" is not an image."); return "fail: File is not an image"; } // Check to see if download directory exists. If not, create it. File download = new File(dlpath); if (!download.exists()) { download.mkdir(); } InputStream in = uc.getInputStream(); if (in == null) { return "fail: Failed to get input stream"; } else { File f = new File(dlpath,filename); FileOutputStream imgfile = new FileOutputStream(f); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int len1 = 0; double progress = 0, old_progress = 0; double broadcast_trigger = 1.0; Intent broadcast_intent = new Intent(); broadcast_intent.setAction(GlobalResources.INTENT_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS_UPDATE); while ((len1 = != -1) { imgfile.write(buffer,0, len1); contentReceived += (double)1024; if (show_progress && context != null) { progress = 100.0 * contentReceived / contentLength; // We don't want to send a broadcast every time data is written, // so only do it when the amount written since the last broadcast // is at least 1% of the total size. if ((progress - old_progress) >= broadcast_trigger) { broadcast_intent.putExtra("percent", (int)Math.round(progress)); broadcast_intent.putExtra("filename", filename); context.sendBroadcast(broadcast_intent); old_progress = progress; } } } in.close(); imgfile.close(); } return "success: Image path = " + dlpath + "/" + filename; } public static boolean CheckDir(String dir_name) { boolean result = false; if (dir_name != null && !dir_name.equals("")) { File Dir = new File(dir_name); if (Dir.exists() || Dir.mkdir()) { result = true; } } return result; } public static String GetAppDir() { // Check for the app directory. If it doesn't exist, create it. String app_dir = Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED) ? Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/FlickrFree/" : ""; return CheckDir(app_dir) ? app_dir : ""; } public static String GetCacheDir(Activity callingActivity) { if (callingActivity != null && callingActivity.getCacheDir() != null) { return callingActivity.getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath(); } else { return ""; } } public static String GetDownloadDir() { String app_dir = GetAppDir(); // If the app directory can be found, set the cache directory to be the subdirectory // "download" in the app directory. If not, there is no download path -- files cannot // be downloaded. String dl_dir = (app_dir == null) || app_dir.equals("") ? "" : app_dir + "download"; return CheckDir(dl_dir) ? dl_dir : ""; } public static String CachedImageFilename(String url) { return (url.replaceAll(":", "").replace("/", "")); } public static boolean CacheImage(String url, Activity callingActivity, boolean show_progress) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, InterruptedException { String filename = CachedImageFilename(url); String cachedir = GetCacheDir(callingActivity); File img_cache = new File(cachedir + "/" + filename); // Check to see if a cached image with this name already exists. If not, then // download the image. for (int i = 0; i < NRETRIES && !(img_cache.exists()); i++) { if (i > 0) { sleep(ERROR_DELAY_MS); Log.e("flickrfree", "Error retrieving image from URL \"" + url + "\". Retrying."); } downloadImage(url, filename, cachedir, show_progress, callingActivity.getApplicationContext()); } return img_cache.exists(); } public static Bitmap GetCachedImage(String url, Activity callingActivity) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, InterruptedException { Bitmap b = null; File img_cache = new File(GetCacheDir(callingActivity) + "/" + CachedImageFilename(url)); if (img_cache.exists()) { b = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(img_cache.getAbsolutePath()); } return b; } /* public static String GetBuddyIcon(String nsid) { return GetBuddyIcon(APICalls.peopleGetInfo(nsid)); } public static String GetBuddyIcon(JSONObject userinfo) { int iconserver = JSONParser.getInt(userinfo, "person/iconserver"); int iconfarm = JSONParser.getInt(userinfo, "person/iconfarm"); String nsid = JSONParser.getString(userinfo, "person/nsid"); String icon_url = ""; if (iconserver > 0 && iconfarm > 0) { icon_url = "http://farm" + iconfarm + "" + iconserver + "/buddyicons/" + nsid + ".jpg"; } else { icon_url = ""; } return icon_url; } */ public static double LatLongToDecimal(String val) { double deg, min, sec; String[] string_arr; string_arr = val.split(" deg "); deg = Double.valueOf(string_arr[0]); string_arr = string_arr[1].split("' "); min = Double.valueOf(string_arr[0]); String s = string_arr[1].substring(0, string_arr[1].length() - 1); sec = Double.valueOf(s); return LatLongToDecimal(deg, min, sec); } public static double LatLongToDecimal(double deg, double min, double sec) { double val = (deg + (min / 60.0) + (sec / 3600.0)); try { return Double.valueOf((new DecimalFormat("#.#######")).format(val)).doubleValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0.0; } } public static void LogSharedPrefs(SharedPreferences pref) { Map<String, ?> m = pref.getAll(); for (String key : m.keySet()) { Log.i("flickrfree", "Prefs Entry: (" + key + ", " + m.get(key).toString() + ")"); } } public static void sleep(long ms) { Thread.currentThread(); try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }