package org.styloot.hobo.hoboindex; import java.util.*; import*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.styloot.hobo.*; import org.styloot.hobo.itemfinders.ItemFinder; import org.styloot.hobo.itemfinders.SubsetIndexItemFinder; import org.styloot.hobo.itemfinders.*; import org.styloot.hobo.iterators.*; import org.styloot.hobo.hoboindex.HoboIndex; public class SimpleHoboIndex implements HoboIndex { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleHoboIndex.class); public SimpleHoboIndex(Collection<Item> items) { this(items.iterator()); } public SimpleHoboIndex(Item[] items) { this(Util.collectionFromArray(items)); } public SimpleHoboIndex(Iterator<Item> items) { Map<String,List<Item>> catToItems = categoriesToItems(items);"Initializing HoboIndex with " + catToItems.size() + " categories."); //Now we need to build ItemFinders for (String cat : catToItems.keySet()) { categoryMap.put(cat, new SubsetIndexItemFinder(catToItems.get(cat), cat)); }"ItemFinders built."); } public Iterator<Item> find(String cat, Collection<String> features, CIELabColor color, double dist, int minPrice, int maxPrice) { if (dist < 0) { //Negative color distance implies no color query color = null; } Vector<Iterator<Item>> iters = new Vector<Iterator<Item>>(); Collection<ItemFinder> categories; if ((cat != "") && (cat != null)) { categories = categoryMap.itemFinders(cat); } else { categories = categoryMap.values(); //Small performance improvement in case of no category } for (ItemFinder finder : categories) { iters.add(finder.find(features, color, dist, minPrice, maxPrice)); } return new CombinedIterator(iters); } private CategoryMap categoryMap = new CategoryMap(); protected Map<String,List<Item>> categoriesToItems(Iterator<Item> items) { Map<String,List<Item>> result = new HashMap<String,List<Item>>(); for (Iterator<Item> iter = items; iter.hasNext();) { Item item =; if (!result.containsKey( { result.put(, new LinkedList<Item>()); } result.get(; } return result; } private static class CategoryMap extends TreeMap<String,ItemFinder> { public NavigableMap<String,ItemFinder> findSubCategoriesMap(String key) { return subMap(key, true, key+Character.MAX_VALUE, true); } public Collection<ItemFinder> itemFinders(String key) { return findSubCategoriesMap(key).values(); } public Set<String> subcategories(String key) { return findSubCategoriesMap(key).keySet(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Vector<Item> items = new Vector<Item>(); for (int i=0;i<10;i++) { Vector<String> f = new Vector<String>(); f.add("foo"); if (i % 2 == 0) f.add("bar"); if (i % 3 == 0) items.add(new Item("id" + i, "/dress", f, i, null, i)); if (i % 3 == 1) items.add(new Item("id" + i, "/dress/short", f, i, null, i)); if (i % 3 == 2) items.add(new Item("id" + i, "/skirt", f, i, null, i)); } HoboIndex idx = new SimpleHoboIndex(items); Vector<String> f = new Vector<String>(); f.add("foo"); f.add("bar"); for (Iterator<Item> i = idx.find("/dress", f, null, 0, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); i.hasNext(); ) { Item item = (Item); System.out.println( + " -> " + item.category + " , " + item.quality + " , " + item.cost); } } }