package org.styloot.hobo; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; import org.styloot.hobo.*; public class Item implements Comparable<Item>{ public Item(String i, String c, Collection<String> f, int q, CIELabColor clr, int cst) { id = i; category = Category.getCategory(c); quality = q; features = Feature.getFeatures(f); color = clr; cost = cst; } public Item(String i, String c, String[] f, int q, CIELabColor clr, int cst) { id = i; category = Category.getCategory(c); quality = q; features = Feature.getFeatures(f); color = clr; cost = cst; } public Item(String i, String c, Vector<String> f, int q, CIELabColor clr, int cst) { this(i, c, f.toArray((String[])(new String[]{})), q, clr, cst); } public boolean hasFeatures(Collection<String> feats) { log.warn("Calling item.hasFeatures(Collection<String> features) - will be inefficient."); if (feats == null) { return true; } return hasFeatures(Feature.getFeatures(feats)); } public Feature[] getFeatures() { return features; } public boolean hasFeature(Feature f) { for (Feature f2 : features) { if (f == f2) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean hasFeatures(Feature[] feats) { if (feats == null) { return true; } if (features == null && feats.length > 0) { //We definitely don't have the feature return false; } for (Feature f : feats) { if (!hasFeature(f)) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean hasFeaturesSorted(Feature[] feats) { return Util.isSubsetSorted(feats, features); } public double colorDist2From(CIELabColor other) { return other.distance2To(color); } public CIELabColor getColor() { return color; } public final String id; public final Category category; public final Feature[] features; public final int quality; public final CIELabColor color; public final int cost; public int compareTo(Item o) { if (quality != o.quality) { return (o.quality - quality); } return id.compareTo(; } private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Item.class); }