package com.manning.hsia.dvdstore; import com.manning.hsia.ch13.Synonym; import com.manning.hsia.test.ch13.SearchTestCase; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import; import; import; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public class TestSynonyms extends SearchTestCase { String desc[] = { "Keanu Reeves is completely wooden in this romantic misfired flick", "Reeves plays a traveling salesman and agrees to help a woman", "Jamie Lee Curtis finds out that he's not really a used car salesman" }; @Test(groups="ch13") public void testQuery() throws Exception { FullTextSession session = Search.getFullTextSession( openSession() ); Transaction tx = session.getTransaction(); SynonymHelper helper = new SynonymHelper(); // to build the synonym index from scratch // uncomment the following line // buildSynonymIndex(session, helper); // test synonyms String query = "movie flick"; Set<String> q = helper.getSynonyms( query, session, new StandardAnalyzer() ); assert q.contains( "film" ) : "not found"; assert q.contains( "picture" ) : "not found"; try { // test a query buildDvdIndex( session, tx ); tx = session.beginTransaction(); query = "automobile"; Query expandedQuery = helper.expandQuery( query, session, new StandardAnalyzer(), "description", 1.0F ); hibQuery = session.createFullTextQuery( expandedQuery, Dvd.class ); List<Dvd> results = hibQuery.list(); assert results.size() == 1 : "didn't find the synonym"; assert results.get( 0 ).getDescription().startsWith( "Jamie Lee Curtis" ); assert results.get( 0 ).getDescription().indexOf( "car" ) >= 0; for (Object element : session.createQuery( "from " + Dvd.class.getName() ).list()) { session.delete( element ); } // uncommenting the following lines will remove all // entries in the synonym index and require it to be // rebuilt // for (Object element : session.createQuery("from " + Synonym.class.getName()).list()) { // session.delete(element); // } tx.commit(); } finally { session.close(); } } private void buildSynonymIndex( FullTextSession session, SynonymHelper helper ) throws Exception { helper.buildSynonymIndex( session, "" ); } private void buildDvdIndex( FullTextSession session, Transaction tx ) { tx = session.beginTransaction(); for (int x = 0; x < desc.length; x++) { Dvd dvd = new Dvd(); dvd.setDescription( desc[x] ); dvd.setId( x + 1 ); dvd ); } tx.commit(); session.clear(); } protected Class[] getMappings() { return new Class[]{ Dvd.class, Synonym.class }; } protected void configure( org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration cfg ) { cfg.setProperty( "", FSDirectoryProvider.class.getName() ); File f = new File( "synonym_index" ); cfg.setProperty( "", f.getAbsolutePath() ); } }