package com.manning.hsia.dvdstore.test; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction; import; import; import; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.manning.hsia.dvdstore.action.DisplayAction; import com.manning.hsia.dvdstore.action.ItemView; import com.manning.hsia.dvdstore.action.OrderBy; import com.manning.hsia.dvdstore.action.ResultHolder; import com.manning.hsia.dvdstore.action.jpa.DisplayActionImpl; import com.manning.hsia.dvdstore.model.Item; import com.manning.hsia.dvdstore.util.EntityManagerInvocationHandler; import com.manning.hsia.dvdstore.util.JpaTestCase; public class JpaDisplayActionTest extends JpaTestCase { @Test(groups="ch06") public void testList() throws Exception { DisplayAction action = getDisplayAction(); List<String> results = action.displayAllByMatchingTitle("batman"); assert 2 == results.size(); for (String result : results) { System.out.println(result); } } private DisplayAction getDisplayAction() { DisplayAction action = new DisplayActionImpl(); return (DisplayAction) Proxy.newProxyInstance( this.getClass().getClassLoader(), new Class[] { DisplayAction.class }, new EntityManagerInvocationHandler(action, factory) ); } @Test(groups="ch06") public void testResultSize() throws Exception { DisplayAction action = getDisplayAction(); int results = action.displayResultSizeByMatchingTitle("season"); assert 21 == results: "found " + results; ResultHolder resultHolder = action.displayResultsAndTotalByMatchingTitle("season", 1, 5); assert 21 == resultHolder.getResultSize(): "found " + results; assert 5 == resultHolder.getResults().size(): "found " + resultHolder.getResults().size(); } @Test(groups="ch06") public void testUniqueResult() throws Exception { DisplayAction action = getDisplayAction(); String item = action.displayIMFeelingLuckyByMatchingTitle("batman"); assert item != null; } @Test(groups="ch06") public void testPagination() throws Exception { DisplayAction action = getDisplayAction(); List<String> results = action.displayAllByMatchingTitle("season", 2, 5); for (String result : results) { System.out.println(result); } assert 5 == results.size(): "found " + results.size(); for (String result : results) { System.out.println(result); } } @Test(groups="ch06") public void testSimpleProjection() throws Exception { DisplayAction action = getDisplayAction(); List<ItemView> results = action.displayProjectionByMatchingTitle("batman"); assert 2 == results.size() : "found " + results.size(); for (ItemView result : results) { System.out.println( result.getTitle() ); assert result.getTitle() != null; assert result.getEan() != null; } } @Test(groups="ch06") public void testProjectionWithMetadata() throws Exception { DisplayAction action = getDisplayAction(); List<ItemView> results = action.displayProjectionAndMetadataByMatchingTitle("batman"); assert 2 == results.size() : "found " + results.size(); for (ItemView result : results) { System.out.println( result.getTitle() ); assert result.getTitle() != null; assert result.getEan() != null; assert result.getScore() > 0; } } @Test(groups="ch06") public void testResultTransformer() throws Exception { DisplayAction action = getDisplayAction(); List<ItemView> results = action.displayProjectionByMatchingTitle("batman"); assert 2 == results.size() : "found " + results.size(); for (ItemView result : results) { System.out.println( result.getTitle() ); assert result.getTitle() != null; assert result.getEan() != null; } } @Test(groups="ch06") public void testSort() throws Exception { DisplayAction action = getDisplayAction(); List<String> results = action.displayAllByMatchingTitleOrderedBy("season", OrderBy.TITLE_THEN_EAN); assert 21 == results.size() : "found " + results.size(); assert results.get(0).compareTo( results.get(1) ) < 0; results = action.displayAllByMatchingTitleOrderedBy("season", OrderBy.TITLE_THEN_SCORE); assert 21 == results.size() : "found " + results.size(); assert results.get(0).compareTo( results.get(1) ) < 0; } @Test(groups="ch06") public void testCriteria() throws Exception { DisplayAction action = getDisplayAction(); List<String> results = action.displayItemAndDistributorByMatchingTitle("season"); assert 21 == results.size() : "found " + results.size(); for (String result : results) { System.out.println(result); } } @Test(groups="ch06") public void testExplanation() throws Exception { DisplayAction action = getDisplayAction(); Explanation results = action.explainFirstMatchingItem("batman"); assert results != null; System.out.println(results); } @Override public void postSetUp() throws Exception { FullTextEntityManager entityManager = Search.getFullTextEntityManager( factory.createEntityManager() ); EntityTransaction tx = null; try { tx = entityManager.getTransaction(); tx.begin(); //manual indexing solution OK for small amounts of data List results = entityManager.createQuery( "select i from " + Item.class.getName() + " i" ).getResultList(); for (Object entity : results) { entityManager.index( entity ); //index each element } //commit the index changes tx.commit(); } finally { entityManager.close(); } } }