/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ package org.hibernate.hql.classic; import org.hibernate.QueryException; import org.hibernate.hql.QueryTranslator; import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Queryable; import org.hibernate.sql.JoinFragment; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Parses the from clause of a hibernate query, looking for tables and * aliases for the SQL query. */ public class FromParser implements Parser { private final PathExpressionParser peParser = new FromPathExpressionParser(); private String entityName; private String alias; private boolean afterIn; private boolean afterAs; private boolean afterClass; private boolean expectingJoin; private boolean expectingIn; private boolean expectingAs; private boolean afterJoinType; private int joinType; private boolean afterFetch; private static final int NONE = -666; private static final Map JOIN_TYPES = new HashMap(); static { JOIN_TYPES.put( "left", new Integer( JoinFragment.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN ) ); JOIN_TYPES.put( "right", new Integer( JoinFragment.RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN ) ); JOIN_TYPES.put( "full", new Integer( JoinFragment.FULL_JOIN ) ); JOIN_TYPES.put( "inner", new Integer( JoinFragment.INNER_JOIN ) ); } public void token(String token, QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException { // start by looking for HQL keywords... String lcToken = token.toLowerCase(); if ( lcToken.equals( "," ) ) { if ( !( expectingJoin | expectingAs ) ) throw new QueryException( "unexpected token: ," ); expectingJoin = false; expectingAs = false; } else if ( lcToken.equals( "join" ) ) { if ( !afterJoinType ) { if ( !( expectingJoin | expectingAs ) ) throw new QueryException( "unexpected token: join" ); // inner joins can be abbreviated to 'join' joinType = JoinFragment.INNER_JOIN; expectingJoin = false; expectingAs = false; } else { afterJoinType = false; } } else if ( lcToken.equals( "fetch" ) ) { if ( q.isShallowQuery() ) throw new QueryException( QueryTranslator.ERROR_CANNOT_FETCH_WITH_ITERATE ); if ( joinType == NONE ) throw new QueryException( "unexpected token: fetch" ); if ( joinType == JoinFragment.FULL_JOIN || joinType == JoinFragment.RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN ) { throw new QueryException( "fetch may only be used with inner join or left outer join" ); } afterFetch = true; } else if ( lcToken.equals( "outer" ) ) { // 'outer' is optional and is ignored if ( !afterJoinType || ( joinType != JoinFragment.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN && joinType != JoinFragment.RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN ) ) { throw new QueryException( "unexpected token: outer" ); } } else if ( JOIN_TYPES.containsKey( lcToken ) ) { if ( !( expectingJoin | expectingAs ) ) throw new QueryException( "unexpected token: " + token ); joinType = ( ( Integer ) JOIN_TYPES.get( lcToken ) ).intValue(); afterJoinType = true; expectingJoin = false; expectingAs = false; } else if ( lcToken.equals( "class" ) ) { if ( !afterIn ) throw new QueryException( "unexpected token: class" ); if ( joinType != NONE ) throw new QueryException( "outer or full join must be followed by path expression" ); afterClass = true; } else if ( lcToken.equals( "in" ) ) { if ( !expectingIn ) throw new QueryException( "unexpected token: in" ); afterIn = true; expectingIn = false; } else if ( lcToken.equals( "as" ) ) { if ( !expectingAs ) throw new QueryException( "unexpected token: as" ); afterAs = true; expectingAs = false; } else { if ( afterJoinType ) throw new QueryException( "join expected: " + token ); if ( expectingJoin ) throw new QueryException( "unexpected token: " + token ); if ( expectingIn ) throw new QueryException( "in expected: " + token ); // now anything that is not a HQL keyword if ( afterAs || expectingAs ) { // (AS is always optional, for consistency with SQL/OQL) // process the "new" HQL style where aliases are assigned // _after_ the class name or path expression ie. using // the AS construction if ( entityName != null ) { q.setAliasName( token, entityName ); } else { throw new QueryException( "unexpected: as " + token ); } afterAs = false; expectingJoin = true; expectingAs = false; entityName = null; } else if ( afterIn ) { // process the "old" HQL style where aliases appear _first_ // ie. using the IN or IN CLASS constructions if ( alias == null ) throw new QueryException( "alias not specified for: " + token ); if ( joinType != NONE ) throw new QueryException( "outer or full join must be followed by path expression" ); if ( afterClass ) { // treat it as a classname Queryable p = q.getEntityPersisterUsingImports( token ); if ( p == null ) throw new QueryException( "persister not found: " + token ); q.addFromClass( alias, p ); } else { // treat it as a path expression peParser.setJoinType( JoinFragment.INNER_JOIN ); peParser.setUseThetaStyleJoin( true ); ParserHelper.parse( peParser, q.unalias( token ), ParserHelper.PATH_SEPARATORS, q ); if ( !peParser.isCollectionValued() ) throw new QueryException( "path expression did not resolve to collection: " + token ); String nm = peParser.addFromCollection( q ); q.setAliasName( alias, nm ); } alias = null; afterIn = false; afterClass = false; expectingJoin = true; } else { // handle a path expression or class name that // appears at the start, in the "new" HQL // style or an alias that appears at the start // in the "old" HQL style Queryable p = q.getEntityPersisterUsingImports( token ); if ( p != null ) { // starts with the name of a mapped class (new style) if ( joinType != NONE ) throw new QueryException( "outer or full join must be followed by path expression" ); entityName = q.createNameFor( p.getEntityName() ); q.addFromClass( entityName, p ); expectingAs = true; } else if ( token.indexOf( '.' ) < 0 ) { // starts with an alias (old style) // semi-bad thing about this: can't re-alias another alias..... alias = token; expectingIn = true; } else { // starts with a path expression (new style) // force HQL style: from Person p inner join p.cars c //if (joinType==NONE) throw new QueryException("path expression must be preceded by full, left, right or inner join"); //allow ODMG OQL style: from Person p, p.cars c if ( joinType != NONE ) { peParser.setJoinType( joinType ); } else { peParser.setJoinType( JoinFragment.INNER_JOIN ); } peParser.setUseThetaStyleJoin( q.isSubquery() ); ParserHelper.parse( peParser, q.unalias( token ), ParserHelper.PATH_SEPARATORS, q ); entityName = peParser.addFromAssociation( q ); joinType = NONE; peParser.setJoinType( JoinFragment.INNER_JOIN ); if ( afterFetch ) { peParser.fetch( q, entityName ); afterFetch = false; } expectingAs = true; } } } } public void start(QueryTranslatorImpl q) { entityName = null; alias = null; afterIn = false; afterAs = false; afterClass = false; expectingJoin = false; expectingIn = false; expectingAs = false; joinType = NONE; } public void end(QueryTranslatorImpl q) { } }