/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ package org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.hql.antlr.SqlTokenTypes; import org.hibernate.hql.ast.util.ASTAppender; import org.hibernate.hql.ast.util.ASTIterator; import org.hibernate.hql.ast.util.ASTPrinter; import org.hibernate.type.Type; import org.hibernate.QueryException; import antlr.SemanticException; import antlr.collections.AST; /** * Represents the list of expressions in a SELECT clause. * * @author josh */ public class SelectClause extends SelectExpressionList { private boolean prepared = false; private boolean scalarSelect; private List fromElementsForLoad = new ArrayList(); //private Type[] sqlResultTypes; private Type[] queryReturnTypes; private String[][] columnNames; private List collectionFromElements; private String[] aliases; // Currently we can only have one... private AggregatedSelectExpression aggregatedSelectExpression; /** * Does this SelectClause represent a scalar query * * @return True if this is a scalara select clause; false otherwise. */ public boolean isScalarSelect() { return scalarSelect; } public boolean isDistinct() { return getFirstChild() != null && getFirstChild().getType() == SqlTokenTypes.DISTINCT; } /** * FromElements which need to be accounted for in the load phase (either for return or for fetch). * * @return List of appropriate FromElements. */ public List getFromElementsForLoad() { return fromElementsForLoad; } /* * The types represented in the SQL result set. * * @return The types represented in the SQL result set. */ /*public Type[] getSqlResultTypes() { return sqlResultTypes; }*/ /** * The types actually being returned from this query at the "object level". * * @return The query return types. */ public Type[] getQueryReturnTypes() { return queryReturnTypes; } /** * The HQL aliases, or generated aliases * * @return the aliases */ public String[] getQueryReturnAliases() { return aliases; } /** * The column alias names being used in the generated SQL. * * @return The SQL column aliases. */ public String[][] getColumnNames() { return columnNames; } public AggregatedSelectExpression getAggregatedSelectExpression() { return aggregatedSelectExpression; } /** * Prepares an explicitly defined select clause. * * @param fromClause The from clause linked to this select clause. * @throws SemanticException indicates a semntic issue with the explicit select clause. */ public void initializeExplicitSelectClause(FromClause fromClause) throws SemanticException { if ( prepared ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "SelectClause was already prepared!" ); } //explicit = true; // This is an explict Select. //ArrayList sqlResultTypeList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList queryReturnTypeList = new ArrayList(); // First, collect all of the select expressions. // NOTE: This must be done *before* invoking setScalarColumnText() because setScalarColumnText() // changes the AST!!! SelectExpression[] selectExpressions = collectSelectExpressions(); for ( int i = 0; i < selectExpressions.length; i++ ) { SelectExpression selectExpression = selectExpressions[i]; if ( AggregatedSelectExpression.class.isInstance( selectExpression ) ) { aggregatedSelectExpression = (AggregatedSelectExpression) selectExpression; queryReturnTypeList.addAll( aggregatedSelectExpression.getAggregatedSelectionTypeList() ); scalarSelect = true; } else { Type type = selectExpression.getDataType(); if ( type == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "No data type for node: " + selectExpression.getClass().getName() + " " + new ASTPrinter( SqlTokenTypes.class ).showAsString( ( AST ) selectExpression, "" ) ); } //sqlResultTypeList.add( type ); // If the data type is not an association type, it could not have been in the FROM clause. if ( selectExpression.isScalar() ) { scalarSelect = true; } if ( isReturnableEntity( selectExpression ) ) { fromElementsForLoad.add( selectExpression.getFromElement() ); } // Always add the type to the return type list. queryReturnTypeList.add( type ); } } //init the aliases, after initing the constructornode initAliases(selectExpressions); if ( !getWalker().isShallowQuery() ) { // add the fetched entities List fromElements = fromClause.getProjectionList(); ASTAppender appender = new ASTAppender( getASTFactory(), this ); // Get ready to start adding nodes. int size = fromElements.size(); Iterator iterator = fromElements.iterator(); for ( int k = 0; iterator.hasNext(); k++ ) { FromElement fromElement = ( FromElement ) iterator.next(); if ( fromElement.isFetch() ) { FromElement origin = null; if ( fromElement.getRealOrigin() == null ) { // work around that crazy issue where the tree contains // "empty" FromElements (no text); afaict, this is caused // by FromElementFactory.createCollectionJoin() if ( fromElement.getOrigin() == null ) { throw new QueryException( "Unable to determine origin of join fetch [" + fromElement.getDisplayText() + "]" ); } else { origin = fromElement.getOrigin(); } } else { origin = fromElement.getRealOrigin(); } if ( !fromElementsForLoad.contains( origin ) ) { throw new QueryException( "query specified join fetching, but the owner " + "of the fetched association was not present in the select list " + "[" + fromElement.getDisplayText() + "]" ); } Type type = fromElement.getSelectType(); addCollectionFromElement( fromElement ); if ( type != null ) { boolean collectionOfElements = fromElement.isCollectionOfValuesOrComponents(); if ( !collectionOfElements ) { // Add the type to the list of returned sqlResultTypes. fromElement.setIncludeSubclasses( true ); fromElementsForLoad.add( fromElement ); //sqlResultTypeList.add( type ); // Generate the select expression. String text = fromElement.renderIdentifierSelect( size, k ); SelectExpressionImpl generatedExpr = ( SelectExpressionImpl ) appender.append( SqlTokenTypes.SELECT_EXPR, text, false ); if ( generatedExpr != null ) { generatedExpr.setFromElement( fromElement ); } } } } } // generate id select fragment and then property select fragment for // each expression, just like generateSelectFragments(). renderNonScalarSelects( collectSelectExpressions(), fromClause ); } if ( scalarSelect || getWalker().isShallowQuery() ) { // If there are any scalars (non-entities) selected, render the select column aliases. renderScalarSelects( selectExpressions, fromClause ); } finishInitialization( /*sqlResultTypeList,*/ queryReturnTypeList ); } private void finishInitialization(ArrayList queryReturnTypeList) { queryReturnTypes = ( Type[] ) queryReturnTypeList.toArray( new Type[queryReturnTypeList.size()] ); initializeColumnNames(); prepared = true; } private void initializeColumnNames() { // Generate an 2d array of column names, the first dimension is parallel with the // return types array. The second dimension is the list of column names for each // type. // todo: we should really just collect these from the various SelectExpressions, rather than regenerating here columnNames = getSessionFactoryHelper().generateColumnNames( queryReturnTypes ); } /** * Prepares a derived (i.e., not explicitly defined in the query) select clause. * * @param fromClause The from clause to which this select clause is linked. */ public void initializeDerivedSelectClause(FromClause fromClause) throws SemanticException { if ( prepared ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "SelectClause was already prepared!" ); } //Used to be tested by the TCK but the test is no longer here // if ( getSessionFactoryHelper().isStrictJPAQLComplianceEnabled() && !getWalker().isSubQuery() ) { // // NOTE : the isSubQuery() bit is a temporary hack... // throw new QuerySyntaxException( "JPA-QL compliance requires select clause" ); // } List fromElements = fromClause.getProjectionList(); ASTAppender appender = new ASTAppender( getASTFactory(), this ); // Get ready to start adding nodes. int size = fromElements.size(); ArrayList queryReturnTypeList = new ArrayList( size ); Iterator iterator = fromElements.iterator(); for ( int k = 0; iterator.hasNext(); k++ ) { FromElement fromElement = ( FromElement ) iterator.next(); Type type = fromElement.getSelectType(); addCollectionFromElement( fromElement ); if ( type != null ) { boolean collectionOfElements = fromElement.isCollectionOfValuesOrComponents(); if ( !collectionOfElements ) { if ( !fromElement.isFetch() ) { // Add the type to the list of returned sqlResultTypes. queryReturnTypeList.add( type ); } fromElementsForLoad.add( fromElement ); // Generate the select expression. String text = fromElement.renderIdentifierSelect( size, k ); SelectExpressionImpl generatedExpr = ( SelectExpressionImpl ) appender.append( SqlTokenTypes.SELECT_EXPR, text, false ); if ( generatedExpr != null ) { generatedExpr.setFromElement( fromElement ); } } } } // Get all the select expressions (that we just generated) and render the select. SelectExpression[] selectExpressions = collectSelectExpressions(); if ( getWalker().isShallowQuery() ) { renderScalarSelects( selectExpressions, fromClause ); } else { renderNonScalarSelects( selectExpressions, fromClause ); } finishInitialization( queryReturnTypeList ); } public static boolean VERSION2_SQL = false; private void addCollectionFromElement(FromElement fromElement) { if ( fromElement.isFetch() ) { if ( fromElement.isCollectionJoin() || fromElement.getQueryableCollection() != null ) { String suffix; if (collectionFromElements==null) { collectionFromElements = new ArrayList(); suffix = VERSION2_SQL ? "__" : "0__"; } else { suffix = Integer.toString( collectionFromElements.size() ) + "__"; } collectionFromElements.add( fromElement ); fromElement.setCollectionSuffix( suffix ); } } } protected AST getFirstSelectExpression() { AST n = getFirstChild(); // Skip 'DISTINCT' and 'ALL', so we return the first expression node. while ( n != null && ( n.getType() == SqlTokenTypes.DISTINCT || n.getType() == SqlTokenTypes.ALL ) ) { n = n.getNextSibling(); } return n; } private boolean isReturnableEntity(SelectExpression selectExpression) throws SemanticException { FromElement fromElement = selectExpression.getFromElement(); boolean isFetchOrValueCollection = fromElement != null && ( fromElement.isFetch() || fromElement.isCollectionOfValuesOrComponents() ); if ( isFetchOrValueCollection ) { return false; } else { return selectExpression.isReturnableEntity(); } } private void renderScalarSelects(SelectExpression[] se, FromClause currentFromClause) throws SemanticException { if ( !currentFromClause.isSubQuery() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < se.length; i++ ) { SelectExpression expr = se[i]; expr.setScalarColumnText( i ); // Create SQL_TOKEN nodes for the columns. } } } private void initAliases(SelectExpression[] selectExpressions) { if ( aggregatedSelectExpression == null ) { aliases = new String[selectExpressions.length]; for ( int i=0; i<selectExpressions.length; i++ ) { String alias = selectExpressions[i].getAlias(); aliases[i] = alias==null ? Integer.toString(i) : alias; } } else { aliases = aggregatedSelectExpression.getAggregatedAliases(); } } private void renderNonScalarSelects(SelectExpression[] selectExpressions, FromClause currentFromClause) throws SemanticException { ASTAppender appender = new ASTAppender( getASTFactory(), this ); final int size = selectExpressions.length; int nonscalarSize = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { if ( !selectExpressions[i].isScalar() ) nonscalarSize++; } int j = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { if ( !selectExpressions[i].isScalar() ) { SelectExpression expr = selectExpressions[i]; FromElement fromElement = expr.getFromElement(); if ( fromElement != null ) { renderNonScalarIdentifiers( fromElement, nonscalarSize, j, expr, appender ); j++; } } } if ( !currentFromClause.isSubQuery() ) { // Generate the property select tokens. int k = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { if ( !selectExpressions[i].isScalar() ) { FromElement fromElement = selectExpressions[i].getFromElement(); if ( fromElement != null ) { renderNonScalarProperties( appender, fromElement, nonscalarSize, k ); k++; } } } } } private void renderNonScalarIdentifiers(FromElement fromElement, int nonscalarSize, int j, SelectExpression expr, ASTAppender appender) { String text = fromElement.renderIdentifierSelect( nonscalarSize, j ); if ( !fromElement.getFromClause().isSubQuery() ) { if ( !scalarSelect && !getWalker().isShallowQuery() ) { //TODO: is this a bit ugly? expr.setText( text ); } else { appender.append( SqlTokenTypes.SQL_TOKEN, text, false ); } } } private void renderNonScalarProperties(ASTAppender appender, FromElement fromElement, int nonscalarSize, int k) { String text = fromElement.renderPropertySelect( nonscalarSize, k ); appender.append( SqlTokenTypes.SQL_TOKEN, text, false ); if ( fromElement.getQueryableCollection() != null && fromElement.isFetch() ) { text = fromElement.renderCollectionSelectFragment( nonscalarSize, k ); appender.append( SqlTokenTypes.SQL_TOKEN, text, false ); } // Look through the FromElement's children to find any collections of values that should be fetched... ASTIterator iter = new ASTIterator( fromElement ); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { FromElement child = ( FromElement ) iter.next(); if ( child.isCollectionOfValuesOrComponents() && child.isFetch() ) { // Need a better way to define the suffixes here... text = child.renderValueCollectionSelectFragment( nonscalarSize, nonscalarSize + k ); appender.append( SqlTokenTypes.SQL_TOKEN, text, false ); } } } public List getCollectionFromElements() { return collectionFromElements; } }