package gminers.glasspane.component; import gminers.glasspane.event.ComponentActivateEvent; import gminers.glasspane.event.ComponentAddedEvent; import gminers.glasspane.event.ComponentParentChangeEvent; import gminers.glasspane.event.ComponentRemovedEvent; import gminers.glasspane.event.FocusGainedEvent; import gminers.glasspane.event.FocusLostEvent; import gminers.glasspane.event.KeyTypedEvent; import gminers.glasspane.event.MouseDownEvent; import gminers.glasspane.event.MouseUpEvent; import gminers.glasspane.event.MouseWheelEvent; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import; /** * Base class for all components that can have components added to them. * * @author Aesen Vismea * */ public abstract class PaneContainer extends PaneComponent implements Focusable { protected List<PaneComponent> components = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<PaneComponent>(); private boolean focusableComponentPresent = false; /** * The component that currently has the focus. */ @Getter @Setter protected PaneComponent focusedComponent = null; /** * Whether or not to allow using Tab and Shift+Tab to cycle the currently focused component. */ @Getter @Setter protected boolean cycleFocusOnTabPress = true; /** * Adds multiple PaneComponents to this container, with their positions defined by the current PaneLayoutManager.<br/> * <b>TODO</b>: Actually add layout managers. For now, all containers act as if they have an AbsoluteLayout and obey the X,Y coords of * the component, relative to the container. * * @param c * Components to add */ public void add(final PaneComponent... c) { for (final PaneComponent co : c) { add(co); } } /** * Adds a PaneComponent to this container, with it's position defined by the current PaneLayoutManager.<br/> * <b>TODO</b>: Actually add layout managers. For now, all containers act as if they have an AbsoluteLayout and obey the X,Y coords of * the component, relative to the container. * * @param c * Component to add */ public void add(final PaneComponent c) { fireEvent(ComponentAddedEvent.class, this, c); final PaneContainer oldParent = c.parent; c.parent = this; c.fireEvent(ComponentParentChangeEvent.class, c, oldParent); if (c instanceof Focusable) { focusableComponentPresent = true; } components.add(c); } /** * Removes multiple PaneComponents from this container. * * @param c * Component to remove */ public void remove(final PaneComponent... c) { for (final PaneComponent co : c) { remove(co); } } /** * Removes a PaneComponent from this container. * * @param c * Component to remove */ public void remove(final PaneComponent c) { fireEvent(ComponentRemovedEvent.class, this, c); if (components.contains(c)) { c.parent = null; c.fireEvent(ComponentParentChangeEvent.class, c, this); if (focusedComponent == c) { focusedComponent = null; } components.remove(c); focusableComponentPresent = false; for (final PaneComponent co : components) { if (co instanceof Focusable) { focusableComponentPresent = true; break; } } } } /** * Removes all PaneComponents from this container. */ public void clear() { for (final PaneComponent c : components) { fireEvent(ComponentRemovedEvent.class, this, c); c.parent = null; c.fireEvent(ComponentParentChangeEvent.class, c, this); } focusableComponentPresent = false; focusedComponent = null; components.clear(); } /** * Gets a list of all PaneComponents in this container. * * @return A list of components in this container. */ public List<PaneComponent> getComponents() { return Lists.newArrayList(components); } @Override protected void doRender(final int mouseX, final int mouseY, final float partialTicks) { final int pX = getPX(); final int pY = getPY(); for (final PaneComponent pc : components) { pc.render(mouseX - pX, mouseY - pY, partialTicks); } } protected int getPY() { return getY(); } protected int getPX() { return getX(); } @Override protected void mouseDown(final int mouseX, final int mouseY, final int button) { if (!isVisible()) return; boolean clickedAFocusable = false; final int pX = getPX(); final int pY = getPY(); for (final PaneComponent c : components) { if (!c.isVisible()) { continue; } if (c.withinBounds(mouseX - pX, mouseY - pY)) { if (c instanceof Focusable && button == 0) { clickedAFocusable = true; if (c.isVisible() && focusedComponent != c) { final PaneComponent oldFocused = focusedComponent; focusedComponent = c; final FocusGainedEvent fge = focusedComponent.fireEvent(FocusGainedEvent.class, focusedComponent); if (fge != null) { if (fge.isConsumed()) { focusedComponent = oldFocused; continue; } } if (oldFocused != null) { oldFocused.fireEvent(FocusLostEvent.class, oldFocused); } } if (c.isActivatedOnClick()) { c.fireEvent(ComponentActivateEvent.class, c); } } c.fireEvent(MouseDownEvent.class, c, mouseX - pX, mouseY - pY, button); } } if (!clickedAFocusable) { focusedComponent = null; if (parent != null) { parent.focusedComponent = null; } } else if (parent != null) { parent.focusedComponent = this; } } @Override protected void mouseUp(final int mouseX, final int mouseY, final int button) { if (!isVisible()) return; final int pX = getPX(); final int pY = getPY(); for (final PaneComponent c : components) { if (!c.isVisible()) { continue; } if (c.withinBounds(mouseX - pX, mouseY - pY)) { c.fireEvent(MouseUpEvent.class, c, mouseX - pX, mouseY - pY, button); } } } @Override protected void mouseWheel(final int mouseX, final int mouseY, final int distance) { if (!isVisible()) return; final int pX = getPX(); final int pY = getPY(); for (final PaneComponent c : components) { if (!c.isVisible()) { continue; } if (c.withinBounds(mouseX - pX, mouseY - pY)) { c.fireEvent(MouseWheelEvent.class, c, mouseX - pX, mouseY - pY, distance); } } } @Override protected void keyPressed(final char keyChar, final int keyCode) { if (keyCode == Keyboard.KEY_TAB && cycleFocusOnTabPress) { if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT) || Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT)) { focusPrev(-1); } else { focusNext(-1); } } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KEY_RETURN) { if (focusedComponent != null) { focusedComponent.fireEvent(ComponentActivateEvent.class, focusedComponent); } } final int pX = getPX(); final int pY = getPY(); for (final PaneComponent c : components) { if (!c.isVisible()) { continue; } if (c == focusedComponent || c.withinBounds(mouseX - pX, mouseY - pY)) { c.fireEvent(KeyTypedEvent.class, c, keyChar, keyCode); } } } /** * Gives the focus to the previous component in this container that can be focused. */ public void focusPrev(final int index) { // make sure we actually have a component to find if (components.isEmpty() || !focusableComponentPresent) return; // store the currently focused component final PaneComponent oldFocused = focusedComponent; // get the index of the currently focused component, or the passed index int idx = index == -1 ? components.indexOf(focusedComponent) : index; boolean outOfBounds = false; do { // if we're out of bounds, wrap around if (idx - 1 < 0) { idx = components.size(); if (outOfBounds) { break; // if we've already gone out of bounds once, break out of the loop } outOfBounds = true; } // set the focused component focusedComponent = components.get(idx - 1); // decrement the index idx--; } while (!(focusedComponent instanceof Focusable)); // did we change? if (oldFocused != focusedComponent) { // fire a gain event to the new component final FocusGainedEvent fge = focusedComponent.fireEvent(FocusGainedEvent.class, focusedComponent); // if it consumed it, continue searching for a component if (fge != null) { if (fge.isConsumed() || !focusedComponent.isVisible()) { focusedComponent = oldFocused; focusPrev(idx); return; } } // and send a focus lost event to the old component if (oldFocused != null) { oldFocused.fireEvent(FocusLostEvent.class, oldFocused); } } } /** * Gives the focus to the next component in this container that can be focused. */ public void focusNext(final int index) { // make sure we actually have a component to find if (components.isEmpty() || !focusableComponentPresent) return; // store the currently focused component final PaneComponent oldFocused = focusedComponent; // get the index of the currently focused component, or the passed index int idx = index == -1 ? components.indexOf(focusedComponent) : index; boolean outOfBounds = false; do { // if we're out of bounds, wrap around if (idx + 1 >= components.size()) { idx = -1; if (outOfBounds) { break; // if we've already gone out of bounds once, break out of the loop } outOfBounds = true; } // set the focused component focusedComponent = components.get(idx + 1); // increment the index idx++; } while (!(focusedComponent instanceof Focusable)); // did we change? if (oldFocused != focusedComponent) { // fire a gain event to the new component final FocusGainedEvent fge = focusedComponent.fireEvent(FocusGainedEvent.class, focusedComponent); // if it consumed it, continue searching for a component if (fge != null) { if (fge.isConsumed() || !focusedComponent.isVisible()) { focusedComponent = oldFocused; focusNext(idx); return; } } // and send a focus lost event to the old component if (oldFocused != null) { oldFocused.fireEvent(FocusLostEvent.class, oldFocused); } } } @Override protected void winch(final int oldWidth, final int oldHeight, final int newWidth, final int newHeight) { for (final PaneComponent c : components) { if (c.isAutoResizeWidth()) { c.setWidth((int) (newWidth * c.getRelativeWidth()) + c.getRelativeWidthOffset()); } if (c.isAutoResizeHeight()) { c.setHeight((int) (newHeight * c.getRelativeHeight()) + c.getRelativeHeightOffset()); } if (c.isAutoPositionX()) { c.setX((int) (newWidth * c.getRelativeX()) + c.getRelativeXOffset()); } if (c.isAutoPositionY()) { c.setY((int) (newHeight * c.getRelativeY()) + c.getRelativeYOffset()); } } } }