/* * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ package com.facebook.common.references; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.IOException; import com.facebook.common.internal.VisibleForTesting; import com.facebook.common.internal.Preconditions; import com.facebook.common.internal.Closeables; import com.facebook.common.logging.FLog; /** * A smart pointer-like class for Java. * * <p>This class allows reference-counting semantics in a Java-friendlier way. A single object * can have any number of CloseableReferences pointing to it. When all of these have been closed, * the object either has its {@link Closeable#close} method called, if it implements * {@link Closeable}, or its designated {@link ResourceReleaser#release}, * if it does not. * * <p>Callers can construct a CloseableReference wrapping a {@link Closeable} with: * <pre> * Closeable foo; * CloseableReference c = CloseableReference.of(foo); * </pre> * <p>Objects that do not implement Closeable can still use this class, but must supply a * {@link ResourceReleaser}: * <pre> * {@code * Object foo; * ResourceReleaser<Object> fooReleaser; * CloseableReference c = CloseableReference.of(foo, fooReleaser); * } * </pre> * <p>When making a logical copy, callers should call {@link #clone}: * <pre> * CloseableReference copy = c.clone(); * </pre> * <p> * When each copy of CloseableReference is no longer needed, close should be called: * <pre> * copy.close(); * c.close(); * </pre> * * <p>As with any Closeable, try-finally semantics may be needed to ensure that close is called. * <p>Do not rely upon the finalizer; the purpose of this class is for expensive resources to * be released without waiting for the garbage collector. The finalizer will log an error if * the close method has not bee called. */ public final class CloseableReference<T> implements Cloneable, Closeable { private static Class<CloseableReference> TAG = CloseableReference.class; private static final ResourceReleaser<Closeable> DEFAULT_CLOSEABLE_RELEASER = new ResourceReleaser<Closeable>() { @Override public void release(Closeable value) { try { Closeables.close(value, true); } catch (IOException ioe) { // This will not happen, Closeable.close swallows and logs IOExceptions } } }; @GuardedBy("this") private boolean mIsClosed = false; private final SharedReference<T> mSharedReference; /** * The caller should guarantee that reference count of sharedReference is not decreased to zero, * so that the reference is valid during execution of this method. */ private CloseableReference(SharedReference<T> sharedReference) { mSharedReference = Preconditions.checkNotNull(sharedReference); sharedReference.addReference(); } private CloseableReference(T t, ResourceReleaser<T> resourceReleaser) { // Ref-count pre-set to 1 mSharedReference = new SharedReference<T>(t, resourceReleaser); } /** * Constructs a CloseableReference. * * <p>Returns null if the parameter is null. */ public static @Nullable <T extends Closeable> CloseableReference<T> of(@Nullable T t) { if (t == null) { return null; } else { return new CloseableReference<T>(t, (ResourceReleaser<T>) DEFAULT_CLOSEABLE_RELEASER); } } /** * Constructs a CloseableReference (wrapping a SharedReference) of T with provided * ResourceReleaser<T>. If t is null, this will just return null. */ public static @Nullable <T> CloseableReference<T> of( @Nullable T t, ResourceReleaser<T> resourceReleaser) { if (t == null) { return null; } else { return new CloseableReference<T>(t, resourceReleaser); } } /** * Closes this CloseableReference. * * <p>Decrements the reference count of the underlying object. If it is zero, the object * will be released. * * <p>This method is idempotent. Calling it multiple times on the same instance has no effect. */ @Override public void close() { synchronized (this) { if (mIsClosed) { return; } mIsClosed = true; } mSharedReference.deleteReference(); } /** * Returns the underlying Closeable if this reference is not closed yet. * Otherwise IllegalStateException is thrown. */ public synchronized T get() { Preconditions.checkState(!mIsClosed); return mSharedReference.get(); } /** * Returns a new CloseableReference to the same underlying SharedReference. The SharedReference * ref-count is incremented. */ @Override public synchronized CloseableReference<T> clone() { Preconditions.checkState(isValid()); return new CloseableReference<T>(mSharedReference); } public synchronized CloseableReference<T> cloneOrNull() { return isValid() ? new CloseableReference<T>(mSharedReference) : null; } /** * Checks if this closable-reference is valid i.e. is not closed. * @return true if the closeable reference is valid */ public synchronized boolean isValid() { return !mIsClosed; } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { // We put synchronized here so that lint doesn't warn about accessing mIsClosed, which is // guarded by this. Lint isn't aware of finalize semantics. synchronized (this) { if (mIsClosed) { return; } } FLog.w(TAG, "Finalized without closing: %x %x (type = %s)", System.identityHashCode(this), System.identityHashCode(mSharedReference), mSharedReference.get().getClass().getSimpleName()); close(); } finally { super.finalize(); } } /** * A test-only method to get the underlying references. * * <p><b>DO NOT USE in application code.</b> */ @VisibleForTesting public synchronized SharedReference<T> getUnderlyingReferenceTestOnly() { return mSharedReference; } /** * Method used for tracking Closeables pointed by CloseableReference. * Use only for debugging and logging. */ public synchronized int getValueHash() { return isValid() ? System.identityHashCode(mSharedReference.get()) : 0; } /** * Checks if the closable-reference is valid i.e. is not null, and is not closed. * @return true if the closeable reference is valid */ public static boolean isValid(@Nullable CloseableReference<?> ref) { return ref != null && ref.isValid(); } /** * Returns the cloned reference if valid, null otherwise. * * @param ref the reference to clone */ @Nullable public static <T> CloseableReference<T> cloneOrNull(@Nullable CloseableReference<T> ref) { return (ref != null) ? ref.cloneOrNull() : null; } /** * Closes the reference handling null. * * @param ref the reference to close */ public static void closeSafely(@Nullable CloseableReference<?> ref) { if (ref != null) { ref.close(); } } /** * Closes the references in the iterable handling null. * * @param references the reference to close */ public static void closeSafely(@Nullable Iterable<? extends CloseableReference<?>> references) { if (references != null) { for (CloseableReference<?> ref : references) { closeSafely(ref); } } } }