package plume; import static plume.EntryReader.Entry; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import com.sun.javadoc.*; /** * Lookup searches a set of files, much like <tt>grep</tt> does. However, * Lookup searches by entry (by default, paragraphs) rather than by line, * respects comments (ignores matches within them), respects * <tt>\include</tt> directives (searches the named file), and has other * features. <p> * * Each search criterion is a keyword or regular expression. Lookup * outputs each <em>entry</em> that matches all the search criteria. <p> * * By default, search criteria are treated as keywords, and each paragraph * is treated as an entry — in other words, Lookup prints each * paragraph (in any of the files) that contains all the keywords, * essentially performing paragraph-wise grep. <p> * * A file can contain one or more entries, each of which is a short entry * or a long entry. * <ul> * <li>A short entry is a single paragraph (delimited from the next entry * by a blank line). Lookup searches all of a short entry.</li> * <li>A long entry is introduced by a line that begins with '>entry'. The * remainder of that line is a one-line description of the entry. A * long entry is terminated by '<entry', by the start of a new long * entry, or by the start of a new file. Lookup searches only the first * line of a long entry.</li> * </ul> * * If multiple entries match, the first line of each is printed. If only * one entry matches, then that entry is printed in its entirety. <p> * * By default, Lookup searches the file ~/lookup/root. Files can * contain comments and can include other files. Comments start with * a % sign in the first column. Any comment line is ignored (it is * not treated as a blank line for the purpose of separating entries). * A file can include another file via a line of the form * '\include{filename}'. <p> * * The default behavior can be customized by way of command-line options. <p> * * The command-line options are as follows: * <!-- start options doc (DO NOT EDIT BY HAND) --> * <ul> * <li>Getting help * <ul> * <li><b>-h</b> <b>--help=</b><i>boolean</i>. Show detailed help information and exit. [default false]</li> * <li><b>-v</b> <b>--verbose=</b><i>boolean</i>. Print progress information [default false]</li> * </ul> * </li> * <li>Where to search * <ul> * <li><b>-f</b> <b>--entry-file=</b><i>string</i>. Specify the colon-separated search list for the file that contains * information to be searched. Only the first file found is used, though * it may itself contain include directives. [default ~/lookup/root]</li> * <li><b>-b</b> <b>--search-body=</b><i>boolean</i>. Search the body of long entries in addition to the entry's * description. The bodies of short entries are always searched. [default false]</li> * </ul> * </li> * <li>What to search for * <ul> * <li><b>-e</b> <b>--regular-expressions=</b><i>boolean</i>. Specifies that keywords are regular expressions. If false, keywords * are text matches. [default false]</li> * <li><b>-c</b> <b>--case-sensitive=</b><i>boolean</i>. If true, keywords matching is case sensistive. By default both * regular expressions and text keywords are case insensitive. [default false]</li> * <li><b>-w</b> <b>--word-match=</b><i>boolean</i>. If true, match a text keyword only as a separate word, not as a * substring of a word. This option is ignored if * regular_expressions is true. [default false]</li> * </ul> * </li> * <li>How to print matches * <ul> * <li><b>-a</b> <b>--print-all=</b><i>boolean</i>. By default, if multiple entries are matched, only a synopsis * of each entry is printed. If 'print_all' is selected then * the body of each matching entry is printed. [default false]</li> * <li><b>-i</b> <b>--item-num=</b><i>integer</i>. Specifies which item to print when there are multiple matches.</li> * <li><b>-l</b> <b>--show-location=</b><i>boolean</i>. If true, show the filename/line number of each matching entry * in the output. [default false]</li> * </ul> * </li> * <li>Customizing format of files to be searched * <ul> * <li><b>--entry-start-re=</b><i>regex</i>. Regex that denotes the start of a long entry [default ^>entry *()]</li> * <li><b>--entry-stop-re=</b><i>regex</i>. Regex that denotes the end of a long entry [default ^<entry]</li> * <li><b>--description-re=</b><i>regex</i>. Regex that finds an entry's description (for long entries)</li> * <li><b>--comment-re=</b><i>string</i>. Regex that matches an entire comment (not just a comment start) [default ^%.*]</li> * <li><b>--include-re=</b><i>string</i>. Regex that matches an include directive; group 1 is the file name [default \\include\{(.*)\}]</li> * </ul> * </li> * </ul> * <!-- end options doc --> **/ public class Lookup { /** Show detailed help information and exit. */ @OptionGroup("Getting help") @Option ("-h Show detailed help information") public static boolean help = false; @Option ("-v Print progress information") public static boolean verbose = false; // This uses only the first file because the default search path might be // something like user:system and you might want only your version of the // system files. It might be useful to also support (via another flag, // or by taking over this one, or by the syntax of the separator, or in // some other way) specifying multiple files on the command line. /** * Specify the colon-separated search list for the file that contains * information to be searched. Only the first file found is used, though * it may itself contain include directives. */ @OptionGroup("Where to search") @Option ("-f Specify the search list of files of information; may only be supplied once") public static String entry_file = "~/lookup/root"; /** * Search the body of long entries in addition to the entry's * description. The bodies of short entries are always searched. */ @Option ("-b Search body of long entries for matches") public static boolean search_body = false; /** * Specifies that keywords are regular expressions. If false, keywords * are text matches. */ @OptionGroup("What to search for") @Option ("-e Keywords are regular expressions") public static boolean regular_expressions = false; /** * If true, keywords matching is case sensistive. By default both * regular expressions and text keywords are case insensitive. */ @Option ("-c Keywords are case sensistive") public static boolean case_sensitive = false; /** * If true, match a text keyword only as a separate word, not as a * substring of a word. This option is ignored if * regular_expressions is true. */ @Option ("-w Only match text keywords against complete words") public static boolean word_match = false; /** * By default, if multiple entries are matched, only a synopsis * of each entry is printed. If 'print_all' is selected then * the body of each matching entry is printed. */ @OptionGroup("How to print matches") @Option ("-a Print the entire entry for each match") public static boolean print_all = false; /** * Specifies which item to print when there are multiple matches. */ @Option ("-i Choose a specific item when there are multiple matches") public static /*@Nullable*/ Integer item_num; /** * If true, show the filename/line number of each matching entry * in the output. */ @Option ("-l Show the location of each matching entry") public static boolean show_location = false; @OptionGroup("Customizing format of files to be searched") @Option ("Regex that denotes the start of a long entry") public static Pattern entry_start_re = Pattern.compile ("^>entry *()"); @Option ("Regex that denotes the end of a long entry") public static Pattern entry_stop_re = Pattern.compile ("^<entry"); @Option ("Regex that finds an entry's description (for long entries)") public static /*@Nullable*/ Pattern description_re = null; // If "", gets set to null immediately after option processing. @Option ("Regex that matches an entire comment (not just a comment start)") public static /*@Nullable*/ String comment_re = "^%.*"; @Option ("Regex that matches an include directive; group 1 is the file name") public static String include_re = "\\\\include\\{(.*)\\}"; /** Platform-specific line separator **/ @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // line.separator property always exists private static final String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator"); /** One line synopsis of usage **/ private static String usage_string = "lookup [options] <keyword> ..."; /** * Look for the specified keywords in the file(s) and print * the corresponding entries. */ public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException { Options options = new Options (usage_string, Lookup.class); String[] keywords = options.parse_or_usage (args); // If help was requested, print it and exit if (help) { InputStream is = Lookup.class.getResourceAsStream ("lookup.txt"); if (is == null) { // This should never happen. System.out.println("Unable to find resource 'lookup.txt' with help text."); System.exit(1); } BufferedReader help_stream = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (is)); String line = help_stream.readLine(); while (line != null) { System.out.println (line); line = help_stream.readLine(); } System.exit (0); } if (verbose) { System.out.printf ("Options settings: %n%s%n", options.settings()); } // Make sure at least one keyword was specified if (keywords.length == 0) { options.print_usage ("Error: No keywords specified"); System.exit (254); } // comment_re starts out non-null and the option processing code can't // make it null, so no null pointer exception is possible in the // if statement predicate that immediately follows this assertion. assert comment_re != null : "@SuppressWarnings(nullness): application invariant"; // If the comment regular expression is empty, turn off comment processing if (comment_re.equals ("")) comment_re = null; // Open the first readable root file EntryReader reader = null; String entry_files[] = entry_file.split (":"); List<Exception> file_errors = new ArrayList<Exception>(); for (String ef : entry_files) { ef = UtilMDE.expandFilename (ef); try { reader = new EntryReader (ef, comment_re, include_re); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { file_errors.add (e); } if (reader != null) break; } if (reader == null) { System.out.println ("Error: Can't read any entry files"); for (Exception file_error : file_errors) System.out.printf (" entry file %s%n", file_error.getMessage()); System.exit (254); } // Setup the regular expressions for long entries reader.set_entry_start_stop (entry_start_re, entry_stop_re); List<Entry> matching_entries = new ArrayList<Entry>(); try { // Process each entry looking for matches int entry_cnt = 0; Entry entry = reader.get_entry (); while (entry != null) { entry_cnt++; if (verbose && ((entry_cnt % 1000) == 0)) System.out.printf ("%d matches in %d entries\r", matching_entries.size(), entry_cnt); int matchcount = 0; for (String keyword : keywords) { String search = entry.get_description (description_re); if (search_body || entry.short_entry) search = entry.body; if (!case_sensitive) { search = search.toLowerCase(); } if (regular_expressions) { int flags = Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE; if (case_sensitive) flags = 0; if (Pattern.compile (keyword, flags).matcher(search).find()) matchcount++; } else { if (!case_sensitive) keyword = keyword.toLowerCase(); if (word_match) { keyword = "\\b" + keyword + "\\b"; if (Pattern.compile (keyword).matcher(search).find()) matchcount++; } else if (search.contains(keyword)) matchcount++; } } if (matchcount == keywords.length) matching_entries.add (entry); entry = reader.get_entry (); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.printf ("Error: Can't read %s at line %d in file %s%n", e.getMessage(), reader.getLineNumber(), reader.getFileName()); System.exit (254); } // Print the results if (matching_entries.size() == 0) { System.out.println ("Nothing found."); } else if (matching_entries.size() == 1) { Entry e = matching_entries.get(0); if (show_location) System.out.printf ("%s:%d:%n", e.filename, e.line_number); System.out.print (e.body); } else { // there must be multiple matches if (item_num != null) { Entry e = matching_entries.get (item_num-1); if (show_location) System.out.printf ("%s:%d:%n", e.filename, e.line_number); System.out.print (e.body); } else { int i = 0; if (print_all) System.out.printf ("%d matches found (separated by dashes " +"below)%n", matching_entries.size()); else System.out.printf ("%d matches found. Use -i to print a " + "specific match or -a to see them all%n", matching_entries.size()); for (Entry e : matching_entries) { i++; if (print_all) { if (show_location) System.out.printf ("%n-------------------------%n%s:%d:%n", e.filename, e.line_number); else System.out.printf ("%n-------------------------%n"); System.out.print (e.body); } else { if (show_location) System.out.printf (" -i=%d %s:%d: %s%n", i, e.filename, e.line_number, e.first_line); else System.out.printf (" -i=%d %s%n", i, e.get_description (description_re)); } } } } } /** * Returns the next entry. If no more entries are available, returns null. */ public static /*@Nullable*/ Entry old_get_entry (EntryReader reader) throws IOException { try { // Skip any preceeding blank lines String line = reader.readLine(); while ((line != null) && (line.trim().length() == 0)) line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) return (null); String body = ""; Entry entry = null; String filename = reader.getFileName(); long line_number = reader.getLineNumber(); // If this is a long entry if (line.startsWith (">entry")) { // Get the current filename String current_filename = reader.getFileName(); // Remove '>entry' from the line line = line.replaceFirst ("^>entry *", ""); String first_line = line; // Read until we find the termination of the entry while ((line != null) && !line.startsWith (">entry") && !line.equals ("<entry") && current_filename.equals (reader.getFileName())) { body += line + lineSep; line = reader.readLine(); } // If this entry was terminated by the start of the next one, // put that line back if ((line != null) && (line.startsWith (">entry") || !current_filename.equals (reader.getFileName()))) reader.putback (line); entry = new Entry (first_line, body, filename, line_number, false); } else { // blank separated entry String first_line = line; // Read until we find another blank line while ((line != null) && (line.trim().length() != 0)) { body += String.format ("%s%n", line); line = reader.readLine(); } entry = new Entry (first_line, body, filename, line_number, true); } return (entry); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.printf ("Error: Can't read %s at line %d in file %s%n", e.getMessage(), reader.getLineNumber(), reader.getFileName()); System.exit (254); return (null); } } /** Returns the first line of entry. **/ public static String first_line (String entry) { int ii = entry.indexOf (lineSep); if (ii == -1) return entry; return entry.substring (0, ii); } }