import checkers.nullness.quals.*; import; @checkers.quals.DefaultQualifier("Nullable") class Explosion { public static class ExplosiveException extends Exception{ } @NonNull Integer m_nni = 1; final String m_astring; Explosion(){ //m_nni = 1;\ m_astring = "hi"; try{ throw new RuntimeException(); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(m_astring.length()); } return; } static void main(String @NonNull [] args){ @NonNull String s = "Dan"; String s2; s2 = null; if (s2 != null || s != null) //:: (assignment.type.incompatible) s = s2; else s = new String("Levitan"); s2 = args[0]; //:: (dereference.of.nullable) System.out.println("Possibly cause null pointer with this: " + s2.length()); if (s2 == null){ ;//do nothing }else{ System.out.println("Can't cause null pointer here: " + s2.length()); s = s2; } if (s==null?s2!=null:s2!=null){ s = s2; } System.out.println("Hello " + s); System.out.println("Hello " + s.length()); f(); } static private int f(){ while(true){ try{ throw new ExplosiveException(); }finally{ //break; return 1; //throw new RuntimeException(); } } } static public int foo(){ final int v; int x; Integer z; Integer y; @NonNull Integer nnz = 3; z = new Integer(5); try{ x = 3; x = 5; //y = z; nnz = z; z = null; //:: (assignment.type.incompatible) nnz = z; while (z == null){ break; } nnz = z; while (z == null){ ; //do nothing } nnz = z; //v = 1; return 1; //v = 2; //throw new RuntimeException (); }catch(RuntimeException e){ e.printStackTrace(); //e = null; //v = 1; }catch(Exception e){ //nnz = z; //v = 2; }finally{ nnz = z; // Java warning: z might not have been initialized //v = 1 + x; } return 1; //return v + x; } private void bar(List<@NonNull String> ss, String b, String c){ @NonNull String a; //:: (dereference.of.nullable) for(@NonNull String s : ss){ a = s; } if (b==null || b.length() == 0){ System.out.println("hey"); } if (b != null){ //:: (dereference.of.nullable) for (; b.length() > 0 ; b = null){ System.out.println(b.length()); } } } }