package org.fluentlenium.core.axes; import org.fluentlenium.core.components.ComponentInstantiator; import org.fluentlenium.core.domain.FluentList; import org.fluentlenium.core.domain.FluentListImpl; import org.fluentlenium.core.domain.FluentWebElement; import org.fluentlenium.core.proxy.LocatorProxies; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Supplier; /** * Handles XPath axes for an element ( */ public class Axes { private final WebElement webElement; private final ComponentInstantiator instantiator; /** * Creates a new axes object to find other elements based on XPath axes. * * @param element reference element * @param instantiator component instantiator used to build found elements. */ public Axes(WebElement element, ComponentInstantiator instantiator) { webElement = element; this.instantiator = instantiator; } /** * Find parent element. * * @return fluent web element */ public FluentWebElement parent() { WebElement parentElement = LocatorProxies.createWebElement(new Supplier<WebElement>() { @Override public WebElement get() { return webElement.findElement(By.xpath("parent::*")); } }); return instantiator.newComponent(FluentWebElement.class, parentElement); } /** * Handle an XPath axe * * @param axe axe to handle * @return list of found elements */ protected FluentList<FluentWebElement> handleAxe(String axe) { List<WebElement> webElementList = LocatorProxies.createWebElementList(new Supplier<List<WebElement>>() { @Override public List<WebElement> get() { return webElement.findElements(By.xpath(axe + "::*")); } }); return instantiator.asComponentList(FluentListImpl.class, FluentWebElement.class, webElementList); } /** * Find ancestor elements. * * @return list of Fluent web elements */ public FluentList<FluentWebElement> ancestors() { return handleAxe("ancestor"); } /** * Find descendants elements (children, grandchildren, etc.). * * @return list of Fluent web elements */ public FluentList<FluentWebElement> descendants() { return handleAxe("descendant"); } /** * Find following elements. * * @return list of Fluent web elements */ public FluentList<FluentWebElement> followings() { return handleAxe("following"); } /** * Find following sibling elements. * * @return list of Fluent web elements */ public FluentList<FluentWebElement> followingSiblings() { return handleAxe("following-sibling"); } /** * Find preceding elements. (Ancestors are NOT included) * * @return list of Fluent web elements */ public FluentList<FluentWebElement> precedings() { return handleAxe("preceding"); } /** * Find preceding sibling elements. * * @return list of Fluent web elements */ public FluentList<FluentWebElement> precedingSiblings() { return handleAxe("preceding-sibling"); } }