package org.fluentlenium.assertj.custom; import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert; import org.fluentlenium.core.domain.FluentWebElement; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * Element assertions. */ public class FluentWebElementAssert extends AbstractAssert<FluentWebElementAssert, FluentWebElement> { /** * Creates a new element assertions object. * * @param actual actual element */ public FluentWebElementAssert(FluentWebElement actual) { super(actual, FluentWebElementAssert.class); } private void failIsEnabled() { failWithMessage("Object not enabled"); } private void failIsNotEnabled() { failWithMessage("Object is enabled"); } /** * check if the element is enabled * * @return {@code this} assertion object. */ public FluentWebElementAssert isEnabled() { if (!actual.enabled()) { failIsEnabled(); } return this; } /** * check if the element is not enabled * * @return {@code this} assertion object. */ public FluentWebElementAssert isNotEnabled() { if (actual.enabled()) { failIsNotEnabled(); } return this; } /** * check if the element is displayed * * @return {@code this} assertion object. */ public FluentWebElementAssert isDisplayed() { if (!actual.displayed()) { failIsNotDisplayed(); } return this; } /** * check if the element is not displayed * * @return {@code this} assertion object. */ public FluentWebElementAssert isNotDisplayed() { if (actual.displayed()) { failIsDisplayed(); } return this; } private void failIsDisplayed() { failWithMessage("Object not displayed"); } private void failIsNotDisplayed() { failWithMessage("Object is displayed"); } /** * check if the element is selected * * @return {@code this} assertion object. */ public FluentWebElementAssert isSelected() { if (!actual.selected()) { failIsSelected(); } return this; } /** * check if the element is not selected * * @return {@code this} assertion object. */ public FluentWebElementAssert isNotSelected() { if (actual.selected()) { failIsNotSelected(); } return this; } /** * Secure failWithMessage by escaping String.format tokens when called without arguments. * * @param errorMessage error message * @see #failWithMessage(String, Object...) */ protected void failWithMessage(String errorMessage) { super.failWithMessage(errorMessage.replaceAll("(?:[^%]|\\A)%(?:[^%]|\\z)", "%%")); } /** * check if the element contains the text * * @param textToFind text to find * @return {@code this} assertion object. */ public FluentWebElementAssert hasText(String textToFind) { String actualText = actual.text(); if (!actualText.contains(textToFind)) { failWithMessage("The element does not contain the text: " + textToFind + " . Actual text found : " + actualText); } return this; } /** * check if the element matches the given regex * * @param regexToBeMatched regex to be matched * @return {@code this} assertion object. */ public FluentWebElementAssert hasTextMatching(String regexToBeMatched) { String actualText = actual.text(); if (!actualText.matches(regexToBeMatched)) { failWithMessage("The element does not match the regex: " + regexToBeMatched + " . Actual text found : " + actualText); } return this; } /** * check if the element does not contain the text * * @param textToFind text to find * @return {@code this} assertion object. */ public FluentWebElementAssert hasNotText(String textToFind) { if (actual.text().contains(textToFind)) { failWithMessage("The element contain the text: " + textToFind); } return this; } private void failIsSelected() { failWithMessage("Object not selected"); } private void failIsNotSelected() { failWithMessage("Object is selected"); } /** * check if the element has the given id * * @param idToFind id to find * @return {@code this} assertion object. */ public FluentWebElementAssert hasId(String idToFind) { String actualId =; if (!actualId.equals(idToFind)) { failWithMessage("The element does not have the id: " + idToFind + " . Actual id found : " + actualId); } return this; } /** * check if the element has the class * * @param classToFind class to find * @return {@code this} assertion object. */ public FluentWebElementAssert hasClass(String classToFind) { String actualClasses = actual.attribute("class"); if (!getClasses(actualClasses).contains(classToFind)) { failWithMessage("The element does not have the class: " + classToFind + " . Actual class found : " + actualClasses); } return this; } private List<String> getClasses(String classString) { String[] primitiveList = classString.split(" "); return Arrays.asList(primitiveList); } }