package feuille.karaoke.lib; import*; //import java.nio.charset.*; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.*; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import feuille.karaoke.lib.AssInfos.AssInfosType; import feuille.karaoke.lib.AssStyle.AssStyleType; import feuille.lib.Configuration; /* Created on 4 Août 2005, 13:30 */ /** <p>This class is a module for input/output functions.<br /> * Cette classe est un module pour les fonctions d'entrée/sortie.</p> * @author The Wingate 2940 */ public class AssIO { /** <p>Create a new AssIO.<br /> * Crée un nouveau AssIO.</p> */ public AssIO(){ //Nothing } // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Ruby Editor "> /** <p>Open ruby file and return the contents.<br /> * Ouvre un fichier ruby et retourne son contenu.</p> */ public String openRubyFile(String path){ String rubyCode = ""; File file = new File(path); try{ FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); br = new new, "UTF-8")); String newline; while((newline=br.readLine())!=null){ rubyCode += newline+"\n"; } br.close(); fis.close(); return rubyCode; }catch (Exception exc){ return ""; } } /** <p>Save a ruby file with the given contents (text).<br /> * Sauvegarde un fichier ruby avec le contenu donné (text).</p> */ public void saveRubyFile(String path, String text){ File file = new File(path); try{ text = text + "\n"; //Error treatment (see pattern) FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8")); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([^\n]*)\n"); Matcher m = p.matcher(text); while(m.find()){ pw.print(; pw.flush(); } pw.close(); bw.close(); fos.close(); }catch(Exception exc){ } } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Drawing Editor "> /** <p>Open a drawing file and return the drawing commands.<br /> * Ouvre un fichier dessin et retourne les commandes de dessin.</p> */ public String openDrawingFile(String path){ String commands; File file = new File(path); try{ FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); br = new new, "UTF-8")); commands = br.readLine(); br.close(); fis.close(); return commands; }catch (Exception exc){ return ""; } } /** <p>Save a drawing file with the given commands.<br /> * Sauvegarde un fichier dessin avec les commandes données.</p> */ public void saveDrawingFile(String path, String commands){ File file = new File(path); try{ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8")); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw); pw.print(commands); pw.flush(); pw.close(); bw.close(); fos.close(); }catch(Exception exc){ } } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Configuration "> /** <p>Read a file and return the configuration.<br /> * Lit un fichier et retourne la configuration.</p> */ public Configuration ReadConfig(){ File file = new File( getAssFxMakerDirectory()+ File.separator+"Configuration.ini"); Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); try{ FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); br = new new, "UTF-8")); String newline; //Reading of file while((newline=br.readLine())!=null){ if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.DOCS_PATH.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.DOCS_PATH.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.DOCS_PATH, s);//Documents as help } if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.CODE_EDITOR.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.CODE_EDITOR.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.CODE_EDITOR, s);//rubyEditor } if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.FONT.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.FONT.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.FONT, s);//font of Org/ResTable } if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.BACKGD_IMAGE.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.BACKGD_IMAGE.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.BACKGD_IMAGE, s);//font of Org/ResTable } if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.THEME.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.THEME.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.THEME, s);//main theme } if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.ORG_TABLE_DISPLAY.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.ORG_TABLE_DISPLAY.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.ORG_TABLE_DISPLAY, s);//display of tables } if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.RES_TABLE_DISPLAY.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.RES_TABLE_DISPLAY.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.RES_TABLE_DISPLAY, s);//display of tables } if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.CHK_UPDATE.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.CHK_UPDATE.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.CHK_UPDATE, s);//check for update } if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.FORCE_ISO.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.FORCE_ISO.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.FORCE_ISO, s);//force iso language } if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.KARA_MODULE.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.KARA_MODULE.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.KARA_MODULE, s);//force iso language } if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.CODE_MODULE.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.CODE_MODULE.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.CODE_MODULE, s);//force iso language } if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.DRAW_MODULE.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.DRAW_MODULE.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.DRAW_MODULE, s);//force iso language } if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.ANAL_MODULE.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.ANAL_MODULE.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.ANAL_MODULE, s);//force iso language } if(newline.startsWith(Configuration.Type.STARTWITH.getString())){ String s = newline.substring(Configuration.Type.STARTWITH.getString().length()+1); cfg.put(Configuration.Type.STARTWITH, s);//force iso language } } br.close(); fis.close(); return cfg; }catch(Exception exc){ return null; } } /** <p>Save a file with the given configuration.<br /> * Sauvegarde un fichier avec la configuration donnée.</p> */ public void SaveConfig(Configuration cfg){ File file = new File( getAssFxMakerDirectory()+ File.separator+"Configuration.ini"); try{ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8")); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw); pw.println(Configuration.Type.DOCS_PATH.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.DOCS_PATH)); pw.println(Configuration.Type.CODE_EDITOR.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.CODE_EDITOR)); pw.println(Configuration.Type.FONT.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.FONT)); pw.println(Configuration.Type.BACKGD_IMAGE.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.BACKGD_IMAGE)); pw.println(Configuration.Type.THEME.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.THEME)); pw.println(Configuration.Type.ORG_TABLE_DISPLAY.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.ORG_TABLE_DISPLAY)); pw.println(Configuration.Type.RES_TABLE_DISPLAY.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.RES_TABLE_DISPLAY)); pw.println(Configuration.Type.CHK_UPDATE.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.CHK_UPDATE)); pw.println(Configuration.Type.FORCE_ISO.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.FORCE_ISO)); pw.println(Configuration.Type.KARA_MODULE.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.KARA_MODULE)); pw.println(Configuration.Type.CODE_MODULE.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.CODE_MODULE)); pw.println(Configuration.Type.DRAW_MODULE.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.DRAW_MODULE)); pw.println(Configuration.Type.ANAL_MODULE.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.ANAL_MODULE)); pw.println(Configuration.Type.STARTWITH.getString()+" "+cfg.get(Configuration.Type.STARTWITH)); pw.println(""); pw.flush(); pw.close(); bw.close(); fos.close(); }catch(Exception exc){ } } /** <p>Check if the configuration file exist.<br /> * Vérifie si un fichier de configuration existe.</p> */ public boolean HasConfigFile(){ File file = new File( getAssFxMakerDirectory()+ File.separator+"Configuration.ini"); return file.exists(); } /** <p>Create a configuration file and set up all paths if this file doesn't exist.<br /> * Crée un fichier de configuration et définit tous les chemins si le fichier n'existe pas.</p> */ public void createConfigFile(){ String sep = File.separator; String dir = getAssFxMakerDirectory()+File.separator; File file = new File(dir+"Configuration.ini"); try{ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8")); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw); //AssFxMaker uses : // pw.println("FX_PATH: "+dir+"Effects"+sep); // pw.println("XFX_PATH: "+dir+"Effects"+sep+"afm-effects.xml"); // pw.println("FXPLUG_PATH: "+dir+"Effects"+sep+"Plugins"+sep); // pw.println("DOCS_PATH: "+dir+"Docs"+sep); // pw.println("RUBY_EDITOR: "); // pw.println("DRAW_EDITOR: "); // pw.println("FONT: "); // pw.println("THEME: "); // pw.println("TABLE_DISPLAY: "); // pw.println("CHK_UPDATE: "); // pw.println("FORCE_ISO: "); //Now Feuille uses : pw.println("DOCS_PATH: "+dir+"docs"+sep); pw.println("CODE_EDITOR: "); pw.println("FONT: "+dir+"docs"+sep+"FreeSans.ttf"); pw.println("BACKGD_IMAGE: "); pw.println("THEME: "); pw.println("ORG_TABLE_DISPLAY: "); pw.println("RES_TABLE_DISPLAY: "); pw.println("FORCE_ISO: ---"); pw.println("KARA_MODULE: yes"); pw.println("CODE_MODULE: yes"); pw.println("DRAW_MODULE: yes"); pw.println("ANAL_MODULE: yes"); pw.println("STARTWITH: welc"); pw.println(""); pw.flush(); pw.close(); bw.close(); fos.close(); }catch(Exception exc){ } //If we are on Linux then create two shortcuts : if(System.getProperty("").equalsIgnoreCase("Linux")){ createLinuxScripts(); } } /** <p>Find the path where AssFxMaker is executed.<br /> * Trouve le chemin d'où AssFxMaker est executé.</p> */ private String getAssFxMakerDirectory(){ if(System.getProperty("").equalsIgnoreCase("Mac OS X")){ file = new""); return file.getAbsolutePath(); } String path = System.getProperty("user.dir"); //System.out.println("user dir is : "+path); if(path.toLowerCase().contains("jre")){ File f = new File(getClass().getProtectionDomain() .getCodeSource().getLocation().toString() .substring(6)); path = f.getParent(); //System.out.println("by class is : "+path); } //TODO Check if the path is valid otherwise open a dialog box // fa = new"AssFxMaker.jar"); // if(fa.exists()==false){ // javax.swing.JFileChooser fc = new javax.swing.JFileChooser(); // // Clear the list of file filters. // for (javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter f : fc.getChoosableFileFilters()){ // fc.removeChoosableFileFilter(f); // } // fc.addChoosableFileFilter(new assfxmaker.lib.filter.JarFilter()); // fc.setDialogTitle("Please define the path of AssFxMaker.jar"); // int z = fc.showOpenDialog(null); // fc.setLocation(0, 0); // if (z == javax.swing.JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){ // path = fc.getSelectedFile().getParent(); // } // System.out.println("Par ce point on pass !!!"); // } return path; } /** <p>Create two files for an easy launch of AssFxMaker and ZDrawingLite.<br /> * Crée deux fichiers pour un lancement facile de AssFxMaker et ZDrawingLite.</p> */ public void createLinuxScripts(){ //AssFxMaker File file = new File( getAssFxMakerDirectory()+ File.separator+""); try{ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8")); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw); pw.println("java -jar \""+getAssFxMakerDirectory()+File.separator+"SmallBoxForFansub.jar\""); pw.flush(); pw.close(); bw.close(); fos.close(); file.setExecutable(true); }catch(Exception exc){ } //ZDrawingLite (now AssSketchpad) // file = new File( // getAssFxMakerDirectory()+ // File.separator+""); // try{ // FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); // BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8")); // PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw); // pw.println("java -jar \""+getAssFxMakerDirectory()+File.separator+ // "lib"+File.separator+"AssSketchpad.jar\""); // pw.flush(); // pw.close(); bw.close(); fos.close(); // // file.setExecutable(true); // }catch(Exception exc){ // // } } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" EntreeSortie Fichier SSA "> /* Ces méthodes permettent de créer et d'écrire dans un fichier de * sous-titres Sub Station Alpha (*.ssa). On écrit les éléments de: * ssaTime > Time * ssaKara > Karaoke * On se doit de faire des fichiers compatibles à Sub Station Alpha * n'utilisant pas Unicode ainsi que des fichiers non standard en Unicode * pour les utiliser dans les logiciels d'encodage afin * de supporter le japonais, le chinois, le coréen, le russe,... */ /** <p>Read a SSA file and put it in a JTable with 9 columns.<br /> * Lit des fichiers Sub Station Alpha et de les mettre dans un JTable de 9 colonnes.</p> * @param String <b color="blue">pathFile</b> - Contient le nom de fichier. * @param DefaultTableModel <b color="blue">t</b> - Réfère au model du JTable employé. */ public void LireFichierSSAi2(String pathFile, DefaultTableModel t, AssInfos ai, AssStyleCollection asc, AssNameCollection anc, boolean addLines){ //On cr?e une cha?ne ? retourner String newline; ProgramLine pl; try{ // Encoding detection FileReader fr = new FileReader(pathFile); String charset = detectCharset(fr); fr.close(); // Start process to read file... FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(pathFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(fis, charset)); //On lit le fichier while((newline=br.readLine())!=null){ try{ /* Traitement de l'ent�te */ if(newline.startsWith("Title") && !newline.substring(7).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.title, newline.substring(7)); } if(newline.startsWith("Original Script") && !newline.substring(17).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.authors, newline.substring(17)); } if(newline.startsWith("Original Translation") && !newline.substring(22).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.translators, newline.substring(22)); } if(newline.startsWith("Original Editing") && !newline.substring(18).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.editors, newline.substring(18)); } if(newline.startsWith("Original Timing") && !newline.substring(17).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.timers, newline.substring(17)); } if(newline.startsWith("Original Script Checking") && !newline.substring(26).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.checkers, newline.substring(26)); } if(newline.startsWith("Synch Point") && !newline.substring(13).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.synchpoint, newline.substring(13)); } if(newline.startsWith("Script Updated By") && !newline.substring(19).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.updateby, newline.substring(19)); } if(newline.startsWith("Update Details") && !newline.substring(16).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.updates, newline.substring(16)); } if(newline.startsWith("ScriptType") && !newline.substring(12).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.scripttype, newline.substring(12)); } if(newline.startsWith("Collisions") && !newline.substring(12).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.collisions, newline.substring(12)); } if(newline.startsWith("PlayResX") && !newline.substring(10).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.playresx, newline.substring(10)); } if(newline.startsWith("PlayResY") && !newline.substring(10).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.playresy, newline.substring(10)); } if(newline.startsWith("PlayDepth") && !newline.substring(11).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.playdepth, newline.substring(11)); } if(newline.startsWith("Timer") && !newline.substring(7).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.timerspeed, newline.substring(7)); } if(newline.startsWith("Audio") && !newline.substring(7).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.audios, newline.substring(7)); } if(newline.startsWith("Video") && !newline.substring(7).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(, newline.substring(7)); } /* Traitement des styles */ if(newline.startsWith("Style:")){ String[] listStyle = newline.substring(7).split(","); AssStyle as = new AssStyle(); as.setElement(, listStyle[0]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.fontname, listStyle[1]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.fontsize, listStyle[2]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.primarycolour, listStyle[3],""); as.setElement(AssStyleType.secondarycolour, listStyle[4],""); as.setElement(AssStyleType.outlinecolour, listStyle[5],""); as.setElement(AssStyleType.backcolour, listStyle[6],""); as.setElement(AssStyleType.bold, listStyle[7]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.italic, listStyle[8]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.borderstyle, listStyle[9]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.outline, listStyle[10]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.shadow, listStyle[11]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.alignment, listStyle[12],""); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginL, listStyle[13]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginR, listStyle[14]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginV, listStyle[15]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.alphalevel, listStyle[16]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.encoding, listStyle[17]); asc.addMember(listStyle[0], as); } /* Traitement des �venements */ pl = Format(newline,ModeFormat.SSAToProgram); if(pl.getLineType().getLabel() .equals(ProgramLine.LineType.Nothing.getLabel())==false){ t.addRow(pl.toRow()); } }catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe){ //erreurs = ioobe.getMessage(); } } //On ferme le flux puis le fichier br.close(); fis.close(); } catch ( e2){ System.out.println("Fichier non trouv? - Missing File Error"); } catch (SecurityException se){ System.out.println("Acc?s refus? - Access denied"); } catch ( uee){ System.out.println("Encodage non support? - Unsupported encoding"); } catch ( e1){ System.out.println("Erreur lors de la lecture - Read Error"); } } /** <p>Extract styles from SSA files.<br /> * Extrait les styles d'un fichier SSA.</p> */ public java.util.List<AssStyle> ExtractSSAStyles(String pathFile){ //On cr?e une cha?ne ? retourner String newline; java.util.List<AssStyle> las = new java.util.ArrayList<AssStyle>(); try{ // Encoding detection FileReader fr = new FileReader(pathFile); String charset = detectCharset(fr); fr.close(); // Start process to read file... FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(pathFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(fis, charset)); //On lit le fichier while((newline=br.readLine())!=null){ try{ if(newline.startsWith("Style:")){ String[] listStyle = newline.substring(7).split(","); AssStyle as = new AssStyle(); as.setElement(, listStyle[0]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.fontname, listStyle[1]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.fontsize, listStyle[2]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.primarycolour, listStyle[3],""); as.setElement(AssStyleType.secondarycolour, listStyle[4],""); as.setElement(AssStyleType.outlinecolour, listStyle[5],""); as.setElement(AssStyleType.backcolour, listStyle[6],""); as.setElement(AssStyleType.bold, listStyle[7]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.italic, listStyle[8]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.borderstyle, listStyle[9]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.outline, listStyle[10]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.shadow, listStyle[11]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.alignment, listStyle[12],""); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginL, listStyle[13]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginR, listStyle[14]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginV, listStyle[15]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.alphalevel, listStyle[16]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.encoding, listStyle[17]); las.add(as); } }catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe){ //erreurs = ioobe.getMessage(); } } //On ferme le flux puis le fichier br.close(); fis.close(); } catch ( e2){ System.out.println("Fichier non trouv? - Missing File Error"); } catch (SecurityException se){ System.out.println("Acc?s refus? - Access denied"); } catch ( uee){ System.out.println("Encodage non support? - Unsupported encoding"); } catch ( e1){ System.out.println("Erreur lors de la lecture - Read Error"); } return las; } /** <p>Read a SSA file and put it in a JTable with 9 columns.<br /> * Lit des fichiers Sub Station Alpha et de les mettre dans un JTable de 9 colonnes.</p> * @param String <b color="blue">pathFile</b> - Contient le nom de fichier. * @param DefaultTableModel <b color="blue">t</b> - Réfère au model du JTable employé. */ public void LireFichierSSAi2_Minimal(String pathFile, List<ProgramLine> sublist){ //On cr?e une cha?ne ? retourner String newline; //ProgramLine pl = new ProgramLine(); try{ // Encoding detection FileReader fr = new FileReader(pathFile); String charset = detectCharset(fr); fr.close(); // Start process to read file... FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(pathFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(fis, charset)); //On lit le fichier while((newline=br.readLine())!=null){ try{ /* Traitement des �venements */ if(newline.startsWith("Dialogue:") | newline.startsWith("Comment:") | newline.startsWith("Picture:") | newline.startsWith("Sound:") | newline.startsWith("Movie:") | newline.startsWith("Command:")){ ProgramLine sub = Format(newline, ModeFormat.SSAToProgram); sublist.add(sub); } }catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe){ //erreurs = ioobe.getMessage(); } } //On ferme le flux puis le fichier br.close(); fis.close(); } catch ( e2){ System.out.println("Fichier non trouv? - Missing File Error"); } catch (SecurityException se){ System.out.println("Acc?s refus? - Access denied"); } catch ( uee){ System.out.println("Encodage non support? - Unsupported encoding"); } catch ( e1){ System.out.println("Erreur lors de la lecture - Read Error"); } } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" EntreeSortie Fichier ASS "> /* Ces méthodes permettent de créer et d'écrire dans un fichier de * sous-titres Advanced Sub Station (*.ass). On écrit les éléments de: * ssaTime > Time * ssaKara > Karaoke * On se doit de faire des fichiers compatibles à Sub Station Alpha * n'utilisant pas Unicode ainsi que des fichiers non standard en Unicode * pour les utiliser dans les logiciels d'encodage afin * de supporter le japonais, le chinois, le coréen, le russe,... */ /** <p>Write some informations using a stream.<br /> * Ecrit quelques infornations en utilisant un flux.</p> */ private boolean WriteASSInfos(PrintWriter p, String thing, String info){ if (thing.length()>0){ p.println(info+": "+thing); return true; } return false; } /** <p>A choice of functioning and formatting.<br /> * Un choix de fonctionnement et de formatage.<br /><br /> * <table><tr><td>ProgramToASS</td> * <td>Software to ASS. A line readable by the program is reformated in an ASS line.<br /> * Logiciel à ASS. Une ligne lisible par le programme est reformatée en une ligne ASS.</td></tr> * <tr><td>ASSToProgram</td> * <td>ASS to Software. An ASS line is formated in a line readable by the program.<br /> * ASS à Logiciel. Une ligne ASS est formatée en une ligne lisible par le programme.</td></tr> * <tr><td>SSAToProgram</td> * <td>SSA to Software. A SSA line is formated in a line readable by the program.<br /> * SSA à Logiciel. Une ligne SSA est formatée en une ligne lisible par le programme.</td></tr></table> * </p> */ public enum ModeFormat{ ProgramToASS, ASSToProgram, SSAToProgram; } /** <p>Return a line readable by the program.<br /> * Retourne une ligne lisible par le programme.</p> * @param o An object which may be an ASS line or a SSA line or a line readable by the program. * @param mf A choice of functioning and formatting. */ public static ProgramLine Format(Object o, ModeFormat mf){ // Format d'une ligne SSA : // Dialogue: Marked=0,0:00:16.84,0:00:19.24,Default,,0000,0000,0000,, // Mikoto ne s'est toujours pas réveillée? // regex = ([a-zA-Z]+):\sMarked=0,(\d+):(\d+):(\d+).(\d+), // (\d+):(\d+):(\d+).(\d+),(\w+),(\w+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+), // (\w+),(.*) // Format d'une ligne ASS : // Dialogue: 0,0:01:40.79,0:01:42.19,GakuenManabi,,0000,0000,0000,, // Nous sommes en retard ! // Format du programme : // "Type", "Layer", "Margins", "Start", "End", "Total time", // "Style", "Name", "Text" // avec pour les marges LVR au lieu de LRV. ProgramLine pl = new ProgramLine(); switch(mf){ case SSAToProgram: try{ Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([^:]+):\\s[a-zA-Z=]*(\\d+)," + "(\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+).(\\d+)," + "(\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+).(\\d+)," + "([^,]+),([^,]*)," + "(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+),([^,]*),(.*)"); Matcher m = p.matcher((String)o.toString()); m.find(); // The object // System.out.println(m.toString()); // The entire line // System.out.println(; // Type // System.out.println(; pl.setLineType(; // System.out.println(pl.getLineType()); // Layer // System.out.println(; pl.setLayer(; // Start // System.out.println(; // System.out.println(; // System.out.println(; // System.out.println(; pl.setStart(,,,; // End // System.out.println(; // System.out.println(; // System.out.println(; // System.out.println(; pl.setEnd(,,,; // Set up the total time pl.setTotaltime(pl.getStart(), pl.getEnd()); // Style // System.out.println(; pl.setStyle(; // Name // System.out.println(; pl.setName(; // Margin L, R, V // System.out.println(; // System.out.println(; // System.out.println(; pl.setMargins(,,; // Effects // System.out.println(; pl.setEffect(; // Text // System.out.println(; pl.setText(; }catch(Exception exc){ //System.out.println(exc.getMessage()); } break; case ASSToProgram: try{ Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([^:]+):\\s[a-zA-Z=]*(\\d+)," + "(\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+).(\\d+)," + "(\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+).(\\d+)," + "([^,]+),([^,]*)," + "(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+),([^,]*),(.*)"); Matcher m = p.matcher((String)o.toString()); m.find(); pl.setLineType(;// Type pl.setLayer(;// Layer pl.setStart(,,,;// Start pl.setEnd(,,,;// End pl.setTotaltime(pl.getStart(), pl.getEnd());// Set up the total time pl.setStyle(;// Style pl.setName(;// Name pl.setMargins(,,;// Margin L, R, V pl.setEffect(;// Effects pl.setText(;// Text }catch(Exception exc){ //System.out.println(exc.getMessage()); } break; case ProgramToASS: // Format du programme : // ID(0), Type(1), Layer(2), Margins(3), // Start(4), End(5), Total time(6), Style(7), // Name(8), Effects(9), Text(10), FX(11) try{ String[] s = (String[])o; pl.setLineType2(s[1]);// Type pl.setLayer(s[2]);// Layer Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d+).(\\d+).(\\d+).(\\d+)"); Matcher m = p.matcher((String)s[4].toString()); m.find(); pl.setStart(,,,;// Start m = p.matcher((String)s[5].toString()); m.find(); pl.setEnd(,,,;// End pl.setTotaltime(pl.getStart(), pl.getEnd());// Set up the total time pl.setStyle(s[7]);// Style pl.setName(s[8]);// Name p = Pattern.compile("([^,]+),([^,]+),(.*)"); m = p.matcher((String)s[3].toString()); m.find(); pl.setMargins(,,;// Margin L, R, V pl.setEffect(s[9]);// Effects pl.setText(s[10]);// Text }catch(Exception exc){ //System.out.println(exc.getMessage()); } break; } return pl; } /** <p>Write an ASS file.<br /> * Ecrit un fichier ASS.</p> */ public void EcrireFichierASS2(String pathFile, DefaultTableModel t, AssInfos ai, AssStyleCollection asc, String asUnicode){ //On cr�e des nouveaux String pour g�rer le contenu String compatible = "Undefined"; String aEcrire; if(pathFile.endsWith(".ass")==false){ pathFile = pathFile + ".ass"; //Setting up the extension } try{ //On cr�e un objet qui peut ouvrir/cr�er le fichier FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(pathFile); //ANSI, Unicode, ASCII FileOutputStream fos = null; //Tous sauf le d�faut: Unicode et ASCII //On cr�e un objet pour �crire dans le fichier PrintWriter pw; //Tous les encodages: ANSI, Unicode, ASCII BufferedWriter bw = null; //Tous sauf le d�faut: Unicode et ASCII //On ouvre le fichier soit en ANSI, soit en Unicode ou ASCII if (asUnicode.compareTo("")==0){ //On ouvre/cr�e le fichier en ANSI fw = new FileWriter(pathFile); //On cr�e un flux pour l'�criture des caract�res pw = new PrintWriter(fw); compatible="Default text encoding"; }else{ //On ouvre/cr�e le fichier en Unicode fos = new FileOutputStream(pathFile); //On cr�e un flux pour l'�criture des caract�res bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos, asUnicode)); pw = new PrintWriter(bw); if (asUnicode.compareTo("ISO-8859-1")==0){ compatible="Encoding: ISO-8859-1 or Latin";} if (asUnicode.compareTo("US-ASCII")==0){ compatible="Encoding: ASCII or Basic latin";} if (asUnicode.compareTo("UTF-8")==0){ compatible="Encoding: UTF-8";} if (asUnicode.compareTo("UTF-16")==0){ compatible="Encoding: UTF-16";} if (asUnicode.compareTo("UTF-16BE")==0){ compatible="Encoding: UTF-16 big endian";} if (asUnicode.compareTo("UTF-16LE")==0){ compatible="Encoding: UTF-16 little endian";} //compatible="Unicode"; } //On �crit dans le fichier //HEAD pw.println("[Script Info]"); pw.println("; This is an Advanced Sub Station Alpha v4+ script." + " For Sub Station Alpha info and downloads," + " go to"); pw.println("; Created by AssFxMaker(Funsub project)." + " \"Fansub is for everyone and forever !\" -" + " Chien-Rouge@"); //Created with Funsub //Make easy Fansub for fun pw.println("; "+compatible); //Developed under NetBeans4.1 - compatible JSDK1.5.0 WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.title),"Title"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.authors),"Original Script"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.translators),"Original Translation"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.editors),"Original Editing"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.timers),"Original Timing"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.checkers),"Original Script Checking"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.synchpoint),"Synch Point"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.updateby),"Script Updated By"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.updates),"Update Details"); pw.println("ScriptType: v4.00+"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.collisions),"Collisions"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.playresx),"PlayResX"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.playresy),"PlayResY"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.playdepth),"PlayDepth"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.timerspeed),"Timer"); WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.wrapstyle),"WrapStyle"); // WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.title),"Title"); // WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.title),"Title"); // WriteASSInfos(pw,ai.getElement(AssInfosType.title),"Title"); // if (rens[15]!=null && rens[15]!=""){pw.println("Wav: 0, 0,"+rens[15]);} // if (rens[15]!=null && rens[15]!=""){pw.println("LastWav: 1");} // if (rens[16]!=null && rens[16]!=""){pw.println("Video: "+rens[16]);} // if (rens[18]!=null && rens[18]!=""){pw.println("EpNumber: "+rens[18]);} // if (rens[19]!=null && rens[19]!=""){pw.println("EpTitle: "+rens[19]);} // if (rens[20]!=null && rens[20]!=""){pw.println("EpDesc: "+rens[20]);} // if (rens[21]!=null && rens[21]!=""){pw.println("EpGenre: "+rens[21]);} // if (rens[22]!=null && rens[22]!=""){pw.println("EpEditor: "+rens[22]);} // if (rens[23]!=null && rens[23]!=""){pw.println("EpLicense: "+rens[23]);} // if (rens[24]!=null && rens[24]!=""){pw.println("EpLicZone: "+rens[24]);} // if (rens[25]!=null && rens[25]!=""){pw.println("EpLicType: "+rens[25]);} pw.println(""); //STYLE pw.println("[V4+ Styles]"); pw.println("Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic" + ", Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle" + ", BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding"); //boucle de styles.... if(asc.getMembers().isEmpty()){ // If there is no style asc.addMember("Default", new AssStyle()); } for (AssStyle as : asc.getMembers()){ aEcrire = "Style: "+as.getElement(","; //Name aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.fontname) + ","; //Font aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.fontsize) + ","; //Font aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.primarycolour, "+") + ","; //Color1 aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.secondarycolour, "+") + ","; //Color2 aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.outlinecolour, "+") + ","; //Color3 aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.backcolour, "+") + ","; //Shadow aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.bold) + ",";//Bold aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.italic) +",";//Italic aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.underline) +",";//Underline aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.strikeout) +",";//StrikeOut aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.scaleX) +",";//ScaleX aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.scaleY) +",";//ScaleY aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.spacing) +",";//Spacing aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.angle) +",";//Angle aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.borderstyle) + ",";//BorderStyle aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.outline) + ","; //Outline aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.shadow) + ","; //Shadow aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.alignment, "+") + ",";//Alignment aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.marginL) + ","; //Margin L aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.marginR) + ","; //Margin R aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.marginV) + ","; //Margin V aEcrire += as.getElement(AssStyleType.encoding); //Encoding pw.println(aEcrire); } pw.println(""); //BODY pw.println("[Events]"); pw.println("Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text"); //boucle de body // for(int j=0;j<t.getRowCount();j++){ // if ((String)t.getValueAt(j, 0)==null || // ((String)t.getValueAt(j, 0)).length()==0){ // break; // Ignore bad lines // } // aEcrire = ReturnEventType((String)t.getValueAt(j, 0)) + ": "; //Format: // aEcrire = aEcrire + (String)t.getValueAt(j, 1)+","; //Layer // aEcrire = aEcrire + ReturnStartEnd((String)t.getValueAt(j, 3), (String)t.getValueAt(j, 4))+","; //Start, End // aEcrire = aEcrire + (String)t.getValueAt(j, 6)+","; //Style // aEcrire = aEcrire + (String)t.getValueAt(j, 7)+","; //Name // aEcrire = aEcrire + ReturnMargins((String)t.getValueAt(j, 2))+","; //Margins LRV // aEcrire = aEcrire + ReturnEffects((String)t.getValueAt(j, 8))+","; //Effect // aEcrire = aEcrire + ReturnText((String)t.getValueAt(j, 8)); //Text // pw.println(aEcrire); // } ProgramLine pl; for(int j=0;j<t.getRowCount();j++){ // Format du programme : // ID(0), Type(1), Layer(2), Margins(3), // Start(4), End(5), Total time(6), Style(7), // Name(8), Effects(9), Text(10), FX(11) String[] ts = new String[12]; for (int i=0;i<12;i++){ ts[i] = t.getValueAt(j, i).toString(); } pl = Format(ts,ModeFormat.ProgramToASS); pw.println(pl.toAssLine()); } pw.println(""); //On ferme le flux puis le fichier pw.close(); if (asUnicode.compareTo("")==0){ fw.close(); }else{ bw.close(); fos.close(); } } catch ( e2){ System.out.println("Fichier non trouv� - Missing File Error"); } catch (SecurityException se){ System.out.println("Acc�s refus� - Access denied"); } catch ( uee){ System.out.println("Encodage non support� - Unsupported encoding"); } catch ( e1){ System.out.println("Fichier non trouv� - Missing File Error"); } } /** <p>Read an ASS file and fill in a table.<br /> * Lit un fichier ASS et replit une table.</p> * @param pathFile The name of the file using its absolute path. * @param t - The model of the table to fill in. */ public void LireFichierASSi2(String pathFile, DefaultTableModel t, AssInfos ai, AssStyleCollection asc, AssNameCollection anc, boolean addLines){ //On cr?e une cha?ne ? retourner String newline; ProgramLine pl; try{ // Encoding detection FileReader fr = new FileReader(pathFile); String charset = detectCharset(fr); fr.close(); // Start process to read file... FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(pathFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(fis, charset)); //On lit le fichier while((newline=br.readLine())!=null){ try{ /* Traitement de l'ent�te */ if(newline.startsWith("Title") && !newline.substring(7).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.title, newline.substring(7)); } if(newline.startsWith("Original Script") && !newline.substring(17).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.authors, newline.substring(17)); } if(newline.startsWith("Original Translation") && !newline.substring(22).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.translators, newline.substring(22)); } if(newline.startsWith("Original Editing") && !newline.substring(18).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.editors, newline.substring(18)); } if(newline.startsWith("Original Timing") && !newline.substring(17).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.timers, newline.substring(17)); } if(newline.startsWith("Original Script Checking") && !newline.substring(26).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.checkers, newline.substring(26)); } if(newline.startsWith("Synch Point") && !newline.substring(13).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.synchpoint, newline.substring(13)); } if(newline.startsWith("Script Updated By") && !newline.substring(19).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.updateby, newline.substring(19)); } if(newline.startsWith("Update Details") && !newline.substring(16).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.updates, newline.substring(16)); } if(newline.startsWith("ScriptType") && !newline.substring(12).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.scripttype, newline.substring(12)); } if(newline.startsWith("Collisions") && !newline.substring(12).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.collisions, newline.substring(12)); } if(newline.startsWith("PlayResX") && !newline.substring(10).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.playresx, newline.substring(10)); } if(newline.startsWith("PlayResY") && !newline.substring(10).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.playresy, newline.substring(10)); } if(newline.startsWith("PlayDepth") && !newline.substring(11).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.playdepth, newline.substring(11)); } if(newline.startsWith("Timer") && !newline.substring(7).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.timerspeed, newline.substring(7)); } if(newline.startsWith("Audio") && !newline.substring(7).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(AssInfosType.audios, newline.substring(7)); } if(newline.startsWith("Video") && !newline.substring(7).isEmpty()){ ai.setElement(, newline.substring(7)); } /* Traitement des styles */ if(newline.startsWith("Style:") && ai.getElement(AssInfosType.scripttype).equalsIgnoreCase("V4.00+")){ String[] listStyle = newline.substring(7).split(","); AssStyle as = new AssStyle(); as.setElement(, listStyle[0]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.fontname, listStyle[1]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.fontsize, listStyle[2]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.primarycolour, listStyle[3],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.secondarycolour, listStyle[4],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.outlinecolour, listStyle[5],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.backcolour, listStyle[6],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.bold, listStyle[7]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.italic, listStyle[8]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.underline, listStyle[9]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.strikeout, listStyle[10]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.scaleX, listStyle[11]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.scaleY, listStyle[12]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.spacing, listStyle[13]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.angle, listStyle[14]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.borderstyle, listStyle[15]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.outline, listStyle[16]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.shadow, listStyle[17]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.alignment, listStyle[18],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginL, listStyle[19]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginR, listStyle[20]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginV, listStyle[21]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.encoding, listStyle[22]); asc.addMember(listStyle[0], as); }else if(newline.startsWith("Style:") && ai.getElement(AssInfosType.scripttype).equalsIgnoreCase("V4.00++")){ String[] listStyle = newline.substring(7).split(","); AssStyle as = new AssStyle(); as.setElement(, listStyle[0]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.fontname, listStyle[1]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.fontsize, listStyle[2]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.primarycolour, listStyle[3],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.secondarycolour, listStyle[4],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.outlinecolour, listStyle[5],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.backcolour, listStyle[6],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.bold, listStyle[7]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.italic, listStyle[8]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.underline, listStyle[9]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.strikeout, listStyle[10]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.scaleX, listStyle[11]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.scaleY, listStyle[12]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.spacing, listStyle[13]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.angle, listStyle[14]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.borderstyle, listStyle[15]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.outline, listStyle[16]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.shadow, listStyle[17]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.alignment, listStyle[18],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginL, listStyle[19]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginR, listStyle[20]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginT, listStyle[21]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginB, listStyle[22]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.encoding, listStyle[23]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.relativeto, listStyle[24]); asc.addMember(listStyle[0], as); } /* Traitement des �venements */ pl = Format(newline,ModeFormat.ASSToProgram); if(pl.getLineType().getLabel() .equals(ProgramLine.LineType.Nothing.getLabel())==false){ t.addRow(pl.toRow()); } }catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe){ //erreurs = ioobe.getMessage(); } } //On ferme le flux puis le fichier br.close(); fis.close(); } catch ( e2){ System.out.println("Fichier non trouv? - Missing File Error"); } catch (SecurityException se){ System.out.println("Acc?s refus? - Access denied"); } catch ( uee){ System.out.println("Encodage non support? - Unsupported encoding"); } catch ( e1){ System.out.println("Erreur lors de la lecture - Read Error"); } } /** <p>Extract styles from an ASS file.<br /> * Extrait les styles à partie d'un fichier ASS.</p> */ public java.util.List<AssStyle> ExtractASSStyles(String pathFile){ //On cr?e une cha?ne ? retourner String newline; String scriptType = ""; java.util.List<AssStyle> las = new java.util.ArrayList<AssStyle>(); try{ // Encoding detection FileReader fr = new FileReader(pathFile); String charset = detectCharset(fr); fr.close(); // Start process to read file... FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(pathFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(fis, charset)); //On lit le fichier while((newline=br.readLine())!=null){ try{ if(newline.startsWith("ScriptType") && !newline.substring(12).isEmpty()){ scriptType = newline.substring(12); } if(newline.startsWith("Style:") && scriptType.equalsIgnoreCase("V4.00+")){ String[] listStyle = newline.substring(7).split(","); AssStyle as = new AssStyle(); as.setElement(, listStyle[0]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.fontname, listStyle[1]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.fontsize, listStyle[2]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.primarycolour, listStyle[3],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.secondarycolour, listStyle[4],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.outlinecolour, listStyle[5],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.backcolour, listStyle[6],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.bold, listStyle[7]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.italic, listStyle[8]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.underline, listStyle[9]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.strikeout, listStyle[10]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.scaleX, listStyle[11]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.scaleY, listStyle[12]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.spacing, listStyle[13]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.angle, listStyle[14]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.borderstyle, listStyle[15]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.outline, listStyle[16]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.shadow, listStyle[17]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.alignment, listStyle[18],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginL, listStyle[19]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginR, listStyle[20]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginV, listStyle[21]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.encoding, listStyle[22]); las.add(as); }else if(newline.startsWith("Style:") && scriptType.equalsIgnoreCase("V4.00++")){ String[] listStyle = newline.substring(7).split(","); AssStyle as = new AssStyle(); as.setElement(, listStyle[0]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.fontname, listStyle[1]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.fontsize, listStyle[2]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.primarycolour, listStyle[3],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.secondarycolour, listStyle[4],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.outlinecolour, listStyle[5],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.backcolour, listStyle[6],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.bold, listStyle[7]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.italic, listStyle[8]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.underline, listStyle[9]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.strikeout, listStyle[10]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.scaleX, listStyle[11]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.scaleY, listStyle[12]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.spacing, listStyle[13]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.angle, listStyle[14]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.borderstyle, listStyle[15]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.outline, listStyle[16]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.shadow, listStyle[17]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.alignment, listStyle[18],"+"); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginL, listStyle[19]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginR, listStyle[20]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginT, listStyle[21]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.marginB, listStyle[22]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.encoding, listStyle[23]); as.setElement(AssStyleType.relativeto, listStyle[24]); las.add(as); } }catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe){ //erreurs = ioobe.getMessage(); } } //On ferme le flux puis le fichier br.close(); fis.close(); } catch ( e2){ System.out.println("Fichier non trouv? - Missing File Error"); } catch (SecurityException se){ System.out.println("Acc?s refus? - Access denied"); } catch ( uee){ System.out.println("Encodage non support? - Unsupported encoding"); } catch ( e1){ System.out.println("Erreur lors de la lecture - Read Error"); } return las; } /** <p>Read an ASS file and fill in a table.<br /> * Lit un fichier ASS et replit une table.</p> * @param pathFile The name of the file using its absolute path. * @param t - The model of the table to fill in. */ public void LireFichierASSi2_Minimal(String pathFile, List<ProgramLine> sublist){ //On cr?e une cha?ne ? retourner String newline; try{ // Encoding detection FileReader fr = new FileReader(pathFile); String charset = detectCharset(fr); fr.close(); // Start process to read file... FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(pathFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(fis, charset)); //On lit le fichier while((newline=br.readLine())!=null){ try{ /* Traitement des �venements */ if(newline.startsWith("Dialogue:") | newline.startsWith("Comment:") | newline.startsWith("Picture:") | newline.startsWith("Sound:") | newline.startsWith("Movie:") | newline.startsWith("Command:")){ ProgramLine sub = Format(newline, ModeFormat.ASSToProgram); sublist.add(sub); } }catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe){ //erreurs = ioobe.getMessage(); } } //On ferme le flux puis le fichier br.close(); fis.close(); } catch ( e2){ System.out.println("Fichier non trouv? - Missing File Error"); } catch (SecurityException se){ System.out.println("Acc?s refus? - Access denied"); } catch ( uee){ System.out.println("Encodage non support? - Unsupported encoding"); } catch ( e1){ System.out.println("Erreur lors de la lecture - Read Error"); } } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Detection of charset "> // Byte Order mark : // Bytes Encoding Form // 00 00 FE FF UTF-32, big-endian // FF FE 00 00 UTF-32, little-endian // FE FF UTF-16, big-endian // FF FE UTF-16, little-endian // EF BB BF UTF-8 // ÿ is \u00FF and þ is \u00FE /** <p>Try to get a correct charset<br /> * Essaie d'obtenir le bon encodage des caractères.</p> */ public String detectCharset(String pathname){ String charset = ""; try { // Open the file using system default encoding FileReader fr = new FileReader(pathname); // Try to get a correct charset charset = detectCharset(fr); // Close the file fr.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); } return charset; } /** <p>Try to get a correct charset<br /> * Essaie d'obtenir le bon encodage des caractères.</p> * <table><tr><td colspan="2">Byte Order mark :</td><td></td></tr> * <tr><td width="100">Bytes</td><td>Encoding Form</td></tr> * <tr><td>00 00 FE FF</td><td>UTF-32, big-endian</td></tr> * <tr><td>FF FE 00 00</td><td>UTF-32, little-endian</td></tr> * <tr><td>FE FF</td><td>UTF-16, big-endian</td></tr> * <tr><td>FF FE</td><td>UTF-16, little-endian</td></tr> * <tr><td>EF BB BF</td><td>UTF-8</td></tr></table> */ public String detectCharset(FileReader fr){ String charset = ""; String newline; try { // Create a buffer to read the stream BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); // Scan for encoding marks while ((newline = br.readLine()) != null) { if(newline.startsWith("[\u0000\u0000") | newline.startsWith("\u00FF\u00FE\u0000\u0000")){ charset = "UTF-32LE"; }else if(newline.startsWith("\u0000\u0000[") | newline.startsWith("\u0000\u0000\u00FE\u00FF")){ charset = "UTF-32BE"; }else if(newline.startsWith("[\u0000") | newline.startsWith("\u00FF\u00FE")){ charset = "UTF-16LE"; }else if(newline.startsWith("\u0000[") | newline.startsWith("\u00FE\u00FF")){ charset = "UTF-16BE"; }else if(newline.startsWith("\u00EF\u00BB\u00BF")){ charset = "UTF-8"; } // If a charset was found then close the stream // and the return charset encoding. if (charset.length()!=0){ br.close(); return charset; } } // If nothing was found then set the encoding to system default. if (charset.length()==0){ charset = fr.getEncoding(); } // Close the stream br.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); } return charset; } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" AssIO - Clipboard <> Table "> /** <p>Convert and paste an ASS line to the table.<br /> * Convertit et colle une ligne ASS dans une table.</p> */ public void pasteInsert(DefaultTableModel t, AssNameCollection anc) throws IOException{ Clipboard c = new Clipboard(); StringReader sr = new StringReader(c.CPaste()); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(sr); String newline; ProgramLine pl; //On lit le flux while((newline=br.readLine())!=null){ /* Traitement des �venements */ pl = Format(newline,ModeFormat.SSAToProgram); if(pl.getLineType().getLabel() .equals(ProgramLine.LineType.Nothing.getLabel())==false){ t.addRow(pl.toRow()); } // if(newline.startsWith("Dialogue:")){ // newline = newline.substring(10); // lt = LineType.Dialogue; // }else if(newline.startsWith("Comment:")){ // newline = newline.substring(9); // lt = LineType.Comment; // }else if(newline.startsWith("Picture:")){ // newline = newline.substring(9); // lt = LineType.Picture; // }else if(newline.startsWith("Sound:")){ // newline = newline.substring(7); // lt = LineType.Sound; // }else if(newline.startsWith("Movie:")){ // newline = newline.substring(7); // lt = LineType.Movie; // }else if(newline.startsWith("Command:")){ // newline = newline.substring(9); // lt = LineType.Command; // } // if(lt.equals(LineType.Nothing)==false){ // int margL, margV, margR; margL=0; margV=0; margR=0; // String[] strDialogue = {"",""}; String str5, str6, TotalTime; // // //Traitement du tableau // strDialogue = RemplirTableau(newline, "ass"); // str5 = strDialogue[1].replaceAll(":", "."); // Reformatage du temps (0:00:00.00 > // str6 = strDialogue[2].replaceAll(":", "."); // Reformatage du temps (0:00:00.00 > // // On veut maintenant mettre les margins sous le format - Margins LVR (0,0,0) // try{margL = Integer.parseInt(strDialogue[5]);}catch(NumberFormatException nfe){margL=0;} // try{margR = Integer.parseInt(strDialogue[6]);}catch(NumberFormatException nfe){margR=0;} // try{margV = Integer.parseInt(strDialogue[7]);}catch(NumberFormatException nfe){margV=0;} // // On doit calculer la dur?e du temps (Total time=End-Start) // TotalTime = ReturnTotalTime(str5, str6); // // On doit remettre la chaine dans l'ordre de traitement de JTable // // On replace directement et on s'occupe des margins LRV>LVR et du temps total // // "Type", "Layer", "Margins", "Start", "End", "Total time", "Style", "Name", "Text" // anc.addMember(strDialogue[4]); //Ajoute (ou non) un nom. // // Object[] aInserer2 = {lt.getLabel(),strDialogue[0], // margL+","+margV+","+margR,str5,str6,TotalTime, // strDialogue[3],strDialogue[4],strDialogue[9]}; // t.addRow(aInserer2); // } } //On ferme les flux br.close(); sr.close(); } /** <p>Copy selected lines from a table to the clipboard.<br /> * Copie les lignes sélectionnées d'une table et l'envoie vers le presse-papier. */ public void copySelectedLines(DefaultTableModel t, javax.swing.JTable tb){ Clipboard c = new Clipboard(); String newline = ""; ProgramLine pl; for (int row : tb.getSelectedRows()){ // Format du programme : // ID(0), Type(1), Layer(2), Margins(3), // Start(4), End(5), Total time(6), Style(7), // Name(8), Effects(9), Text(10), FX(11) String[] ts = new String[12]; for (int i=0;i<12;i++){ ts[i] = t.getValueAt(row, i).toString(); } pl = Format(ts,ModeFormat.ProgramToASS); newline = newline + pl.toAssLine() + "\n"; } c.CCopy(newline); //Copy to the clipboard } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Old things (remember) "> /* Start process to read file... * Entry 00 : RUBY_PATH: Entry 01 : XML_PATH: * Entry 02 : FXPLUG_PATH: Entry 03 : DOCS_PATH: * Entry 04 : RUBY_EDITOR: Entry 05 : DRAW_EDITOR: * * Entry 00 : FX_PATH: Entry 01 : XFX_PATH: * Entry 02 : FXPLUG_PATH: Entry 03 : DOCS_PATH: * Entry 04 : RUBY_EDITOR: Entry 05 : DRAW_EDITOR: * Read the Config file to set up all paths needed */ // public String[] ReadConfig(){ // File file = new File( // getAssFxMakerDirectory()+ // File.separator+"Configuration.ini"); // String[] table = new String[20]; // try{ // FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); // br = new // new, "UTF-8")); // String newline = ""; // // //Reading of file // while((newline=br.readLine())!=null){ // if(newline.startsWith("FX_PATH:")){ // table[0] = newline.substring(9);// Ruby, Snippet // } // if(newline.startsWith("XFX_PATH:")){ // table[1] = newline.substring(10);//xmlScripts // } // if(newline.startsWith("FXPLUG_PATH:")){ // table[2] = newline.substring(13);//javaPlugins // } // if(newline.startsWith("DOCS_PATH:")){ // table[3] = newline.substring(11);//Documents as help // } // if(newline.startsWith("RUBY_EDITOR:")){ // table[4] = newline.substring(13);//rubyEditor // } // if(newline.startsWith("DRAW_EDITOR:")){ // table[5] = newline.substring(13);//drawingEditor // } // if(newline.startsWith("FONT:")){ // table[6] = newline.substring(6);//font of Org/ResTable // } // if(newline.startsWith("THEME:")){ // table[7] = newline.substring(7);//font of Org/ResTable // } // if(newline.startsWith("TABLE_DISPLAY:")){ // table[8] = newline.substring(15);//display of tables // } // } // br.close(); fis.close(); // return table; // }catch(Exception exc){ // return null; // } // } // public void SaveConfig(String[] table){ // File file = new File( // getAssFxMakerDirectory()+ // File.separator+"Configuration.ini"); // try{ // FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); // BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8")); // PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw); // pw.println("FX_PATH: "+table[0]); // pw.println("XFX_PATH: "+table[1]); // pw.println("FXPLUG_PATH: "+table[2]); // pw.println("DOCS_PATH: "+table[3]); // pw.println("RUBY_EDITOR: "+table[4]); // pw.println("DRAW_EDITOR: "+table[5]); // pw.println("FONT: "+table[6]); // pw.println("THEME: "+table[7]); // pw.println("TABLE_DISPLAY: "+table[8]); // pw.println(""); // pw.flush(); // pw.close(); bw.close(); fos.close(); // }catch(Exception exc){ // // } // } // private ModeFormat autoDetectMF(Object o){ // ModeFormat mf = null; // // return mf; // } // /** D�tection de l'UTF-8 avec un flux d'entr�e normalement en Latin */ // private boolean detecterFluxUTF_8(String path){ // try{ // FileReader fr = new FileReader(path); // BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); // String cherche = ""; // //On �crit une expression r�guli�re pouvant d�terminer si l'emploi // // de caract�res non occidentaux a �t� utilis� dans le fichier; ceci // // en dernier recours des autres expressions r�guli�res �tant // // recherch�es en index. // // On cherche tout caract�re non inclus entre u0000 et u00FF // // sachant que l'ASCII va de u0000 � u007F et // // l'ISO-8859-1 va de u0000 � u00FF. Ce qui confirme notre recherche // // de caract�res unicode UTF-8. // Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[^\u0000-\u00FF]"); // Matcher m; // // //On sort au premier caract�re trouv� // while((cherche=br.readLine())!=null){ // if (cherche.indexOf("ä")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("â")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("à")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("é")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("è")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("ê")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("ë")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("î")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("ï")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("ô")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("ö")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("ù")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("ü")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("û")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("ñ")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("ç")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("€")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("£")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("¤")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("µ")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("§")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("°")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("²")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // if (cherche.indexOf("¨")!=-1){ // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // //m = p.matcher(cherche); // //if (m.find()==true){ // // br.close(); fr.close(); return true;} // } // //On ferme les flux // br.close(); fr.close(); // // }catch( ioe){ // return false; // } // return false; // } // // Reformatage du texte � �crire en SSA - ComboBox(Format): // // Copie alt�r�e de ComboReturnEvent@FunsubMod // private String ReturnEventType(String selection){ // String str = ""; // if(selection.compareTo("D")==0){str=forCB[0];} // if(selection.compareTo("#")==0){str=forCB[1];} // if(selection.compareTo("P")==0){str=forCB[2];} // if(selection.compareTo("S")==0){str=forCB[3];} // if(selection.compareTo("M")==0){str=forCB[4];} // if(selection.compareTo("C")==0){str=forCB[5];} // return str; // } // // Reformatage du texte � �crire en SSA - (Start, End): // private String ReturnStartEnd(String s, String e){ // String str = s + "," + e; // try{ // StringBuilder sb01 = new StringBuilder(s); // StringBuilder sb02 = new StringBuilder(e); // //sb01.deleteCharAt(s.length()-1); sb01.deleteCharAt(0); // //sb02.deleteCharAt(e.length()-1); sb02.deleteCharAt(0); // sb01.replace(1, 2, ":"); sb01.replace(4, 5, ":"); // sb02.replace(1, 2, ":"); sb02.replace(4, 5, ":"); // s = sb01.toString(); // e = sb02.toString(); // }catch (java.lang.Exception exc){ // return "error,error"; // } // str = s + "," + e; // return str; // } // private String ReturnTotalTime(String s, String e){ // String str = ""; // int sH, sM, sS, sC, eH, eM, eS, eC; // try{ // sH = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, s.indexOf(".")));//0 // sM = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(s.indexOf(".")+1, s.indexOf(".", 3)));//3 // sS = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(s.indexOf(".", 3)+1, s.indexOf(".", 6)))*100+ // Integer.parseInt(s.substring(s.indexOf(".", 6)+1, s.indexOf(".", 6)+3));//6 // //sC = ;//9 // eH = Integer.parseInt(e.substring(0, e.indexOf(".")));//0 // eM = Integer.parseInt(e.substring(e.indexOf(".")+1, e.indexOf(".", 3)));//3 // eS = Integer.parseInt(e.substring(e.indexOf(".", 3)+1, e.indexOf(".", 6)))*100+ // Integer.parseInt(e.substring(e.indexOf(".", 6)+1, e.indexOf(".", 6)+3));//6 // //eC = ;//9 // }catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException nfe){ // return "format error"; // } // int Start = sH*360000 + sM*6000 + sS; // int End = eH*360000 + eM*6000 + eS; // int TotalTime = End - Start; // int hour = TotalTime/360000; // int min = (TotalTime - 360000*hour)/6000; // int sec = (TotalTime - 360000*hour - 6000*min)/100; // int cSec = TotalTime - 360000*hour - 6000*min - 100*sec; // String Smin, Ssec, Scent; // if (min<10){Smin = "0"+min;}else{Smin = String.valueOf(min);} // if (sec<10){Ssec = "0"+sec;}else{Ssec = String.valueOf(sec);} // if (cSec<10){Scent = "0"+cSec;}else{Scent = String.valueOf(cSec);} // str = hour + "." + Smin + "." + Ssec + "." + Scent; // return str; // } // // Reformatage du texte � �crire en SSA - (Margins): // private String ReturnMargins(String mar){ // String str = mar; // String[] t = mar.split(","); // for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ // boolean negative = false; // if(t[i].startsWith("-")){ // negative = true; // StringBuilder sb01 = new StringBuilder(t[i]); // sb01.deleteCharAt(0); // t[i] = sb01.toString(); // } // if(t[i].length()==1){t[i] = "000"+t[i];} // if(t[i].length()==2){t[i] = "00"+t[i];} // if(t[i].length()==3){t[i] = "0"+t[i];} // if(negative==true){t[i] = "-"+t[i];} // } // String l = t[0]; //Left // String v = t[1]; //Vertical // String r = t[2]; //Right // str = l + "," + r + "," + v; // return str; // } // // Reformatage du texte � �crire en SSA/ASS - (Effect): // private String ReturnEffects(String textLine){ // String str = ""; // if(textLine.indexOf("\\k")>-1){ // str = "Karaoke"; // }else if(textLine.indexOf("Scroll up;")>-1){ // try{ // str = textLine.substring(textLine.indexOf("Scroll"), // textLine.indexOf(",", textLine.indexOf("Scroll"))); // }catch (java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException ioob){ // str = "Scroll up"; // } // }else if(textLine.indexOf("Scroll down;")>-1){ // try{ // str = textLine.substring(textLine.indexOf("Scroll"), // textLine.indexOf(",", textLine.indexOf("Scroll"))); // }catch (java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException ioob){ // str = "Scroll down"; // } // }else if(textLine.indexOf("Banner;")>-1){ // try{ // str = textLine.substring(textLine.indexOf("Banner"), // textLine.indexOf(",", textLine.indexOf("Banner"))); // }catch (java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException ioob){ // str = "Banner"; // } // }else{ // str = ""; // } // return str; // } // // Reformatage du texte � �crire en SSA/ASS - (Texte) // private String ReturnText(String textLine){ // String str = ""; // if(textLine.indexOf("Scroll up;")>-1){ // try{ // str = textLine.substring(textLine.indexOf(",", textLine.indexOf("Scroll"))+1); // }catch (java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException ioob){ // str = ""; // } // }else if(textLine.indexOf("Scroll down;")>-1){ // try{ // str = textLine.substring(textLine.indexOf(",", textLine.indexOf("Scroll"))+1); // }catch (java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException ioob){ // str = ""; // } // }else if(textLine.indexOf("Banner;")>-1){ // try{ // str = textLine.substring(textLine.indexOf(",", textLine.indexOf("Banner"))+1); // }catch (java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException ioob){ // str = ""; // } // }else{ // try{ // textLine = textLine.replaceAll("Scroll downn","Scroll down"); // textLine = textLine.replaceAll("Scroll upp","Scroll up"); // textLine = textLine.replaceAll("Bannerr","Banner"); // }catch (java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException pse){ // //Nothing // } // str = textLine; // } // return str; // } // // Reformatage du texte � �crire en SSA - (Marked): // private String ReturnMarked(){ // return "0"; // } // /** Formate une couleur en entier � partir de la couleur donn�e // * SSA (ASS) // * 0 (H000000) // * 16777215 (HFFFFFF) // */ // private int LongColorSSA(Color c){ // int x = 0; // int red = c.getRed(); // int green = c.getGreen(); // int blue = c.getBlue(); // int i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6; // i1 = red / 16; // i2 = red - (i1 * 16); // i3 = green / 16; // i4 = green - (i3 * 16); // i5 = blue / 16; // i6 = blue - (i5 * 16); // x = 1048576*i6 + 65536*i5 + 4096*i4 + 256*i3 + 16*i2 + 1*i1; // return x; // } // private Color LongColorSSA(int lg){ // Color c; // if(lg==-2147483640){return;} // int i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6; // i6 = lg/1048576; lg = lg - (i6*1048576); // i5 = lg/65536; lg = lg - (i5*65536); // i4 = lg/4096; lg = lg - (i4*4096); // i3 = lg/256; lg = lg - (i3*256); // i2 = lg/16; lg = lg - (i2*16); // i1 = lg/1; // c = new Color((i1*16)+i2,(i3*16)+i4,(i5*16)+i6); // return c; // } // private Color LongColorASS(String lg){ // Color c; // int[] value = new int[8]; // int ired, igreen, iblue, ialpha; // for (int i=2;i<10;i++){ // if(lg.toUpperCase().charAt(i)=='A'){ // value[i-2] = 10; // }else if(lg.toUpperCase().charAt(i)=='B'){ // value[i-2] = 11; // }else if(lg.toUpperCase().charAt(i)=='C'){ // value[i-2] = 12; // }else if(lg.toUpperCase().charAt(i)=='D'){ // value[i-2] = 13; // }else if(lg.toUpperCase().charAt(i)=='E'){ // value[i-2] = 14; // }else if(lg.toUpperCase().charAt(i)=='F'){ // value[i-2] = 15; // }else{ // try{ // value[i-2] = Integer.parseInt(lg.substring(i, i+1)); // }catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException nfe){ // //Nothing // } // } // } // ialpha = value[0]*16+value[1]; // iblue = value[2]*16+value[3]; // igreen = value[4]*16+value[5]; // ired = value[6]*16+value[7]; // c = new Color(ired,igreen,iblue,ialpha); // return c; // } // private String[] RemplirTableau(String str, String format){ // String[] returnStr = new String[10]; // // if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("SSA")==true || format.equalsIgnoreCase("ASS")==true){ // String str2 = str; // if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("SSA")==true){ // try{str2 = str2.replaceAll("Marked=", ""); // }catch(java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException pse){} // } // for (int count=0;count<9;count++){ // int index = str2.indexOf(","); // try{returnStr[count] = str2.substring(0, index); // }catch(java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe){} // try{str2 = str2.substring(index+1); // }catch(java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe){} // } // returnStr[9] = str2; // }else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("SUB")==true){ // // }else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("SRT")==true){ // // } // // return returnStr; // } // </editor-fold> /** <p>Return a color in ASS format (BBGGRR).<br /> * Retourne une couleur dans le format ASS (BBVVRR)</p> */ public String LongColorASS(Color c){ String sortie; int red = c.getRed(); int green = c.getGreen(); int blue = c.getBlue(); int alpha = c.getAlpha(); String Sred = Integer.toHexString(red).toUpperCase(); String Sgreen = Integer.toHexString(green).toUpperCase(); String Sblue = Integer.toHexString(blue).toUpperCase(); String Salpha = Integer.toHexString(alpha).toUpperCase(); if (Sred.length()==1){Sred="0"+Sred;} if (Sgreen.length()==1){Sgreen="0"+Sgreen;} if (Sblue.length()==1){Sblue="0"+Sblue;} if (Salpha.length()==1){Salpha="0"+Salpha;} sortie = "&H" + Salpha + Sblue + Sgreen + Sred; return sortie; } /** <p>Test : Create a virgin file.<br /> * Test : Créer un fichier vide.</p> */ void MakeNullFile(String pathFile){ try{ //On cr�e le fichier FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(pathFile); //On cr�e un flux pour l'�criture des caract�res PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fw); //On �crit dans le fichier pw.print("null file for testing only"); //On ferme le flux puis le fichier pw.close(); fw.close(); } catch ( e1){ System.out.println("Fichier non trouv� - Missing File Error"); } } }