/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package feuille.drawing.glyph; import java.awt.Font; /** * * @author The Wingate 2940 */ public class GlyphObject { String s = "A"; Font f = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 50); public GlyphObject(){ } public GlyphObject(String s){ this.s = s; } public GlyphObject(String s, Font f){ this.s = s; this.f = f; } public void setGlyph(String s){ this.s = s; } public String getGlyph(){ return s; } public void setFont(Font f){ this.f = f; } public void setFont(String name){ f = new Font(name, f.getStyle(), f.getSize()); } public void setFont(int style){ f = f.deriveFont(style); } public void setFont(float size){ f = f.deriveFont(size); } public Font getFont(){ return f; } }