package net.floodlightcontroller.qos; /** * Copyright 2012 Marist College, New York * Author Ryan Wallner ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * Provides Queuing and L2/L3 Quality of Service Policies to a * virtualized network using DiffServ/ToS class based model, and queuing techniques. * This module provides overlapping flowspace for policies that governed by their priority. * This QoS modules acts in a pro-active manner having to abide by existing "Policies" * within a network. * **/ import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.openflow.protocol.OFFlowMod; import org.openflow.protocol.OFMatch; import org.openflow.protocol.OFMessage; import org.openflow.protocol.OFPacketOut; import org.openflow.protocol.OFPort; import org.openflow.protocol.OFType; import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFAction; import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFActionEnqueue; import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFActionNetworkTypeOfService; import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFActionType; import org.openflow.util.HexString; import net.floodlightcontroller.core.FloodlightContext; import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IOFMessageListener; import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IOFSwitch; import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.FloodlightModuleContext; import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.FloodlightModuleException; import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.IFloodlightModule; import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.IFloodlightService; import net.floodlightcontroller.restserver.IRestApiService; import net.floodlightcontroller.staticflowentry.IStaticFlowEntryPusherService; import; import; import; import net.floodlightcontroller.qos.QoSPolicy; import net.floodlightcontroller.qos.QoSTypeOfService; import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IFloodlightProviderService; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class QoS implements IQoSService, IFloodlightModule, IOFMessageListener { protected IFloodlightProviderService floodlightProvider; protected IStaticFlowEntryPusherService flowPusher; protected List<QoSPolicy> policies; //Synchronized protected List<QoSTypeOfService> services; //Synchronized protected IRestApiService restApi; protected FloodlightContext cntx; protected IStorageSourceService storageSource; protected String[] tools; protected static Logger logger; // start the module disabled protected boolean enabled; // regex for dpid string protected String dpidPattern = "^[\\d|\\D][\\d|\\D]:[\\d|\\D][\\d|\\D]:" + "[\\d|\\D][\\d|\\D]:[\\d|\\D][\\d|\\D]:" + "[\\d|\\D][\\d|\\D]:[\\d|\\D][\\d|\\D]:" + "[\\d|\\D][\\d|\\D]:[\\d|\\D][\\d|\\D]$"; //initialize the fields for storagsource public static final String TABLE_NAME = "controller_qos"; public static final String COLUMN_POLID = "policyid"; public static final String COLUMN_NAME = "name"; public static final String COLUMN_MATCH_PROTOCOL = "protocol"; public static final String COLUMN_MATCH_ETHTYPE = "eth-type"; public static final String COLUMN_MATCH_INGRESSPRT = "ingressport"; public static final String COLUMN_MATCH_IPDST = "ipdst"; public static final String COLUMN_MATCH_IPSRC = "ipsrc"; public static final String COLUMN_MATCH_VLANID = "vlanid"; public static final String COLUMN_MATCH_ETHSRC = "ethsrc"; public static final String COLUMN_MATCH_ETHDST = "ethdst"; public static final String COLUMN_MATCH_TCPUDP_SRCPRT = "tcpudpsrcport"; public static final String COLUMN_MATCH_TCPUDP_DSTPRT = "tcpudpdstport"; public static final String COLUMN_NW_TOS = "nw_tos"; public static final String COLUMN_SW = "switches"; public static final String COLUMN_QUEUE = "queue"; public static final String COLUMN_ENQPORT = "equeueport"; public static final String COLUMN_PRIORITY = "priority"; public static final String COLUMN_SERVICE = "service"; public static String ColumnNames[] = { COLUMN_POLID, COLUMN_NAME,COLUMN_MATCH_PROTOCOL, COLUMN_MATCH_ETHTYPE,COLUMN_MATCH_INGRESSPRT, COLUMN_MATCH_IPDST,COLUMN_MATCH_IPSRC,COLUMN_MATCH_VLANID, COLUMN_MATCH_ETHSRC,COLUMN_MATCH_ETHDST,COLUMN_MATCH_TCPUDP_SRCPRT, COLUMN_MATCH_TCPUDP_DSTPRT,COLUMN_NW_TOS,COLUMN_SW, COLUMN_QUEUE,COLUMN_ENQPORT,COLUMN_PRIORITY,COLUMN_SERVICE,}; //initialize the fields for services storagesource public static final String TOS_TABLE_NAME = "controller_qos_tos"; public static final String COLUMN_SID = "serviceid"; public static final String COLUMN_SNAME = "servicename"; public static final String COLUMN_TOSBITS = "tosbits"; public static String TOSColumnNames[] = {COLUMN_SID, COLUMN_SNAME, COLUMN_TOSBITS}; @Override public String getName() { return "qos"; } @Override public boolean isCallbackOrderingPrereq(OFType type, String name) { return false; } @Override public boolean isCallbackOrderingPostreq(OFType type, String name) { return false; } @Override public Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> getModuleServices() { Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> l = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>>(); l.add(IQoSService.class); return l; } @Override public Map<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService> getServiceImpls() { Map<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService> m = new HashMap<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService>(); // Implements the QoS service m.put(IQoSService.class, this); return m; } @Override public Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> getModuleDependencies() { //This module should depend on FloodlightProviderService, // IStorageSourceProviderService, IRestApiService, & // IStaticFlowEntryPusherService Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> l = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>>(); l.add(IFloodlightProviderService.class); l.add(IStorageSourceService.class); l.add(IRestApiService.class); l.add(IStaticFlowEntryPusherService.class); return l; } /** * Reads the policies from the storage and creates a sorted * ArrayList of QoSPolicy's from them. * @return the sorted ArrayList of Policy instances (rules from storage) * * Credit to * @author Amer Tahir * @edited KC Wang * @author (re-authored) Ryan Wallner */ protected ArrayList<QoSPolicy> readPoliciesFromStorage() { ArrayList<QoSPolicy> l = new ArrayList<QoSPolicy>(); try{ Map<String, Object> row; //initialize the policies storage source IResultSet policySet = storageSource .executeQuery(TABLE_NAME, ColumnNames, null, null ); for( Iterator<IResultSet> iter = policySet.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ row =; //policy must have these fields /**FIX should really be id, queue OR enqueue port**/ QoSPolicy p = new QoSPolicy(); if(!row.containsKey(COLUMN_POLID) || !row.containsKey(COLUMN_SW) || !row.containsKey(COLUMN_QUEUE) || !row.containsKey(COLUMN_ENQPORT) || !row.containsKey(COLUMN_SERVICE)){ logger.error("Skipping entry with required fields {}", row); continue; } //add necessary additions to row object try{ p.policyid = Integer.parseInt((String) row.get(COLUMN_POLID)); p.queue = Short.parseShort((String) row.get(COLUMN_QUEUE)); p.enqueueport = Short.parseShort((String) row.get(COLUMN_ENQPORT)); p.service = (String) row.get(COLUMN_SERVICE); //TODO change for String[] of switches p.sw = (String) row.get(COLUMN_SW); for(String key: row.keySet()){ if(row.get(key) == null){ continue; } //skip over these, already added else if(key.equals(COLUMN_POLID) || key.equals(COLUMN_SW) || key.equals(COLUMN_QUEUE) || key.equals(COLUMN_ENQPORT) || key.equals(COLUMN_SERVICE)){ continue; } //check for others, and add else if(key.equals(COLUMN_NAME)){ = (String) row.get(COLUMN_NAME); } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_MATCH_ETHDST)){ p.ethdst = (String) row.get(COLUMN_MATCH_ETHDST); } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_MATCH_ETHSRC)){ p.ethsrc = (String) row.get(COLUMN_MATCH_ETHSRC); } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_MATCH_ETHTYPE)){ p.ethtype = Short.parseShort((String) row.get(COLUMN_MATCH_ETHTYPE)); } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_MATCH_INGRESSPRT)){ p.ingressport = Short.parseShort((String) row.get(COLUMN_MATCH_INGRESSPRT)); } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_MATCH_IPDST)){ p.ipdst = Integer.parseInt((String) row.get(COLUMN_MATCH_IPDST)); } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_MATCH_IPSRC)){ p.ipsrc = Integer.parseInt((String) row.get(COLUMN_MATCH_IPSRC)); } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_MATCH_PROTOCOL)){ p.protocol = Byte.parseByte((String) row.get(COLUMN_MATCH_PROTOCOL)); } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_MATCH_TCPUDP_DSTPRT)){ p.tcpudpdstport = Short.parseShort((String) row.get(COLUMN_MATCH_TCPUDP_DSTPRT)); } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_MATCH_TCPUDP_SRCPRT)){ p.tcpudpsrcport = Short.parseShort((String) row.get(COLUMN_MATCH_TCPUDP_SRCPRT)); } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_MATCH_VLANID)){ p.vlanid = Short.parseShort((String) row.get(COLUMN_MATCH_VLANID)); } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_NW_TOS)){ p.tos = Byte.parseByte((String) row.get(COLUMN_NW_TOS)); } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_PRIORITY)){ p.priority = Short.parseShort((String) row.get(COLUMN_PRIORITY)); } } }catch(ClassCastException e){ logger.error("Error, Skipping rule, Bad Data " + e.getMessage()+" on Rule {}", p.policyid); } //make sure its a queuing rule or service rule ONLY. //queuing if(p.enqueueport != -1 && p.queue != -1 && p.service != null){ l.add(p); } //service else if(p.enqueueport > -1 && p.queue > -1 && p.service == null){ l.add(p); } else{ continue;//not a valid rule } } }catch(StorageException e){ logger.error("Error with storage source: {}", e); } //sort Collections.sort(l); return l; } /** * Reads the types of services from the storage and creates a * sorted ArrayList of QoSTypeOfService from them * @return the sorted ArrayList of Type of Service instances (rules from storage) * * Credit to * @author Amer Tahir * @edited KC Wang * @author (re-authored) Ryan Wallner */ protected ArrayList<QoSTypeOfService> readServicesFromStorage() { ArrayList<QoSTypeOfService> l = new ArrayList<QoSTypeOfService>(); try{ Map<String, Object> row; IResultSet serviceSet = storageSource .executeQuery(TOS_TABLE_NAME, TOSColumnNames, null, null ); for( Iterator<IResultSet> iter = serviceSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ row =; QoSTypeOfService s = new QoSTypeOfService(); if(!row.containsKey(COLUMN_SID) || !row.containsKey(COLUMN_TOSBITS)){ logger.error("Skipping entry with required fields {}", row); continue; } try{ s.sid = Integer.parseInt((String) row.get(COLUMN_SID)); s.tos = Byte.parseByte((String) row.get(COLUMN_TOSBITS)); for(String key: row.keySet()){ if(row.get(key) == null){ continue; } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_SID) || key.equals(COLUMN_TOSBITS)){ continue; } else if(key.equals(COLUMN_SNAME)){ = (String) row.get(COLUMN_SNAME); } } }catch(ClassCastException e){ logger.error("Error, Skipping rule, Bad Data " + e.getMessage()+" on Rule {}", s.sid); } if(s.tos != -1){ l.add(s); } } }catch(StorageException e){ logger.error("Error with storage source: {}", e); } Collections.sort(l); //return the sorted arraylist of services return l; } @Override public void init(FloodlightModuleContext context) throws FloodlightModuleException { //initiate services floodlightProvider = context.getServiceImpl(IFloodlightProviderService.class); flowPusher = context.getServiceImpl(IStaticFlowEntryPusherService.class); logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QoS.class); storageSource = context.getServiceImpl(IStorageSourceService.class); restApi = context.getServiceImpl(IRestApiService.class); policies = new ArrayList<QoSPolicy>(); services = new ArrayList<QoSTypeOfService>(); logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QoS.class); // start disabled enabled = false; } @Override public void startUp(FloodlightModuleContext context) { // initialize REST interface restApi.addRestletRoutable(new QoSWebRoutable()); //listen to packet_in for applied QoS messages floodlightProvider.addOFMessageListener(OFType.PACKET_IN, this); //Storage for policies storageSource.createTable(TABLE_NAME, null); storageSource.setTablePrimaryKeyName(TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_POLID); //avoid thread issues for concurrency synchronized (policies) { this.policies = readPoliciesFromStorage(); } //Storage for services storageSource.createTable(TOS_TABLE_NAME, null); storageSource.setTablePrimaryKeyName(TOS_TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_SID); //avoid thread issues for concurrency synchronized (services) { = readServicesFromStorage(); } // create default "Best Effort" service // most networks use this as default, adding here for defaulting try{ QoSTypeOfService service = new QoSTypeOfService(); = "Best Effort"; service.tos = (byte)0x00; service.sid = service.genID(); this.addService(service); }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error adding default Best Effort {}", e); } } @Override public net.floodlightcontroller.core.IListener.Command receive( IOFSwitch sw, OFMessage msg, FloodlightContext cntx) { //do not process packet if not enabled if (!this.enabled) { return Command.CONTINUE; } //logger.debug("Message Recieved: Type - {}",msg.getType().toString()); //Listen for Packets that match Policies switch (msg.getType()) { case PACKET_IN: //logger.debug("PACKET_IN received"); byte[] packetData = OFMessage.getData(sw, msg, cntx); //Temporary match from packet to compare OFMatch tmpMatch = new OFMatch(); tmpMatch.loadFromPacket(packetData, OFPort.OFPP_NONE.getValue()); //check if the match structure from packet it is applied any QoS checkIfQoSApplied(tmpMatch); break; default: return Command.CONTINUE; } return Command.CONTINUE; } /** * Allow access to enable module * @param boolean */ @Override public void enableQoS(boolean enable) {"Setting QoS to {}", enable); this.enabled = enable; } /** * Return whether of not the module is enabled */ @Override public boolean isEnabled(){ return this.enabled; } /** * Return a List of Quality of Service Policies */ @Override public List<QoSPolicy> getPolicies() { return this.policies; } /** * Returns a list of services available for Network Type of Service * @return List */ @Override public List<QoSTypeOfService> getServices() { return; } /** * Add a service class to use in policies * Used to make ToS/DiffServ Bits human readable. * Bit notation 000000 becomes "Best Effort" * @param QoSTypeOfService */ @Override public synchronized void addService(QoSTypeOfService service) { //debug logger.debug("Adding Service to List and Storage"); //create the UID service.sid = service.genID(); //check tos bits are within bounds if (service.tos >= (byte)0x00 && service.tos <= (byte)0x3F ){ try{ //Add to the list of services //un-ordered, naturally a short list; //add to the storage source Map<String, Object> serviceEntry = new HashMap<String,Object>(); serviceEntry.put(COLUMN_SID, Integer.toString(service.sid)); serviceEntry.put(COLUMN_SNAME,; serviceEntry.put(COLUMN_TOSBITS, Byte.toString(service.tos)); //ad to storage storageSource.insertRow(TOS_TABLE_NAME, serviceEntry); }catch(Exception e){ logger.debug("Error adding service, error: {}" ,e); } } else{ logger.debug("Type of Service must be 0-64"); } } /** * Removes a Network Type of Service * @category by sid */ @Override public synchronized void deleteService(int sid) { Iterator<QoSTypeOfService> sIter =; while(sIter.hasNext()){ QoSTypeOfService s =; if(s.sid == sid){ sIter.remove(); break; //done only one can exist } } } /** Adds a policy * @author wallnerryan * @overloaded **/ @Override public synchronized void addPolicy(QoSPolicy policy){ //debug logger.debug("Adding Policy to List and Storage"); //create the UID policy.policyid = policy.genID(); int p = 0; for (p = 0; p < this.policies.size(); p++){ //check if empty if(this.policies.isEmpty()){ //p is zero break; } //starts at the first(lowest) policy based on priority //insertion sort, gets hairy when n # of switches increases. //larger networks may need a merge sort. if(this.policies.get(p).priority >= policy.priority){ //this keeps "p" in the correct position to place new policy in break; } } if (p <= this.policies.size()) { this.policies.add(p, policy); } else { this.policies.add(policy); } //Add to the storageSource Map<String, Object> policyEntry = new HashMap<String, Object>(); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_POLID, Long.toString(policy.policyid)); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_NAME,; policyEntry.put(COLUMN_MATCH_PROTOCOL, Short.toString(policy.protocol)); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_MATCH_ETHTYPE, Short.toString(policy.ethtype)); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_MATCH_INGRESSPRT, Short.toString(policy.ingressport)); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_MATCH_IPSRC, Integer.toString(policy.ipsrc)); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_MATCH_IPDST, Integer.toBinaryString(policy.ipdst)); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_MATCH_VLANID, Short.toString(policy.vlanid)); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_MATCH_ETHSRC, policy.ethsrc); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_MATCH_ETHDST, policy.ethdst); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_MATCH_TCPUDP_SRCPRT, Short.toString(policy.tcpudpsrcport)); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_MATCH_TCPUDP_DSTPRT, Short.toString(policy.tcpudpdstport)); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_NW_TOS, policy.service); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_SW, policy.sw); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_QUEUE, Short.toString(policy.queue)); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_ENQPORT, Short.toString(policy.enqueueport)); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_PRIORITY, Short.toString(policy.priority)); policyEntry.put(COLUMN_SERVICE, policy.service); storageSource.insertRow(TABLE_NAME, policyEntry); /** * TODO Change this to use a String[] of switches **/ if (policy.sw.equals("all")){ logger.debug("Adding Policy {} to Entire Network", policy.toString()); addPolicyToNetwork(policy); } /** [NOTE] Note utilized yet, future revision used to "save" policies * to the controller, then modified to be added to switched **/ else if (policy.sw.equals("none")){ logger.debug("Adding Policy {} to Controller", policy.toString()); } //add to a specified switch b/c "all" not specified else if(policy.sw.matches(dpidPattern)){ logger.debug("Adding policy {} to Switch {}", policy.toString(), policy.sw); // add appropriate hex string converted to a long type addPolicy(policy, policy.sw); } else{ logger.error("***Policy {} error at switch input {} ***" + "", policy.toString(), policy.sw); } } /** * Add a policy-flowMod to all switches in network * @param policy */ @Override public void addPolicyToNetwork(QoSPolicy policy) { OFFlowMod flow = policyToFlowMod(policy);"adding policy-flow {} to all switches",flow.toString()); //add to all switches Map<Long, IOFSwitch> switches = floodlightProvider.getSwitches(); //simple check if(!(switches.isEmpty())){ for(IOFSwitch sw : switches.values()){ if(!(sw.isConnected())){ break;// cannot add }"Add flow Name: {} Flow: {} Switch "+ sw.getStringId(),, flow.toString()); //add unique flow names based on dpid hasCode :) flowPusher.addFlow( .toString(sw.getStringId() .hashCode()), flow, sw.getStringId()); } } } /** * Adds a policy to a switch (dpid) * @param QoSPolicy policy * @param String sw */ //This will change to list sws[] //of switches, including a single sw @Override public void addPolicy(QoSPolicy policy, String swid) { //get the flowmod OFFlowMod flow = policyToFlowMod(policy);"Adding policy-flow {} to switch {}",flow.toString(),swid); //add unique flow names based on dpid hasCode :) flowPusher.addFlow( .toString(swid.hashCode()), flow, swid); } /** * Removes a policy from entire network * @param policy */ @Override public void deletePolicyFromNetwork(String policyName) { //all switches Map<Long, IOFSwitch> switches = floodlightProvider.getSwitches(); //simple check if(!(switches.isEmpty())){ for(IOFSwitch sw : switches.values()){ if(!(sw.isConnected())){ break;// cannot add } logger.debug("{} has {}",sw.getStringId(),flowPusher.getFlows()); flowPusher.deleteFlow(policyName+Integer .toString(sw.getStringId().hashCode())); } } } /** Deletes a policy * Called by @DELETE from REST API * @author wallnerryan * @overloaded * @param by policyid **/ @Override public synchronized void deletePolicy(QoSPolicy policy){"Deleting policy {} attached to switches: {}",, policy.sw); //dont have to catch policy.sw == "non" just delete it if(policy.sw.equalsIgnoreCase("none")){"policy match no switches, removeing from storage");} else if(policy.sw.equalsIgnoreCase("all")){"Delete flows from network!"); deletePolicyFromNetwork(; } else if(policy.sw.matches(dpidPattern)){ deletePolicy(policy.sw,; } else{ logger.error("Error!, Unrecognized switches! Switch is : {}",policy.sw); } //remove from storage Iterator<QoSPolicy> sIter = this.policies.iterator(); while(sIter.hasNext()){ QoSPolicy p =; if(p.policyid == policy.policyid){ sIter.remove(); break; //done only one can exist } } } /** * Delete policy from a switch (dpid) * @param policyid * @param sw * @throws */ //This will change to list sws[] //of switches, including a single sw @Override public void deletePolicy(String switches, String policyName){ //TODO chnage this to use a String[] of switches IOFSwitch sw = floodlightProvider.getSwitches() .get(HexString.toLong(switches)); if(sw != null){ assert(sw.isConnected()); } // delete flow based on hasCode flowPusher.deleteFlow(policyName+sw.getStringId().hashCode()); } /** * Returns a flow_mod from a policy * @param policy * @return * * TODO utilize wildcards for matches * QoSPolicy must change to support this. */ public OFFlowMod policyToFlowMod(QoSPolicy policy){ //initialize a match structure that matches everything OFMatch match = new OFMatch(); //Based on the policy match appropriately. //no wildcards match.setWildcards(0); if(policy.ethtype != -1){ match.setDataLayerType((policy.ethtype)); //logger.debug("setting match on eth-type"); } if(policy.protocol != -1){ match.setNetworkProtocol(policy.protocol); //logger.debug("setting match on protocol "); } if(policy.ingressport != -1){ match.setInputPort(policy.ingressport); //logger.debug("setting match on ingress port "); } if(policy.ipdst != -1){ match.setNetworkDestination(policy.ipdst); //logger.debug("setting match on network destination"); } if(policy.ipsrc != -1){ match.setNetworkSource(policy.ipsrc); //logger.debug("setting match on network source"); } if(policy.vlanid != -1){ match.setDataLayerVirtualLan(policy.vlanid); //logger.debug("setting match on VLAN"); } if(policy.tos != -1){ match.setNetworkTypeOfService(policy.tos); //logger.debug("setting match on ToS"); } if(policy.ethsrc != null){ match.setDataLayerSource(policy.ethsrc); //logger.debug("setting match on data layer source"); } if(policy.ethdst != null){ match.setDataLayerDestination(policy.ethdst); //logger.debug("setting match on data layer destination"); } if(policy.tcpudpsrcport != -1){ match.setTransportSource(policy.tcpudpsrcport); //logger.debug("setting match on transport source port"); } if(policy.tcpudpdstport != -1){ match.setTransportDestination(policy.tcpudpdstport); //logger.debug("setting match on transport destination"); } //Create a flow mod using the previous match structure OFFlowMod fm = new OFFlowMod(); fm.setType(OFType.FLOW_MOD); //depending on the policy nw_tos or queue the flow mod // will change the type of service bits or enqueue the packets if(policy.queue > -1 && policy.service == null){"This policy is a queuing policy"); List<OFAction> actions = new ArrayList<OFAction>(); //add the queuing action OFActionEnqueue enqueue = new OFActionEnqueue(); enqueue.setLength((short) 0xffff); enqueue.setType(OFActionType.OPAQUE_ENQUEUE); // I think this happens anyway in the constructor enqueue.setPort(policy.enqueueport); enqueue.setQueueId(policy.queue); actions.add((OFAction) enqueue);"Match is : {}", match.toString()); //add the matches and actions and return fm.setMatch(match) .setActions(actions) .setIdleTimeout((short) 0) // infinite .setHardTimeout((short) 0) // infinite .setBufferId(OFPacketOut.BUFFER_ID_NONE) .setFlags((short) 0) .setOutPort(OFPort.OFPP_NONE.getValue()) .setPriority(policy.priority) .setLengthU((short)OFFlowMod.MINIMUM_LENGTH + OFActionEnqueue.MINIMUM_LENGTH); } else if(policy.queue == -1 && policy.service != null){"This policy is a type of service policy"); List<OFAction> actions = new ArrayList<OFAction>(); //add the queuing action OFActionNetworkTypeOfService tosAction = new OFActionNetworkTypeOfService(); tosAction.setType(OFActionType.SET_NW_TOS); tosAction.setLength((short) 0xffff); //Find the appropriate type of service bits in policy Byte pTos = null; List<QoSTypeOfService> serviceList = this.getServices(); for(QoSTypeOfService s : serviceList){ if({ //policy's service ToS bits pTos = s.tos; } } tosAction.setNetworkTypeOfService(pTos); actions.add((OFAction)tosAction);"Match is : {}", match.toString()); //add the matches and actions and fm.setMatch(match) .setActions(actions) .setIdleTimeout((short) 0) // infinite .setHardTimeout((short) 0) // infinite .setBufferId(OFPacketOut.BUFFER_ID_NONE) .setFlags((short) 0) .setOutPort(OFPort.OFPP_NONE.getValue()) .setPriority(Short.MAX_VALUE) .setLengthU((short)OFFlowMod.MINIMUM_LENGTH + OFActionNetworkTypeOfService.MINIMUM_LENGTH); } else{ logger.error("Policy Misconfiguration"); } return fm; } /** * Logs which, if any QoS is applied to PACKET_IN * @param tmpMatch * @throws IOException */ private void checkIfQoSApplied(OFMatch tmpMatch){ List<QoSPolicy> pols = this.getPolicies(); //policies dont apply to wildcards, (yet) if (!pols.isEmpty()){ for(QoSPolicy policy : pols){ OFMatch m = new OFMatch(); m = policyToFlowMod(policy).getMatch(); //check //FIX inefficient /** * Could be a place to track QoS mobility in * the network. Track new arp messages and * see whether QoS is applied to IP's and * paths within the topology. Mainly could * be used to QoS Paths. * */ if (tmpMatch.equals(m)){"PACKET_IN matched, Applied QoS Policy {}",policy.toString()); } } } } }