package net.floodlightcontroller.hand; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import net.floodlightcontroller.packet.IPv4; import org.restlet.resource.Get; import org.restlet.resource.Post; import org.restlet.resource.Delete; import org.restlet.resource.ServerResource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonToken; import; public class HANDGangliaHostsResource extends ServerResource { public static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HANDGangliaHostsResource.class); @Get("json") public Object handleRequest(){ IHANDService hand = (IHANDService)getContext().getAttributes(). get(IHANDService.class.getCanonicalName()); String status = null; if(hand.isHANDEnabled()){ return hand.getHosts(); } else{ status = "Please enable Host Aware Networking Decisions"; return ("{\"status\" : \"" + status + "\"}"); } } /** * * @param hostJson * @return */ @Post public String addHost(String hostJson){ IHANDService hand = (IHANDService)getContext().getAttributes(). get(IHANDService.class.getCanonicalName()); HANDGangliaHost host; String status = null; try{ host = jsonToGangliaHost(hostJson); } catch(IOException e){ logger.error("Error parsing Ganglia host to JSON: {}, Error: {}", hostJson, e); e.printStackTrace(); return "{\"status\" : \"Error! Could not parse Ganglia host, see log for details.\"}"; } if(hostExists(host, hand.getHosts())){ status = "Error!, This host already exists!"; logger.error(status); } else{ if(hand.isHANDEnabled()){ /**Required Field Checks**/ //hostname and ip is required. b/c Ganglia stores RRD's by them. if(host.hostName == null || host.ipAddress == 0){ status = "{\"status\" : \"Must provide Hostname and IP Address.\"}"; } else if(host.cluster == null){"Fetching Cluster Information..."); if(existsInAnyCluster(host)){ //Send to HAND Module for addition. hand.addGangliaHost(host); status = "{\"status\" : \"Adding host to Host Aware Network\"}"; }else{ status = "{\"status\" : \"Host does not exist in any cluster\"}"; } } //else just add it, it has enough information else{ /** Should add a check cluster method here?**/ hand.addGangliaHost(host); status = "{\"status\" : \"Adding host to Host Aware Network\"}"; } /** * Cluster will be add by existsInAnyCluster() if host RRD is found. * * MAC,and First Hop Switch will be added later b/c * Floodlight will already has this info if not provided. */ } } return "{\"status\" : "+ status +"}"; } /** * * @param hostJson * @return */ @Delete public String deleteHost(String hostJson){ //TODO /** * * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * * */ return null; } private static HANDGangliaHost jsonToGangliaHost(String hostJson) throws IOException{ HANDGangliaHost host = new HANDGangliaHost(); MappingJsonFactory jsonFactory = new MappingJsonFactory(); JsonParser parser; try{ parser = jsonFactory.createJsonParser(hostJson); }catch(JsonParseException e){ throw new IOException (e); } JsonToken token = parser.getCurrentToken(); if(token != JsonToken.START_OBJECT){ parser.nextToken(); if(parser.getCurrentToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT){ logger.error("did not recieve json start token, current token is: {}" + parser.getCurrentToken()); } } //Start parsing while(parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT){ if(parser.getCurrentToken() != JsonToken.FIELD_NAME){ throw new IOException("FIELD_NAME expected"); } try{ String name = parser.getCurrentName(); parser.nextToken(); //current text in parser String jsonText = parser.getText();"JSON Parser text is: {}", jsonText); //DEBUG if(jsonText.equals("")){ //ignore empty string, return to loop continue; } else if(name == "host_name"){ host.hostName = jsonText; } else if(name == "ip_address"){ host.ipAddress = IPv4.toIPv4Address(jsonText); } else if(name == "domain"){ host.domain = jsonText; } else if(name == "mac_address"){ host.macAddress = Long.parseLong(jsonText); } else if(name == "cluster"){ host.cluster = jsonText; } //adds a list of SwitchDPIDs //ex: {"first_hops":"123456789,987654321"} else if(name == "first_hops"){ if(jsonText.contains(",")){ String[] hops = jsonText.split(","); for(String s : hops){ host.firstHops.add(Long.valueOf(s)); } }else{ //only one first hop //ex: {"first_hops":"123456789"} host.firstHops.add(Long.valueOf(jsonText)); } } }catch(JsonParseException e){ logger.debug("Error getting current FIELD_NAME {}", e); }catch(IOException e){ logger.debug("Error procession Json {}", e); } } //Return the HANDGangliaHost Object to the GangliaHostResource return host; } /** * * @param host * @param hostList * @return */ public static boolean hostExists(HANDGangliaHost host, ArrayList<HANDGangliaHost> hostList){ Iterator<HANDGangliaHost> hostIter = hostList.iterator(); while(hostIter.hasNext()){ HANDGangliaHost h =; if(host.isSameAs(h) || host.macAddress == h.macAddress){ return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks to make sure a cluster exists for this Host * By searching the RRD directory given in properties * and making sure the host RRD exists within a cluster directory. * @param host * @return */ public static boolean existsInAnyCluster(HANDGangliaHost host){ //if found boolean found = false; //Get the consumer to get basepath. MetricConsumer aConsumer = new MetricConsumer(); String dir = aConsumer.metricPath; String fqdn; if(host.domain == "" && !(host.hostName.contains("."))){"hostname seems to not have a domain, adding .local"); host.domain = ".local"; fqdn = host.hostName+host.domain; }else{"hostname seems to contain it's domain name"); fqdn = host.hostName; } File containingPath = new File(dir);"Searching for clusters in: {}", containingPath.getPath()); //debug for( File child : containingPath.listFiles()){ //check if directory, clusters are listed as directories in Unix File Systems if(child.isDirectory() && !(child.toString().contains("unspecified")) && !(child.toString().contains("__SummaryInfo__")) ){"Checking Cluster: {}", child.toString()); //debug String[] strDirs = child.toString().split("/"); String curDir = strDirs[strDirs.length-1]; for(File rrd : child.listFiles()){ String[] strRRDs = rrd.toString().split("/"); String compareRRD = strRRDs[strRRDs.length-1]; logger.debug("Comparing : "+fqdn+" or "+IPv4.fromIPv4Address( host.ipAddress).toLowerCase()+ " to {}", compareRRD ); //DEBUG if(compareRRD.contains(fqdn.toLowerCase())){ found = true; //this is the current directory //being searched. host.cluster = curDir; break; } else { new String(); if(compareRRD.contains(IPv4.fromIPv4Address( host.ipAddress).toLowerCase())){ found = true; //We only want what ganglia can see. host.hostName = ""; //set the host's cluster if found //this is the current directory //being searched. host.cluster = curDir; break; } } } } } return found; } }