// Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.gwtexpui.safehtml.client; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT; import com.google.gwt.regexp.shared.MatchResult; import com.google.gwt.regexp.shared.RegExp; import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTMLTable; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HasHTML; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.InlineHTML; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget; /** Immutable string safely placed as HTML without further escaping. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class SafeHtml implements com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SafeHtml { public static final SafeHtmlResources RESOURCES; static { if (GWT.isClient()) { RESOURCES = GWT.create(SafeHtmlResources.class); RESOURCES.css().ensureInjected(); } else { RESOURCES = new SafeHtmlResources() { @Override public SafeHtmlCss css() { return new SafeHtmlCss() { public String wikiList() { return "wikiList"; } public String wikiPreFormat() { return "wikiPreFormat"; } public String wikiQuote() { return "wikiQuote"; } public boolean ensureInjected() { return false; } public String getName() { return null; } public String getText() { return null; } }; } }; } } /** @return the existing HTML property of a widget. */ public static SafeHtml get(final HasHTML t) { return new SafeHtmlString(t.getHTML()); } /** @return the existing HTML text, wrapped in a safe buffer. */ public static SafeHtml asis(final String htmlText) { return new SafeHtmlString(htmlText); } /** Set the HTML property of a widget. */ public static <T extends HasHTML> T set(final T e, final SafeHtml str) { e.setHTML(str.asString()); return e; } /** @return the existing inner HTML of any element. */ public static SafeHtml get(Element e) { return new SafeHtmlString(e.getInnerHTML()); } /** Set the inner HTML of any element. */ public static Element setInnerHTML(Element e, SafeHtml str) { e.setInnerHTML(str.asString()); return e; } /** @return the existing inner HTML of a table cell. */ public static SafeHtml get(final HTMLTable t, final int row, final int col) { return new SafeHtmlString(t.getHTML(row, col)); } /** Set the inner HTML of a table cell. */ public static <T extends HTMLTable> T set(final T t, final int row, final int col, final SafeHtml str) { t.setHTML(row, col, str.asString()); return t; } /** Parse an HTML block and return the first (typically root) element. */ public static Element parse(SafeHtml html) { Element e = DOM.createDiv(); setInnerHTML(e, html); return DOM.getFirstChild(e); } /** Convert bare http:// and https:// URLs into <a href> tags. */ public SafeHtml linkify() { final String part = "(?:" + "[a-zA-Z0-9$_+!*'%;:@=?#/~-]" + "|&(?!lt;|gt;)" + "|[.,](?!(?:\\s|$))" + ")"; return replaceAll( "(https?://" + part + "{2,}" + "(?:[(]" + part + "*" + "[)])*" + part + "*" + ")", "<a href=\"$1\" target=\"_blank\">$1</a>"); } /** * Apply {@link #linkify()}, and "\n\n" to <p>. * <p> * Lines that start with whitespace are assumed to be preformatted, and are * formatted by the {@link SafeHtmlCss#wikiPreFormat()} CSS class. */ public SafeHtml wikify() { final SafeHtmlBuilder r = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); for (final String p : linkify().asString().split("\n\n")) { if (isQuote(p)) { wikifyQuote(r, p); } else if (isPreFormat(p)) { r.openElement("p"); for (final String line : p.split("\n")) { r.openSpan(); r.setStyleName(RESOURCES.css().wikiPreFormat()); r.append(asis(line)); r.closeSpan(); r.br(); } r.closeElement("p"); } else if (isList(p)) { wikifyList(r, p); } else { r.openElement("p"); r.append(asis(p)); r.closeElement("p"); } } return r.toSafeHtml(); } private void wikifyList(final SafeHtmlBuilder r, final String p) { boolean in_ul = false; boolean in_p = false; for (String line : p.split("\n")) { if (line.startsWith("-") || line.startsWith("*")) { if (!in_ul) { if (in_p) { in_p = false; r.closeElement("p"); } in_ul = true; r.openElement("ul"); r.setStyleName(RESOURCES.css().wikiList()); } line = line.substring(1).trim(); } else if (!in_ul) { if (!in_p) { in_p = true; r.openElement("p"); } else { r.append(' '); } r.append(asis(line)); continue; } r.openElement("li"); r.append(asis(line)); r.closeElement("li"); } if (in_ul) { r.closeElement("ul"); } else if (in_p) { r.closeElement("p"); } } private void wikifyQuote(SafeHtmlBuilder r, String p) { r.openElement("blockquote"); r.setStyleName(RESOURCES.css().wikiQuote()); if (p.startsWith("> ")) { p = p.substring(5); } else if (p.startsWith(" > ")) { p = p.substring(6); } p = p.replaceAll("\\n ?> ", "\n"); for (String e : p.split("\n\n")) { if (isQuote(e)) { SafeHtmlBuilder b = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); wikifyQuote(b, e); r.append(b); } else { r.append(asis(e)); } } r.closeElement("blockquote"); } private static boolean isQuote(String p) { return p.startsWith("> ") || p.startsWith(" > "); } private static boolean isPreFormat(final String p) { return p.contains("\n ") || p.contains("\n\t") || p.startsWith(" ") || p.startsWith("\t"); } private static boolean isList(final String p) { return p.contains("\n- ") || p.contains("\n* ") || p.startsWith("- ") || p.startsWith("* "); } /** * Replace first occurrence of {@code regex} with {@code repl} . * <p> * <b>WARNING:</b> This replacement is being performed against an otherwise * safe HTML string. The caller must ensure that the replacement does not * introduce cross-site scripting attack entry points. * * @param regex regular expression pattern to match the substring with. * @param repl replacement expression. Capture groups within * {@code regex} can be referenced with {@code $<i>n</i>}. * @return a new string, after the replacement has been made. */ public SafeHtml replaceFirst(final String regex, final String repl) { return new SafeHtmlString(asString().replaceFirst(regex, repl)); } /** * Replace each occurrence of {@code regex} with {@code repl} . * <p> * <b>WARNING:</b> This replacement is being performed against an otherwise * safe HTML string. The caller must ensure that the replacement does not * introduce cross-site scripting attack entry points. * * @param regex regular expression pattern to match substrings with. * @param repl replacement expression. Capture groups within * {@code regex} can be referenced with {@code $<i>n</i>}. * @return a new string, after the replacements have been made. */ public SafeHtml replaceAll(final String regex, final String repl) { return new SafeHtmlString(asString().replaceAll(regex, repl)); } /** * Replace all find/replace pairs in the list in a single pass. * * @param findReplaceList find/replace pairs to use. * @return a new string, after the replacements have been made. */ public <T> SafeHtml replaceAll(List<? extends FindReplace> findReplaceList) { if (findReplaceList == null || findReplaceList.isEmpty()) { return this; } StringBuilder pat = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<? extends FindReplace> it = findReplaceList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { FindReplace fr = it.next(); pat.append(fr.pattern().getSource()); if (it.hasNext()) { pat.append('|'); } } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); RegExp re = RegExp.compile(pat.toString(), "g"); String orig = asString(); int index = 0; MatchResult mat; while ((mat = re.exec(orig)) != null) { String g = mat.getGroup(0); // Re-run each candidate to find which one matched. for (FindReplace fr : findReplaceList) { if (fr.pattern().test(g)) { try { String repl = fr.replace(g); result.append(orig.substring(index, mat.getIndex())); result.append(repl); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { continue; } index = mat.getIndex() + g.length(); break; } } } result.append(orig.substring(index, orig.length())); return asis(result.toString()); } /** @return a GWT block display widget displaying this HTML. */ public Widget toBlockWidget() { return new HTML(asString()); } /** @return a GWT inline display widget displaying this HTML. */ public Widget toInlineWidget() { return new InlineHTML(asString()); } /** @return a clean HTML string safe for inclusion in any context. */ public abstract String asString(); }