/** * <copyright> Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Jonas Helming, Maximilian Koegel. All rights reserved. This program and the * accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this * distribution, and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html </copyright> */ package org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.modelgenerator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.modelgenerator.common.ModelGeneratorConfiguration; import org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.modelgenerator.common.ModelGeneratorUtil; /** * Class for generating Ecore models, static methods only. * Generating a model includes:<br> * - creating EObjects from a certain model package<br> * - building up a hierarchy starting from a certain root EObject<br> * - setting random attributes for every created EObject<br> * - setting references between the EObjects * * @see #generateModel(EPackage, EObject) * @see #generateModel(ModelGeneratorConfiguration) * @see #generateModel(ModelGeneratorConfiguration, IProgressMonitor) */ public final class ModelGenerator { /** * The configuration containing settings for the generation process. * * @see ModelGeneratorConfiguration */ private static ModelGeneratorConfiguration config; /** * Private constructor. */ private ModelGenerator() { // all methods should be accessed in a static way } /** * Generates EObjects for a certain model indicated by <code>modelPackage</code> and adds them * as children to <code>rootEObject</code>, setting attributes and references. This method uses * default values for <code>width, depth, seed</code> and <code>ignoreAndLog</code>.<p> * This method call is equivalent to<br> * <code>generateModel(new ModelGeneratorConfiguration(modelPackage, rootEObject))</code>. * * @param modelPackage the EPackage to create new EObjects from * @param rootEObject the EObject that shall be the root container for all generated EObjects * @return the validated root EObject of the resulting Ecore hierarchy */ public static EObject generateModel(EPackage modelPackage, EObject rootEObject) { return generateModel(new ModelGeneratorConfiguration(modelPackage, rootEObject)); } /** * Generates EObjects using the settings specified in <code>config</code>. * * @param configuration the ModelGeneratorConfiguration to use for generating EObjects * @return the validated root EObject of the resulting Ecore hierarchy * @see ModelGeneratorConfiguration */ public static EObject generateModel(ModelGeneratorConfiguration configuration) { config = configuration; ModelGeneratorHelper.init(config); EObject rootEObject = generateModel(); Map<EClass, List<EObject>> allObjectsByEClass = ModelGeneratorUtil.getAllClassesAndObjects(rootEObject); for(EClass eClass : allObjectsByEClass.keySet()) { for(EObject generatedEObject : allObjectsByEClass.get(eClass)) { generateReferences(generatedEObject, allObjectsByEClass); } } return rootEObject; } /** * Generates EObjects using the settings specified in <code>config</code>, showing * a ProgressBar during the generation process. This also allows to cancel the process. * * @param configuration the ModelGeneratorConfiguration to use for generating EObjects * @param monitor the progress of the generation process * @return the validated root EObject of the resulting Ecore hierarchy * @see ModelGeneratorConfiguration */ public static EObject generateModel(ModelGeneratorConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor) { config = configuration; ModelGeneratorHelper.init(config); monitor.beginTask("Generation progress", ModelGeneratorHelper.computeAmountOfWork()); EObject rootEObject = generateModel(monitor); Map<EClass, List<EObject>> allObjectsByEClass = ModelGeneratorUtil.getAllClassesAndObjects(rootEObject); for(EClass eClass : allObjectsByEClass.keySet()) { if(monitor.isCanceled()) { break; } for(EObject generatedEObject : allObjectsByEClass.get(eClass)) { if(monitor.isCanceled()) { break; } generateReferences(generatedEObject, allObjectsByEClass); } } monitor.done(); return rootEObject; } /** * The method that actually performs the generation. This can only be * accessed by calling {@link #generateModel(EPackage, EObject)} or * {@link #generateModel(ModelGeneratorConfiguration)} * * @return the valid root EObject used for generating the model * @see #generateModel(EPackage, EObject) * @see #generateModel(ModelGeneratorConfiguration) */ private static EObject generateModel() { EObject rootEObject = ModelGeneratorHelper.validateRoot(config.getRootEObject()); Map<Integer, List<EObject>> depthToParentObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<EObject>>(); List<EObject> parentsInThisDepth = new LinkedList<EObject>(); parentsInThisDepth.add(rootEObject); int currentDepth = 1; depthToParentObjects.put(2, new LinkedList<EObject>()); while(currentDepth <= config.getDepth()) { // for all parent EObjects in this depth for(EObject nextParentEObject : parentsInThisDepth) { List<EObject> children = generateChildren(nextParentEObject); // will the just created EObjects have children? if(currentDepth < config.getDepth()) { depthToParentObjects.get(currentDepth+1).addAll(children); } } // proceed to the next level currentDepth++; parentsInThisDepth = depthToParentObjects.get(currentDepth); depthToParentObjects.put((currentDepth+1), new LinkedList<EObject>()); } return rootEObject; } /** * The method that actually performs the generation. This can only be * accessed by calling {@link #generateModel(ModelGeneratorConfiguration, IProgressMonitor)}. * Shows a progress bar during the generation process. This also allows * to cancel the process. * * @param monitor the progress of the generation process * @return the valid root EObject used for generating the model * @see #generateModel(ModelGeneratorConfiguration, IProgressMonitor) */ private static EObject generateModel(IProgressMonitor monitor) { EObject rootEObject = ModelGeneratorHelper.validateRoot(config.getRootEObject()); Map<Integer, List<EObject>> depthToParentObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<EObject>>(); List<EObject> parentsInThisDepth = new LinkedList<EObject>(); parentsInThisDepth.add(rootEObject); int currentDepth = 1; depthToParentObjects.put(2, new LinkedList<EObject>()); while(currentDepth <= config.getDepth()) { if(monitor.isCanceled()) { break; } // for all parent EObjects in this depth for(EObject nextParentEObject : parentsInThisDepth) { if(monitor.isCanceled()) { break; } List<EObject> children = generateChildren(nextParentEObject); // will the just created EObjects have children? if(currentDepth < config.getDepth()) { depthToParentObjects.get(currentDepth+1).addAll(children); } monitor.worked(config.getWidth()); } // proceed to the next level currentDepth++; parentsInThisDepth = depthToParentObjects.get(currentDepth); depthToParentObjects.put((currentDepth+1), new LinkedList<EObject>()); } return rootEObject; } /** * Generates children for a certain parent EObject. Generation includes * setting containment references and attributes. All required references * are set first, thus the specified width might be exceeded. * * @param parentEObject the EObject to generate children for * @return all generated children as a list * @see #generateContainments(EObject, EReference, int) */ private static List<EObject> generateChildren(EObject parentEObject) { List<EObject> result = new LinkedList<EObject>(); // set all valid required references for(EReference reference : parentEObject.eClass().getEAllContainments()) { if(!ModelGeneratorHelper.isValid(parentEObject, reference)) { continue; } // reference's lowerBound is the maximum amount -> only necessary EObjects are created result.addAll(generateContainments(parentEObject, reference, reference.getLowerBound())); } List<EReference> possibleReferences = new LinkedList<EReference>(parentEObject.eClass().getEAllContainments()); // set all possible references until width EObjects are created for(int i=result.size(); i<config.getWidth() && !possibleReferences.isEmpty(); i++) { EReference reference = ModelGeneratorHelper.getRandomReference(parentEObject, possibleReferences); if(reference==null) { possibleReferences.remove(reference); i--; continue; } // create only one child to guarantee variety List<EObject> newChildren = generateContainments(parentEObject, reference, 1); if(newChildren.isEmpty()) { possibleReferences.remove(reference); i--; } result.addAll(newChildren); } return result; } /** * Creates <code>maxAmount</code> EObjects, if possible, and adds them as children * to <code>parentEObject</code>. * * @param parentEObject the EObject to add the created children to * @param reference the reference used to add the created children * @param maxAmount the maxAmount of EObjects to create as children * @return all created children as a list */ private static List<EObject> generateContainments(EObject parentEObject, EReference reference, int maxAmount) { // initialize the generation process List<EObject> result = new LinkedList<EObject>(); int index = ModelGeneratorHelper.getStartingIndex(parentEObject.eClass()); List<EClass> elementsToCreate = ModelGeneratorHelper.getElementsToCreate(reference); // repeat maxAmount times for(int i=0; i<maxAmount; i++) { EClass currentChildClass = ModelGeneratorHelper.getNextClassToCreate(elementsToCreate, index++); if(currentChildClass==null) { // no possible child left -> cancel the process break; } // create child and add it to parentEObject EObject newChild = ModelGeneratorHelper.setContainment(parentEObject, currentChildClass, reference); // was creating the child successful? if(newChild!=null) { result.add(newChild); } } // save index for later use ModelGeneratorHelper.updateIndex(parentEObject.eClass(), index); return result; } /** * Returns the Exception-Log for the last {@link #generateModel()}-call. * The log is empty if no RuntimeException occurred or <code>ignoreAndLog</code> * was set to <code>false</code> in the last configuration used. * * @return a set of RuntimeExceptions that occurred during the last generation process */ public static Set<RuntimeException> getLog() { return ModelGeneratorHelper.getExceptionLog(); } /** * Generates references (no containment references) for an EObject. * All valid references are set with EObjects generated during the generation process. * * @param eObject the EObject to set references for * @param allObjectsByEClass all possible EObjects that can be referenced, mapped to their EClass * @see ModelGeneratorHelper#setReference(EObject, EClass, EReference, Map) */ private static void generateReferences(EObject eObject, Map<EClass, List<EObject>> allObjectsByEClass) { for(EReference reference : ModelGeneratorHelper.getValidReferences(eObject)) { for(EClass nextReferenceClass : ModelGeneratorUtil.getReferenceClasses(reference, allObjectsByEClass.keySet())) { ModelGeneratorHelper.setReference(eObject, nextReferenceClass, reference, allObjectsByEClass); } } } }