package experiments.collective.entdoccentric; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import experiments.collective.entdoccentric.StandardQueryDataObject.EntityObject; import experiments.collective.entdoccentric.query.QueryGenerator; import experiments.collective.entdoccentric.query.QuerySettings; public class CollectiveTestApproach { public static final String entIndexDirectory = "/home/quh/Arbeitsfläche/Entpackung/Arbeitsfläche/Code_Data/LuceneCorpora/Lucene 4.1/NoStemmingKnowledgeBaseCalbCSmallBackup/"; public static final String docIndexDirectory = "/home/quh/Arbeitsfläche/Entpackung/Arbeitsfläche/Code_Data/LuceneCorpora/Lucene 4.1/NoStemmingCalbCSmall/"; private boolean fuzzy; private boolean withDescription; private IndexSearcher entISearcher; private IndexReader entIReader; private Query entQuery; private IndexSearcher docISearcher; private IndexReader docIReader; private Query docQuery; private ScoreDoc[] docScore; private Set<Bucket> rdyBuckets; private int qryId; public CollectiveTestApproach(boolean fuzzy, boolean standardSeacher, boolean withDescription) { File indexDir = new File(entIndexDirectory); File indexDir1 = new File(docIndexDirectory); this.fuzzy = fuzzy; this.withDescription = withDescription; try { Directory dir =; Directory dir1 =; entISearcher = new IndexSearcher(; entIReader =; docISearcher = new IndexSearcher(; docIReader =; if (!standardSeacher) { entISearcher.setSimilarity(new BM25Similarity()); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void search(StandardQueryDataObject object, int queryNumber) { this.qryId = queryNumber; List<Document> docDocList = new LinkedList<Document>(); Set<Bucket> buckets = new HashSet<Bucket>(); List<EntityObject> objects = object.getEnts(); for (int k = 0; k < objects.size(); ++k) { EntityObject obj = objects.get(k); // ENTITY CENTRIC CANDIDATES QuerySettings settings = new QuerySettings(); settings.setDocumentcentric(false); settings.setDescriptionFuzzy(fuzzy); settings.setQuery("ltr"); settings.setUseDescription(withDescription); entQuery = QueryGenerator.getInstance().createQuery(obj, settings); try { TopDocs top =, 10); ScoreDoc[] docs = top.scoreDocs; LinkedList<String> container = new LinkedList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) { container.add(entIReader.document(top.scoreDocs[i].doc) .get("ID")); } Bucket buck = new Bucket(); buck.setContainer(container); buck.setObjectPosition(k); buckets.add(buck); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Document Centric Algorithm to get a set of relevant documents! settings = new QuerySettings(); settings.setDocumentcentric(true); settings.setDescriptionFuzzy(fuzzy); settings.setQuery("std"); settings.setUseDescription(withDescription); docQuery = QueryGenerator.getInstance().createQuery(obj, settings); try { TopDocs top =, 101); docScore = top.scoreDocs; /** * Achtung! Damit der Test stimmt muss das Dokument, aus welchem * das Query entity stammt entfernt werden. Im Folgenden eher * als Hack realisiert. Muss noch besser implementiert werden. */ long objectId = Long.valueOf(object.getDocId()); for (int i = 0; i < docScore.length; i++) { long scoreDoc = Long.valueOf(docIReader.document( docScore[i].doc).get("id")); // System.out.println(scoreDoc); if (objectId != scoreDoc) { Document doc = docIReader.document(docScore[i].doc); docDocList.add(doc); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } this.rdyBuckets = new HashSet<Bucket>(); while (buckets.size() > 0) { Document currentBestDoc = checkCurrentBestDoc(docDocList, buckets); List<Bucket> rdy = extractRdyBuckets(currentBestDoc, buckets); rdyBuckets.addAll(rdy); for (Bucket rdyb : rdy) { if (buckets.contains(rdyb)) { buckets.remove(rdyb); } } } } private List<Bucket> extractRdyBuckets(Document doc, Set<Bucket> buckets) { List<Bucket> rdy = new LinkedList<Bucket>(); String concepts = doc.get("concept"); String[] arr = createConceptArray(concepts); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (Bucket bucket : buckets) { boolean add = false; for (String s : bucket.getContainer()) { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(arr[i])) { bucket.setEntity(arr[i]); rdy.add(bucket); add = true; break; } } if (add) { break; } } } return rdy; } private Document checkCurrentBestDoc(List<Document> docs, Set<Bucket> buck) { int max = 0; Document maxdoc = null; for (Document doc : docs) { int tempnr = 0; String concepts = doc.get("concept"); String[] arr = createConceptArray(concepts); for (Bucket bucket : buck) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { boolean add = false; for (String s : bucket.getContainer()) { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(arr[i])) { tempnr++; add = true; break; } } if (add) { break; } } } if (tempnr >= max) { max = tempnr; maxdoc = doc; } } System.out.println("Max wert: " + max + "Bucketanzahl: " + buck.size()); return maxdoc; } public void configureResultObject(List<TrecEvalResultObject> result, List<EntityObject> object) { // System.out.println(rdyBuckets.size()); for (int i = 0; i < rdyBuckets.size(); i++) { String[] resultStrings = new String[6]; resultStrings[0] = String.valueOf(qryId + i); resultStrings[1] = "Q0"; resultStrings[2] = String.valueOf(searchEntity(i)); resultStrings[3] = String.valueOf(i + 1); resultStrings[4] = String.valueOf(1); resultStrings[5] = "STANDARD"; result.get(i).setResult(resultStrings); LinkedList<String> str = object.get(i).getResultLinks(); HashMap<Integer, String> hashm = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (int j = 0; j < str.size(); j++) { hashm.put(str.get(j).hashCode(), str.get(j)); } String[][] optimalResultStrings = new String[hashm.size()][4]; int amountIt = 0; for (Integer key : hashm.keySet()) { optimalResultStrings[amountIt][0] = String.valueOf(qryId + i); optimalResultStrings[amountIt][1] = "Q0"; optimalResultStrings[amountIt][2] = hashm.get(key); optimalResultStrings[amountIt][3] = "1"; System.out.println(hashm.get(key)); amountIt++; } System.out.println("----------------------------------------------" + optimalResultStrings.length); result.get(i).setOptimalResult(optimalResultStrings); } } private String searchEntity(int i) { for (Bucket b : rdyBuckets) { if (b.getObjectPosition() == i) { return b.getEntity(); } } return null; } private String[] createConceptArray(String str) { List<String> lst = new LinkedList<String>(); str = str.trim(); String[] arr = str.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (!arr[i].equalsIgnoreCase("") && analyseConcept(arr[i])) { // if(randomNr % 5 == 0) { lst.add(generateID(arr[i].toUpperCase())); // } } } String[] result = new String[lst.size()]; lst.toArray(result); return result; } private boolean analyseConcept(String str) { String[] arr = str.split(":"); // System.out.println(arr.length); if (arr.length < 3) { return false; } if (arr[2] == null || arr[2].equalsIgnoreCase("")) { return false; } return true; } private String generateID(String line) { String[] splitter = line.split(":"); String link = ""; if (splitter[1].equalsIgnoreCase("uniprot") && !splitter[2].equalsIgnoreCase("") && splitter[2] != null) { link = "UN_" + splitter[2]; } else if (splitter[1].equalsIgnoreCase("entrezgene") && !splitter[2].equalsIgnoreCase("") && splitter[2] != null) { link = "NC_" + splitter[2]; } else if (splitter[1].equalsIgnoreCase("umls") && !splitter[2].equalsIgnoreCase("") && splitter[2] != null) { link = "LI_" + splitter[2]; } else if (splitter[1].equalsIgnoreCase("ncbi") && !splitter[2].equalsIgnoreCase("") && splitter[2] != null) { link = "NC_" + splitter[2]; } else if (splitter[1].equalsIgnoreCase("disease") && !splitter[2].equalsIgnoreCase("") && splitter[2] != null) { link = "LI_" + splitter[2]; } return link; } public class Bucket { private LinkedList<String> container; private int objectPosition; private String entity; public LinkedList<String> getContainer() { return container; } public void setContainer(LinkedList<String> container) { this.container = container; } public int getObjectPosition() { return objectPosition; } public void setObjectPosition(int objectPosition) { this.objectPosition = objectPosition; } public String getEntity() { return entity; } public void setEntity(String entity) { this.entity = entity; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Bucket)) return false; return this.objectPosition == ((Bucket) obj).objectPosition; } public int hashCode() { return objectPosition; } } }