package doser.entitydisambiguation.table.columndisambiguation; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jgrapht.alg.FloydWarshallShortestPaths; import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph; import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultWeightedEdge; import; import doser.entitydisambiguation.table.logic.LearnToRankTableDisambiguationOutput; import doser.entitydisambiguation.table.logic.Table; import doser.entitydisambiguation.table.logic.TableCell; import doser.entitydisambiguation.table.logic.TableColumn; import doser.entitydisambiguation.table.logic.Type; import; public class ColumnDisAlgorithm { class RankedType implements Comparable<RankedType> { private final double[] featureVals; private final Type type; RankedType(final Type type, final double[] featureVals) { super(); this.type = type; double sum = 0; for (final double featureVal : featureVals) { sum += featureVal; } this.featureVals = featureVals; this.type.setWeightedScore(sum); } @Override public int compareTo(final RankedType arg0) { if (this.type.getWeightedScore() < arg0.getScore()) { return 1; } else if (this.type.getWeightedScore() == arg0.getScore()) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } public double[] getFeatureVals() { return this.featureVals; } public double getScore() { return this.type.getWeightedScore(); } public Type getType() { return this.type; } } private final static int GRAPHDEPTH = 4; /** * SubtypeVersion 0 = Use Yago/Wordnet abstract types with max additional * depth = 1 SubtypeVersion 1 = Use Yago/Wordnet abstract types with max * additional depth = GRAPHDEPTH // Not implemented yet SubtypeVersion 2 = * Use DBPedia Skos Broader abstract types // not implemented yed */ private final static int SUBTYPEVERSION = 0; private final AbstractTypeDisFeatures[] features; private List<String> gt; private InverseDocumentFrequencyFeature invDocFeature; private final LearnToRankTableDisambiguationOutput ltroutput; private final int numberBestOf; private int qryId; public ColumnDisAlgorithm() { super(); this.features = new AbstractTypeDisFeatures[2]; this.numberBestOf = 1; this.ltroutput = new LearnToRankTableDisambiguationOutput(); this.qryId = 0; } public ColumnDisAlgorithm(final int bestOf) { super(); this.features = new AbstractTypeDisFeatures[2]; this.numberBestOf = bestOf; this.ltroutput = new LearnToRankTableDisambiguationOutput(); this.qryId = 0; } private boolean checkColumnHeader(final Type type, final DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> g, final String header) { if (!header.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { if (type.getLayer() == 1) { if (!this.checkHeaderOnTransitiveTypes(g, type, header, 0)) { return false; } } else if (type.getLayer() > 1) { if (!this.matchHeaderString(type, header)) { return false; } } } return true; } private boolean checkHeaderOnTransitiveTypes( final DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> g, final Type type, final String header, final int call) { if (this.matchHeaderString(type, header)) { return true; } else if (call == 3) { return false; } else { final Set<DefaultWeightedEdge> edgeSet = g.outgoingEdgesOf(type); final List<Type> l = new LinkedList<Type>(); for (final DefaultWeightedEdge defaultWeightedEdge : edgeSet) { l.add(g.getEdgeTarget(defaultWeightedEdge)); } for (final Type type2 : l) { if (this.checkHeaderOnTransitiveTypes(g, type2, header, (call + 1))) { return true; } } return false; } } private boolean checkYagoCategory(final Type type, final DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> g) { final Set<Type> vSet = g.vertexSet(); for (final Type type2 : vSet) { if (type2.getLayer() == 1) { String falseType = type2.getUri(); String correctedString = ""; if (falseType.contains("Category:")) { final String[] splitter = falseType.split(":"); correctedString = "" + splitter[2]; } else { correctedString = falseType; } final List<Type> t = RDFGraphOperations .queryYagoCategories(correctedString); for (final Type type3 : t) { falseType = type.getUri(); correctedString = ""; if (falseType.contains("Category:")) { final String[] splitter = falseType.split(":"); correctedString = "" + splitter[2]; } else { correctedString = falseType; } if (type3.getUri().equalsIgnoreCase(correctedString)) { return true; } } } } return false; } private void correctFollowingEdges( final DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> g, final Type basicVertex, final double weight) { List<Type> fVertexes = new LinkedList<Type>(); final Set<DefaultWeightedEdge> set = g.outgoingEdgesOf(basicVertex); for (final DefaultWeightedEdge defaultWeightedEdge : set) { fVertexes.add(g.getEdgeTarget(defaultWeightedEdge)); } while (true) { final List<Type> followingcVertexes = new LinkedList<Type>(); for (final Type type : fVertexes) { this.findAccumulatedWeightAndSet(g, type, weight); final Set<DefaultWeightedEdge> eSet = g.outgoingEdgesOf(type); for (final DefaultWeightedEdge defaultWeightedEdge : eSet) { followingcVertexes .add(g.getEdgeTarget(defaultWeightedEdge)); } } if (followingcVertexes.isEmpty()) { break; } else { fVertexes = followingcVertexes; } } } private List<Type> createSubtypeVersion0( final DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> g, final List<Type> lastlayerTypes) { final List<Type> newCreatedTypes = new LinkedList<Type>(); for (final Type type : lastlayerTypes) { final List<Type> preD = RDFGraphOperations .getWordnetPredecessorTypesOfDbPediaCategory(type.getUri(), 2); for (final Type t : preD) { if (g.containsVertex(t)) { final double accWeight = this .findAccumulatedWeight(g, type); this.findAccumulatedWeightAndSet(g, t, accWeight); final DefaultWeightedEdge e = new DefaultWeightedEdge(); g.setEdgeWeight(e, 1.0); g.addEdge(type, t, e); } else { g.addVertex(t); final double accWeight = this .findAccumulatedWeight(g, type); this.findAccumulatedWeightAndSet(g, t, accWeight); final DefaultWeightedEdge e = new DefaultWeightedEdge(); g.setEdgeWeight(e, 1.0); g.addEdge(type, t, e); newCreatedTypes.add(t); } } } return newCreatedTypes; } private List<Type> createSubtypeVersion1( final DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> g, final List<Type> lastlayerTypes) { final List<Type> newCreatedTypes = new LinkedList<Type>(); for (final Type type : lastlayerTypes) { final List<Type> preD = RDFGraphOperations .queryWordnetTypePredecessor(type.getUri(), 3); for (final Type t : preD) { if (g.containsVertex(t)) { final double accWeight = this .findAccumulatedWeight(g, type); this.findAccumulatedWeightAndSet(g, t, accWeight); final DefaultWeightedEdge e = new DefaultWeightedEdge(); g.setEdgeWeight(e, 1.0); g.addEdge(type, t, e); this.correctFollowingEdges(g, t, accWeight); } else { g.addVertex(t); final double accWeight = this .findAccumulatedWeight(g, type); this.findAccumulatedWeightAndSet(g, t, accWeight); final DefaultWeightedEdge e = new DefaultWeightedEdge(); g.setEdgeWeight(e, 1.0); g.addEdge(type, t, e); newCreatedTypes.add(t); } } } return newCreatedTypes; } private void createSubtypeVersion2( final DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> g, final List<Type> lastlayerTypes) { for (final Type type : lastlayerTypes) { final List<Type> preD = RDFGraphOperations .queryWordnetTypePredecessor(type.getUri(), 3); for (final Type t : preD) { if (g.containsVertex(t)) { final double accWeight = this .findAccumulatedWeight(g, type); this.findAccumulatedWeightAndSet(g, t, accWeight); final DefaultWeightedEdge e = new DefaultWeightedEdge(); g.setEdgeWeight(e, 1.0); g.addEdge(type, t, e); this.correctFollowingEdges(g, t, accWeight); } else { g.addVertex(t); final double accWeight = this .findAccumulatedWeight(g, type); this.findAccumulatedWeightAndSet(g, t, accWeight); final DefaultWeightedEdge e = new DefaultWeightedEdge(); g.setEdgeWeight(e, 1.0); g.addEdge(type, t, e); } } } } public void disambiguateTypes(final Table table, final List<String> columnGroundTruth) { = columnGroundTruth; final int nrC = table.getNumberofColumns(); final Set<TableColumn> s = new LinkedHashSet<TableColumn>(); for (int i = 0; i < nrC; i++) { final TableColumn c = table.getColumn(i); // Generate Type tree final DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> g = this .generateTypeGraph(c.getCellList()); final FloydWarshallShortestPaths<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> floydWarshall = new FloydWarshallShortestPaths<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge>( g); // Initialize features this.features[0] = new NumberOfEntitiesFeature(g); // this.features[0] = new IncreaseOfEntitiesFeature(g); this.features[1] = new InverseDocumentFrequencyFeature(g); // this.features[2] = new LayerVarianceFeature(g); this.invDocFeature = new InverseDocumentFrequencyFeature(g); // Rank CandidateList RankedType[] resultSet = null; final Set<Type> typeSet = this.filterRelevantTypes(g.vertexSet(), g, c.getHeader()); if (typeSet.size() == 0) { resultSet = this.rankTypes(g.vertexSet(), this.numberBestOf, i); } else { resultSet = this.rankTypes(typeSet, this.numberBestOf, i); // resultSet = new RankedType[0]; } for (final RankedType element : resultSet) { if (element != null) { c.addPossibleType(element.getType()); } } this.qryId++; s.add(c); } // HillClimbingColumnDisambiguation dis = new HillClimbingColumnDisambiguation( // s); // Problem p = new Problem(dis, // TypeRankHillClimbingFactory.getActionsFunction(), // TypeRankHillClimbingFactory.getResultFunction(), // new TypeRankHillClimbingGoalTest()); // Search search = new HillClimbingSearch( // new TypeRankHillClimbingHeuristicFunction()); // try { // SearchAgent agent = new SearchAgent(p, search); // // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } } private Set<Type> filterRelevantTypes(final Set<Type> types, final DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> g, final String header) { final Set<Type> relevantTypes = new HashSet<Type>(); for (final Type type : types) { if ((type.getAccumulatedWeight() > 1.0) && this.checkColumnHeader(type, g, header) && this.checkYagoCategory(type, g)) { relevantTypes.add(type); } } return relevantTypes; } private double findAccumulatedWeight( final DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> g, final Type t) { final Set<Type> typeSet = g.vertexSet(); for (final Type type : typeSet) { if (type.hashCode() == t.hashCode()) { return type.getAccumulatedWeight(); } } return 0; } private void findAccumulatedWeightAndSet( final DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> g, final Type t, final double val) { final Set<Type> typeSet = g.vertexSet(); for (final Type type : typeSet) { if (type.hashCode() == t.hashCode()) { type.setAccumulatedWeight(type.getAccumulatedWeight() + val); } } } private DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> generateTypeGraph( final List<TableCell> cellList) { final List<Type> lastLayer = new LinkedList<Type>(); final DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> g = new DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge>( DefaultWeightedEdge.class); final Set<Type> tSet = new HashSet<Type>(); // Add all entity instances for (int i = 0; i < cellList.size(); i++) { final TableCell c = cellList.get(i); final Type t = new Type(c.getDisambigutedContentString(), c.getDisambiguatedContent(), false, 0); t.setAccumulatedWeight(0.0); if (!tSet.contains(t)) { g.addVertex(t); tSet.add(t); } final Set<Type> types = RDFGraphOperations .getDbpediaCategoriesFromEntity(c.getDisambiguatedContent()); for (final Type type : types) { if (this.typeFilter(type)) { if (g.containsVertex(type)) { this.findAccumulatedWeightAndSet(g, type, 1.0); final DefaultWeightedEdge e = new DefaultWeightedEdge(); g.setEdgeWeight(e, 1.0); g.addEdge(t, type, e); } else { g.addVertex(type); type.setAccumulatedWeight(1.0); final DefaultWeightedEdge e = new DefaultWeightedEdge(); g.setEdgeWeight(e, 1.0); g.addEdge(t, type, e); lastLayer.add(type); } } } } final List<Type> lastCreatedTypes = this.createSubtypeVersion0(g, lastLayer); // lastCreatedTypes = createSubtypeVersion1(g, lastCreatedTypes); // createSubtypeVersion2(g, lastCreatedTypes); // // Step deeper into the graph // int depth = 1; // while (depth < GRAPHDEPTH) { // HashSet<Type> hashset = new HashSet<Type>(); // for (int i = 0; i < lastLayer.size(); i++) { // Type type = lastLayer.get(i); // List<Type> sTypes = RDFGraphOperations // .getYagoSuperTypesFromType(type); // List<Type> newTypes = new LinkedList<Type>(); // for (int j = 0; j < sTypes.size(); j++) { // Type t = sTypes.get(j); // if (g.containsVertex(t)) { // double accWeight = findAccumulatedWeight(g, type); // findAccumulatedWeightAndSet(g, t, accWeight); // DefaultWeightedEdge e = new DefaultWeightedEdge(); // g.setEdgeWeight(e, 1.0); // g.addEdge(type, t, e); // // We still have to find the ascending types and adapt // // them // correctFollowingEdges(g, t, accWeight); // } else { // g.addVertex(t); // type.setLayer(depth + 1); // findAccumulatedWeightAndSet(g, t, // findAccumulatedWeight(g, type)); // DefaultWeightedEdge e = new DefaultWeightedEdge(); // g.setEdgeWeight(e, 1.0); // g.addEdge(type, t, e); // newTypes.add(t); // } // } // hashset.addAll(newTypes); // // List<Type> cLayer = new LinkedList<Type>(); // // cLayer.addAll(sTypes); // } // lastLayer.clear(); // lastLayer.addAll(hashset); // depth++; // } return g; } // private void markRelevantTypes( // DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<Type, DefaultWeightedEdge> g, // String header) { // if (!header.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { // boolean hasCandidate = false; // Set<Type> set = g.vertexSet(); // for (Iterator<Type> iterator = set.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { // Type type = (Type); // if (!checkTransitiveTypes(g, type, header, 0)) { // type.setRelevant(false); // } else { // hasCandidate = true; // } // } // if (!hasCandidate) { // for (Iterator<Type> iterator = set.iterator(); iterator // .hasNext();) { // Type type = (Type); // type.setRelevant(true); // } // } // } // } private boolean matchHeaderString(final Type type, final String header) { final Set<String> hash = new HashSet<String>(); final String[] split = header.split(" "); for (final String element : split) { final String[] specialCharsplit = element.split("\\\\|\\(|\\)|/"); // Remove plural s if (specialCharsplit.length > 0) { if (specialCharsplit[0].endsWith("s")) { specialCharsplit[0] = specialCharsplit[0].substring(0, specialCharsplit[0].length() - 1); } hash.add(specialCharsplit[0].toLowerCase()); } } final File file = new File(Properties.getInstance() .getTypeLuceneIndex()); Directory dir; try { dir =; final IndexReader iReader =; final IndexSearcher iSearcher = new IndexSearcher(iReader); for (final String string : hash) { BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery(); bq.add(new TermQuery(new Term("Type", type.getUri() .toLowerCase())), Occur.MUST); FuzzyQuery fq = new FuzzyQuery(new Term("PrefLabel", string)); bq.add(fq, Occur.MUST); TopDocs top =, 1); ScoreDoc[] score = top.scoreDocs; if (score.length > 0) { return true; } else { bq = new BooleanQuery(); bq.add(new TermQuery(new Term("Type", type.getUri() .toLowerCase())), Occur.MUST); fq = new FuzzyQuery(new Term("Synonyms", string)); bq.add(fq, Occur.MUST); top =, 1); score = top.scoreDocs; if (score.length > 0) { return true; } } } } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } /** * Compute linear combination of various features. Those features are * weighted by Sofia-Ml Learn To Rank Machine Learning software * * @param type * Type to rank * @return final scoreValue */ private double[] rankType(final Type type, final int column) { try { final String gt =; if (!gt.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { final String[] splitter = gt.split(" "); for (final String element : splitter) { String typeUri = type.getUri(); if (typeUri.contains("dbpedia")) { final String[] splitter1 = typeUri.split(":"); typeUri = "" + splitter1[2]; } if (element.equalsIgnoreCase(typeUri)) { type.setCorrect(); } } } } catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } final double[] featureVals = new double[this.features.length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.features.length; i++) { featureVals[i] = this.features[i].computeFeature(type); } return featureVals; } private RankedType[] rankTypes(final Set<Type> typesToRank, final int bestOf, final int column) { final RankedType[] result = new RankedType[bestOf]; final List<RankedType> l = new LinkedList<ColumnDisAlgorithm.RankedType>(); for (final Type type : typesToRank) { if (type.isType() && type.isRelevant()) { final double[] featureVals = this.rankType(type, column); final RankedType rt = new RankedType(type, featureVals); l.add(rt); } } Collections.sort(l); for (final RankedType rankedType : l) { if (( != null) && ( != 0)) { if (!"")) { final LearntoRankOutputObject obj = new LearntoRankOutputObject( rankedType.getType().isCorrect(), this.qryId, rankedType.getFeatureVals()); this.ltroutput.writeQueryResult(obj); } } } for (int i = 0; i < bestOf; i++) { if (l.size() > i) { result[i] = l.get(i); } } return result; } private boolean typeFilter(final Type type) { final String uri = type.getUri(); if (uri.contains("Living_people") || uri.contains("English-language_films")) { return false; } final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[+-]?[0-9]+"); final Matcher m = p.matcher(uri); if (m.find()) { return false; } return true; } }