package; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.util.Log; import org.alljoyn.bus.BusException; import org.alljoyn.bus.Variant; import; import org.allseen.LSF.ControllerService.Lamp; import org.allseen.LSF.LampDetails; import org.allseen.LSF.LampState; import org.allseen.LSF.ResponseCode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.deviceconnect.message.DConnectMessage; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Light profile for AllJoyn. * * @author NTT DOCOMO, INC. */ public class AllJoynLightProfile extends LightProfile { private final static int TRANSITION_PERIOD = 10; // TODO: Use property LampID in org.allseen.LSF.LampDetails instead. private static final String LIGHT_ID_SELF = "self"; /** * RGBの文字列の長さ. */ private static final int RGB_LENGTH = 6; private enum LampServiceType { TYPE_SINGLE_LAMP, TYPE_LAMP_CONTROLLER, TYPE_UNKNOWN, } private Map<String, FlashingExecutor> mFlashingMap = new HashMap<String, FlashingExecutor>(); public AllJoynLightProfile() { addApi(mGetLightApi); addApi(mPostLightApi); addApi(mPutLightApi); addApi(mDeleteLightApi); } AllJoynDeviceApplication getApplication() { return (AllJoynDeviceApplication) getContext().getApplicationContext(); } private final DConnectApi mGetLightApi = new DConnectApi() { @Override public Method getMethod() { return Method.GET; } @Override public boolean onRequest(final Intent request, final Intent response) { final AllJoynServiceEntity service = ((AllJoynService) getService()).getEntity(); switch (getLampServiceType(service)) { case TYPE_SINGLE_LAMP: { onGetLightForSingleLamp(request, response, service); return false; } case TYPE_LAMP_CONTROLLER: { onGetLightForLampController(request, response, service); return false; } case TYPE_UNKNOWN: default: { setUnsupportedError(response); return true; } } } }; private void onGetLightForSingleLamp(@NonNull Intent request, @NonNull final Intent response , @NonNull final AllJoynServiceEntity service) { final AllJoynDeviceApplication app = getApplication(); OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback callback = new OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback() { @Override public void onSessionJoined(@NonNull String busName, short port, int sessionId) { LampState proxy = app.getInterface(busName, sessionId, LampState.class); if (proxy == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain a proxy object for org.allseen.LSF.LampState ."); sendResponse(response); return; } List<Bundle> lights = new ArrayList<>(); Bundle light = new Bundle(); try { light.putString(PARAM_LIGHT_ID, LIGHT_ID_SELF); light.putString(PARAM_NAME, service.serviceName); light.putString(PARAM_CONFIG, ""); light.putBoolean(PARAM_ON, proxy.getOnOff()); lights.add(light); } catch (BusException e) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, e.getLocalizedMessage()); sendResponse(response); return; } response.putExtra(PARAM_LIGHTS, lights.toArray(new Bundle[lights.size()])); setResultOK(response); sendResponse(response); } @Override public void onSessionFailed(@NonNull String busName, short port) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to join session."); sendResponse(response); } };, service.busName, service.port, callback); } private void onGetLightForLampController(@NonNull Intent request, @NonNull final Intent response , @NonNull final AllJoynServiceEntity service) { final AllJoynDeviceApplication app = getApplication(); OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback callback = new OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback() { @Override public void onSessionJoined(@NonNull String busName, short port, int sessionId) { Lamp proxy = app.getInterface(busName, sessionId, Lamp.class); if (proxy == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain a proxy object for org.allseen.LSF.ControllerService.Lamp ."); sendResponse(response); return; } List<Bundle> lights = new ArrayList<>(); try { Lamp.GetAllLampIDs_return_value_uas lampIDsResponse = proxy.getAllLampIDs(); if (lampIDsResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain lamp IDs (code: " + lampIDsResponse.responseCode + ")."); sendResponse(response); return; } for (String lampId : lampIDsResponse.lampIDs) { Bundle light = new Bundle(); light.putString(PARAM_LIGHT_ID, lampId); Lamp.GetLampName_return_value_usss lampNameResponse = proxy.getLampName(lampId, service.defaultLanguage); if (lampNameResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Failed to obtain the lamp name (code: " + lampNameResponse.responseCode + "). Skipping this lamp..."); } continue; } Lamp.GetLampState_return_value_usa_sv lampStateResponse = proxy.getLampState(lampId); if (lampStateResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Failed to obtain the on/off state (code: " + lampStateResponse.responseCode + "). Skipping this lamp..."); } continue; } boolean isOn = lampStateResponse.lampState.get("OnOff") .getObject(boolean.class); light.putString(PARAM_NAME, lampNameResponse.lampName); light.putString(PARAM_CONFIG, ""); light.putBoolean(PARAM_ON, isOn); lights.add(light); } } catch (BusException e) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, e.getLocalizedMessage()); sendResponse(response); return; } response.putExtra(PARAM_LIGHTS, lights.toArray(new Bundle[lights.size()])); setResultOK(response); sendResponse(response); } @Override public void onSessionFailed(@NonNull String busName, short port) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to join session."); sendResponse(response); } };, service.busName, service.port, callback); } private final DConnectApi mPostLightApi = new DConnectApi() { @Override public Method getMethod() { return Method.POST; } @Override public boolean onRequest(final Intent request, final Intent response) { final String serviceId = getServiceID(request); final String lightId = getLightId(request); final Double brightness = getBrightness(request); final long[] flashing = getFlashing(request); final AllJoynServiceEntity service = ((AllJoynService) getService()).getEntity(); int[] colors = getColors(request); if (colors == null) { MessageUtils.setInvalidRequestParameterError(response, "Parameter 'color' is invalid."); return true; } switch (getLampServiceType(service)) { case TYPE_SINGLE_LAMP: { onPostLightForSingleLamp(request, response, service, serviceId, lightId, brightness, colors, flashing); return false; } case TYPE_LAMP_CONTROLLER: { onPostLightForLampController(request, response, service, serviceId, lightId, brightness, colors, flashing); return false; } case TYPE_UNKNOWN: default: { setUnsupportedError(response); return true; } } } }; private void onPostLightForSingleLamp(final Intent request, final Intent response, final AllJoynServiceEntity service, final String serviceId, final String lightId, final Double brightness, final int[] color, final long[] flashing) { final AllJoynDeviceApplication app = getApplication(); if (flashing != null) { flashing(brightness, color, lightId, flashing); //do not check result of flashing setResultOK(response); sendResponse(response); }else { OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback callback = new OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback() { @Override public void onSessionJoined(final String busName, final short port, final int sessionId) { final LampState proxyState = app.getInterface(busName, sessionId, LampState.class); final LampDetails proxyDetails = app.getInterface(busName, sessionId, LampDetails.class); if (proxyState == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain a proxy object for org.allseen.LSF.LampState ."); sendResponse(response); return; } if (proxyDetails == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain a proxy object for org.allseen.LSF.LampDetails ."); sendResponse(response); return; } try { final HashMap<String, Variant> newStates = new HashMap<>(); // NOTE: Arithmetic operations in primitive types may lead to arithmetic // overflow. To retain precision, BigDecimal objects are used. newStates.put("OnOff", new Variant(true, "b")); if (proxyDetails.getColor() && color != null) { int[] hsb = ColorUtil.convertRGB_8_8_8_To_HSB_32_32_32(color); newStates.put("Hue", new Variant(hsb[0], "u")); newStates.put("Saturation", new Variant(hsb[1], "u")); } if (proxyDetails.getDimmable() && brightness != null) { // [0, 1] -> [0, 0xffffffff] BigDecimal tmp = BigDecimal.valueOf(0xffffffffL); tmp = tmp.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(brightness)); long scaledVal = tmp.longValue(); int intScaledVal = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(scaledVal).getInt(4); newStates.put("Brightness", new Variant(intScaledVal, "u")); } int responseCode = proxyState.transitionLampState(0, newStates, TRANSITION_PERIOD); if (responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to change lamp states (code: " + responseCode + ")."); sendResponse(response); return; } } catch (BusException e) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, e.getLocalizedMessage()); sendResponse(response); return; } setResultOK(response); sendResponse(response); } @Override public void onSessionFailed(final String busName, final short port) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to join session."); sendResponse(response); } };, service.busName, service.port, callback); } } private void onPostLightForLampController(final Intent request, final Intent response, final AllJoynServiceEntity service, final String serviceId, final String lightId, final Double brightness, final int[] color, final long[] flashing) { if (flashing != null) { flashingForController(response, brightness, color, lightId, flashing); //do not check result of flashing setResultOK(response); sendResponse(response); } else { final AllJoynDeviceApplication app = getApplication(); OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback callback = new OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback() { @Override public void onSessionJoined(final String busName, final short port, final int sessionId) { Lamp proxy = app.getInterface(busName, sessionId, Lamp.class); if (proxy == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain a proxy object for org.allseen.LSF.ControllerService.Lamp ."); sendResponse(response); return; } try { Lamp.GetAllLampIDs_return_value_uas getAllLampIDsResponse = proxy.getAllLampIDs(); if (getAllLampIDsResponse == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain lamp IDs."); sendResponse(response); return; } else if (getAllLampIDsResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain lamp IDs (code: " + getAllLampIDsResponse.responseCode + ")."); sendResponse(response); return; } String _lightId = lightId; if (_lightId == null) { _lightId = getAllLampIDsResponse.lampIDs[0]; } else if (!Arrays.asList(getAllLampIDsResponse.lampIDs).contains(_lightId)) { MessageUtils.setInvalidRequestParameterError(response, "A light with ID specified by 'lightId' not found."); sendResponse(response); return; } Lamp.GetLampDetails_return_value_usa_sv lampDetailsResponse = proxy.getLampDetails(_lightId); if (lampDetailsResponse == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain lamp details."); sendResponse(response); return; } else if (lampDetailsResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain lamp details (code: " + lampDetailsResponse.responseCode + ")."); sendResponse(response); return; } HashMap<String, Variant> newStates = new HashMap<>(); // NOTE: Arithmetic operations in primitive types may lead to arithmetic // overflow. To retain precision, BigDecimal objects are used. newStates.put("OnOff", new Variant(true, "b")); if (lampDetailsResponse.lampDetails.containsKey("Color")) { if (lampDetailsResponse.lampDetails.get("Color").getObject(boolean.class) && color != null) { int[] hsb = ColorUtil.convertRGB_8_8_8_To_HSB_32_32_32(color); newStates.put("Hue", new Variant(hsb[0], "u")); newStates.put("Saturation", new Variant(hsb[1], "u")); } } else { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Color support is not described in the lamp details. " + "Assuming it is not supported..."); } } if (lampDetailsResponse.lampDetails.containsKey("Dimmable")) { if (lampDetailsResponse.lampDetails.get("Dimmable").getObject(boolean.class) && brightness != null) { // [0, 1] -> [0, 0xffffffff] BigDecimal tmp = BigDecimal.valueOf(0xffffffffL); tmp = tmp.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(brightness)); long scaledVal = tmp.longValue(); int intScaledVal = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(scaledVal).getInt(4); newStates.put("Brightness", new Variant(intScaledVal, "u")); } } else { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Dim support is not described in the lamp details. " + "Assuming it is not supported..."); } } Lamp.TransitionLampState_return_value_us transLampStateResponse = proxy.transitionLampState(_lightId, newStates, TRANSITION_PERIOD); if (transLampStateResponse == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to change lamp states (not get transitionLampState)."); sendResponse(response); return; } else if (transLampStateResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to change lamp states (code: " + transLampStateResponse.responseCode + ")."); sendResponse(response); return; } } catch (BusException e) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, e.getLocalizedMessage()); sendResponse(response); return; } setResultOK(response); sendResponse(response); } @Override public void onSessionFailed(@NonNull String busName, short port) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to join session."); sendResponse(response); } };, service.busName, service.port, callback); } } private final DConnectApi mDeleteLightApi = new DConnectApi() { @Override public Method getMethod() { return Method.DELETE; } @Override public boolean onRequest(final Intent request, final Intent response) { final String lightId = getLightId(request); final AllJoynServiceEntity service = ((AllJoynService) getService()).getEntity(); switch (getLampServiceType(service)) { case TYPE_SINGLE_LAMP: { onDeleteLightForSingleLamp(request, response, service, lightId); return false; } case TYPE_LAMP_CONTROLLER: { onDeleteLightForLampController(request, response, service, lightId); return false; } case TYPE_UNKNOWN: default: { setUnsupportedError(response); return true; } } } }; private void onDeleteLightForSingleLamp(@NonNull Intent request, @NonNull final Intent response , @NonNull final AllJoynServiceEntity service, @NonNull String lightId) { final AllJoynDeviceApplication app = getApplication(); OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback callback = new OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback() { @Override public void onSessionJoined(@NonNull String busName, short port, int sessionId) { LampState proxy = app.getInterface(busName, sessionId, LampState.class); if (proxy == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain a proxy object for org.allseen.LSF.LampState ."); sendResponse(response); return; } try { proxy.setOnOff(false); } catch (BusException e) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, e.getLocalizedMessage()); sendResponse(response); return; } setResultOK(response); sendResponse(response); } @Override public void onSessionFailed(@NonNull String busName, short port) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to join session."); sendResponse(response); } };, service.busName, service.port, callback); } private void onDeleteLightForLampController(@NonNull Intent request , @NonNull final Intent response, @NonNull final AllJoynServiceEntity service , @NonNull final String lightId) { final AllJoynDeviceApplication app = getApplication(); OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback callback = new OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback() { @Override public void onSessionJoined(@NonNull String busName, short port, int sessionId) { Lamp proxy = app.getInterface(busName, sessionId, Lamp.class); if (proxy == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain a proxy object for org.allseen.LSF.ControllerService.Lamp ."); sendResponse(response); return; } try { Lamp.GetAllLampIDs_return_value_uas getAllLampIDsResponse = proxy.getAllLampIDs(); if (getAllLampIDsResponse == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain lamp IDs."); sendResponse(response); return; } else if (getAllLampIDsResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain lamp IDs (code: " + getAllLampIDsResponse.responseCode + ")."); sendResponse(response); return; } String _lightId = lightId; if (_lightId == null) { _lightId = getAllLampIDsResponse.lampIDs[0]; } else if (!Arrays.asList(getAllLampIDsResponse.lampIDs).contains(_lightId)) { MessageUtils.setInvalidRequestParameterError(response, "A light with ID specified by 'lightId' not found."); sendResponse(response); return; } Map<String, Variant> newStates = new HashMap<>(); newStates.put("OnOff", new Variant(false, "b")); Lamp.TransitionLampState_return_value_us transLampStateResponse = proxy.transitionLampState(_lightId, newStates, TRANSITION_PERIOD); if (transLampStateResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to turn off the light (code: " + transLampStateResponse.responseCode + ")."); sendResponse(response); return; } } catch (BusException e) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, e.getLocalizedMessage()); sendResponse(response); return; } setResultOK(response); sendResponse(response); } @Override public void onSessionFailed(@NonNull String busName, short port) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to join session."); sendResponse(response); } };, service.busName, service.port, callback); } private final DConnectApi mPutLightApi = new DConnectApi() { @Override public Method getMethod() { return Method.PUT; } @Override public boolean onRequest(final Intent request, final Intent response) { final String serviceId = getServiceID(request); final String name = getName(request); final String lightId = getLightId(request); final Double brightness = getBrightness(request); final long[] flashing = getFlashing(request); final AllJoynServiceEntity service = ((AllJoynService) getService()).getEntity(); if (service == null) { MessageUtils.setNotFoundServiceError(response); return true; } if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { MessageUtils.setInvalidRequestParameterError(response, "name is invalid."); return true; } int[] colors = getColors(request); if (colors == null) { MessageUtils.setInvalidRequestParameterError(response, "Parameter 'color' is invalid."); return true; } switch (getLampServiceType(service)) { case TYPE_SINGLE_LAMP: { onPutLightForSingleLamp(request, response, service, serviceId, lightId, name, brightness, colors, flashing); return false; } case TYPE_LAMP_CONTROLLER: { onPutLightForLampController(request, response, service, serviceId, lightId, name, brightness, colors, flashing); return false; } case TYPE_UNKNOWN: default: { setUnsupportedError(response); return true; } } } }; // TODO: Implement name change functionality using AllJoyn Config service. private void onPutLightForSingleLamp(@NonNull Intent request, @NonNull final Intent response , @NonNull AllJoynServiceEntity service, final String serviceId, @NonNull final String lightId, String name , final Double brightness, final int[] color, final long[] flashing) { if (brightness != null && (brightness < 0 || brightness > 1)) { MessageUtils.setInvalidRequestParameterError(response, "Parameter 'brightness' must be within range [0, 1]."); sendResponse(response); return; } if (color != null && color.length != 3) { MessageUtils.setInvalidRequestParameterError(response, "Parameter 'color' must be a string representing " + "an RGB hexadecimal (e.g. ff0000)."); sendResponse(response); return; } if (flashing != null) { flashing(brightness, color, lightId, flashing); //do not check result of flashing setResultOK(response); sendResponse(response); } else { final AllJoynDeviceApplication app = getApplication(); OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback callback = new OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback() { @Override public void onSessionJoined(@NonNull String busName, short port, int sessionId) { LampState proxyState = app.getInterface(busName, sessionId, LampState.class); LampDetails proxyDetails = app.getInterface(busName, sessionId, LampDetails.class); if (proxyState == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain a proxy object for org.allseen.LSF.LampState ."); sendResponse(response); return; } if (proxyDetails == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain a proxy object for org.allseen.LSF.LampDetails ."); sendResponse(response); return; } try { HashMap<String, Variant> newStates = new HashMap<>(); // NOTE: Arithmetic operations in primitive types may lead to arithmetic // overflow. To retain precision, BigDecimal objects are used. if (proxyDetails.getColor() && color != null) { int[] hsb = ColorUtil.convertRGB_8_8_8_To_HSB_32_32_32(color); newStates.put("Hue", new Variant(hsb[0], "u")); newStates.put("Saturation", new Variant(hsb[1], "u")); } if (proxyDetails.getDimmable() && brightness != null) { // [0, 1] -> [0, 0xffffffff] BigDecimal tmp = BigDecimal.valueOf(0xffffffffL); tmp = tmp.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(brightness)); long scaledVal = tmp.longValue(); int intScaledVal = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(scaledVal).getInt(4); newStates.put("Brightness", new Variant(intScaledVal, "u")); } int responseCode = proxyState.transitionLampState(0, newStates, TRANSITION_PERIOD); if (responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to change lamp states (code: " + responseCode + ")."); sendResponse(response); return; } } catch (BusException e) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, e.getLocalizedMessage()); sendResponse(response); return; } setResultOK(response); sendResponse(response); } @Override public void onSessionFailed(@NonNull String busName, short port) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to join session."); sendResponse(response); } };, service.busName, service.port, callback); } } private void onPutLightForLampController(@NonNull Intent request, @NonNull final Intent response , @NonNull final AllJoynServiceEntity service, String serviceId, @NonNull final String lightId , final String name, final Double brightness, final int[] color, final long[] flashing) { if (brightness != null && (brightness < 0 || brightness > 1)) { MessageUtils.setInvalidRequestParameterError(response, "Parameter 'brightness' must be within range [0, 1]."); sendResponse(response); return; } if (color != null && color.length != 3) { MessageUtils.setInvalidRequestParameterError(response, "Parameter 'color' must be a string representing " + "an RGB hexadecimal (e.g. ff0000)."); sendResponse(response); return; } if (flashing != null) { flashingForController(response, brightness, color, lightId, flashing); //do not check result of flashing setResultOK(response); sendResponse(response); } else { final AllJoynDeviceApplication app = getApplication(); OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback callback = new OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback() { @Override public void onSessionJoined(@NonNull String busName, short port, int sessionId) { Lamp proxy = app.getInterface(busName, sessionId, Lamp.class); if (proxy == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain a proxy object for org.allseen.LSF.ControllerService.Lamp ."); sendResponse(response); return; } try { Lamp.GetAllLampIDs_return_value_uas getAllLampIDsResponse = proxy.getAllLampIDs(); if (getAllLampIDsResponse == null) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain lamp IDs."); sendResponse(response); return; } else if (getAllLampIDsResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain lamp IDs (code: " + getAllLampIDsResponse.responseCode + ")."); sendResponse(response); return; } String _lightId = lightId; if (_lightId == null) { _lightId = getAllLampIDsResponse.lampIDs[0]; } else if (!Arrays.asList(getAllLampIDsResponse.lampIDs).contains(_lightId)) { MessageUtils.setInvalidRequestParameterError(response, "A light with ID specified by 'lightId' not found."); sendResponse(response); return; } HashMap<String, Variant> newStates = new HashMap<>(); // NOTE: Arithmetic operations in primitive types may lead to arithmetic // overflow. To retain precision, BigDecimal objects are used. Lamp.GetLampDetails_return_value_usa_sv lampDetailsResponse = proxy.getLampDetails(_lightId); if (lampDetailsResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to obtain lamp details (code: " + lampDetailsResponse.responseCode + ")."); sendResponse(response); return; } if (lampDetailsResponse.lampDetails.containsKey("Color")) { if (lampDetailsResponse.lampDetails.get("Color").getObject(boolean.class) && color != null) { int[] hsb = ColorUtil.convertRGB_8_8_8_To_HSB_32_32_32(color); newStates.put("Hue", new Variant(hsb[0], "u")); newStates.put("Saturation", new Variant(hsb[1], "u")); } } if (lampDetailsResponse.lampDetails.containsKey("Dimmable")) { if (lampDetailsResponse.lampDetails.get("Dimmable").getObject(boolean.class) && brightness != null) { // [0, 1] -> [0, 0xffffffff] BigDecimal tmp = BigDecimal.valueOf(0xffffffffL); tmp = tmp.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(brightness)); long scaledVal = tmp.longValue(); int intScaledVal = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(scaledVal).getInt(4); newStates.put("Brightness", new Variant(intScaledVal, "u")); } } Lamp.TransitionLampState_return_value_us transLampStateResponse = proxy.transitionLampState(_lightId, newStates, TRANSITION_PERIOD); if (transLampStateResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to change lamp states (code: " + transLampStateResponse.responseCode + ")."); sendResponse(response); return; } if (name != null) { Lamp.SetLampName_return_value_uss lampNameResponse = proxy.setLampName(_lightId, name, service.defaultLanguage); if (lampNameResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to change name (code: " + lampNameResponse.responseCode + ")."); sendResponse(response); return; } } } catch (BusException e) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, e.getLocalizedMessage()); sendResponse(response); return; } setResultOK(response); sendResponse(response); } @Override public void onSessionFailed(@NonNull String busName, short port) { MessageUtils.setUnknownError(response, "Failed to join session."); sendResponse(response); } };, service.busName, service.port, callback); } } private void flashing(final Double brightness, final int[] color, String lightId, long[] flashing) { FlashingExecutor exe = mFlashingMap.get(lightId); if (exe == null) { exe = new FlashingExecutor(); mFlashingMap.put(lightId, exe); } exe.setLightControllable(new FlashingExecutor.LightControllable() { @Override public void changeLight(boolean isOn, final FlashingExecutor.CompleteListener listener) { changeLightForSingleLamp(isOn, brightness, color); listener.onComplete(); } }); exe.start(flashing); } private void flashingForController(final Intent response, final Double brightness, final int[] color, final String lightId, long[] flashing) { FlashingExecutor exe = mFlashingMap.get(lightId); if (exe == null) { exe = new FlashingExecutor(); mFlashingMap.put(lightId, exe); } exe.setLightControllable(new FlashingExecutor.LightControllable() { @Override public void changeLight(boolean isOn, final FlashingExecutor.CompleteListener listener) { changeLightForController(isOn, brightness, color, lightId); listener.onComplete(); } }); exe.start(flashing); } private void changeLightForSingleLamp(final boolean isOn, final Double brightness, final int[] color) { final AllJoynDeviceApplication app = getApplication(); final AllJoynServiceEntity service = ((AllJoynService) getService()).getEntity(); OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback callback = new OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback() { @Override public void onSessionJoined(final String busName, final short port, final int sessionId) { final LampState proxyState = app.getInterface(busName, sessionId, LampState.class); final LampDetails proxyDetails = app.getInterface(busName, sessionId, LampDetails.class); if (proxyState == null) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Failed to obtain a proxy object for org.allseen.LSF.LampState ."); } return; } if (proxyDetails == null) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Failed to obtain a proxy object for org.allseen.LSF.LampDetails ."); } return; } try { final HashMap<String, Variant> newStates = new HashMap<>(); // NOTE: Arithmetic operations in primitive types may lead to arithmetic // overflow. To retain precision, BigDecimal objects are used. newStates.put("OnOff", new Variant(isOn, "b")); if (proxyDetails.getColor() && color != null) { int[] hsb = ColorUtil.convertRGB_8_8_8_To_HSB_32_32_32(color); newStates.put("Hue", new Variant(hsb[0], "u")); newStates.put("Saturation", new Variant(hsb[1], "u")); } if (proxyDetails.getDimmable() && brightness != null) { // [0, 1] -> [0, 0xffffffff] BigDecimal tmp = BigDecimal.valueOf(0xffffffffL); tmp = tmp.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(brightness)); long scaledVal = tmp.longValue(); int intScaledVal = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(scaledVal).getInt(4); newStates.put("Brightness", new Variant(intScaledVal, "u")); } int responseCode = proxyState.transitionLampState(0, newStates, TRANSITION_PERIOD); if (responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Failed to change lamp states (code: " + responseCode + ")."); } } } catch (BusException e) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } @Override public void onSessionFailed(final String busName, final short port) { } };, service.busName, service.port, callback); } private void changeLightForController(final boolean isOn, final Double brightness, final int[] color, final String lightId) { final AllJoynDeviceApplication app = getApplication(); final AllJoynServiceEntity service = ((AllJoynService) getService()).getEntity(); OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback callback = new OneShotSessionHandler.SessionJoinCallback() { @Override public void onSessionJoined(final String busName, final short port, final int sessionId) { Lamp proxy = app.getInterface(busName, sessionId, Lamp.class); if (proxy == null) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Failed to obtain a proxy object for org.allseen.LSF.ControllerService.Lamp ."); } return; } try { Lamp.GetAllLampIDs_return_value_uas getAllLampIDsResponse = proxy.getAllLampIDs(); if (getAllLampIDsResponse == null) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Failed to obtain lamp IDs."); } return; } else if (getAllLampIDsResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Failed to obtain lamp IDs (code: " + getAllLampIDsResponse.responseCode + ")."); } return; } String _lightId = lightId; if (_lightId == null) { _lightId = getAllLampIDsResponse.lampIDs[0]; } else if (!Arrays.asList(getAllLampIDsResponse.lampIDs).contains(_lightId)) { return; } Lamp.GetLampDetails_return_value_usa_sv lampDetailsResponse = proxy.getLampDetails(_lightId); if (lampDetailsResponse == null) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Failed to obtain lamp details."); } return; } else if (lampDetailsResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Failed to obtain lamp details (code: " + lampDetailsResponse.responseCode + ")."); } return; } final HashMap<String, Variant> newStates = new HashMap<>(); // NOTE: Arithmetic operations in primitive types may lead to arithmetic // overflow. To retain precision, BigDecimal objects are used. newStates.put("OnOff", new Variant(isOn, "b")); if (lampDetailsResponse.lampDetails.containsKey("Color")) { if (lampDetailsResponse.lampDetails.get("Color").getObject(boolean.class) && color != null) { int[] hsb = ColorUtil.convertRGB_8_8_8_To_HSB_32_32_32(color); newStates.put("Hue", new Variant(hsb[0], "u")); newStates.put("Saturation", new Variant(hsb[1], "u")); } } else { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Color support is not described in the lamp details. " + "Assuming it is not supported..."); } } if (lampDetailsResponse.lampDetails.containsKey("Dimmable")) { if (lampDetailsResponse.lampDetails.get("Dimmable").getObject(boolean.class) && brightness != null) { // [0, 1] -> [0, 0xffffffff] BigDecimal tmp = BigDecimal.valueOf(0xffffffffL); tmp = tmp.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(brightness)); long scaledVal = tmp.longValue(); int intScaledVal = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(scaledVal).getInt(4); newStates.put("Brightness", new Variant(intScaledVal, "u")); } } else { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Dim support is not described in the lamp details. " + "Assuming it is not supported..."); } } Lamp.TransitionLampState_return_value_us transLampStateResponse = proxy.transitionLampState(_lightId, newStates, TRANSITION_PERIOD); if (transLampStateResponse == null) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Failed to change lamp states (not get transitionLampStatecode)."); } } else if (transLampStateResponse.responseCode != ResponseCode.OK.getValue()) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Failed to change lamp states (code: " + transLampStateResponse.responseCode + ")."); } } } catch (BusException e) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(AllJoynLightProfile.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } @Override public void onSessionFailed(final String busName, final short port) { } };, service.busName, service.port, callback); } /** * 成功レスポンス設定。 * * @param response response */ private void setResultOK(final Intent response) { setResult(response, DConnectMessage.RESULT_OK); } private boolean isSupportingInterfaces(final AllJoynServiceEntity service, final String... interfaces) { if (interfaces == null || interfaces.length == 0 || service.proxyObjects == null) { return false; } for (String ifaceCheck : interfaces) { boolean found = false; for (BusObjectDescription busObject : service.proxyObjects) { if (Arrays.asList(busObject.interfaces).contains(ifaceCheck)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { return false; } } return true; } private LampServiceType getLampServiceType(@NonNull AllJoynServiceEntity service) { if (isSupportingInterfaces(service, "org.allseen.LSF.ControllerService.Lamp")) { // Can manage and control multiple lamps. return LampServiceType.TYPE_LAMP_CONTROLLER; } else if (isSupportingInterfaces(service, "org.allseen.LSF.LampState")) { // Can control a single lamp. return LampServiceType.TYPE_SINGLE_LAMP; } return LampServiceType.TYPE_UNKNOWN; } /** * リクエストからcolorパラメータを取得する. * * @param request リクエスト * @return colorパラメータ */ private String getColorString(final Intent request) { return request.getStringExtra(PARAM_COLOR); } /** * Get color parameter. * * @param colorParam color in string expression * @param color Color parameter. * @return true : Success, false : failure. */ private static boolean parseColorParam(final String colorParam, final int[] color) { try { String rr = colorParam.substring(0, 2); String gg = colorParam.substring(2, 4); String bb = colorParam.substring(4, 6); if (colorParam.length() == RGB_LENGTH) { if (rr == null || gg == null || bb == null) { return false; } color[0] = Integer.parseInt(rr, 16); color[1] = Integer.parseInt(gg, 16); color[2] = Integer.parseInt(bb, 16); } else { return false; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return false; } return true; } private int[] getColors(final Intent request) { int[] colors = new int[3]; String colorParam = getColorString(request); if (colorParam != null && !parseColorParam(colorParam, colors)) { return null; } return colors; } }