package edu.ucsb.stko; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONObject; class ParameterReader { public JSONObject readConfigParameters() { System.out.println("Loading the configuration parameters..."); try { File configFile = new File("config.json"); FileReader configFileReader = new FileReader(configFile); BufferedReader configBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(configFileReader); StringBuffer configContent = new StringBuffer(); String thisInputLine = null; while((thisInputLine = configBufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { int hashIndex = thisInputLine.indexOf("#"); if(hashIndex != -1) { thisInputLine = thisInputLine.substring(0, hashIndex); } configContent.append(thisInputLine); } configBufferedReader.close(); JSONObject parameterObject = new JSONObject(configContent.toString()); // examine if the config file is valid if(parameterObject.isNull("dataPath") || (parameterObject.getString("dataPath").length() == 0)) { System.out.println("Empty path for the input location data; please check the configuration file."); return null; } if(parameterObject.isNull("tempPath") || (parameterObject.getString("tempPath").length() == 0)) { System.out.println("Empty path for the temporary workspace; please check the configuration file."); return null; } if(parameterObject.isNull("lngIndex") || (parameterObject.getInt("lngIndex")==-1)) { System.out.println("The index for longitude is not available; please check the configuration file."); return null; } if(parameterObject.isNull("latIndex") || (parameterObject.getInt("latIndex")==-1)) { System.out.println("The index for latitude is not available; please check the configuration file."); return null; } /* if(parameterObject.getBoolean("removeDuplicates") && (parameterObject.getInt("userIDIndex") == -1)) { System.out.println("You have indicated that you want to remove the duplicates. However, you didn't provide the userID index; please check the configuration file."); return null; }*/ if(parameterObject.getBoolean("minPtsPercentage") && (parameterObject.getDouble("minPts")>1)) { System.out.println("You have indicated that you want to use percentage for minPts. However, the minPts you provided is larger than 1; please check the configuration file."); return null; } if((!parameterObject.getBoolean("minPtsPercentage")) && (parameterObject.getDouble("minPts")<1)) { System.out.println("You have indicated that you want to use absolute value for minPts. However, the minPts you provided is smaller than 1; please check the configuration file."); return null; } if(parameterObject.isNull("lambda") || (parameterObject.getDouble("lambda")<1) || (parameterObject.getDouble("lambda")>100)) { System.out.println("The lambda value for the concave hull should be between 1 and 100; please check the configuration file."); return null; } if(parameterObject.isNull("spatialReference")) { System.out.println("The spatial reference of the output is missing; please check the configuration file."); return null; } System.out.println(parameterObject.toString()); System.out.println("Configuration parameters have been successfully loaded..."); System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------"); return parameterObject; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("An issue has happened with the configuration file config.json; Please double check this file to ensure it is correct."); return null; } } }