package ddth.dasp.framework.cache.redis; import; import ddth.dasp.common.redis.IRedisClient; import ddth.dasp.common.redis.IRedisClientFactory; import ddth.dasp.common.redis.PoolConfig; import ddth.dasp.framework.cache.AbstractCache; import ddth.dasp.framework.cache.CacheEntry; import ddth.dasp.framework.cache.ICache; import ddth.dasp.framework.utils.SerializeUtils; /** * <a href="">Hazelcast</a> implementation of * {@link ICache}. * * @author NBThanh <> * @version 0.1.0 */ public class RedisCache extends AbstractCache implements ICache { private RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager; private String redisHost = "localhost", redisUsername, redisPassword; private int redisPort = IRedisClient.DEFAULT_REDIS_PORT; private PoolConfig poolConfig; private long timeToLiveSeconds = -1; public RedisCache(RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager) { this.redisCacheManager = redisCacheManager; } public RedisCache(RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager, String name) { super(name); this.redisCacheManager = redisCacheManager; } public RedisCache(RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager, String name, long capacity) { super(name, capacity); this.redisCacheManager = redisCacheManager; } public RedisCache(RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager, String name, long capacity, long expireAfterWrite, long expireAfterAccess) { super(name, capacity, expireAfterWrite, expireAfterAccess); this.redisCacheManager = redisCacheManager; } protected IRedisClientFactory getRedisClientFactory() { return redisCacheManager.getRedisClientFactory(); } public String getRedisHost() { return redisHost; } public RedisCache setRedisHost(String redisHost) { this.redisHost = redisHost; return this; } public String getRedisUsername() { return redisUsername; } public RedisCache setRedisUsername(String redisUsername) { this.redisUsername = redisUsername; return this; } public String getRedisPassword() { return redisPassword; } public RedisCache setRedisPassword(String redisPassword) { this.redisPassword = redisPassword; return this; } public int getRedisPort() { return redisPort; } public RedisCache setRedisPort(int redisPort) { this.redisPort = redisPort; return this; } public PoolConfig getPoolConfig() { return poolConfig; } public RedisCache setPoolConfig(PoolConfig poolConfig) { this.poolConfig = poolConfig; return this; } /** * Serializes an object to byte array. * * @param obj * @return * @throws IOException */ protected byte[] serializeObject(Object obj) throws IOException { return SerializeUtils.serialize(obj); } /** * Deserializes object from byte array. * * @param byteArr * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ protected Object deserializeObject(byte[] byteArr) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { return SerializeUtils.deserialize(byteArr); } /** * Generic version of {@link #deserializeObject(byte[])}. * * @param byteArr * @param clazz * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ protected <T> T deserializeObject(byte[] byteArr, Class<T> clazz) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { return SerializeUtils.deserialize(byteArr, clazz); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void init() { super.init(); long expireAfterWrite = getExpireAfterWrite(); long expireAfterAccess = getExpireAfterAccess(); if (expireAfterAccess > 0 || expireAfterWrite > 0) { timeToLiveSeconds = expireAfterAccess > 0 ? expireAfterAccess : expireAfterWrite; } else { timeToLiveSeconds = -1; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void destroy() { // EMPTY } private IRedisClient getRedisClient() { IRedisClientFactory redisClientFactory = getRedisClientFactory(); return redisClientFactory != null ? redisClientFactory.getRedisClient(redisHost, redisPort, redisUsername, redisPassword, poolConfig) : null; } private void returnRedisClient(IRedisClient redisClient) { if (redisClient != null) { getRedisClientFactory().returnRedisClient(redisClient); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public long getSize() { IRedisClient redisClient = getRedisClient(); try { return redisClient != null ? redisClient.hashSize(getName()) : -1; } finally { returnRedisClient(redisClient); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void set(String key, Object entry) { if (entry instanceof CacheEntry) { CacheEntry ce = (CacheEntry) entry; set(key, ce, ce.getExpireAfterWrite(), ce.getExpireAfterAccess()); } else { set(key, entry, getExpireAfterWrite(), getExpireAfterAccess()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void set(String key, Object entry, long expireAfterWrite, long expireAfterAccess) { IRedisClient redisClient = getRedisClient(); if (redisClient != null) { try { long ttl = expireAfterAccess > 0 ? expireAfterAccess : (expireAfterWrite > 0 ? expireAfterWrite : timeToLiveSeconds); redisClient.hashSet(getName(), key, serializeObject(entry), (int) ttl); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { returnRedisClient(redisClient); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Object internalGet(String key) { IRedisClient redisClient = getRedisClient(); if (redisClient != null) { try { byte[] obj = redisClient.hashGetAsBinary(getName(), key); if (obj != null) { long expireAfterAccess = getExpireAfterAccess(); if (expireAfterAccess > 0) { redisClient.expire(getName(), (int) expireAfterAccess); } return deserializeObject(obj); } else { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { returnRedisClient(redisClient); } } else { return null; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void delete(String key) { IRedisClient redisClient = getRedisClient(); if (redisClient != null) { try { redisClient.hashDelete(getName(), key); } finally { returnRedisClient(redisClient); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void deleteAll() { IRedisClient redisClient = getRedisClient(); if (redisClient != null) { try { redisClient.delete(getName()); } finally { returnRedisClient(redisClient); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean exists(String key) { IRedisClient redisClient = getRedisClient(); if (redisClient != null) { try { return redisClient.hashGet(getName(), key) != null; } finally { returnRedisClient(redisClient); } } return false; } }