package; import java.util.*; /** * The DataManager is a utility class with static methods that can be used * to access data drivers. * @author David */ public class DataManager extends ClassLoader { /** * Returns a new FlatFileDriver object. * @return A new FlatFileDriver object. */ public static FlatFileDriver acquireFlatFileDriver() { return new FlatFileDriver(); } /** * You specify a Java class name and this function will return the class * if it extends DataDriver. * @return * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException */ public static DataDriver acquireDriver(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { ClassLoader ldr = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Class<?> unknown = ldr.loadClass(className); Class<? extends DataDriver> known = unknown.asSubclass(DataDriver.class); Object curious = known.newInstance(); return (DataDriver)curious; } /** * * @return * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws NoSuchFieldException * @throws SecurityException */ public static List<String> listLoadedDataDrivers() throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException { ArrayList<String> driverList = new ArrayList<String>(); driverList.add(""); return driverList; } }