/* Derby - Class org.apache.derbyDemo.scores.data.Database Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.derbyDemo.scores.data; import java.sql.*; import org.apache.derby.tools.JDBCDisplayUtil; import org.apache.derbyDemo.scores.util.*; /** * <p> * Top level object for accessing a SQL database. Implemented against * embedded Derby. Could be extended for use against another server. * </p> * */ public class Database { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CONSTANTS // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "ScoresDB"; private static final String DERBY_EMBEDDED_DRIVER = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"; private static final String DERBY_PROTOCOL = "jdbc:derby:"; private static final String CREATE_ME = ";create=true"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // STATE // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private Data _data; private Connection _conn; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CONSTRUCTOR // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <p> * Construct out of thin air. * </p> */ private Database() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // STATIC BEHAVIOR // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <p> * Recode this method to return some subclass of Database if you * want to use a different data store than Derby. This method * creates the database if it does not already exist. * </p> */ public static Database getDatabase ( String serverJar, String mathJar ) throws SQLException { Database db = new Database(); Logger log = Logger.getLogger(); db._data = new Data(); // // This creates an empty database if it doesn't already exist. // Connection conn = db.getConnection(); // // If the database is empty, populate it. // if ( !db.schemaExists( conn ) ) { db.createSchema( conn, serverJar, mathJar ); // populate tables with initial slug of data db._data.initialize( db ); log.logBanner( "Show schools, students, and tests..." ); db.prettyPrintSchool( conn ); db.prettyPrintStudent( conn ); db.prettyPrintTest( conn ); //db.prettyPrintQuestion( conn ); } Utils.commit( conn ); return db; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // OVERRIDABLE PUBLIC BEHAVIOR. OVERRIDE THESE METHODS // IF YOU WANT TO USE A DIFFERENT DATA STORE. THIS IMPLEMENTATION // WORKS AGAINST DERBY. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <p> * Get a connection to the database. * </p> */ public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { if ( _conn != null ) { return _conn; } try { Class.forName( DERBY_EMBEDDED_DRIVER ); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new SQLException ( "Could not locate " + DERBY_EMBEDDED_DRIVER ); } String connectionURL = DERBY_PROTOCOL + DATABASE_NAME + CREATE_ME; _conn = DriverManager.getConnection( connectionURL ); _conn.setAutoCommit( false ); return _conn; } ///////// // // SCHEMA // ///////// /** * <p> * Return true if the schema exists. * </p> */ protected boolean schemaExists( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { String heartbeat = "select count(*) from sys.systables where tablename = 'SCHOOL'"; PreparedStatement ps = Utils.prepare( conn, heartbeat ); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); rs.next(); int count = rs.getInt( 1 ); Utils.close( rs ); Utils.close( ps ); return ( count > 0 ); } /** * <p> * Create all schema objects. * </p> */ protected void createSchema ( Connection conn, String serverJar, String mathJar ) throws SQLException { Logger log = Logger.getLogger(); log.logBanner ( "Loading jar files into database and " + "wiring-up the database classpath..." ); Utils.executeCall ( conn, "call sqlj.install_jar\n" + "(\n" + " '" + serverJar + "',\n" + " 'APP.SCORES_SERVER',\n" + " 0\n" + ")\n" ); Utils.executeCall ( conn, "call sqlj.install_jar\n" + "(\n" + " '" + mathJar +"',\n" + " 'APP.APACHE_COMMONS_MATH',\n" + " 0\n" + ")\n" ); Utils.executeCall ( conn, "call syscs_util.syscs_set_database_property\n" + "(\n" + " 'derby.database.classpath',\n" + " 'APP.SCORES_SERVER:APP.APACHE_COMMONS_MATH'\n" + ")\n" ); log.logBanner ( "Creating functions..." ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create function formatPercent\n" + "(\n" + " score double\n" + ")\n" + "returns varchar( 7 )\n" + "language java\n" + "parameter style java\n" + "no sql\n" + "external name 'org.apache.derbyDemo.scores.proc.Functions.formatPercent'\n" ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create function weighQuestion\n" + "(\n" + " difficulty int\n" + ")\n" + "returns double\n" + "language java\n" + "parameter style java\n" + "no sql\n" + "external name 'org.apache.derbyDemo.scores.proc.Functions.weighQuestion'\n" ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create function scoreAnswer\n" + "(\n" + " difficulty int,\n" + " numberOfChoices int,\n" + " correctChoice int,\n" + " actualChoice int\n" + ")\n" + "returns double\n" + "language java\n" + "parameter style java\n" + "no sql\n" + "external name 'org.apache.derbyDemo.scores.proc.Functions.scoreAnswer'\n" ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create function computeAge\n" + "(\n" + " birthday date\n" + ")\n" + "returns int\n" + "language java\n" + "parameter style java\n" + "no sql\n" + "external name 'org.apache.derbyDemo.scores.proc.Functions.computeAge'\n" ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create function getMedianTestScore\n" + "(\n" + " testID int\n" + ")\n" + "returns double\n" + "language java\n" + "parameter style java\n" + "reads sql data\n" + "external name " + "'org.apache.derbyDemo.scores.proc.Functions.getMedianTestScore'\n" ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create function vetChoice\n" + "(\n" + " actualChoice int,\n" + " questionID int\n" + ")\n" + "returns int\n" + "language java\n" + "parameter style java\n" + "reads sql data\n" + "external name 'org.apache.derbyDemo.scores.proc.Functions.vetChoice'\n" ); log.logBanner ( "Creating procedures..." ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create procedure ScoreTestTaking\n" + "( in takingID int )\n" + "language java\n" + "parameter style java\n" + "modifies sql data\n" + "external name 'org.apache.derbyDemo.scores.proc.Procedures.ScoreTestTaking'\n" ); log.logBanner ( "Creating tables. Note the function " + "in the check constraint on QuestionTaking..." ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create table School\n" + "(\n" + " schoolID int primary key generated always as identity,\n" + " schoolName varchar( 20 ) not null,\n" + "\n" + " unique( schoolName )\n" + ")\n" ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create table Student\n" + "(\n" + " studentID int primary key generated always as identity,\n" + " schoolID int not null references School( schoolID ),\n" + " lastName varchar( 10 ) not null,\n" + " firstName varchar( 10 ) not null,\n" + " birthday date not null,\n" + "\n" + " unique( lastName, firstName )\n" + ")\n" ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create table Test\n" + "(\n" + " testID int primary key generated always as identity,\n" + " testName varchar( 20 ) not null,\n" + "\n" + " unique( testName )\n" + ")\n" ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create table TestTaking\n" + "(\n" + " takingID int primary key generated always as identity,\n" + " studentID int not null references Student( studentID ),\n" + " testID int not null references Test( testID ),\n" + " takingDate date,\n" + " score double not null\n" + ")\n" ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create table Question\n" + "(\n" + " questionID int primary key " + " generated always as identity,\n" + " testID int not null references Test( testID ),\n" + " questionName varchar( 10 ) not null unique,\n" + " difficulty int not null,\n" + " numberOfChoices int not null,\n" + " correctChoice int not null,\n" + "\n" + " check ( ( correctChoice > -1 ) " + " and ( correctChoice < numberOfChoices ) )\n" + ")\n" ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create table QuestionTaking\n" + "(\n" + " questionID int not null" + " references Question( questionID ),\n" + " takingID int not null" + " references TestTaking( takingID ),\n" + " actualChoice int not null,\n" + "\n" + " unique( questionID, takingID ),\n" + " check ( vetChoice( actualChoice, questionID ) > 0 )\n" + ")\n" ); log.logBanner( "Creating views..." ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create view LastTaking\n" + "(\n" + " takingID,\n" + " studentID,\n" + " testID\n" + ")\n" + "as select max( takingID ), studentID, testID\n" + "from TestTaking\n" + "group by studentID, testID\n" ); log.logBanner ( "Creating triggers. Note that the trigger " + "invokes a procedure..." ); Utils.executeDDL ( conn, "create trigger ScoreTestWhenDone\n" + "after update of takingDate\n" + "on TestTaking\n" + "referencing new as testTakingRow\n" + "for each row mode db2sql\n" + "call ScoreTestTaking( testTakingRow.takingID )\n" ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PRETTY PRINITING // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** <p>Pretty print the School table.</p> */ public void prettyPrintSchool( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { prettyPrint( conn, "select * from School order by schoolName\n" ); } /** <p>Pretty print the Student table.</p> */ public void prettyPrintStudent( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { prettyPrint ( conn, "select st.studentID, sc.schoolName," + " st.lastName, st.firstName, st.birthday\n" + "from Student st, School sc\n" + "where st.schoolID = sc.schoolID\n" + "order by st.lastName, st.firstName\n" ); } /** <p>Pretty print the Test table.</p> */ public void prettyPrintTest( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { prettyPrint( conn, "select * from Test order by testName\n" ); } /** <p>Pretty print the Question table.</p> */ public void prettyPrintQuestion( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { prettyPrint ( conn, "select * from Question order by testID, questionID\n" ); } /** <p>Pretty print the QuestionTaking table.</p> */ public void prettyPrintQuestionTaking( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { prettyPrint ( conn, "select * from QuestionTaking order by takingID, questionID\n" ); } /** <p>Pretty print the TestTaking table.</p> */ public void prettyPrintTestTaking( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { prettyPrint( conn, "select * from TestTaking order by takingID\n" ); } /** * <p> * Pretty print the results of a query, given its text. * </p> */ public static void prettyPrint( Connection conn, String text ) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = Utils.prepare( conn, text ); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); prettyPrint( conn, rs ); Utils.close( rs ); Utils.close( ps ); } /** * <p> * Print a ResultSet, using Derby's pretty-printing tool. * </p> */ public static void prettyPrint( Connection conn, ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException { Logger log = Logger.getLogger(); JDBCDisplayUtil.DisplayResults ( log.getPrintStream(), rs, conn ); log.log( "\n" ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // OTHER MINIONS // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <p> * Get the Data populating tool. * </p> */ public Data getData() { return _data; } }