package org.cocoa4android.util.asihttp; import; import; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSArray; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSData; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSDate; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSDictionary; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSError; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSInputStream; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSLock; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSMutableArray; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSMutableData; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSMutableDictionary; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSNumber; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSOperation; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSOperationQueue; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSOutputStream; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSRecursiveLock; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSString.NSStringEncoding; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSThread; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSTimer; import org.cocoa4android.ns.NSURL; import org.cocoa4android.sec.SecIdentityRef; import org.cocoa4android.ui.UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier; import org.cocoa4android.ui.UIDevice; public class ASIHTTPRequest extends NSOperation { // Automatically set on build String ASIHTTPRequestVersion = "v1.8-21 2010-12-04"; final String NetworkRequestErrorDomain = "ASIHTTPRequestErrorDomain"; static String ASIHTTPRequestRunLoopMode = "ASIHTTPRequestRunLoopMode"; //static final CFOptionFlags kNetworkEvents = kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable | kCFStreamEventEndEncountered | kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred; // In memory caches of credentials, used on when useSessionPersistence is YES static NSMutableArray sessionCredentialsStore = null; static NSMutableArray sessionProxyCredentialsStore = null; // This lock mediates access to session credentials static NSRecursiveLock sessionCredentialsLock = null; // We keep track of cookies we have received here so we can remove them from the sharedHTTPCookieStorage later static NSMutableArray sessionCookies = null; // The number of times we will allow requests to redirect before we fail with a redirection error final int RedirectionLimit = 5; // The default number of seconds to use for a timeout static double defaultTimeOutSeconds = 10; // This lock prevents the operation from being cancelled while it is trying to update the progress, and vice versa static NSRecursiveLock progressLock; static NSError ASIRequestCancelledError; static NSError ASIRequestTimedOutError; static NSError ASIAuthenticationError; static NSError ASIUnableToCreateRequestError; static NSError ASITooMuchRedirectionError; static NSMutableArray bandwidthUsageTracker = null; static long averageBandwidthUsedPerSecond = 0; // These are used for queuing persistent connections on the same connection // Incremented every time we specify we want a new connection static int nextConnectionNumberToCreate = 0; // An array of connectionInfo dictionaries. // When attempting a persistent connection, we look here to try to find an existing connection to the same server that is currently not in use static NSMutableArray persistentConnectionsPool = null; // Mediates access to the persistent connections pool static NSRecursiveLock connectionsLock = null; // Each request gets a new id, we store this rather than a ref to the request itself in the connectionInfo dictionary. // We do this so we don't have to keep the request around while we wait for the connection to expire static int nextRequestID = 0; // Records how much bandwidth all requests combined have used in the last second static long bandwidthUsedInLastSecond = 0; // A date one second in the future from the time it was created static NSDate bandwidthMeasurementDate = null; // Since throttling variables are shared among all requests, we'll use a lock to mediate access static NSLock bandwidthThrottlingLock = null; // the maximum number of bytes that can be transmitted in one second static long maxBandwidthPerSecond = 0; // A default figure for throttling bandwidth on mobile devices final long ASIWWANBandwidthThrottleAmount = 14800; // YES when bandwidth throttling is active // This flag does not denote whether throttling is turned on - rather whether it is currently in use // It will be set to NO when throttling was turned on with setShouldThrottleBandwidthForWWAN, but a WI-FI connection is active static boolean isBandwidthThrottled = NO; // When YES, bandwidth will be automatically throttled when using WWAN (3G/Edge/GPRS) // Wifi will not be throttled static boolean shouldThrottleBandwithForWWANOnly = NO; // Mediates access to the session cookies so requests static NSRecursiveLock sessionCookiesLock = null; // This lock ensures delegates only receive one notification that authentication is required at once // When using ASIAuthenticationDialogs, it also ensures only one dialog is shown at once // If a request can't acquire the lock immediately, it means a dialog is being shown or a delegate is handling the authentication challenge // Once it gets the lock, it will try to look for existing credentials again rather than showing the dialog / notifying the delegate // This is so it can make use of any credentials supplied for the other request, if they are appropriate static NSRecursiveLock delegateAuthenticationLock = null; // When throttling bandwidth, Set to a date in future that we will allow all requests to wake up and reschedule their streams static NSDate throttleWakeUpTime = null; static ASICacheDelegate defaultCache = null; // Used for tracking when requests are using the network static int runningRequestCount = 0; // You can use [ASIHTTPRequest setShouldUpdateNetworkActivityIndicator:NO] if you want to manage it yourself // Alternatively, override showNetworkActivityIndicator / hideNetworkActivityIndicator // By default this does nothing on Mac OS X, but again override the above methods for a different behaviour static boolean shouldUpdateNetworkActivityIndicator = YES; //**Queue stuff**/ // The thread all requests will run on // Hangs around forever, but will be blocked unless there are requests underway static NSThread networkThread = null; static NSOperationQueue sharedQueue = null; static{ persistentConnectionsPool = new NSMutableArray(); connectionsLock = new NSRecursiveLock(); progressLock = new NSRecursiveLock(); bandwidthThrottlingLock = new NSLock(); sessionCookiesLock = new NSRecursiveLock(); sessionCredentialsLock = new NSRecursiveLock(); delegateAuthenticationLock = new NSRecursiveLock(); bandwidthUsageTracker = NSMutableArray.arrayWithCapacity(5); //FIXME no errors sharedQueue = new NSOperationQueue(); sharedQueue.setMaxConcurrentOperationCount(4); } public static double defaultTimeOutSeconds(){ return defaultTimeOutSeconds; } public static boolean isMultitaskingSupported() { boolean multiTaskingSupported = NO; if (UIDevice.currentDevice()!=null) { multiTaskingSupported =UIDevice.currentDevice().isMultitaskingSupported(); } return multiTaskingSupported; } // The url for this operation, should include GET params in the query string where appropriate private NSURL url; public NSURL URL() { return url; } public void setURL(NSURL url) { this.url = url; } // Will always contain the original url used for making the request (the value of url can change when a request is redirected) private NSURL originalURL; public NSURL originalURL() { return originalURL; } public void setOriginalURL(NSURL originalURL) { this.originalURL = originalURL; } // Temporarily stores the url we are about to redirect to. Will be nil again when we do redirect private NSURL redirectURL; public NSURL redirectURL() { return redirectURL; } public void setRedirectURL(NSURL redirectURL) { this.redirectURL = redirectURL; } // The delegate, you need to manage setting and talking to your delegate in your subclasses private ASIHTTPRequestDelegate delegate; // HTTP method to use (GET / POST / PUT / DELETE / HEAD). Defaults to GET private String requestMethod; public String requestMethod() { return requestMethod; } public void setRequestMethod(String requestMethod) { this.requestMethod = requestMethod; } // Request body - only used when the whole body is stored in memory (shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk is false) private NSMutableData postBody; // gzipped request body used when shouldCompressRequestBody is YES private NSData compressedPostBody; // When true, post body will be streamed from a file on disk, rather than loaded into memory at once (useful for large uploads) // Automatically set to true in ASIFormDataRequests when using setFile:forKey: boolean shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk; // Path to file used to store post body (when shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk is true) // You can set this yourself - useful if you want to PUT a file from local disk String postBodyFilePath; // Path to a temporary file used to store a deflated post body (when shouldCompressPostBody is YES) String compressedPostBodyFilePath; // Set to true when ASIHTTPRequest automatically created a temporary file containing the request body (when true, the file at postBodyFilePath will be deleted at the end of the request) boolean didCreateTemporaryPostDataFile; // Used when writing to the post body when shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk is true (via appendPostData: or appendPostDataFromFile:) NSOutputStream postBodyWriteStream; // Used for reading from the post body when sending the request NSInputStream postBodyReadStream; // Dictionary for custom HTTP request headers NSMutableDictionary requestHeaders; // Set to YES when the request header dictionary has been populated, used to prevent this happening more than once boolean haveBuiltRequestHeaders; // Will be populated with HTTP response headers from the server NSDictionary responseHeaders; public NSDictionary responseHeaders() { return responseHeaders; } public void setResponseHeaders(NSDictionary responseHeaders) { this.responseHeaders = responseHeaders; } // Can be used to manually insert cookie headers to a request, but it's more likely that sessionCookies will do this for you NSMutableArray requestCookies; public NSMutableArray requestCookies() { return requestCookies; } public void setRequestCookies(NSMutableArray requestCookies) { this.requestCookies = requestCookies; } // Will be populated with cookies NSArray responseCookies; // If use useCookiePersistence is true, network requests will present valid cookies from previous requests boolean useCookiePersistence; public boolean useCookiePersistence() { return useCookiePersistence; } public void setUseCookiePersistence(boolean useCookiePersistence) { this.useCookiePersistence = useCookiePersistence; } // If useKeychainPersistence is true, network requests will attempt to read credentials from the keychain, and will save them in the keychain when they are successfully presented boolean useKeychainPersistence; // If useSessionPersistence is true, network requests will save credentials and reuse for the duration of the session (until clearSession is called) boolean useSessionPersistence; public boolean useSessionPersistence() { return useSessionPersistence; } public void setUseSessionPersistence(boolean useSessionPersistence) { this.useSessionPersistence = useSessionPersistence; } // If allowCompressedResponse is true, requests will inform the server they can accept compressed data, and will automatically decompress gzipped responses. Default is true. boolean allowCompressedResponse; public boolean allowCompressedResponse() { return allowCompressedResponse; } public void setAllowCompressedResponse(boolean allowCompressedResponse) { this.allowCompressedResponse = allowCompressedResponse; } // If shouldCompressRequestBody is true, the request body will be gzipped. Default is false. // You will probably need to enable this feature on your webserver to make this work. Tested with apache only. boolean shouldCompressRequestBody; // When downloadDestinationPath is set, the result of this request will be downloaded to the file at this location // If downloadDestinationPath is not set, download data will be stored in memory String downloadDestinationPath; public String downloadDestinationPath() { return downloadDestinationPath; } public void setDownloadDestinationPath(String downloadDestinationPath) { this.downloadDestinationPath = downloadDestinationPath; } // The location that files will be downloaded to. Once a download is complete, files will be decompressed (if necessary) and moved to downloadDestinationPath String temporaryFileDownloadPath; // If the response is gzipped and shouldWaitToInflateCompressedResponses is NO, a file will be created at this path containing the inflated response as it comes in String temporaryUncompressedDataDownloadPath; // Used for writing data to a file when downloadDestinationPath is set NSOutputStream fileDownloadOutputStream; NSOutputStream inflatedFileDownloadOutputStream; // When the request fails or completes successfully, complete will be true boolean complete; public boolean complete() { return complete; } public void setComplete(boolean complete) { this.complete = complete; } // external "finished" indicator, subject of KVO notifications; updates after 'complete' boolean finished; // True if our 'cancel' selector has been called boolean cancelled; // If an error occurs, error will contain an NSError // If error code is = ASIConnectionFailureErrorType (1, Connection failure occurred) - inspect [[error userInfo] objectForKey:NSUnderlyingErrorKey] for more information NSError error; public NSError error() { return error; } public void setError(NSError error) { this.error = error; } // Username and password used for authentication String username; String password; // Domain used for NTLM authentication String domain; // Username and password used for proxy authentication String proxyUsername; String proxyPassword; // Domain used for NTLM proxy authentication String proxyDomain; // Delegate for displaying upload progress (usually an NSProgressIndicator, but you can supply a different object and handle this yourself) ASIProgressDelegate uploadProgressDelegate; // Delegate for displaying download progress (usually an NSProgressIndicator, but you can supply a different object and handle this yourself) ASIProgressDelegate downloadProgressDelegate; // Whether we've seen the headers of the response yet boolean haveExaminedHeaders; // Data we receive will be stored here. Data may be compressed unless allowCompressedResponse is false - you should use [request responseData] instead in most cases NSMutableData rawResponseData; public NSMutableData rawResponseData() { return rawResponseData; } public void setRawResponseData(NSMutableData rawResponseData) { this.rawResponseData = rawResponseData; } CFHTTPMessageRef request; NSInputStream readStream; // Used for authentication CFHTTPAuthenticationRef requestAuthentication; NSDictionary requestCredentials; // Used during NTLM authentication int authenticationRetryCount; // Authentication scheme (Basic, Digest, NTLM) String authenticationScheme; // Realm for authentication when credentials are required String authenticationRealm; // When YES, ASIHTTPRequest will present a dialog allowing users to enter credentials when no-matching credentials were found for a server that requires authentication // The dialog will not be shown if your delegate responds to authenticationNeededForRequest: // Default is NO. boolean shouldPresentAuthenticationDialog; // When YES, ASIHTTPRequest will present a dialog allowing users to enter credentials when no-matching credentials were found for a proxy server that requires authentication // The dialog will not be shown if your delegate responds to proxyAuthenticationNeededForRequest: // Default is YES (basically, because most people won't want the hassle of adding support for authenticating proxies to their apps) boolean shouldPresentProxyAuthenticationDialog; public boolean shouldPresentProxyAuthenticationDialog() { return shouldPresentProxyAuthenticationDialog; } public void setShouldPresentProxyAuthenticationDialog( boolean shouldPresentProxyAuthenticationDialog) { this.shouldPresentProxyAuthenticationDialog = shouldPresentProxyAuthenticationDialog; } // Used for proxy authentication CFHTTPAuthenticationRef proxyAuthentication; NSDictionary proxyCredentials; // Used during authentication with an NTLM proxy int proxyAuthenticationRetryCount; // Authentication scheme for the proxy (Basic, Digest, NTLM) String proxyAuthenticationScheme; // Realm for proxy authentication when credentials are required String proxyAuthenticationRealm; // HTTP status code, eg: 200 = OK, 404 = Not found etc int responseStatusCode; // Description of the HTTP status code String responseStatusMessage; // Size of the response long contentLength; public long contentLength() { return contentLength; } public void setContentLength(long contentLength) { this.contentLength = contentLength; } // Size of the partially downloaded content long partialDownloadSize; // Size of the POST payload long postLength; // The total amount of downloaded data long totalBytesRead; public long totalBytesRead() { return totalBytesRead; } public void setTotalBytesRead(long totalBytesRead) { this.totalBytesRead = totalBytesRead; } // The total amount of uploaded data long totalBytesSent; // Last amount of data read (used for incrementing progress) long lastBytesRead; public long lastBytesRead() { return lastBytesRead; } public void setLastBytesRead(long lastBytesRead) { this.lastBytesRead = lastBytesRead; } // Last amount of data sent (used for incrementing progress) long lastBytesSent; public long lastBytesSent() { return lastBytesSent; } public void setLastBytesSent(long lastBytesSent) { this.lastBytesSent = lastBytesSent; } // This lock prevents the operation from being cancelled at an inopportune moment NSRecursiveLock cancelledLock; public NSRecursiveLock cancelledLock() { return cancelledLock; } public void setCancelledLock(NSRecursiveLock cancelledLock) { this.cancelledLock = cancelledLock; } // Called on the delegate (if implemented) when the request starts. Default is requestStarted: String didStartSelector; // Called on the delegate (if implemented) when the request receives response headers. Default is requestDidReceiveResponseHeaders: String didReceiveResponseHeadersSelector; // Called on the delegate (if implemented) when the request receives a Location header and shouldRedirect is YES // The delegate can then change the url if needed, and can restart the request by calling [request resume], or simply cancel it String willRedirectSelector; // Called on the delegate (if implemented) when the request completes successfully. Default is requestFinished: String didFinishSelector; // Called on the delegate (if implemented) when the request fails. Default is requestFailed: String didFailSelector; // Called on the delegate (if implemented) when the request receives data. Default is request:didReceiveData: // If you set this and implement the method in your delegate, you must handle the data yourself - ASIHTTPRequest will not populate responseData or write the data to downloadDestinationPath String didReceiveDataSelector; // Used for recording when something last happened during the request, we will compare this value with the current date to time out requests when appropriate NSDate lastActivityTime; // Number of seconds to wait before timing out - default is 10 double timeOutSeconds; public double timeOutSeconds() { return timeOutSeconds; } public void setTimeOutSeconds(double timeOutSeconds) { this.timeOutSeconds = timeOutSeconds; } //block to execute when request starts ASIBasicBlock startedBlock; public ASIBasicBlock startedBlock() { return startedBlock; } public void setStartedBlock(ASIBasicBlock startedBlock) { this.startedBlock = startedBlock; } //block to execute when headers are received ASIHeadersBlock headersReceivedBlock; //block to execute when request completes successfully ASIBasicBlock completionBlock; public ASIBasicBlock completionBlock() { return completionBlock; } public void setCompletionBlock(ASIBasicBlock completionBlock) { this.completionBlock = completionBlock; } //block to execute when request fails ASIBasicBlock failureBlock; public ASIBasicBlock failureBlock() { return failureBlock; } public void setFailureBlock(ASIBasicBlock failureBlock) { this.failureBlock = failureBlock; } //block for when bytes are received ASIProgressBlock bytesReceivedBlock; //block for when bytes are sent ASIProgressBlock bytesSentBlock; //block for when download size is incremented ASISizeBlock downloadSizeIncrementedBlock; //block for when upload size is incremented ASISizeBlock uploadSizeIncrementedBlock; //block for handling raw bytes received ASIDataBlock dataReceivedBlock; //block for handling authentication ASIBasicBlock authenticationNeededBlock; //block for handling proxy authentication ASIBasicBlock proxyAuthenticationNeededBlock; //block for handling redirections, if you want to ASIBasicBlock requestRedirectedBlock; public interface ASIBasicBlock{ public abstract void function(); } public interface ASIHeadersBlock{ public abstract void function(NSDictionary responseHeaders); } public interface ASISizeBlock{ public abstract void function(long size); } public interface ASIProgressBlock{ public abstract void function(long size,long total); } public interface ASIDataBlock{ public abstract void function(NSData data); } // Will be YES when a HEAD request will handle the content-length before this request starts boolean shouldResetUploadProgress; public boolean shouldResetUploadProgress() { return shouldResetUploadProgress; } public void setShouldResetUploadProgress(boolean shouldResetUploadProgress) { this.shouldResetUploadProgress = shouldResetUploadProgress; } boolean shouldResetDownloadProgress; public boolean shouldResetDownloadProgress() { return shouldResetDownloadProgress; } public void setShouldResetDownloadProgress(boolean shouldResetDownloadProgress) { this.shouldResetDownloadProgress = shouldResetDownloadProgress; } // Used by HEAD requests when showAccurateProgress is YES to preset the content-length for this request ASIHTTPRequest mainRequest; public ASIHTTPRequest mainRequest() { return mainRequest; } public void setMainRequest(ASIHTTPRequest mainRequest) { this.mainRequest = mainRequest; } // When NO, this request will only update the progress indicator when it completes // When YES, this request will update the progress indicator according to how much data it has received so far // The default for requests is YES // Also see the comments in ASINetworkQueue.h boolean showAccurateProgress; public boolean showAccurateProgress() { return showAccurateProgress; } public void setShowAccurateProgress(boolean showAccurateProgress) { this.showAccurateProgress = showAccurateProgress; } // Used to ensure the progress indicator is only incremented once when showAccurateProgress = NO boolean updatedProgress; // Prevents the body of the post being built more than once (largely for subclasses) boolean haveBuiltPostBody; // Used internally, may reflect the size of the internal buffer used by CFNetwork // POST / PUT operations with body sizes greater than uploadBufferSize will not timeout unless more than uploadBufferSize bytes have been sent // Likely to be 32KB on iPhone 3.0, 128KB on Mac OS X Leopard and iPhone 2.2.x long uploadBufferSize; // Text encoding for responses that do not send a Content-Type with a charset value. Defaults to NSISOLatin1StringEncoding int defaultResponseEncoding; public int defaultResponseEncoding() { return defaultResponseEncoding; } public void setDefaultResponseEncoding(int defaultResponseEncoding) { this.defaultResponseEncoding = defaultResponseEncoding; } // The text encoding of the response, will be defaultResponseEncoding if the server didn't specify. Can't be set. int responseEncoding; // Tells ASIHTTPRequest not to delete partial downloads, and allows it to use an existing file to resume a download. Defaults to NO. boolean allowResumeForFileDownloads; // Custom user information associated with the request NSDictionary userInfo; // Use HTTP 1.0 rather than 1.1 (defaults to false) boolean useHTTPVersionOne; // When YES, requests will automatically redirect when they get a HTTP 30x header (defaults to YES) boolean shouldRedirect; public boolean shouldRedirect() { return shouldRedirect; } public void setShouldRedirect(boolean shouldRedirect) { this.shouldRedirect = shouldRedirect; } // Used internally to tell the main loop we need to stop and retry with a new url boolean needsRedirect; // Incremented every time this request redirects. When it reaches 5, we give up int redirectCount; public int redirectCount() { return redirectCount; } public void setRedirectCount(int redirectCount) { this.redirectCount = redirectCount; } // When NO, requests will not check the secure certificate is valid (use for self-signed certificates during development, DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION) Default is YES boolean validatesSecureCertificate; public boolean validatesSecureCertificate() { return validatesSecureCertificate; } public void setValidatesSecureCertificate(boolean validatesSecureCertificate) { this.validatesSecureCertificate = validatesSecureCertificate; } // If not nil and the URL scheme is https, CFNetwork configured to supply a client certificate SecIdentityRef clientCertificateIdentity; NSArray clientCertificates; // Details on the proxy to use - you could set these yourself, but it's probably best to let ASIHTTPRequest detect the system proxy settings String proxyHost; int proxyPort; // ASIHTTPRequest will assume kCFProxyTypeHTTP if the proxy type could not be automatically determined // Set to kCFProxyTypeSOCKS if you are manually configuring a SOCKS proxy String proxyType; // URL for a PAC (Proxy Auto Configuration) file. If you want to set this yourself, it's probably best if you use a local file NSURL PACurl; // See ASIAuthenticationState values above. 0 == default == No authentication needed yet ASIAuthenticationState authenticationNeeded; // When YES, ASIHTTPRequests will present credentials from the session store for requests to the same server before being asked for them // This avoids an extra round trip for requests after authentication has succeeded, which is much for efficient for authenticated requests with large bodies, or on slower connections // Set to NO to only present credentials when explicitly asked for them // This only affects credentials stored in the session cache when useSessionPersistence is YES. Credentials from the keychain are never presented unless the server asks for them // Default is YES boolean shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge; public boolean shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge() { return shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge; } public void setShouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge( boolean shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge) { this.shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge = shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge; } // YES when the request hasn't finished yet. Will still be YES even if the request isn't doing anything (eg it's waiting for delegate authentication). READ-ONLY boolean inProgress; // Used internally to track whether the stream is scheduled on the run loop or not // Bandwidth throttling can unschedule the stream to slow things down while a request is in progress boolean readStreamIsScheduled; // Set to allow a request to automatically retry itself on timeout // Default is zero - timeout will stop the request int numberOfTimesToRetryOnTimeout; // The number of times this request has retried (when numberOfTimesToRetryOnTimeout > 0) int retryCount; // When YES, requests will keep the connection to the server alive for a while to allow subsequent requests to re-use it for a substantial speed-boost // Persistent connections will not be used if the server explicitly closes the connection // Default is YES boolean shouldAttemptPersistentConnection; public boolean shouldAttemptPersistentConnection() { return shouldAttemptPersistentConnection; } public void setShouldAttemptPersistentConnection( boolean shouldAttemptPersistentConnection) { this.shouldAttemptPersistentConnection = shouldAttemptPersistentConnection; } // Number of seconds to keep an inactive persistent connection open on the client side // Default is 60 // If we get a keep-alive header, this is this value is replaced with how long the server told us to keep the connection around // A future date is created from this and used for expiring the connection, this is stored in connectionInfo's expires value double persistentConnectionTimeoutSeconds; public double persistentConnectionTimeoutSeconds() { return persistentConnectionTimeoutSeconds; } public void setPersistentConnectionTimeoutSeconds( double persistentConnectionTimeoutSeconds) { this.persistentConnectionTimeoutSeconds = persistentConnectionTimeoutSeconds; } // Set to yes when an appropriate keep-alive header is found boolean connectionCanBeReused; // Stores information about the persistent connection that is currently in use. // It may contain: // * The id we set for a particular connection, incremented every time we want to specify that we need a new connection // * The date that connection should expire // * A host, port and scheme for the connection. These are used to determine whether that connection can be reused by a subsequent request (all must match the new request) // * An id for the request that is currently using the connection. This is used for determining if a connection is available or not (we store a number rather than a reference to the request so we don't need to hang onto a request until the connection expires) // * A reference to the stream that is currently using the connection. This is necessary because we need to keep the old stream open until we've opened a new one. // The stream will be closed + released either when another request comes to use the connection, or when the timer fires to tell the connection to expire NSMutableDictionary connectionInfo; // When set to YES, 301 and 302 automatic redirects will use the original method and and body, according to the HTTP 1.1 standard // Default is NO (to follow the behaviour of most browsers) boolean shouldUseRFC2616RedirectBehaviour; // Used internally to record when a request has finished downloading data boolean downloadComplete; public boolean downloadComplete() { return downloadComplete; } public void setDownloadComplete(boolean downloadComplete) { this.downloadComplete = downloadComplete; } // An ID that uniquely identifies this request - primarily used for debugging persistent connections NSNumber requestID; // Will be ASIHTTPRequestRunLoopMode for synchronous requests, NSDefaultRunLoopMode for all other requests String runLoopMode; public String runLoopMode() { return runLoopMode; } public void setRunLoopMode(String runLoopMode) { this.runLoopMode = runLoopMode; } // This timer checks up on the request every 0.25 seconds, and updates progress NSTimer statusTimer; // The download cache that will be used for this request (use [ASIHTTPRequest setDefaultCache:cache] to configure a default cache ASICacheDelegate downloadCache; public ASICacheDelegate downloadCache() { return downloadCache; } public void setDownloadCache(ASICacheDelegate downloadCache) { this.downloadCache = downloadCache; } // The cache policy that will be used for this request - See ASICacheDelegate.h for possible values int cachePolicy; // The cache storage policy that will be used for this request - See ASICacheDelegate.h for possible values int cacheStoragePolicy; // Will be true when the response was pulled from the cache rather than downloaded boolean didUseCachedResponse; public boolean didUseCachedResponse() { return didUseCachedResponse; } public void setDidUseCachedResponse(boolean didUseCachedResponse) { this.didUseCachedResponse = didUseCachedResponse; } // Set secondsToCache to use a custom time interval for expiring the response when it is stored in a cache int secondsToCache; boolean shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground; UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier backgroundTask; // When downloading a gzipped response, the request will use this helper object to inflate the response ASIDataDecompressor dataDecompressor; // Controls how responses with a gzipped encoding are inflated (decompressed) // When set to YES (This is the default): // * gzipped responses for requests without a downloadDestinationPath will be inflated only when [request responseData] / [request responseString] is called // * gzipped responses for requests with a downloadDestinationPath set will be inflated only when the request completes // // When set to NO // All requests will inflate the response as it comes in // * If the request has no downloadDestinationPath set, the raw (compressed) response is discarded and rawResponseData will contain the decompressed response // * If the request has a downloadDestinationPath, the raw response will be stored in temporaryFileDownloadPath as normal, the inflated response will be stored in temporaryUncompressedDataDownloadPath // Once the request completes successfully, the contents of temporaryUncompressedDataDownloadPath are moved into downloadDestinationPath // // Setting this to NO may be especially useful for users using ASIHTTPRequest in conjunction with a streaming parser, as it will allow partial gzipped responses to be inflated and passed on to the parser while the request is still running boolean shouldWaitToInflateCompressedResponses; public boolean shouldWaitToInflateCompressedResponses() { return shouldWaitToInflateCompressedResponses; } public void setShouldWaitToInflateCompressedResponses( boolean shouldWaitToInflateCompressedResponses) { this.shouldWaitToInflateCompressedResponses = shouldWaitToInflateCompressedResponses; } public ASIHTTPRequest(NSURL newURL){ this.setRequestMethod("GET"); this.setRunLoopMode(NSDefaultRunLoopMode); this.setShouldAttemptPersistentConnection(YES); this.setPersistentConnectionTimeoutSeconds(60.0); this.setShouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge(YES); this.setShouldRedirect(YES); this.setShowAccurateProgress(YES); this.setShouldResetDownloadProgress(YES); this.setShouldResetUploadProgress(YES); this.setAllowCompressedResponse(YES); this.setShouldWaitToInflateCompressedResponses(YES); this.setDefaultResponseEncoding(NSStringEncoding.NSISOLatin1StringEncoding); this.setShouldPresentProxyAuthenticationDialog(YES); this.setTimeOutSeconds(ASIHTTPRequest.defaultTimeOutSeconds()); this.setUseSessionPersistence(YES); this.setUseSessionPersistence(YES); this.setValidatesSecureCertificate(YES); this.setRequestCookies(new NSMutableArray()); this.setURL(newURL); this.setCancelledLock(new NSRecursiveLock()); this.setDownloadCache(defaultCache); } public static ASIHTTPRequest requestWithURL(NSURL newURL){ return new ASIHTTPRequest(newURL); } public void startAsynchronous(){ sharedQueue.addOperation(this); } public class ASIAuthenticationState{ public static final int ASINoAuthenticationNeededYet = 0; public static final int ASIHTTPAuthenticationNeeded = 1; public static final int ASIProxyAuthenticationNeeded = 2; } public class ASINetworkErrorType{ public static final int ASIConnectionFailureErrorType = 1; public static final int ASIRequestTimedOutErrorType = 2; public static final int ASIAuthenticationErrorType = 3; public static final int ASIRequestCancelledErrorType = 4; public static final int ASIUnableToCreateRequestErrorType = 5; public static final int ASIInternalErrorWhileBuildingRequestType = 6; public static final int ASIInternalErrorWhileApplyingCredentialsType = 7; public static final int ASIFileManagementError = 8; public static final int ASITooMuchRedirectionErrorType = 9; public static final int ASIUnhandledExceptionError = 10; public static final int ASICompressionError = 11; } @Override public void main() { this.setComplete(NO); this.setDidUseCachedResponse(NO); if (this.url==null) { //TODO error return; } // Must call before we create the request so that the request method can be set if needs be if (this.mainRequest!=null) { this.buildPostBody(); } if (this.requestMethod().equals("GET")) { this.setDownloadCache(null); } // If we're redirecting, we'll already have a CFHTTPMessageRef if (request!=null) { } //If this is a HEAD request generated by an ASINetworkQueue, we need to let the main request generate its headers first so we can use them if (this.mainRequest()!=null) { this.mainRequest().buildRequestHeaders(); } // Even if this is a HEAD request with a mainRequest, we still need to call to give subclasses a chance to add their own to HEAD requests (ASIS3Request does this) this.buildRequestHeaders(); if (this.downloadCache()!=null) { } this.applyAuthorizationHeader(); String header; for (int i = 0; i < requestHeaders.cout(); i++) { } this.startRequest(); } public void requestStarted(){ if (startedBlock!=null) { startedBlock.function(); } } public void startRequest(){ this.performSelectorOnMainThread(selector("requestStarted"), null, NSThread.isMainThread()); this.setDownloadComplete(NO); this.setComplete(NO); this.setTotalBytesRead(0); this.setLastBytesRead(0); if (this.redirectCount()==0) { this.setOriginalURL(this.url); } if (this.lastBytesSent()>0) { this.removeUploadProgressSoFar(); } this.setLastBytesSent(0); this.setContentLength(0); this.setResponseHeaders(null); if (this.downloadDestinationPath()!=null) { this.setRawResponseData(new NSMutableData()); } } public void removeUploadProgressSoFar(){} public void buildPostBody(){ } public void buildRequestHeaders(){ } public void applyAuthorizationHeader(){} }