/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.record.compiler; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.*; /** */ public class JRecord extends JCompType { class JavaRecord extends JavaCompType { private String fullName; private String name; private String module; private ArrayList<JField<JavaType>> fields = new ArrayList<JField<JavaType>>(); JavaRecord(String name, ArrayList<JField<JType>> flist) { super(name, "Record", name, "TypeID.RIOType.STRUCT"); this.fullName = name; int idx = name.lastIndexOf('.'); this.name = name.substring(idx+1); this.module = name.substring(0, idx); for (Iterator<JField<JType>> iter = flist.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { JField<JType> f = iter.next(); fields.add(new JField<JavaType>(f.getName(), f.getType().getJavaType())); } } String getTypeIDObjectString() { return "new org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.StructTypeID(" + fullName + ".getTypeInfo())"; } void genSetRTIFilter(CodeBuffer cb, Map<String, Integer> nestedStructMap) { // ignore, if we'ev already set the type filter for this record if (!nestedStructMap.containsKey(fullName)) { // we set the RTI filter here cb.append(fullName + ".setTypeFilter(rti.getNestedStructTypeInfo(\""+ name + "\"));\n"); nestedStructMap.put(fullName, null); } } // for each typeInfo in the filter, we see if there's a similar one in the record. // Since we store typeInfos in ArrayLists, thsi search is O(n squared). We do it faster // if we also store a map (of TypeInfo to index), but since setupRtiFields() is called // only once when deserializing, we're sticking with the former, as the code is easier. void genSetupRtiFields(CodeBuffer cb) { cb.append("private static void setupRtiFields()\n{\n"); cb.append("if (null == " + Consts.RTI_FILTER + ") return;\n"); cb.append("// we may already have done this\n"); cb.append("if (null != " + Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + ") return;\n"); cb.append("int " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i, " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "j;\n"); cb.append(Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + " = new int [" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "rtiFilter.getFieldTypeInfos().size()];\n"); cb.append("for (" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i=0; " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i<"+ Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + ".length; " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i++) {\n"); cb.append(Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + "[" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i] = 0;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("java.util.Iterator<org.apache.hadoop.record.meta." + "FieldTypeInfo> " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "itFilter = " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "rtiFilter.getFieldTypeInfos().iterator();\n"); cb.append(Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i=0;\n"); cb.append("while (" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "itFilter.hasNext()) {\n"); cb.append("org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "tInfoFilter = " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "itFilter.next();\n"); cb.append("java.util.Iterator<org.apache.hadoop.record.meta." + "FieldTypeInfo> " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "it = " + Consts.RTI_VAR + ".getFieldTypeInfos().iterator();\n"); cb.append(Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "j=1;\n"); cb.append("while (" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "it.hasNext()) {\n"); cb.append("org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "tInfo = " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "it.next();\n"); cb.append("if (" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "tInfo.equals(" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "tInfoFilter)) {\n"); cb.append(Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + "[" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i] = " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "j;\n"); cb.append("break;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append(Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "j++;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); /*int ct = 0; for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ct++; JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); String name = jf.getName(); if (ct != 1) { cb.append("else "); } type.genRtiFieldCondition(cb, name, ct); } if (ct != 0) { cb.append("else {\n"); cb.append("rtiFilterFields[i] = 0;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); }*/ cb.append(Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i++;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("}\n"); } void genReadMethod(CodeBuffer cb, String fname, String tag, boolean decl) { if (decl) { cb.append(fullName+" "+fname+";\n"); } cb.append(fname+"= new "+fullName+"();\n"); cb.append(fname+".deserialize(" + Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ",\""+tag+"\");\n"); } void genWriteMethod(CodeBuffer cb, String fname, String tag) { cb.append(fname+".serialize(" + Consts.RECORD_OUTPUT + ",\""+tag+"\");\n"); } void genSlurpBytes(CodeBuffer cb, String b, String s, String l) { cb.append("{\n"); cb.append("int r = "+fullName+ ".Comparator.slurpRaw("+b+","+s+","+l+");\n"); cb.append(s+"+=r; "+l+"-=r;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); } void genCompareBytes(CodeBuffer cb) { cb.append("{\n"); cb.append("int r1 = "+fullName+ ".Comparator.compareRaw(b1,s1,l1,b2,s2,l2);\n"); cb.append("if (r1 <= 0) { return r1; }\n"); cb.append("s1+=r1; s2+=r1; l1-=r1; l2-=r1;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); } void genCode(String destDir, ArrayList<String> options) throws IOException { String pkg = module; String pkgpath = pkg.replaceAll("\\.", "/"); File pkgdir = new File(destDir, pkgpath); if (!pkgdir.exists()) { // create the pkg directory boolean ret = pkgdir.mkdirs(); if (!ret) { throw new IOException("Cannnot create directory: "+pkgpath); } } else if (!pkgdir.isDirectory()) { // not a directory throw new IOException(pkgpath+" is not a directory."); } File jfile = new File(pkgdir, name+".java"); FileWriter jj = new FileWriter(jfile); CodeBuffer cb = new CodeBuffer(); cb.append("// File generated by hadoop record compiler. Do not edit.\n"); cb.append("package "+module+";\n\n"); cb.append("public class "+name+ " extends org.apache.hadoop.record.Record {\n"); // type information declarations cb.append("private static final " + "org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.RecordTypeInfo " + Consts.RTI_VAR + ";\n"); cb.append("private static " + "org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.RecordTypeInfo " + Consts.RTI_FILTER + ";\n"); cb.append("private static int[] " + Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + ";\n"); // static init for type information cb.append("static {\n"); cb.append(Consts.RTI_VAR + " = " + "new org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.RecordTypeInfo(\"" + name + "\");\n"); for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genStaticTypeInfo(cb, name); } cb.append("}\n\n"); // field definitions for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genDecl(cb, name); } // default constructor cb.append("public "+name+"() { }\n"); // constructor cb.append("public "+name+"(\n"); int fIdx = 0; for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext(); fIdx++) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genConstructorParam(cb, name); cb.append((!i.hasNext())?"":",\n"); } cb.append(") {\n"); fIdx = 0; for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext(); fIdx++) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genConstructorSet(cb, name); } cb.append("}\n"); // getter/setter for type info cb.append("public static org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.RecordTypeInfo" + " getTypeInfo() {\n"); cb.append("return " + Consts.RTI_VAR + ";\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("public static void setTypeFilter(" + "org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.RecordTypeInfo rti) {\n"); cb.append("if (null == rti) return;\n"); cb.append(Consts.RTI_FILTER + " = rti;\n"); cb.append(Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + " = null;\n"); // set RTIFilter for nested structs. // To prevent setting up the type filter for the same struct more than once, // we use a hash map to keep track of what we've set. Map<String, Integer> nestedStructMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (JField<JavaType> jf : fields) { JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genSetRTIFilter(cb, nestedStructMap); } cb.append("}\n"); // setupRtiFields() genSetupRtiFields(cb); // getters/setters for member variables for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genGetSet(cb, name); } // serialize() cb.append("public void serialize("+ "final org.apache.hadoop.record.RecordOutput " + Consts.RECORD_OUTPUT + ", final String " + Consts.TAG + ")\n"+ "throws java.io.IOException {\n"); cb.append(Consts.RECORD_OUTPUT + ".startRecord(this," + Consts.TAG + ");\n"); for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genWriteMethod(cb, name, name); } cb.append(Consts.RECORD_OUTPUT + ".endRecord(this," + Consts.TAG+");\n"); cb.append("}\n"); // deserializeWithoutFilter() cb.append("private void deserializeWithoutFilter("+ "final org.apache.hadoop.record.RecordInput " + Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ", final String " + Consts.TAG + ")\n"+ "throws java.io.IOException {\n"); cb.append(Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ".startRecord(" + Consts.TAG + ");\n"); for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genReadMethod(cb, name, name, false); } cb.append(Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ".endRecord(" + Consts.TAG+");\n"); cb.append("}\n"); // deserialize() cb.append("public void deserialize(final " + "org.apache.hadoop.record.RecordInput " + Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ", final String " + Consts.TAG + ")\n"+ "throws java.io.IOException {\n"); cb.append("if (null == " + Consts.RTI_FILTER + ") {\n"); cb.append("deserializeWithoutFilter(" + Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ", " + Consts.TAG + ");\n"); cb.append("return;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("// if we're here, we need to read based on version info\n"); cb.append(Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ".startRecord(" + Consts.TAG + ");\n"); cb.append("setupRtiFields();\n"); cb.append("for (int " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i=0; " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i<" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + ".getFieldTypeInfos().size(); " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i++) {\n"); int ct = 0; for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); ct++; if (1 != ct) { cb.append("else "); } cb.append("if (" + ct + " == " + Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + "[" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i]) {\n"); type.genReadMethod(cb, name, name, false); cb.append("}\n"); } if (0 != ct) { cb.append("else {\n"); cb.append("java.util.ArrayList<" + "org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo> typeInfos = " + "(java.util.ArrayList<" + "org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo>)" + "(" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + ".getFieldTypeInfos());\n"); cb.append("org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.Utils.skip(" + Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ", " + "typeInfos.get(" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i).getFieldID(), typeInfos.get(" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i).getTypeID());\n"); cb.append("}\n"); } cb.append("}\n"); cb.append(Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ".endRecord(" + Consts.TAG+");\n"); cb.append("}\n"); // compareTo() cb.append("public int compareTo (final Object " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "peer_) throws ClassCastException {\n"); cb.append("if (!(" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "peer_ instanceof "+name+")) {\n"); cb.append("throw new ClassCastException(\"Comparing different types of records.\");\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append(name+" " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "peer = ("+name+") " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "peer_;\n"); cb.append("int " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "ret = 0;\n"); for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genCompareTo(cb, name, Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "peer."+name); cb.append("if (" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "ret != 0) return " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "ret;\n"); } cb.append("return " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "ret;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); // equals() cb.append("public boolean equals(final Object " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "peer_) {\n"); cb.append("if (!(" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "peer_ instanceof "+name+")) {\n"); cb.append("return false;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("if (" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "peer_ == this) {\n"); cb.append("return true;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append(name+" " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "peer = ("+name+") " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "peer_;\n"); cb.append("boolean " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "ret = false;\n"); for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genEquals(cb, name, Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "peer."+name); cb.append("if (!" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "ret) return " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "ret;\n"); } cb.append("return " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "ret;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); // clone() cb.append("public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {\n"); cb.append(name+" " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "other = new "+name+"();\n"); for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genClone(cb, name); } cb.append("return " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "other;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("public int hashCode() {\n"); cb.append("int " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "result = 17;\n"); cb.append("int " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "ret;\n"); for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genHashCode(cb, name); cb.append(Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "result = 37*" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "result + " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "ret;\n"); } cb.append("return " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "result;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("public static String signature() {\n"); cb.append("return \""+getSignature()+"\";\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("public static class Comparator extends"+ " org.apache.hadoop.record.RecordComparator {\n"); cb.append("public Comparator() {\n"); cb.append("super("+name+".class);\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("static public int slurpRaw(byte[] b, int s, int l) {\n"); cb.append("try {\n"); cb.append("int os = s;\n"); for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genSlurpBytes(cb, "b","s","l"); } cb.append("return (os - s);\n"); cb.append("} catch(java.io.IOException e) {\n"); cb.append("throw new RuntimeException(e);\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("static public int compareRaw(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1,\n"); cb.append(" byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {\n"); cb.append("try {\n"); cb.append("int os1 = s1;\n"); for (Iterator<JField<JavaType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<JavaType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); JavaType type = jf.getType(); type.genCompareBytes(cb); } cb.append("return (os1 - s1);\n"); cb.append("} catch(java.io.IOException e) {\n"); cb.append("throw new RuntimeException(e);\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1,\n"); cb.append(" byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {\n"); cb.append("int ret = compareRaw(b1,s1,l1,b2,s2,l2);\n"); cb.append("return (ret == -1)? -1 : ((ret==0)? 1 : 0);"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("}\n\n"); cb.append("static {\n"); cb.append("org.apache.hadoop.record.RecordComparator.define(" +name+".class, new Comparator());\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("}\n"); jj.write(cb.toString()); jj.close(); } } class CppRecord extends CppCompType { private String fullName; private String name; private String module; private ArrayList<JField<CppType>> fields = new ArrayList<JField<CppType>>(); CppRecord(String name, ArrayList<JField<JType>> flist) { super(name.replaceAll("\\.","::")); this.fullName = name.replaceAll("\\.", "::"); int idx = name.lastIndexOf('.'); this.name = name.substring(idx+1); this.module = name.substring(0, idx).replaceAll("\\.", "::"); for (Iterator<JField<JType>> iter = flist.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { JField<JType> f = iter.next(); fields.add(new JField<CppType>(f.getName(), f.getType().getCppType())); } } String getTypeIDObjectString() { return "new ::hadoop::StructTypeID(" + fullName + "::getTypeInfo().getFieldTypeInfos())"; } String genDecl(String fname) { return " "+name+" "+fname+";\n"; } void genSetRTIFilter(CodeBuffer cb) { // we set the RTI filter here cb.append(fullName + "::setTypeFilter(rti.getNestedStructTypeInfo(\""+ name + "\"));\n"); } void genSetupRTIFields(CodeBuffer cb) { cb.append("void " + fullName + "::setupRtiFields() {\n"); cb.append("if (NULL == p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + ") return;\n"); cb.append("if (NULL != p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + ") return;\n"); cb.append("p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + " = new int[p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + "->getFieldTypeInfos().size()];\n"); cb.append("for (unsigned int " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i=0; " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i<p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + "->getFieldTypeInfos().size(); " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i++) {\n"); cb.append("p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + "[" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i] = 0;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("for (unsigned int " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i=0; " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i<p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + "->getFieldTypeInfos().size(); " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i++) {\n"); cb.append("for (unsigned int " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "j=0; " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "j<p" + Consts.RTI_VAR + "->getFieldTypeInfos().size(); " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "j++) {\n"); cb.append("if (*(p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + "->getFieldTypeInfos()[" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i]) == *(p" + Consts.RTI_VAR + "->getFieldTypeInfos()[" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "j])) {\n"); cb.append("p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + "[" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i] = " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "j+1;\n"); cb.append("break;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("}\n"); } void genCode(FileWriter hh, FileWriter cc, ArrayList<String> options) throws IOException { CodeBuffer hb = new CodeBuffer(); String[] ns = module.split("::"); for (int i = 0; i < ns.length; i++) { hb.append("namespace "+ns[i]+" {\n"); } hb.append("class "+name+" : public ::hadoop::Record {\n"); hb.append("private:\n"); for (Iterator<JField<CppType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<CppType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); CppType type = jf.getType(); type.genDecl(hb, name); } // type info vars hb.append("static ::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo* p" + Consts.RTI_VAR + ";\n"); hb.append("static ::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo* p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + ";\n"); hb.append("static int* p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + ";\n"); hb.append("static ::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo* setupTypeInfo();\n"); hb.append("static void setupRtiFields();\n"); hb.append("virtual void deserializeWithoutFilter(::hadoop::IArchive& " + Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ", const char* " + Consts.TAG + ");\n"); hb.append("public:\n"); hb.append("static const ::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo& getTypeInfo() " + "{return *p" + Consts.RTI_VAR + ";}\n"); hb.append("static void setTypeFilter(const ::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo& rti);\n"); hb.append("static void setTypeFilter(const ::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo* prti);\n"); hb.append("virtual void serialize(::hadoop::OArchive& " + Consts.RECORD_OUTPUT + ", const char* " + Consts.TAG + ") const;\n"); hb.append("virtual void deserialize(::hadoop::IArchive& " + Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ", const char* " + Consts.TAG + ");\n"); hb.append("virtual const ::std::string& type() const;\n"); hb.append("virtual const ::std::string& signature() const;\n"); hb.append("virtual bool operator<(const "+name+"& peer_) const;\n"); hb.append("virtual bool operator==(const "+name+"& peer_) const;\n"); hb.append("virtual ~"+name+"() {};\n"); for (Iterator<JField<CppType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<CppType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); CppType type = jf.getType(); type.genGetSet(hb, name); } hb.append("}; // end record "+name+"\n"); for (int i=ns.length-1; i>=0; i--) { hb.append("} // end namespace "+ns[i]+"\n"); } hh.write(hb.toString()); CodeBuffer cb = new CodeBuffer(); // initialize type info vars cb.append("::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo* " + fullName + "::p" + Consts.RTI_VAR + " = " + fullName + "::setupTypeInfo();\n"); cb.append("::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo* " + fullName + "::p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + " = NULL;\n"); cb.append("int* " + fullName + "::p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + " = NULL;\n\n"); // setupTypeInfo() cb.append("::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo* "+fullName+"::setupTypeInfo() {\n"); cb.append("::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo* p = new ::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo(\"" + name + "\");\n"); for (Iterator<JField<CppType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<CppType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); CppType type = jf.getType(); type.genStaticTypeInfo(cb, name); } cb.append("return p;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); // setTypeFilter() cb.append("void "+fullName+"::setTypeFilter(const " + "::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo& rti) {\n"); cb.append("if (NULL != p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + ") {\n"); cb.append("delete p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + ";\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + " = new ::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo(rti);\n"); cb.append("if (NULL != p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + ") {\n"); cb.append("delete p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + ";\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + " = NULL;\n"); // set RTIFilter for nested structs. We may end up with multiple lines that // do the same thing, if the same struct is nested in more than one field, // but that's OK. for (Iterator<JField<CppType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<CppType> jf = i.next(); CppType type = jf.getType(); type.genSetRTIFilter(cb); } cb.append("}\n"); // setTypeFilter() cb.append("void "+fullName+"::setTypeFilter(const " + "::hadoop::RecordTypeInfo* prti) {\n"); cb.append("if (NULL != prti) {\n"); cb.append("setTypeFilter(*prti);\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("}\n"); // setupRtiFields() genSetupRTIFields(cb); // serialize() cb.append("void "+fullName+"::serialize(::hadoop::OArchive& " + Consts.RECORD_OUTPUT + ", const char* " + Consts.TAG + ") const {\n"); cb.append(Consts.RECORD_OUTPUT + ".startRecord(*this," + Consts.TAG + ");\n"); for (Iterator<JField<CppType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<CppType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); CppType type = jf.getType(); if (type instanceof JBuffer.CppBuffer) { cb.append(Consts.RECORD_OUTPUT + ".serialize("+name+","+name+ ".length(),\""+name+"\");\n"); } else { cb.append(Consts.RECORD_OUTPUT + ".serialize("+name+",\""+ name+"\");\n"); } } cb.append(Consts.RECORD_OUTPUT + ".endRecord(*this," + Consts.TAG + ");\n"); cb.append("return;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); // deserializeWithoutFilter() cb.append("void "+fullName+"::deserializeWithoutFilter(::hadoop::IArchive& " + Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ", const char* " + Consts.TAG + ") {\n"); cb.append(Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ".startRecord(*this," + Consts.TAG + ");\n"); for (Iterator<JField<CppType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<CppType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); CppType type = jf.getType(); if (type instanceof JBuffer.CppBuffer) { cb.append("{\nsize_t len=0; " + Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ".deserialize("+ name+",len,\""+name+"\");\n}\n"); } else { cb.append(Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ".deserialize("+name+",\""+ name+"\");\n"); } } cb.append(Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ".endRecord(*this," + Consts.TAG + ");\n"); cb.append("return;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); // deserialize() cb.append("void "+fullName+"::deserialize(::hadoop::IArchive& " + Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ", const char* " + Consts.TAG + ") {\n"); cb.append("if (NULL == p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + ") {\n"); cb.append("deserializeWithoutFilter(" + Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ", " + Consts.TAG + ");\n"); cb.append("return;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("// if we're here, we need to read based on version info\n"); cb.append(Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ".startRecord(*this," + Consts.TAG + ");\n"); cb.append("setupRtiFields();\n"); cb.append("for (unsigned int " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i=0; " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i<p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + "->getFieldTypeInfos().size(); " + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i++) {\n"); int ct = 0; for (Iterator<JField<CppType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<CppType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); CppType type = jf.getType(); ct++; if (1 != ct) { cb.append("else "); } cb.append("if (" + ct + " == p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER_FIELDS + "[" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i]) {\n"); if (type instanceof JBuffer.CppBuffer) { cb.append("{\nsize_t len=0; " + Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ".deserialize("+ name+",len,\""+name+"\");\n}\n"); } else { cb.append(Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ".deserialize("+name+",\""+ name+"\");\n"); } cb.append("}\n"); } if (0 != ct) { cb.append("else {\n"); cb.append("const std::vector< ::hadoop::FieldTypeInfo* >& typeInfos = p" + Consts.RTI_FILTER + "->getFieldTypeInfos();\n"); cb.append("::hadoop::Utils::skip(" + Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ", typeInfos[" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i]->getFieldID()->c_str()" + ", *(typeInfos[" + Consts.RIO_PREFIX + "i]->getTypeID()));\n"); cb.append("}\n"); } cb.append("}\n"); cb.append(Consts.RECORD_INPUT + ".endRecord(*this, " + Consts.TAG+");\n"); cb.append("}\n"); // operator < cb.append("bool "+fullName+"::operator< (const "+fullName+"& peer_) const {\n"); cb.append("return (1\n"); for (Iterator<JField<CppType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<CppType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); cb.append("&& ("+name+" < peer_."+name+")\n"); } cb.append(");\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("bool "+fullName+"::operator== (const "+fullName+"& peer_) const {\n"); cb.append("return (1\n"); for (Iterator<JField<CppType>> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JField<CppType> jf = i.next(); String name = jf.getName(); cb.append("&& ("+name+" == peer_."+name+")\n"); } cb.append(");\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("const ::std::string&"+fullName+"::type() const {\n"); cb.append("static const ::std::string type_(\""+name+"\");\n"); cb.append("return type_;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cb.append("const ::std::string&"+fullName+"::signature() const {\n"); cb.append("static const ::std::string sig_(\""+getSignature()+"\");\n"); cb.append("return sig_;\n"); cb.append("}\n"); cc.write(cb.toString()); } } class CRecord extends CCompType { } private String signature; /** * Creates a new instance of JRecord */ public JRecord(String name, ArrayList<JField<JType>> flist) { setJavaType(new JavaRecord(name, flist)); setCppType(new CppRecord(name, flist)); setCType(new CRecord()); // precompute signature int idx = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String recName = name.substring(idx+1); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("L").append(recName).append("("); for (Iterator<JField<JType>> i = flist.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String s = i.next().getType().getSignature(); sb.append(s); } sb.append(")"); signature = sb.toString(); } String getSignature() { return signature; } void genCppCode(FileWriter hh, FileWriter cc, ArrayList<String> options) throws IOException { ((CppRecord)getCppType()).genCode(hh, cc, options); } void genJavaCode(String destDir, ArrayList<String> options) throws IOException { ((JavaRecord)getJavaType()).genCode(destDir, options); } }