/* * Copyright (C) 2012, 2016 higherfrequencytrading.com * Copyright (C) 2016 Roman Leventov * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package net.openhft.chronicle.hash.impl.stage.query; import net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.Bytes; import net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.BytesUtil; import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.Data; import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.impl.stage.entry.HashEntryStages; import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.impl.stage.entry.HashLookupSearch; import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.impl.stage.entry.SegmentStages; import net.openhft.chronicle.map.impl.VanillaChronicleMapHolder; import net.openhft.sg.Stage; import net.openhft.sg.StageRef; import net.openhft.sg.Staged; import static net.openhft.chronicle.hash.impl.stage.query.KeySearch.SearchState.ABSENT; import static net.openhft.chronicle.hash.impl.stage.query.KeySearch.SearchState.PRESENT; @Staged public abstract class KeySearch<K> { @StageRef VanillaChronicleMapHolder<?, ?, ?> mh; @StageRef public SegmentStages s; @StageRef public HashLookupSearch hashLookupSearch; @StageRef public HashEntryStages<K> entry; public Data<K> inputKey = null; public abstract boolean inputKeyInit(); public void initInputKey(Data<K> inputKey) { this.inputKey = inputKey; } public enum SearchState { PRESENT, ABSENT } @Stage("KeySearch") protected SearchState searchState = null; public abstract boolean keySearchInit(); @Stage("KeySearch") public void setSearchState(SearchState newSearchState) { this.searchState = newSearchState; } public void initKeySearch() { for (long pos; (pos = hashLookupSearch.nextPos()) >= 0L;) { // otherwise we are inside iteration relocation. // During iteration, key search occurs when doReplaceValue() exhausts space in // the current segment, and insertion into the tiered segment requires to locate // an empty slot in the hashLookup. if (inputKeyInit()) { long keySizeOffset = s.entrySpaceOffset + pos * mh.m().chunkSize; Bytes segmentBytes = s.segmentBytesForRead(); segmentBytes.readPosition(keySizeOffset); long keySize = mh.h().keySizeMarshaller.readSize(segmentBytes); long keyOffset = segmentBytes.readPosition(); if (!keyEquals(keySize, keyOffset)) continue; hashLookupSearch.found(); entry.readFoundEntry(pos, keySizeOffset, keySize, keyOffset); searchState = PRESENT; return; } } searchState = SearchState.ABSENT; } boolean keyEquals(long keySize, long keyOffset) { return inputKey.size() == keySize && inputKey.equivalent(s.segmentBS, keyOffset); } public boolean searchStatePresent() { return searchState == PRESENT; } public boolean searchStateAbsent() { return searchState == ABSENT; } }