package com.beloo.widget.chipslayoutmanager.util; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; public class AssertionUtils { private AssertionUtils() {} public static <T> void assertNotNull(@Nullable T object, @NonNull String parameterName) throws AssertionError { if (object == null) throw new AssertionError(parameterName + " can't be null."); } public static <T> void assertInstanceOf(@NonNull T object, @NonNull Class<?> clazz, @NonNull String parameterName) throws AssertionError { check(!clazz.isInstance(object), parameterName + " is not instance of " + clazz.getName() + "."); } public static <T> void assertNotEquals(@NonNull T object, @NonNull T anotherObject, @NonNull String parameterName) throws AssertionError { check(object == anotherObject || object.equals(anotherObject), parameterName + " can't be equal to " + String.valueOf(anotherObject) + "."); } public static void assertNotEmpty(String text, String parameterName) throws AssertionError { check(TextUtils.isEmpty(text) || TextUtils.isEmpty(text.trim()), parameterName + " can't be empty."); } public static void check(boolean b, @NonNull String message) { if (b) throw new AssertionError(message); } }