package com.beloo.widget.chipslayoutmanager; import; import com.beloo.widget.chipslayoutmanager.layouter.breaker.IRowBreaker; interface IChipsLayoutManagerContract extends IPositionsContract, IScrollingContract { /** use it to strictly disable scrolling. * If scrolling enabled it would be disabled in case all items fit on the screen */ void setScrollingEnabledContract(boolean isEnabled); /** * change max count of row views in runtime */ void setMaxViewsInRow(@IntRange(from = 1) Integer maxViewsInRow); /** retrieve max views in row settings*/ Integer getMaxViewsInRow(); /** retrieve instantiated row breaker*/ IRowBreaker getRowBreaker(); /** retrieve row strategy type*/ @RowStrategy int getRowStrategyType(); @Orientation /** orientation type of layout manager*/ int layoutOrientation(); /** whether or not scrolling disabled outside*/ boolean isScrollingEnabledContract(); }