package eu.hgross.blaubot.messaging; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import eu.hgross.blaubot.admin.AbstractAdminMessage; import eu.hgross.blaubot.admin.AddSubscriptionAdminMessage; import eu.hgross.blaubot.admin.AdminMessageFactory; import eu.hgross.blaubot.admin.FinishedHandshakeAdminMessage; import eu.hgross.blaubot.admin.RemoveSubscriptionAdminMessage; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.BlaubotConstants; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.BlaubotDevice; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.IActionListener; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.IBlaubotConnection; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.IBlaubotDevice; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.acceptor.IBlaubotConnectionListener; import eu.hgross.blaubot.mock.BlaubotConnectionQueueMock; import eu.hgross.blaubot.util.Log; /** * Factory class for the creation of BlaubotChannel instances. * Keeps all created instances under control. * * TODO: more documentation here */ public class BlaubotChannelManager { private static final String LOG_TAG = "BlaubotChannelManager"; private ConcurrentHashMap<Short, BlaubotChannel> channels; private ConcurrentHashMap<IBlaubotConnection, BlaubotMessageManager> messageManagers; private CopyOnWriteArrayList<IBlaubotAdminMessageListener> adminMessageListeners; private CopyOnWriteArrayList<IBlaubotSubscriptionChangeListener> subscriptionChangeListeners; private volatile boolean isMaster = false; private String ownUniqueDeviceId; /** * Synchronizes against subscription updates and initial state transfers */ protected final Object subscriptionLock = new Object(); /** * The message manager that represents the Master device's own connection (since it also acts * as a client to itself). */ private volatile BlaubotMessageManager ownMessageManager; /** * @param ownUniqueDeviceId the own unique device id */ public BlaubotChannelManager(String ownUniqueDeviceId) { this.ownUniqueDeviceId = ownUniqueDeviceId; this.channels = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.messageManagers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.adminMessageListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); this.subscriptionChangeListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); } /** * A listener that is attached to each managed channel of this channel manager that simply proxies * the events to the attached IBlaubotSubscriptionChangeListeners of this manager. */ private IBlaubotSubscriptionChangeListener proxySubscriptionChangeListener = new IBlaubotSubscriptionChangeListener() { @Override public void onSubscriptionAdded(String uniqueDeviceId, short channelId) { notifySubscriptionAdded(uniqueDeviceId, channelId); } @Override public void onSubscriptionRemoved(String uniqueDeviceId, short channelId) { notifySubscriptionRemoved(uniqueDeviceId, channelId); } /** * Notifies the attached listeners that a subscription was added. * @param uniqueDeviceId the subscribing uniquedeviceid * @param channelId the channel id */ private void notifySubscriptionAdded(String uniqueDeviceId, short channelId) { for (IBlaubotSubscriptionChangeListener listener : subscriptionChangeListeners) { listener.onSubscriptionAdded(uniqueDeviceId, channelId); } } /** * Notifies the attached listeners that a subscription was removed. * @param uniqueDeviceId the formerly subscribing uniquedeviceid * @param channelId the channel id */ private void notifySubscriptionRemoved(String uniqueDeviceId, short channelId) { for (IBlaubotSubscriptionChangeListener listener : subscriptionChangeListeners) { listener.onSubscriptionRemoved(uniqueDeviceId, channelId); } } }; /** * Creates a channel, if not already existent. * If the channel exists, the channel instance will be returned. * * @param channelId the channel id to create the channel for * @return channel instance corresponding to the given channelId * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the channelId is smaller than 0 or greater than 0xffff */ public IBlaubotChannel createOrGetChannel(short channelId) { int unsignedChannelId = channelId & 0xffff; if (unsignedChannelId < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ChannelIds have to be greater or equal 0."); } if (unsignedChannelId > BlaubotConstants.USHORT_MAX_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ChannelIds cannot be greater than an unsigned short (" + BlaubotConstants.USHORT_MAX_VALUE + ")"); } BlaubotChannel channel = channels.get(channelId); boolean added = false; // we assume the channel is already there, which will be the case of the time. // If not, we do the usual putIfAbsent handling. // This gains some performance, since this method is used internally very often. if (channel == null) { channel = new BlaubotChannel(channelId, this); added = channels.putIfAbsent(channelId, channel) == null; } channel = channels.get(channelId); if (added) { // ensure activation initially (if we have connections) maintainChannelActivation(); // add proxy listener channel.addSubscriptionListener(proxySubscriptionChangeListener); } return channel; } /** * Sets this ChannelManager to master mode, meaning that this instance is managing all * communication traffic or acts in client mode. * If the previous state was the same, nothing happens. * All the connection managers will be discarded when called, meaning that all connections * that are still valid have to be added again. * * @param isMaster notify if the channel manager is now in master role */ public void setMaster(final boolean isMaster) { synchronized (setMasterLock) { final boolean prevState = this.isMaster; if (isMaster == prevState) { // nothing to do return; } this.isMaster = isMaster; if (Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "setMaster(" + isMaster + ") -> Deactivating all MessageManagers"); } // discard all of the connection management ArrayList<CountDownLatch> latches = new ArrayList<>(); for (final BlaubotMessageManager mm : messageManagers.values()) { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); latches.add(latch); mm.deactivate(new IActionListener() { @Override public void onFinished() { latch.countDown(); if (Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "MessageManager sucessfully stopped: " + mm); } } }); } if (Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Awaiting " + latches.size() + " MessageManagers to shut down ..."); } // block until all managers are properly shut down for (CountDownLatch latch : latches) { try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { continue; } } // then forget about them messageManagers.clear(); if (Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "All " + latches.size() + " MessageManagers shut down properly."); } if (isMaster) { // Add our own dummy connection final IBlaubotDevice masterDummyDevice = new BlaubotDevice(ownUniqueDeviceId); final BlaubotConnectionQueueMock sendingConnection = new BlaubotConnectionQueueMock(masterDummyDevice); final IBlaubotConnection receivingConnection = sendingConnection.getOtherEndpointConnection(masterDummyDevice); final BlaubotMessageReceiver receiver = new BlaubotMessageReceiver(receivingConnection); final BlaubotMessageSender sender = new BlaubotMessageSender(sendingConnection); final BlaubotMessageManager ownMm = new BlaubotMessageManager(sender, receiver); final boolean added = messageManagers.putIfAbsent(receivingConnection, ownMm) == null; if (added) { ownMessageManager = ownMm; ownMm.getMessageReceiver().addMessageListener(messageDispatcher); ownMm.activate(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Could not add reflexive connection to ChannelManager"); } for (BlaubotChannel channel : channels.values()) { channel.setDoNotTransmit(false); } } else { // We transitioned from master to not master // forget all connections // -- all managers should be deactivated messageManagers.clear(); ownMessageManager = null; } } } /** * Locks access to the isMaster flag */ private Object setMasterLock = new Object(); protected boolean isMaster() { synchronized (setMasterLock) { return isMaster; } } /** * Unsubscribes all subscriptions made by uniqueDeviceId * * @param uniqueDeviceId * @return List of unsubscribe admin messages to be sent */ private List<RemoveSubscriptionAdminMessage> createUnsubscribeMessagesForUniqueDeviceId(String uniqueDeviceId) { List<RemoveSubscriptionAdminMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>(); for (BlaubotChannel channel : channels.values()) { final ConcurrentSkipListSet<String> subscriptions = channel.getSubscriptions(); for (String subscriptionUniqueDeviceId : subscriptions) { if (uniqueDeviceId.equals(subscriptionUniqueDeviceId)) { messages.add(new RemoveSubscriptionAdminMessage(uniqueDeviceId, channel.getChannelConfig().getChannelId())); } } } return messages; } /** * Adds a connection to be managed (receiving and sending) * * @param connection the connection to add */ public void addConnection(IBlaubotConnection connection) { if (Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Adding connection: " + connection); } BlaubotMessageManager mm = new BlaubotMessageManager(connection); boolean added = messageManagers.putIfAbsent(connection, mm) == null; if (added) { connection.addConnectionListener(disconnectionListener); mm = messageManagers.get(connection); // regenerate the AddSubscriptionAdminMessages for each subscription of each // channel and add them to the queue before activating the message manager synchronized (setMasterLock) { synchronized (subscriptionLock) { // synchronized against subscription message handling for (BlaubotChannel channel : channels.values()) { final ConcurrentSkipListSet<String> subscriptions = channel.getSubscriptions(); for (String uniqueDeviceId : subscriptions) { /* TODO: prob Device A joins Network Device B (Master) already knows some subscriptions of A, but these subscriptions may have changed between the disconnect and connect! This results in subscribing to channels not wanted by Device A. Possible fix: Device A will send all of its own subscriptions to the Master (device B) after connection. We could save the timestamp of Device A's join into the network and invalidate all subscriptions for Device A that were made before. We don't need to sync time because the AddSubscriptionMessage and RemoveSubscriptionMessage will be dispatched by the master who will add the timestamp. */ AddSubscriptionAdminMessage addSubscriptionAdminMessage = new AddSubscriptionAdminMessage(uniqueDeviceId, channel.getChannelConfig().getChannelId()); final BlaubotMessage message = addSubscriptionAdminMessage.toBlaubotMessage(); message.getMessageType().setIsFirstHop(!isMaster); mm.getMessageSender().sendMessage(message); } if (!isMaster) { // if we are client, we forbid our channels to send anything as long as we did not got an ack for our FinishedHandshakeMessage channel.setDoNotTransmit(true); } } // now some logic for the handshakes final BlaubotMessageManager fMM = mm; if (!isMaster) { // send finished handshake message and await the same message as ACK later on the receiver final FinishedHandshakeAdminMessage finishedHandshakeAdminMessage = new FinishedHandshakeAdminMessage(); mm.getMessageReceiver().addMessageListener(new IBlaubotMessageListener() { @Override public void onMessage(BlaubotMessage blaubotMessage) { if (blaubotMessage.getMessageType().isAdminMessage()) { AbstractAdminMessage adminMessage = AdminMessageFactory.createAdminMessageFromRawMessage(blaubotMessage); if (adminMessage instanceof FinishedHandshakeAdminMessage) { if (((FinishedHandshakeAdminMessage) adminMessage).getIsAck() && ((FinishedHandshakeAdminMessage) adminMessage).getMessageUuid().equals(finishedHandshakeAdminMessage.getMessageUuid())) { // allow transmission in channels for (BlaubotChannel channel : channels.values()) { channel.setDoNotTransmit(false); } // unregister self fMM.getMessageReceiver().removeMessageListener(this); } } } } }); mm.getMessageSender().sendMessage(finishedHandshakeAdminMessage.toBlaubotMessage()); } else { // we add a listener to the receiver that awaits the finished handshake message from the client and just sends it back to the sender as ack mm.getMessageReceiver().addMessageListener(new IBlaubotMessageListener() { @Override public void onMessage(BlaubotMessage blaubotMessage) { if (blaubotMessage.getMessageType().isAdminMessage()) { AbstractAdminMessage adminMessage = AdminMessageFactory.createAdminMessageFromRawMessage(blaubotMessage); if (adminMessage instanceof FinishedHandshakeAdminMessage) { ((FinishedHandshakeAdminMessage) adminMessage).setIsAck(true); // echo as ACK fMM.getMessageSender().sendMessage(adminMessage.toBlaubotMessage()); // unregister self fMM.getMessageReceiver().removeMessageListener(this); } } } }); } } } mm.getMessageReceiver().addMessageListener(messageDispatcher); // TODO: check when to activate - we could be disabled or something? mm.activate(); // starts and sends the subscriptions if (Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Added connection " + connection + ", send subscriptions and activated MessageManager for it."); } } else { // TODO: what about this case?? -> ignore? Log.e(LOG_TAG, "addConnection(..): Connection was not added (was already in map): " + connection); throw new RuntimeException("Connection added twice"); } maintainChannelActivation(); } /** * Simply removes subscriptions from the channels that are not ours */ private void clearOtherSubscriptions() { final HashSet<String> toRemove = new HashSet<>(); for (BlaubotChannel channel : channels.values()) { final ConcurrentSkipListSet<String> subscriptions = channel.getSubscriptions(); for (String subscriptionUniqueDeviceId : subscriptions) { if (!subscriptionUniqueDeviceId.equals(ownUniqueDeviceId)) { toRemove.add(subscriptionUniqueDeviceId); } } } for (BlaubotChannel channel : channels.values()) { for (String removeId : toRemove) { channel.removeSubscription(removeId); } } } /** * Removes a connection from the channel manager so it is not being managed anymore * * @param connection the connection to remove */ public void removeConnection(IBlaubotConnection connection) { if (Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Removing connection: " + connection); } connection.removeConnectionListener(disconnectionListener); BlaubotMessageManager mm = messageManagers.remove(connection); if (mm != null) { final String remoteDeviceUniqueDeviceId = connection.getRemoteDevice().getUniqueDeviceID(); synchronized (setMasterLock) { if (isMaster && !remoteDeviceUniqueDeviceId.equals(ownUniqueDeviceId)) { // we are only interested in keeping our own subscriptions // unsubscribe the rest synchronized (subscriptionLock) { final List<RemoveSubscriptionAdminMessage> removeSubscriptionAdminMessages = createUnsubscribeMessagesForUniqueDeviceId(remoteDeviceUniqueDeviceId); for (AbstractAdminMessage adminMessage : removeSubscriptionAdminMessages) { publishToAllConnectionsExcept(adminMessage.toBlaubotMessage(), connection); } } } else if (!isMaster) { clearOtherSubscriptions(); } } // remove listeners to incoming messages from the MessageManager and deactivate it. mm.getMessageReceiver().removeMessageListener(messageDispatcher); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); mm.deactivate(new IActionListener() { @Override public void onFinished() { latch.countDown(); } }); try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (Log.logWarningMessages()) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Got interrupted while waiting for MessageManager to deactivate"); } } if (Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Removed connection and deactivated MessageManager for connection: " + connection); } } else { if (Log.logWarningMessages()) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "removeConnection() was called for a connection that was not managed by this channel manager. Connection: " + connection + "; MessageManagers: " + messageManagers); } } maintainChannelActivation(); } /** * Is attached to all connections that are added to the ChannelManager via addConnection(..) * simply to call removeConnection(..) on connection failures. */ private final IBlaubotConnectionListener disconnectionListener = new IBlaubotConnectionListener() { @Override public void onConnectionClosed(IBlaubotConnection connection) { removeConnection(connection); } }; /** * called internally whenever we need to make changes to the channel activation: * - when connections are added * - when connections are removed * - when the channelmanager is deactivated * - when the channelmanager is activated */ private void maintainChannelActivation() { // if we have connections, we activate, otherwise deactivate all channels if (!hasConnections()) { deactivateChannels(); for (BlaubotChannel channel : channels.values()) { channel.setDoNotTransmit(false); } } else { activateChannels(); } } /** * MessageRouter * This is the central point where messages arrive from the managed IBlaubotConnections and will * be dispatched to the designated channels or admin message listeners. * * This listener is appended to all MessageReceivers. * * The counterparts (sending side) of this can be found in the publishTo*** methods. */ private IBlaubotMessageListener messageDispatcher = new IBlaubotMessageListener() { private final String LOG_TAG = "BlaubotChannelManager.messageDispatcher"; @Override public void onMessage(BlaubotMessage message) { final BlaubotMessageType messageType = message.getMessageType(); // simple dispatcher logic: if the firstHop bit is set and we are master, we unset the flag // and re-send this message to all our connections (including ourselve). // The flag basically ensures, that a message passes the master once before (re)dispatched to // the destination. if (isMaster && messageType.isFirstHop()) { // -- the message need to be dispatched // we have to dispatch it to the right places // in every case we remove the firstHop flag, to let the receiver know, that the message // has reached it's final destination on receive. messageType.setIsFirstHop(false); // now we decide if we want to dispatch the message to all connected device (note: we are master) // or if we need to dispatch more granular if (messageType.isAdminMessage()) { // -- this message is an adminMessage that needs to be broadcasted (dispatched to others) further. publishToAllConnections(message); } else if (messageType.isKeepAliveMessage()) { // keep alive messages are never broadcasted - assert that throw new RuntimeException("Got a keepAlive message that should be broadcasted - that makes no sense."); } else { // this message needs to be dispatched to subscribers dispatchChannelMessage(message); } return; } else if (messageType.isFirstHop()) { // Can happen, if we transition to StoppedState if (Log.logWarningMessages()) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Got a firstHop bit and I am not master."); } } // -- at this point, the incoming message was re-dispatched or destinated to us, // so we have to decide where it belongs on our local device (the right listeners). // find the message's destination // The logic here is the same for master and non-master devices. if (messageType.isAdminMessage()) { handleAdminMessage(message); return; } else if (messageType.isKeepAliveMessage()) { handleKeepAliveMessage(message); return; } else { // -- obviously meant to be dispatched to a channel. // get the channel short channelId = message.getChannelId(); BlaubotChannel channel = (BlaubotChannel) createOrGetChannel(channelId); // notify listeners, if any channel.notify(message); } } /** * Inspects the message and dispatches it to the right BlaubotMessageManagers. * @param message the message to dispatch * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if not in master mode */ private void dispatchChannelMessage(BlaubotMessage message) { final short channelId = message.getChannelId(); if (!isMaster) { throw new IllegalStateException(""); } if (channelId < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The message does not contain a valid channel id to be dispatched."); } BlaubotChannel channel = (BlaubotChannel) createOrGetChannel(channelId); final ConcurrentSkipListSet<String> subscriptions = channel.getSubscriptions(); for (BlaubotMessageManager messageManager : messageManagers.values()) { final BlaubotMessageSender messageSender = messageManager.getMessageSender(); final String uniqueDeviceID = messageSender.getBlaubotConnection().getRemoteDevice().getUniqueDeviceID(); if (subscriptions.contains(uniqueDeviceID)) { // -- the device is subscribed to the channel // check if we have to exclude it if (checkExclude(message, messageManager)) { // this device has to be excluded continue; } messageSender.sendMessage(message); } } } /** * Handles incoming keep alive messages * @param message the received keep alive message */ private void handleKeepAliveMessage(BlaubotMessage message) { //Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Got keep alive message"); // nothing to do } /** * Handles incoming AdminMessages for the messaging layer. * Note that other interested parties can listen to admin messages by adding listeners via addAdminMessageListener() * * @param message the received admin message to handle */ private void handleAdminMessage(BlaubotMessage message) { AbstractAdminMessage adminMessage = AdminMessageFactory.createAdminMessageFromRawMessage(message); //Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Got admin message: " + adminMessage); if (adminMessage instanceof AddSubscriptionAdminMessage) { short channelId = ((AddSubscriptionAdminMessage) adminMessage).getChannelId(); String uniqueId = ((AddSubscriptionAdminMessage) adminMessage).getUniqueDeviceId(); BlaubotChannel channel = (BlaubotChannel) createOrGetChannel(channelId); channel.addSubscription(uniqueId); } else if (adminMessage instanceof RemoveSubscriptionAdminMessage) { short channelId = ((RemoveSubscriptionAdminMessage) adminMessage).getChannelId(); String uniqueId = ((RemoveSubscriptionAdminMessage) adminMessage).getUniqueDeviceId(); BlaubotChannel channel = (BlaubotChannel) createOrGetChannel(channelId); channel.removeSubscription(uniqueId); } // finally notify all other listeners for (IBlaubotAdminMessageListener listener : adminMessageListeners) { listener.onAdminMessage(adminMessage); } } }; /** * The uniqueDevice Id * * @return the unique device id */ protected String getOwnUniqueDeviceId() { return ownUniqueDeviceId; } /** * Note: This is a low level messaging method used for internal messaging and admin messages. * * Sends (queues) the given BlaubotMessage to all connections added via addConnection(..) * Obviously this means that if in master mode this method dispatches the message to all connected * clients and in client mode to the master. * * @param message the message that will be published * @return the number of message senders to which the message was committed */ public int publishToAllConnections(BlaubotMessage message) { int cnt = 0; for (BlaubotMessageManager messageManager : messageManagers.values()) { if (checkExclude(message, messageManager)) { continue; } messageManager.getMessageSender().sendMessage(message); cnt += 1; } return cnt; } /** * Sends (queues) the given BlaubotMessage to all connections added via addConnection(..) except * the set of given connections. * * @param message the message that will be published * @param connection connections to be excluded * @return the number of message senders to which the message was committed */ private int publishToAllConnectionsExcept(BlaubotMessage message, IBlaubotConnection... connection) { final List<IBlaubotConnection> excludeConnections = Arrays.asList(connection); int cnt = 0; for (BlaubotMessageManager messageManager : messageManagers.values()) { if (checkExclude(message, messageManager)) { continue; } if (excludeConnections.contains(messageManager.getMessageReceiver().getBlaubotConnection())) { continue; } messageManager.getMessageSender().sendMessage(message); cnt += 1; } return cnt; } /** * Based on the MessageType header decides, whether the message has to be send to the given messageManger sender's connection * or is to be excluded, due to the exclude flag. * Will retrun true, if the message is a channel message, the message type contains the excluded tag and the message's last originator * connection's remote device's unique device id equals to the messageManager sender's unique device id. * * @param message the message to be dispatched * @param messageManager the message dispatcher for which a decision is to be made * @return true, iff the given message is not to be dispatched to the given message manager */ private boolean checkExclude(BlaubotMessage message, BlaubotMessageManager messageManager) { // the sender will be excluded, if the message is a channel message and the exclude flag is set if (!(!message.getMessageType().isAdminMessage() && message.getMessageType().isSenderExcluded())) { return false; } // check if the message should be sent final String connectionUniqueDeviceID = messageManager.getMessageReceiver().getBlaubotConnection().getRemoteDevice().getUniqueDeviceID(); final String receivedFromUniqueDeviceId = message.getLastOriginatorConnection() == null ? null : message.getLastOriginatorConnection().getRemoteDevice().getUniqueDeviceID(); return connectionUniqueDeviceID.equals(receivedFromUniqueDeviceId); } /** * Note: This is a low level messaging method used for internal messaging and admin messages. * Use channels for your messages. * * Sends (queues) the given BlaubotMessage to be sent to the connection(s) of the device * with the given uniqueDeviceId (if any managed connection(s) are from the device with * uniqueDeviceId). * * @param message the message to be sent * @param uniqueDeviceId the message recipient * @return true iff at least one message sender for this unqiueDeviceId was found */ public boolean publishToSingleDevice(BlaubotMessage message, String uniqueDeviceId) { final Set<BlaubotMessageManager> managers = new HashSet<BlaubotMessageManager>(); // TODO this implementation is probably horribly slow and produces many overhead for (BlaubotMessageManager messageManager : messageManagers.values()) { final BlaubotMessageSender messageSender = messageManager.getMessageSender(); if (messageSender.getBlaubotConnection().getRemoteDevice().getUniqueDeviceID().equals(uniqueDeviceId)) { managers.add(messageManager); } } for (BlaubotMessageManager messageManager : managers) { messageManager.getMessageSender().sendMessage(message); } if (Log.logWarningMessages()) { if (managers.isEmpty()) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not send a message to " + uniqueDeviceId + " because there was no managed connection for this device."); } } return !managers.isEmpty(); } /** * Publishes a message posted to a channel to the master, where it is then dispatched further. * This method is called by the message pickers from the channels and only represents the first * hop a message makes. * * @param channelMessage the message to be published * @return the number of message senders that got our message (sendMessage() calls). */ public int publishChannelMessage(BlaubotMessage channelMessage) { if (isMaster) { // we send it to our own connection with the firstHop bit set channelMessage.getMessageType().setIsFirstHop(true); ownMessageManager.getMessageSender().sendMessage(channelMessage); return 1; } else { // we send it to the master return publishToAllConnections(channelMessage); } } /** * Sends a BlaubotMessage as admin message to the master, from where it is dispatched to all clients (including the master). * * @param adminMessage the adminMessage to be broadcasted * @return the number of MessageSenders to which the message was committed */ public int broadcastAdminMessage(BlaubotMessage adminMessage) { final BlaubotMessageType messageType = adminMessage.getMessageType(); messageType.setIsFirstHop(true); if (isMaster) { // we send it to our own connection with the firstHop bit set // this causes the master's channelManager to dispatch the msg // to all clients ownMessageManager.getMessageSender().sendMessage(adminMessage); return 1; } else { // we send it to the master via the connection return publishToAllConnections(adminMessage); } } /** * @return true, iff the channel manager has at least one connection */ protected boolean hasConnections() { return !messageManagers.isEmpty(); } /** * Adds a listener for admin messages. * * @param adminMessageListener the listener to add */ public void addAdminMessageListener(IBlaubotAdminMessageListener adminMessageListener) { this.adminMessageListeners.add(adminMessageListener); } /** * Removes a listener for admin messages. * * @param adminMessageListener the listener to be removed */ public void removeAdminMessageListener(IBlaubotAdminMessageListener adminMessageListener) { this.adminMessageListeners.remove(adminMessageListener); } /** * Removes all connections (and deactivates their senders/receivers). * @return List of removed connections */ public List<IBlaubotConnection> reset() { // remove all connections and their messagemanagers final Collection<BlaubotMessageManager> blaubotMessageManagers = messageManagers.values(); final List<IBlaubotConnection> removedConnections = new ArrayList<>(blaubotMessageManagers.size()); for (BlaubotMessageManager manager : blaubotMessageManagers) { // removes managed connection and deactivates message manager IBlaubotConnection conn = manager.getMessageSender().getBlaubotConnection(); removeConnection(conn); removedConnections.add(conn); } return removedConnections; } /** * Activates all MessageManagers and Channels */ public void activate() { for (BlaubotMessageManager messageManager : messageManagers.values()) { messageManager.activate(); } // start channels, if we have connections maintainChannelActivation(); } /** * activates all channels */ private void activateChannels() { for (BlaubotChannel channel : channels.values()) { channel.activate(); } } /** * Deactivates all MessageManagers and Channels */ public void deactivate() { if (Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Deactivating ChannelManager ..."); } // deactivate channel managers ArrayList<CountDownLatch> latches = new ArrayList<>(); for (BlaubotMessageManager messageManager : messageManagers.values()) { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); latches.add(latch); messageManager.deactivate(new IActionListener() { @Override public void onFinished() { latch.countDown(); } }); } for (CountDownLatch latch : latches) { try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "ChannelManager deactivated."); } } /** * deactivates all channels */ private void deactivateChannels() { // deactivate channels for (BlaubotChannel channel : channels.values()) { channel.deactivate(); // blocking } } /** * Creates an object containing detailed informations about the state of the channel manager. * Useful for debugging and unit testing. * * @return the info object */ public BlaubotChannelManagerInfo createChannelManagerInfo() { return new BlaubotChannelManagerInfo(channels.values(), messageManagers.values(), ownUniqueDeviceId); } /** * Adds a subscription listener to the manager * * @param subscriptionChangeListener the listener to add */ public void addSubscriptionListener(IBlaubotSubscriptionChangeListener subscriptionChangeListener) { subscriptionChangeListeners.add(subscriptionChangeListener); } /** * Removes a subscription listener from the manager * * @param subscriptionChangeListener the listener to remove */ public void removeSubscriptionListener(IBlaubotSubscriptionChangeListener subscriptionChangeListener) { subscriptionChangeListeners.remove(subscriptionChangeListener); } }