package eu.hgross.blaubot.ethernet; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.Blaubot; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.BlaubotDevice; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.BlaubotUUIDSet; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.IBlaubotAdapter; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.IBlaubotConnection; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.IBlaubotDevice; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.acceptor.ConnectionMetaDataDTO; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.acceptor.IBlaubotIncomingConnectionListener; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.acceptor.IBlaubotListeningStateListener; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.acceptor.discovery.BeaconMessage; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.acceptor.discovery.BlaubotBeaconService; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.acceptor.discovery.ExchangeStatesTask; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.acceptor.discovery.IBlaubotBeacon; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.acceptor.discovery.IBlaubotBeaconStore; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.acceptor.discovery.IBlaubotDiscoveryEventListener; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.acceptor.discovery.TimeoutList; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.statemachine.BlaubotAdapterHelper; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.statemachine.states.IBlaubotState; import eu.hgross.blaubot.util.Log; /** * TODO: not using the uuid set * * Beacon for ethernet using a fixed set of {@link IBlaubotDevice}s. It mainly consists of the accept thread and a * thread iterating through the given set of devices and trying to connect to them using the {@link ExchangeStatesTask}. * * On a successful connection the resulting {@link IBlaubotConnection} is handed to the registered * {@link IBlaubotIncomingConnectionListener}. From here the {@link BlaubotBeaconService} will handle the beacon conversation * via the {@link ExchangeStatesTask} (exchanging {@link BeaconMessage}s). * * @author Henning Gross {@literal (} * */ public class BlaubotEthernetFixedDeviceSetBeacon implements IBlaubotBeacon, IEthernetBeacon { private static final String LOG_TAG = "BlaubotEthernetFixedDeviceSetBeacon"; private static final long BEACON_PROBE_INTERVAL = 200; private final int beaconPort; private IBlaubotDevice ownDevice; private volatile IBlaubotState currentState; private volatile IBlaubotDiscoveryEventListener discoveryEventListener; private volatile IBlaubotIncomingConnectionListener incomingConnectionListener; private volatile IBlaubotListeningStateListener listeningStateListener; private volatile boolean discoveryActive = true; /** * Contains all devices which sent us a broadcast in between the last x seconds. */ private final Set<FixedDeviceSetBlaubotDevice> fixedDeviceSet; private volatile EthernetBeaconAcceptThread acceptThread; private volatile EthernetBeaconScanner beaconScanner; private Object startStopMonitor; private IBlaubotBeaconStore beaconStore; private Blaubot blaubot; private BlaubotUUIDSet uuidSet; public BlaubotEthernetFixedDeviceSetBeacon(Set<FixedDeviceSetBlaubotDevice> fixedDeviceSet, int beaconPort) { this.beaconPort = beaconPort; this.fixedDeviceSet = fixedDeviceSet; this.startStopMonitor = new Object(); } @Override public IBlaubotAdapter getAdapter() { return null; } @Override public void startListening() { synchronized (startStopMonitor) { if (isStarted()) { return; } acceptThread = new EthernetBeaconAcceptThread(incomingConnectionListener, this); beaconScanner = new EthernetBeaconScanner(); if(Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Beacon is starting to listen for incoming connections on port " + beaconPort); } acceptThread.start(); if(Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "EthernetBeaconScanner is starting"); } beaconScanner.start(); if (listeningStateListener != null) listeningStateListener.onListeningStarted(this); } } @Override public void stopListening() { synchronized (startStopMonitor) { if (!isStarted()) { return; } if (beaconScanner != null && beaconScanner.isAlive()) { if(Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Interrupting and waiting for beaconScanner to stop ..."); } beaconScanner.interrupt(); // We don't join the beacon scanner anymore: The scanner has a worst case blocking time of the underlying socket's timeout // and he will kill himself anyways so we let him hang himself in the background. // try { // System.out.println(""); // beaconScanner.join(); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // throw new RuntimeException(e); // } if(Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "BeaconScanner stopped ..."); } } beaconScanner = null; if (acceptThread != null && acceptThread.isAlive()) { try { if(Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Waiting for beacon accept thread to finish ..."); } acceptThread.interrupt(); acceptThread.join(); if(Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Beacon accept thread finished."); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { if(Log.logWarningMessages()) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, e); } } } acceptThread = null; if (listeningStateListener != null) listeningStateListener.onListeningStopped(this); } } @Override public boolean isStarted() { return acceptThread != null && acceptThread.isAlive(); } @Override public void setListeningStateListener(IBlaubotListeningStateListener stateListener) { this.listeningStateListener = stateListener; } @Override public void setAcceptorListener(IBlaubotIncomingConnectionListener acceptorListener) { this.incomingConnectionListener = acceptorListener; } @Override public ConnectionMetaDataDTO getConnectionMetaData() { // TODO: maybe beacons should not derive from acceptors anymore return null; } @Override public void setBlaubot(Blaubot blaubot) { this.blaubot = blaubot; this.ownDevice = blaubot.getOwnDevice(); this.uuidSet = blaubot.getUuidSet(); } @Override public void setBeaconStore(IBlaubotBeaconStore beaconStore) { this.beaconStore = beaconStore; } @Override public void setDiscoveryEventListener(IBlaubotDiscoveryEventListener discoveryEventListener) { this.discoveryEventListener = discoveryEventListener; } @Override public void onConnectionStateMachineStateChanged(IBlaubotState state) { this.currentState = state; } @Override public void setDiscoveryActivated(boolean active) { this.discoveryActive = active; } /** * Periodically checks all devices known as alive (added to the {@link TimeoutList} * TODO: generalize * * @author Henning Gross {@literal (} * */ class EthernetBeaconScanner extends Thread { private List<IBlaubotDevice> getAliveDevices() { ArrayList<IBlaubotDevice> devices = new ArrayList<IBlaubotDevice>(fixedDeviceSet); // do not check the devices connected to the blaubot network devices.removeAll(blaubot.getConnectionManager().getConnectedDevices()); devices.remove(ownDevice); Collections.sort(devices); Collections.reverse(devices); return devices; } @Override public void run() { boolean exit = false; while(!isInterrupted() && Thread.currentThread() == beaconScanner && !exit) { if (isDiscoveryDisabled()) { // Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Discovery is not active - not connecting to discovered beacon."); try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch (InterruptedException e) { exit = true; } // we don't want to connect if discovery is deactivated. continue; } for(IBlaubotDevice d : getAliveDevices()) { if (isDiscoveryDisabled()) { break; } FixedDeviceSetBlaubotDevice device = (FixedDeviceSetBlaubotDevice) d; InetAddress remoteDeviceAddr = device.getInetAddress(); final int remoteBeaconPort = device.getBeaconPort(); // -- we know that remoteDeviceAddr had a running beacon in the recent past as it is in the knownActiveDevices TimeoutList // try to connect, then exchange states via tcp/ip Socket clientSocket; try { clientSocket = new Socket(remoteDeviceAddr, remoteBeaconPort); BlaubotEthernetUtils.sendOwnUniqueIdThroughSocket(ownDevice, clientSocket); BlaubotEthernetConnection connection = new BlaubotEthernetConnection(device, clientSocket); final List<ConnectionMetaDataDTO> ownAcceptorsMetaDataList = BlaubotAdapterHelper.getConnectionMetaDataList(BlaubotAdapterHelper.getConnectionAcceptors(blaubot.getAdapters())); ExchangeStatesTask exchangeStatesTask = new ExchangeStatesTask(ownDevice, connection, currentState, ownAcceptorsMetaDataList, beaconStore, discoveryEventListener);; } catch (IOException e) { if (Log.logWarningMessages()) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Connection to " + device + "'s beacon failed ( " + e.getMessage() + ")."); } } // sleep try { Thread.sleep(BEACON_PROBE_INTERVAL); } catch (InterruptedException e) { exit = true; break; } } } if(Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "BeaconScanner finished."); } } /** * @return true if the discovery is disabled by config or explicitly by {@link #setDiscoveryActivated} */ private boolean isDiscoveryDisabled() { return !discoveryActive; } } /** * A dedicated BlaubotDevice class to be used with the fixed device set beacon implementation. * It needs to know the beacon ports and ip of the other devices to receive data (acceptor ports and stuff) from there. */ public static class FixedDeviceSetBlaubotDevice extends BlaubotDevice { private final int beaconPort; private final InetAddress inetAddress; public FixedDeviceSetBlaubotDevice(String uniqueDeviceId, InetAddress inetAddress, int beaconPort) { super(uniqueDeviceId); this.inetAddress = inetAddress; this.beaconPort = beaconPort; } private int getBeaconPort() { return beaconPort; } private InetAddress getInetAddress() { return inetAddress; } } @Override public Thread getAcceptThread() { return acceptThread; } @Override public int getBeaconPort() { return beaconPort; } }