/* Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. The MySQL Connector/J is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>, like most MySQL Connectors. There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPLv2 as it is applied to this software, see the FLOSS License Exception <http://www.mysql.com/about/legal/licensing/foss-exception.html>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package com.mysql.fabric.proto.xmlrpc; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.mysql.fabric.FabricCommunicationException; import com.mysql.fabric.Server; import com.mysql.fabric.ServerGroup; import com.mysql.fabric.ServerMode; import com.mysql.fabric.ServerRole; import com.mysql.fabric.ShardIndex; import com.mysql.fabric.ShardMapping; import com.mysql.fabric.ShardMappingFactory; import com.mysql.fabric.ShardTable; import com.mysql.fabric.ShardingType; import com.mysql.fabric.DumpResponse; import com.mysql.fabric.FabricStateResponse; import com.mysql.fabric.Response; /** * Fabric client using the XML-RPC protocol. */ public class XmlRpcClient { private XmlRpcMethodCaller methodCaller; public XmlRpcClient(String url, String username, String password) throws FabricCommunicationException { this.methodCaller = new InternalXmlRpcMethodCaller(url); if (username != null && !"".equals(username) && password != null) { this.methodCaller = new AuthenticatedXmlRpcMethodCaller(this.methodCaller, url, username, password); } } /** * Unmarshall a response representing a server. * * `sharding.lookup_servers' returns ['38dc041b-de86-11e2-a891-e281dccd6dba', '', True] * `dump.servers' returns ['38dc041b-de86-11e2-a891-e281dccd6dba', 'shard1', '', '3402', 3, 3, 1.0] */ private static Server unmarshallServer(List serverData) { Server s = null; if (serverData.size() <= 4) { // first format String hostnameAndPort[] = ((String)serverData.get(1)).split(":"); String hostname = hostnameAndPort[0]; int port = Integer.valueOf(hostnameAndPort[1]); ServerRole role = (Boolean)serverData.get(2) ? ServerRole.PRIMARY : ServerRole.SECONDARY; // get(3) = "Running" (optional...) shows up on getGroup(), but not getServersForKey() s = new Server(null/* group name not known */, (String)serverData.get(0), hostname, port, ServerMode.READ_WRITE, role, 1.0); } else if (serverData.size() == 7) { // second format String uuid = (String)serverData.get(0); String groupName = (String)serverData.get(1); String hostname = (String)serverData.get(2); int port = Integer.valueOf((String)serverData.get(3)); ServerMode mode = ServerMode.getFromConstant((Integer)serverData.get(4)); ServerRole role = ServerRole.getFromConstant((Integer)serverData.get(5)); double weight = (Double)serverData.get(6); s = new Server(groupName, uuid, hostname, port, mode, role, weight); } return s; } /** * Convert a list of string/string/bool to Server objects. */ private static Set<Server> toServerSet(List<List> l) throws FabricCommunicationException { Set<Server> servers = new HashSet<Server>(); for (List serverData : l) { Server s = unmarshallServer(serverData); if (s == null) { throw new FabricCommunicationException("Unknown format of server object"); } servers.add(s); } return servers; } /** * Call a method and return the result only if the call is successful. * * @throws FabricCommunicationException If comm fails or the server reports that the method call failed. */ private Object errorSafeCallMethod(String methodName, Object args[]) throws FabricCommunicationException { List<?> responseData = this.methodCaller.call(methodName, args); Response response = new Response(responseData); if (!response.isSuccessful()) { throw new FabricCommunicationException("Call failed to method `" + methodName + "':\n" + response.getTraceString()); } return response.getReturnValue(); } /** * Call a dump.* method. */ private DumpResponse callDumpMethod(String methodName, Object args[]) throws FabricCommunicationException { List<?> responseData = this.methodCaller.call(methodName, args); return new DumpResponse(responseData); } /** * Return a list of Fabric servers. */ public List<String> getFabricNames() throws FabricCommunicationException { return callDumpMethod("dump.fabric_nodes", new Object[] {}).getReturnValue(); } /** * Return a list of groups present in this fabric. */ public Set<String> getGroupNames() throws FabricCommunicationException { Set<String> groupNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (HashMap<String, String> wrapped : (List<HashMap<String, String>>)errorSafeCallMethod("group.lookup_groups", null)) { groupNames.add(wrapped.get("group_id")); } return groupNames; } public ServerGroup getServerGroup(String groupName) throws FabricCommunicationException { Set<ServerGroup> groups = getServerGroups(groupName).getData(); if (groups.size() == 1) { return groups.iterator().next(); } return null; } public Set<Server> getServersForKey(String tableName, int key) throws FabricCommunicationException { return toServerSet((List<List>)errorSafeCallMethod("sharding.lookup_servers", new Object[] {tableName, key})); } /** * Facade for "dump.servers". */ public FabricStateResponse<Set<ServerGroup>> getServerGroups(String groupPattern) throws FabricCommunicationException { int version = 0; // necessary but unused DumpResponse response = callDumpMethod("dump.servers", new Object[] {version, groupPattern}); // collect all servers by group name Map<String, Set<Server>> serversByGroupName = new HashMap<String, Set<Server>>(); for (List server : (List<List>) response.getReturnValue()) { Server s = unmarshallServer(server); if (serversByGroupName.get(s.getGroupName()) == null) { serversByGroupName.put(s.getGroupName(), new HashSet<Server>()); } serversByGroupName.get(s.getGroupName()).add(s); } // create group set Set<ServerGroup> serverGroups = new HashSet<ServerGroup>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Server>> entry : serversByGroupName.entrySet()) { ServerGroup g = new ServerGroup(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); serverGroups.add(g); } return new FabricStateResponse<Set<ServerGroup>>(serverGroups, response.getTtl()); } public FabricStateResponse<Set<ServerGroup>> getServerGroups() throws FabricCommunicationException { return getServerGroups(""); } private FabricStateResponse<Set<ShardTable>> getShardTables(String shardMappingId) throws FabricCommunicationException { int version = 0; Object args[] = new Object[] {version, shardMappingId}; DumpResponse tablesResponse = callDumpMethod("dump.shard_tables", args); Set<ShardTable> tables = new HashSet<ShardTable>(); // construct the tables for (List rawTable : (List<List>) tablesResponse.getReturnValue()) { String database = (String)rawTable.get(0); String table = (String)rawTable.get(1); String column = (String)rawTable.get(2); String mappingId = (String)rawTable.get(3); ShardTable st = new ShardTable(database, table, column); tables.add(st); } return new FabricStateResponse<Set<ShardTable>>(tables, tablesResponse.getTtl()); } private FabricStateResponse<Set<ShardIndex>> getShardIndices(String shardMappingId) throws FabricCommunicationException { int version = 0; Object args[] = new Object[] {version, shardMappingId}; DumpResponse indexResponse = callDumpMethod("dump.shard_index", args); Set<ShardIndex> indices = new HashSet<ShardIndex>(); // construct the index for (List rawIndexEntry : (List<List>) indexResponse.getReturnValue()) { String bound = (String)rawIndexEntry.get(0); String mappingId = (String)rawIndexEntry.get(1); String shardId = (String)rawIndexEntry.get(2); String groupName = (String)rawIndexEntry.get(3); ShardIndex si = new ShardIndex(bound, Integer.valueOf(shardId), groupName); indices.add(si); } return new FabricStateResponse<Set<ShardIndex>>(indices, indexResponse.getTtl()); } /** * Retrieve a set of complete shard mappings. The returned mappings include all information * available about the mapping. * @param shardMappingIdPattern the shard mapping id to retrieve */ public FabricStateResponse<Set<ShardMapping>> getShardMappings(String shardMappingIdPattern) throws FabricCommunicationException { int version = 0; Object args[] = new Object[] {version, shardMappingIdPattern}; // common to all calls DumpResponse mapsResponse = callDumpMethod("dump.shard_maps", args); // use the lowest ttl of all the calls long minExpireTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() + (1000 * mapsResponse.getTtl()); // construct the maps Set<ShardMapping> mappings = new HashSet<ShardMapping>(); for (List rawMapping : (List<List>) mapsResponse.getReturnValue()) { String mappingId = (String)rawMapping.get(0); ShardingType shardingType = ShardingType.valueOf((String)rawMapping.get(1)); String globalGroupName = (String)rawMapping.get(2); FabricStateResponse<Set<ShardTable>> tables = getShardTables(mappingId); FabricStateResponse<Set<ShardIndex>> indices = getShardIndices(mappingId); if (tables.getExpireTimeMillis() < minExpireTimeMillis) minExpireTimeMillis = tables.getExpireTimeMillis(); if (indices.getExpireTimeMillis() < minExpireTimeMillis) minExpireTimeMillis = indices.getExpireTimeMillis(); ShardMapping m = new ShardMappingFactory().createShardMapping(mappingId, shardingType, globalGroupName, tables.getData(), indices.getData()); mappings.add(m); } return new FabricStateResponse<Set<ShardMapping>>(mappings, minExpireTimeMillis); } public FabricStateResponse<Set<ShardMapping>> getShardMappings() throws FabricCommunicationException { return getShardMappings(""); } /** * Create a new HA group. */ public void createGroup(String groupName) throws FabricCommunicationException { errorSafeCallMethod("group.create", new Object[] {groupName}); } /** * Create a new server in the given group. */ public void createServerInGroup(String groupName, String hostname, int port) throws FabricCommunicationException { errorSafeCallMethod("group.add", new Object[] {groupName, hostname + ":" + port}); } /** * Create a new shard mapping. * * @param type method by which data is distributed to shards * @param globalGroupName name of global group of the shard mapping * @returns id of the new shard mapping. */ public int createShardMapping(ShardingType type, String globalGroupName) throws FabricCommunicationException { return (Integer)errorSafeCallMethod("sharding.create_definition", new Object[] {type.toString(), globalGroupName}); } public void createShardTable(int shardMappingId, String database, String table, String column) throws FabricCommunicationException { errorSafeCallMethod("sharding.add_table", new Object[] {shardMappingId, database + "." + table, column}); } public void createShardIndex(int shardMappingId, String groupNameLowerBoundList) throws FabricCommunicationException { String status = "ENABLED"; errorSafeCallMethod("sharding.add_shard", new Object[] {shardMappingId, groupNameLowerBoundList, status}); } public void promoteServerInGroup(String groupName, String hostname, int port) throws FabricCommunicationException { ServerGroup serverGroup = getServerGroup(groupName); for (Server s : serverGroup.getServers()) { if (s.getHostname().equals(hostname) && s.getPort() == port) { errorSafeCallMethod("group.promote", new Object[] {groupName, s.getUuid()}); break; } } } public void reportServerError(Server server, String errorDescription, boolean forceFaulty) throws FabricCommunicationException { String reporter = "MySQL Connector/J"; String command = "threat.report_error"; if (forceFaulty) { command = "threat.report_failure"; } errorSafeCallMethod(command, new Object[] {server.getUuid(), reporter, errorDescription}); } }