/* Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. The MySQL Connector/J is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>, like most MySQL Connectors. There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPLv2 as it is applied to this software, see the FLOSS License Exception <http://www.mysql.com/about/legal/licensing/foss-exception.html>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package com.mysql.fabric.proto.xmlrpc; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.mysql.fabric.FabricCommunicationException; import com.mysql.fabric.xmlrpc.Client; import com.mysql.fabric.xmlrpc.base.Array; import com.mysql.fabric.xmlrpc.base.Member; import com.mysql.fabric.xmlrpc.base.MethodCall; import com.mysql.fabric.xmlrpc.base.MethodResponse; import com.mysql.fabric.xmlrpc.base.Param; import com.mysql.fabric.xmlrpc.base.Params; import com.mysql.fabric.xmlrpc.base.Struct; import com.mysql.fabric.xmlrpc.base.Value; /** * An XML-RPC method caller which uses the internal XML-RPC client * library. */ public class InternalXmlRpcMethodCaller implements XmlRpcMethodCaller { private Client xmlRpcClient; public InternalXmlRpcMethodCaller(String url) throws FabricCommunicationException { try { xmlRpcClient = new Client(url); } catch(MalformedURLException ex) { throw new FabricCommunicationException(ex); } } /** * Unwrap the underlying object from the Value wrapper. */ private Object unwrapValue(Value v) { if (v.getType() == Value.TYPE_array) { return methodResponseArrayToList((Array)v.getValue()); } else if (v.getType() == Value.TYPE_struct) { Map<String, Object> s = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Member m : ((Struct)v.getValue()).getMember()) { s.put(m.getName(), unwrapValue(m.getValue())); } return s; } return v.getValue(); } private List methodResponseArrayToList(Array array) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (Value v : array.getData().getValue()) { result.add(unwrapValue(v)); } return result; } public void setHeader(String name, String value) { this.xmlRpcClient.setHeader(name, value); } public void clearHeader(String name) { this.xmlRpcClient.clearHeader(name); } public List call(String methodName, Object args[]) throws FabricCommunicationException { MethodCall methodCall = new MethodCall(); Params p = new Params(); if (args == null) { args = new Object[] {}; } for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { if (args[i] == null) { throw new NullPointerException("nil args unsupported"); } else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(args[i].getClass())) { p.addParam(new Param(new Value((String)args[i]))); } else if (Double.class.isAssignableFrom(args[i].getClass())) { p.addParam(new Param(new Value((Double)args[i]))); } else if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(args[i].getClass())) { p.addParam(new Param(new Value((Integer)args[i]))); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown argument type: " + args[i].getClass()); } } methodCall.setMethodName(methodName); methodCall.setParams(p); try { MethodResponse resp = this.xmlRpcClient.execute(methodCall); return methodResponseArrayToList((Array)resp.getParams().getParam().get(0).getValue().getValue()); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new FabricCommunicationException("Error during call to `" + methodName + "' (args=" + args + ")", ex); //irrecoverable } } }