package; import java.util.ArrayList; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TabHost; /** * This is a helper class that implements the management of tabs and all * details of connecting a ViewPager with associated TabHost. It relies on a * trick. Normally a tab host has a simple API for supplying a View or * Intent that each tab will show. This is not sufficient for switching * between pages. So instead we make the content part of the tab host 0dp * high (it is not shown) and the TabsAdapter supplies its own dummy view to * show as the tab content. It listens to changes in tabs, and takes care of * switch to the correct paged in the ViewPager whenever the selected tab * changes. */ public class AreaTabsAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter implements TabHost.OnTabChangeListener, ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener { private static final String TAG = AreaTabsAdapter.class.getSimpleName(); private final Context mContext; private final TabHost mTabHost; private final ViewPager mViewPager; private final ArrayList<TabInfo> mTabs = new ArrayList<TabInfo>(); static final class TabInfo { //private final String tag; private final Class<?> clss; private final Bundle args; TabInfo(String _tag, Class<?> _class, Bundle _args) { //tag = _tag; clss = _class; args = _args; } } static class DummyTabFactory implements TabHost.TabContentFactory { private final Context mContext; public DummyTabFactory(Context context) { mContext = context; } @Override public View createTabContent(String tag) { View v = new View(mContext); v.setMinimumWidth(0); v.setMinimumHeight(0); return v; } } public AreaTabsAdapter(FragmentActivity activity, TabHost tabHost, ViewPager pager) { super(activity.getSupportFragmentManager()); mContext = activity; mTabHost = tabHost; mViewPager = pager; mTabHost.setOnTabChangedListener(this); mViewPager.setAdapter(this); mViewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(this); } public void addTab(TabHost.TabSpec tabSpec, Class<?> clss, Bundle args) { tabSpec.setContent(new DummyTabFactory(mContext)); String tag = tabSpec.getTag(); TabInfo info = new TabInfo(tag, clss, args); mTabs.add(info); mTabHost.addTab(tabSpec); notifyDataSetChanged(); } @Override public int getCount() { return mTabs.size(); } @Override public Fragment getItem(int position) { TabInfo info = mTabs.get(position); return Fragment.instantiate(mContext, info.clss.getName(), info.args); } @Override public void onTabChanged(String tabId) { Log.d(TAG, "TabChanged"); int position = mTabHost.getCurrentTab(); if (mViewPager.getCurrentItem() != position){ mViewPager.setCurrentItem(position); } } @Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { if (mViewPager.getCurrentItem() == position){ mTabHost.setCurrentTab(position); } // Unfortunately when TabHost changes the current tab, it kindly // also takes care of putting focus on it when not in touch mode. // The jerk. // This hack tries to prevent this from pulling focus out of our // ViewPager. //Log.d(TAG, "onPageSelected +position " + position); //TabWidget widget = mTabHost.getTabWidget(); //int oldFocusability = widget.getDescendantFocusability(); //widget.setDescendantFocusability(ViewGroup.FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS); //mTabHost.getChildAt(position).setSelected(true);//.setCurrentTab(position); //widget.setDescendantFocusability(oldFocusability);*/ } @Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub //Log.d(TAG, "onPageScrolledStateChanged"); } @Override public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffSet, int arg2) { //Log.d(TAG, "onPageScrolled"); } /*@Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) { }*/ }