package; import static android.provider.BaseColumns._ID; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static*; import static*; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; public class AreaData { private static final String TAG = AreaData.class.getSimpleName(); //private int currentApiVersion = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; private ContentValues values; private Context context; //AreaDB dbHelper; public ContentResolver areaResolver; public JSONParse parser; public APIPull dataService; private ContentValues apiRecord; private ArrayList<String> countries_to_get; private ArrayList<Integer> countryIDs; private String[] keyWords; private Uri providerUri; public SharedPreferences prefs; private int tableCode ; private long recordid ; private Cursor cursorCountry= null, retCursor = null; public AreaData(Context context){ Log.e(TAG, "Initialize Area Data"); this.context = context; //dbHelper = new AreaDB(context); areaResolver = context.getContentResolver(); dataService = new APIPull(); prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); } /** * Initialize and Update Tables at Startup */ public void updateAPIs(){ Log.e(TAG, "Updating APIs"); values = new ContentValues(); values.put(API_NAME, "World Bank"); values.put(API_DESC, "1: World Bank Data API. Retrieves Macro-Economic Data from the World Bank datasets"); values.put(BASE_URI, ""); insert(API, values, 0); values = new ContentValues(); values.put(API_NAME, "IDS"); values.put(API_DESC, "2: Institute of Development Studies Data API. Retrieves Academic Publications from Eldis and Bribge datasets"); values.put(BASE_URI, ""); insert(API, values, 0); values = new ContentValues(); values.put(API_NAME, "Bing"); values.put(API_DESC, "3: Retrieves online articles, web sites and publications and other electronic data using the Microsoft Bing internet search engine."); values.put(BASE_URI, ""); insert(API, values, 0); } public void updatePeriod(){ Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); Log.e(TAG, "Updating Period Values"); //{PERIOD_ID, PERIOD_NAME, P_START_DATE, P_END_DATE values = new ContentValues(); values.put(PERIOD_NAME, "15 Years"); values.put(P_START_DATE, "1990"); values.put(P_END_DATE, "" +calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)); insert(PERIOD, values,0); values = new ContentValues(); values.put(PERIOD_NAME, "30 Years"); values.put(P_START_DATE, "1970"); values.put(P_END_DATE, "" +calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)); insert(PERIOD, values,0); } public void updateDataTypes(){ Log.e(TAG, "Updating Data Types Values"); values = new ContentValues(); values.put(DATA_TYPE_NAME, "Charts"); values.put(DATA_TYPE_DESC, "Charts generated by the application based" + " on the values of indicators for various countries over a period of time"); insert(DATA_TYPES, values,0); values = new ContentValues(); values.put(DATA_TYPE_NAME, "Reports"); values.put(DATA_TYPE_DESC, "Reports are academic works pulled from the IDS document API"); insert(DATA_TYPES, values,0); values = new ContentValues(); values.put(DATA_TYPE_NAME, "Articles"); values.put(DATA_TYPE_DESC, "Articles pulled from the web related to the users searches or particular indicators"); insert(DATA_TYPES, values,0); } public void updateSelections(){ Log.e(TAG, "Updating User Selections"); values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SELECTION_NAME, "Indicators"); values.put(SELECTION_DESC, "Indicators listed by categories pulled" + " from the systems Indicator data source. See Data source Listing"); insert(AREA_SELECTIONS, values,0); values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SELECTION_NAME, "Country Profiles"); values.put(SELECTION_DESC, "Full Country Profiles displaying the Economic status of and Major Economic Indicators"); insert(AREA_SELECTIONS, values,0); values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SELECTION_NAME, "Collections"); values.put(SELECTION_DESC, "Collections contain Saved Data that " + "has been grouped together around a users chosen theme or other preferences"); insert(AREA_SELECTIONS, values,0); values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SELECTION_NAME, "Saved Items"); values.put(SELECTION_DESC, "Saved Items allow users to save and review Charts," + " Articles and Reports Sharing or Viewing at their leasure"); insert(AREA_SELECTIONS, values,0); } public void updateCategories(){ Log.e(TAG, "Updating Categories"); // pull data and put in database parser = new JSONParse(context); // error right here int numOfCategories = parser.getWBTotal(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, "")); if(numOfCategories == 0 ){ // error in parsing JSON data Log.e(TAG, "Error In Parsing JSON data"); }else{ parser.parseCategories(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, ""+ numOfCategories +"&format=json")); } } public void updateIndicators(){ Log.e(TAG, "Updating Indicators"); // pull data and put in database parser = new JSONParse(context); /* Cursor result= //dbHelper.rawQuery(INDICATOR, null, ""); rawQuery(WB_CATEGORY, new String[]{CATEGORY_ID}, ""); // get indicators for each category Log.e(TAG, "CATEGORIES: " + result.getCount()); while(result.moveToNext()){ int topic = result.getInt(result.getColumnIndex(CATEGORY_ID)); int numOfIndicators = parser.getWBTotal(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, "" + topic+ "/Indicator?per_page=1&format=json")); if(numOfIndicators == 0 ){ // error in parsing JSON data Log.e(TAG, "Error In Parsing JSON data"); }else{ parser.parseIndicators(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, "" + topic+ "/Indicator?per_page="+ numOfIndicators +"&format=json")); } }*/ int numOfIndicators = parser.getWBTotal(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, "")); if(numOfIndicators == 0 ){ // error in parsing JSON data Log.e(TAG, "Error In Parsing JSON data"); }else{ parser.parseIndicators(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, ""+ numOfIndicators +"&format=json")); } } public void updateCountries(){ Log.e(TAG, "Updating Countries"); parser = new JSONParse(context); int numOfCountries = parser.getWBTotal(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, "")); if(numOfCountries == 0 ){ // error in parsing JSON data Log.e(TAG, "Error In Parsing JSON data"); }else{ parser.parseCountries(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, ""+ numOfCountries +"&format=json")); } } /** * @param countryID * @return AreaConstants Search Code */ public int getCountryInfo(int countryID) { return SEARCH_FAIL; } /** * Insert record into specified table. Includes duplication check to prevent double entries * * @param tableName Name of table record to be inserted into * @param tableRecord Name-value pairs */ synchronized public long insert(String tableName, ContentValues tableRecord, int update) { Log.i(TAG, "Inserting/Updating Data in DB for Table :" + tableName); //SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); providerUri = Uri.parse(AreaProvider.AUTHORITY+"/"+tableName); tableCode = AreaApplication.getTableCode(tableName); recordid = 0; String tableKey = ""; String tableKeyAdd = ""; Cursor cursor = null; //Getting correct primary key for tables switch (tableCode) { case INDICATOR_LIST: tableKey = WB_INDICATOR_ID; break; case COUNTRY_LIST: tableKey = WB_COUNTRY_ID; break; case CATEGORY_LIST: tableKey = WB_CATEGORY_ID; break; case API_LIST: tableKey = API_NAME; break; case PERIOD_LIST: tableKey = PERIOD_NAME; break; case SEARCH_DATA: tableKey = I_ID; tableKeyAdd = AP_ID; break; case COUNTRY_SEARCH_DATA: tableKey = C_ID; tableKeyAdd = S_ID; break; case WB_SEARCH_DATA: tableKey = SC_ID; tableKeyAdd = IND_DATE; break; case IDS_SEARCH_DATA: tableKey = I_ID; tableKeyAdd = C_ID; break; case IDS_PARAM_DATA: tableKey = IDS_PARAMETER; tableKeyAdd = IDS_PARAM_VALUE; break; case IDS_RESULT_DATA: tableKey = IDS_DOC_ID; break; case BING_SEARCH_DATA: tableKey = BING_QUERY; break; case BING_RESULT_DATA: tableKey = BING_URL; break; case IND_CATEGORIES_DATA: tableKey = CAT_ID; tableKeyAdd = I_ID; break; case SELECTIONS_DATA: tableKey = SELECTION_NAME; break; case DATA_TYPES_LIST: tableKey = DATA_TYPE_NAME; break; case CHART_DATA: tableKey = I_ID; //tableKeyAdd = CHART_COUNTRIES; break; case GET_DATA: tableKey = D_T_ID; tableKeyAdd = ENTITY_ID; break; case GET_COLLECTION: tableKey = COLLECTION_NAME; tableKeyAdd = COLLECTION_DESC; break; case GET_COLL_DATA: tableKey = COLL_ID; tableKeyAdd = S_D_ID; break; } try{ //if there is an additional table key use both to check for duplication if (!tableKeyAdd.equals("")) { cursor = //db.query(tableName, null, String.format("%s='%s' AND %s='%s'", tableKey, tableRecord.get(tableKey), tableKeyAdd, tableRecord.get(tableKeyAdd)), null, null, null, null); areaResolver.query(providerUri, null, String.format("%s='%s' AND %s='%s'", tableKey, tableRecord.get(tableKey), tableKeyAdd, tableRecord.get(tableKeyAdd)), null, null); Log.e(TAG,String.format("Insert Query %s='%s' AND %s='%s'", tableKey, tableRecord.get(tableKey), tableKeyAdd, tableRecord.get(tableKeyAdd))); } else if(tableKey == ""){ cursor = null; }else { //otherwise only check single key //cursor = db.query(tableName, null, String.format("%s=%s AND %s=%s", tableKey, tableRecord.get(tableKey), tableKeyAdd, tableRecord.get(tableKeyAdd)), null, null, null, null); cursor = //db.query(tableName, null, tableKey + "='" + tableRecord.get(tableKey) + "'", null, null, null, null); areaResolver.query(providerUri, null, tableKey + "='" + tableRecord.get(tableKey) + "'", null, null); Log.e(TAG,String.format("Insert Query %s='%s'", tableKey, tableRecord.get(tableKey))); } if (cursor == null){ try { recordid = //db.insertOrThrow(tableName, null, tableRecord); ContentUris.parseId(areaResolver.insert(providerUri, tableRecord)); Log.d(TAG, String.format("Inserting into table %s", tableName)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(TAG,String.format(""+ tableName +" Insertion Exception: Table: %s -> Table Key:%s => value:%s \nValues %s\n %s", tableName, tableKey, tableRecord.get(tableKey), tableRecord.toString(), e.toString())); } }else if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { if(update == 1){ try { cursor.moveToFirst(); recordid = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(_ID)); recordid = //db.update(tableName, tableRecord, "" + _ID + " ='" + recordid + "'", null ); areaResolver.update(providerUri, tableRecord, "" + _ID + " ='" + recordid + "'", null ); if(recordid != 1){ Log.e(TAG,"Error Updating "+ tableName +" Record: " + cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(_ID)) + "rows affected = " + recordid); }else{ Log.d(TAG, "Updating "+ tableName +" Record: " + cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(_ID))); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(TAG,"Error Updating Record: "+ cursor.getCount()+ "--=>" +e.toString()); } }else{ Log.d(TAG, String.format("Record already exists in table %s", tableName)); cursor.moveToFirst(); recordid = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(_ID)); } } else { try { recordid = //db.insertOrThrow(tableName, null, tableRecord); ContentUris.parseId(areaResolver.insert(providerUri, tableRecord)); Log.d(TAG, String.format("Inserting into table %s", tableName)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(TAG,String.format(""+ tableName +" Insertion Exception: Table: %s -> Table Key:%s => value:%s \nValues %s\n %s", tableName, tableKey, tableRecord.get(tableKey), tableRecord.toString(), e.toString())); } } cursor.close(); }catch(Exception e){ Log.e(TAG,"Cursor Exception: "+e.toString()); } return recordid; } public int delete(String table, String where_clause, int id){ Log.e(TAG, "Deleting DB Values"); areaResolver = context.getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor; int rows_affected; //if deleting a collection => first delete all data for that collection if (table == COLLECTIONS){ providerUri = Uri.parse(AreaProvider.AUTHORITY+"/"+COLL_DATA); if (!((areaResolver.delete(providerUri, COLL_ID + " = '" + id + "'", null)) > 0)){ Log.d(TAG, "Error deleting from " + COLL_DATA + " collection " + id); return 0; } }else if (table.equals(SAVED_DATA)){ // get saved Data record and delete it from Collections table cursor = rawQuery(table, null, where_clause); providerUri = Uri.parse(AreaProvider.AUTHORITY+"/"+COLL_DATA); cursor.moveToFirst(); rows_affected = areaResolver.delete(providerUri, S_D_ID + " = '" +cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(SAVED_DATA_ID)) + "'",null); Log.d(TAG, "Removing from Collections Data affected " + rows_affected + " rows"); cursor.close(); }else if (table.equals(COLL_DATA)){ // get saved Data record from the saved data table cursor = rawQuery(SAVED_DATA, null, where_clause); providerUri = Uri.parse(AreaProvider.AUTHORITY+"/"+COLL_DATA); cursor.moveToFirst(); where_clause = S_D_ID + " = '" +cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(SAVED_DATA_ID)) + "' AND " + COLL_ID + " = " + id +""; cursor.close(); }if (table.equals("chartCollections")){ table = COLL_DATA; } providerUri = Uri.parse(AreaProvider.AUTHORITY+"/"+table); //try{ rows_affected = //db.delete(table, where_clause, null); areaResolver.delete(providerUri, where_clause, null); //}catch(Exception e){ Log.d(TAG, "Deleting from " + COLL_DATA + " collection " + id + " => Affected " + rows_affected + " records"); //} return rows_affected; } /****************************** * Application Search Functions ******************************/ /** * Searches database for the data related to a particular country. Returns int code * indicating status of the data and query * @param countryName * @return AreaConstants Search Code */ public int getCountryInfo(String countryName) { //Check if info in database // return result if locally present // otherwise send query to Service return SEARCH_FAIL; } /** * Global Search function that returns reports and articles for a single search term * @param searchPhrase * @return AreaConstants Search Code */ public synchronized int globalSearch(int API, String searchPhrase) { Log.e(TAG, "Global Search"); Calendar today, searchDate; today = Calendar.getInstance(); Cursor ids_result, bing_result, records_to_delete; String ids_table = IDS_SEARCH_PARAMS, bing_table = BING_SEARCH_TABLE; String params, bingParam, deleteParam, ids_param_str = ""; int num_to_delete, num_deleted; // for BING search check if the searchPrase has been the subject of a previous search bingParam = "" + BING_QUERY + " ='" + searchPhrase + "'"; bing_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(bing_table, null, bingParam); rawQuery(bing_table, null, bingParam); //if it was the subject then data exists in the database if (bing_result.getCount() ==1 ){ bing_result.moveToFirst(); // check if the previous search is over a week old searchDate = getDate(bing_result.getString(bing_result.getColumnIndex(QUERY_DATE))); if ((today.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR) - searchDate.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR)) >= 7){ // if it is then fetch new results from the API, delete old results. // delete old results first //get current search ID deleteParam = "" + B_S_ID + " ='" + bing_result.getString(bing_result.getColumnIndex(BING_SEARCH_ID)) + "'"; // get number of results to delete - for error checking records_to_delete = //dbHelper.rawQuery(BING_SEARCH_RESULTS, null, deleteParam); rawQuery(BING_SEARCH_RESULTS, null, deleteParam); num_deleted = delete(BING_SEARCH_RESULTS, deleteParam,0); num_to_delete = records_to_delete.getCount(); if (num_to_delete != num_deleted){ records_to_delete.close(); bing_result.close(); return FATAL_ERROR; } records_to_delete.close(); bing_result.close(); getBingArticles(searchPhrase); } return SEARCH_SUCCESS; }else{ bing_result.close(); //if searchPhrase was not the subject of a previous search then fetch data from BING API if (getBingArticles(searchPhrase) == SEARCH_FAIL){ return SEARCH_FAIL; } } //separate individual keywords from searchPhrase keyWords = searchPhrase.split(" "); // Format to IDS parameters. for(int n = 0; n < keyWords.length; n++){ if(n==0){ ids_param_str = ids_param_str + keyWords[n]; }else{ ids_param_str = ids_param_str + "%26" + keyWords[n]; } } Log.e(TAG,"Array: " + Arrays.toString(keyWords) + " input value: " + searchPhrase); // Check IDS_SEARCH_PARAMS table to see if parameters exist for any previous searches params = "" + IDS_PARAM_VALUE + " ='" + ids_param_str + "'"; ids_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(ids_table, null, params); rawQuery(ids_table, null, params); // if results are found for this indicator then we assume that all relevant articles would be in the database if (ids_result.getCount() > 0){ ids_result.close(); return SEARCH_SUCCESS; }else{ ids_result.close(); getDocuments(0,0, keyWords); return SEARCH_SUCCESS; } } /** * Search function utilized by application to get data related to contextual usage * @param dataSource Code for data source query to be run against (WB|IDS|Bing) * @param indicatorID Indicator ID * @param country Array of country ids * @return AreaConstants Search Code */ synchronized public int genericSearch(int dataSource, String indicatorID, String[] country) { Log.e(TAG, "Generic Search"); //format data for querying Hashtable<String, Object> return_data = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); Cursor wb_result, ids_result, bing_result, ind_result, country_result, country_IDresult; int ind_id, c_id, country_id = -1, in_country_id; //, period; String params, bingParam, wb_country_id = ""; Calendar today, searchDate; today = Calendar.getInstance(); Cursor records_to_delete; String deleteParam; int num_to_delete, num_deleted; boolean has_country = false; String wb_table = SEARCH, ids_table = IDS_SEARCH_TABLE, bing_table = BING_SEARCH_TABLE; String indicatorStr, country_name; countries_to_get = new ArrayList<String>(); countryIDs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if(dataSource == COUNTRY_REPORTS){ // get Country ID from db ind_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(INDICATOR, null , "" + WB_INDICATOR_ID + " ='" + indicatorID + "'"); rawQuery(COUNTRY, null , "" + COUNTRY_ID + " ='" + indicatorID + "'"); Log.i(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " Retrieving data for Country: " + indicatorID); if (ind_result.getCount() != 1){ return_data.put(RETURN_VALUE, "" + FATAL_ERROR); ind_result.close(); Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " Error Retrieving data for Country "); return FATAL_ERROR; }else{ Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID)); ind_result.moveToFirst(); Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getString( ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID))); c_id = ind_result.getInt(ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID)); country_name = ind_result.getString(ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(COUNTRY_NAME)); ind_id = 0; try { country_name = URLEncoder.encode(country_name, "utf-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } indicatorStr = country_name; dataSource = IDS_SEARCH; } ind_result.close(); }else if(dataSource == COUNTRY_REPORTS) { dataSource = BING_SEARCH; indicatorStr = indicatorID; ind_id = 0; c_id = 0; country_name = ""; }else{ // get indicator ID from db ind_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(INDICATOR, null , "" + WB_INDICATOR_ID + " ='" + indicatorID + "'"); rawQuery(INDICATOR, null , "" + WB_INDICATOR_ID + " ='" + indicatorID + "'"); if (ind_result.getCount() != 1){ return_data.put(RETURN_VALUE, "" + FATAL_ERROR); ind_result.close(); return FATAL_ERROR; }else{ Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID)); ind_result.moveToFirst(); Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getString( ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID))); ind_id = Integer.parseInt(ind_result.getString(ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID))); indicatorStr = ind_result.getString(ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(INDICATOR_NAME)); c_id = 0; country_name = ""; int pos; // find position of first parenthesis or comma to extract relevant words. pos = indicatorStr.indexOf(","); if (pos < 0){ pos = indicatorStr.indexOf("("); } // remove section of string after the comma or within and after the parenthesis if(pos > 0){ indicatorStr = indicatorStr.substring(0, pos-1); } } ind_result.close(); } // if user opts out of synchronized search, then search only indicator that is passed in if (dataSource == WORLD_SEARCH){ params = "" + I_ID + " ='" + ind_id + "'"; // query search table for API-Indicator combination. wb_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(wb_table, null, params); rawQuery(wb_table, null, params); //only one search result should be returned per indicator and api combination. if (wb_result.getCount() == 1){ //check db information starting with country data. wb_result.moveToFirst(); // if data exist for combination, check if there exist data exist for all countries. // get countries list related to search record country_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(SEARCH_COUNTRY, null, ""+ S_ID +" ='" + wb_result.getInt(wb_result.getColumnIndex(_ID)) +"'"); rawQuery(SEARCH_COUNTRY, null, ""+ S_ID +" ='" + wb_result.getInt(wb_result.getColumnIndex(_ID)) +"'"); if (country_result.getCount() > 0){ // check to see if country params for the current search are already within the database. // Loop through the list of countries currently being searched for, Checking each against the list returned for the current indicator for (int n = 0; n < country.length; n++){ // get country ID from country table using the country name or WB_Country _ID passed in country_IDresult = //dbHelper.rawQuery(COUNTRY,null, ""+ COUNTRY_NAME +" ='" + country[n] +"'"); rawQuery(COUNTRY,null, ""+ COUNTRY_NAME +" ='" + country[n] +"'"); if (country_IDresult.getCount() == 1){ country_IDresult.moveToFirst(); wb_country_id = country_IDresult.getString(country_IDresult.getColumnIndex(WB_COUNTRY_ID)); in_country_id = country_IDresult.getInt(country_IDresult.getColumnIndex(COUNTRY_ID)); //Check through list of countries returned for search record for countries passed in country_result.moveToFirst(); whileloop:while(! country_result.isAfterLast()){ country_id = country_result.getInt(country_result.getColumnIndex(C_ID)); //period = country_result.getInt(country_result.getColumnIndex(P_ID)); if (country_id == in_country_id ){ has_country = true; break whileloop; } country_result.moveToNext(); } // if current country record is not in the db the update COUNTRIES_TO_GET array with country if(has_country){ has_country = false; }else{ countries_to_get.add(wb_country_id); countryIDs.add(in_country_id); } //country_result.close(); }else{ Log.e(TAG,"Error in retrieving Country information: " + country_IDresult.getCount() + " rows returned"); return_data.put(RETURN_VALUE, "" + FATAL_ERROR); country_result.close(); return FATAL_ERROR; } country_IDresult.close(); }// end for }else{ // if 0 rows were returned, return error. As Initial search would have returned at least 1 country info. Log.e(TAG,"Error in retrieving Country information: " + country_result.getCount() + " rows returned"); return_data.put(RETURN_VALUE, "" + FATAL_ERROR); country_result.close(); return FATAL_ERROR; } // if some countries are missing then update country_result.close(); }else{ // if combination does not exist the get data for all countries. for(int n = 0; n < country.length; n++){ //get country id to add to list of countries to retrieve country_IDresult = //dbHelper.rawQuery(COUNTRY,null, ""+ COUNTRY_NAME +" ='" + country[n] +"'"); rawQuery(COUNTRY,null, ""+ COUNTRY_NAME +" ='" + country[n] +"'"); if(country_IDresult.getCount() != 1){ Log.e(TAG,"Error in retrieving Country information: " + country_IDresult.getCount() + " rows returned"); return_data.put(RETURN_VALUE, "" + FATAL_ERROR); country_IDresult.close(); return FATAL_ERROR; }else{ country_IDresult.moveToFirst(); country_IDresult.getInt(country_IDresult.getColumnIndex(WB_COUNTRY_ID)); countries_to_get.add(country_IDresult.getString(country_IDresult.getColumnIndex(WB_COUNTRY_ID))); countryIDs.add(country_IDresult.getInt(country_IDresult.getColumnIndex(COUNTRY_ID))); } country_IDresult.close(); } //wb_result.close(); //getCountryIndicators(ind_id, indicatorID, countries_to_get, countryIDs, "date=1990:2012"); return_data.put(RETURN_VALUE , SEARCH_API_NONE ); return_data.put(RETURN_IND_ID , ind_id ); return_data.put(RETURN_WB_IND_ID , indicatorID ); return_data.put(RETURN_COUNTRIES , countries_to_get ); return_data.put(RETURN_CNTRY_IDs , countryIDs ); return_data.put(RETURN_DATE , "date=1990:2012" ); //return SEARCH_SUCCESS; } wb_result.close(); if(!countries_to_get.isEmpty()){ return getCountryIndicators(ind_id, indicatorID, countries_to_get, countryIDs, "date=1990:2012"); }else{ Log.e(TAG, "No Values to get :)"); return_data.put(RETURN_VALUE, "" + SEARCH_SUCCESS); return SEARCH_SUCCESS; } }else if(dataSource == IDS_SEARCH){ params = "" + I_ID + " ='" + ind_id + "' AND " + C_ID + "= '" + c_id + "'"; // query search table for API-Indicator combination. ids_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(ids_table, null, params); rawQuery(ids_table, null, params); if (ids_result.getCount() ==1 ){ // if results found for this indicator then we assume that all the relevant data is in the database. return_data.put(RETURN_VALUE , SEARCH_SUCCESS ); ids_result.close(); return SEARCH_SUCCESS; }else{ // if no results then go to the API and pull the related values for this indicator. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // get searchable keywords from the indicator name string // havent wrote it yet // will use hashtable instead //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ids_result.close(); if(c_id > 0){ keyWords = new String[]{country_name}; }else{ // break up indicator string populateKeywords(); indicatorStr = INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.get(indicatorID); keyWords = indicatorStr.split(" "); } return getDocuments(ind_id, c_id, keyWords); /*if(keyWords.length <= 2 ){ // if 2 or less keywords the go ahead and search getDocuments(ind_id, keyWords); }else{ // else check for keywords to be removed before searching // remove unnecessary keywords // Perform a search of the IDS API getDocuments(ind_id, keyWords); }*/ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ } }else if(dataSource == BING_SEARCH){ //int success; bingParam = "" + BING_QUERY + " ='" + indicatorStr + "'"; // query search table for API-Indicator combination. bing_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(bing_table, null, bingParam); rawQuery(bing_table, null, bingParam); if (bing_result.getCount() ==1 ){ // if the indicator data is found then the assumption is that relevant results are in the database bing_result.moveToFirst(); // check if the previous search is over a week old searchDate = getDate(bing_result.getString(bing_result.getColumnIndex(QUERY_DATE))); if ((today.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR) - searchDate.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR)) >= 7){ // if it is then fetch new results from the API, delete old results. // delete old results first //get current search ID deleteParam = "" + B_S_ID + " ='" + bing_result.getString(bing_result.getColumnIndex(BING_SEARCH_ID)) + "'"; // get number of results to delete - for error checking records_to_delete = //dbHelper.rawQuery(BING_SEARCH_RESULTS, null, deleteParam); rawQuery(BING_SEARCH_RESULTS, null, deleteParam); num_deleted = delete(BING_SEARCH_RESULTS, deleteParam, 0); num_to_delete = records_to_delete.getCount(); records_to_delete.close(); if (num_to_delete != num_deleted){ return_data.put(RETURN_VALUE , FATAL_ERROR ); bing_result.close(); return FATAL_ERROR; } if (getBingArticles(indicatorStr) == SEARCH_FAIL){ return SEARCH_FAIL; } return_data.put(RETURN_VALUE , SEARCH_API_NONE ); return_data.put(RETURN_STRING , indicatorStr ); }else{ return_data.put(RETURN_VALUE , SEARCH_SUCCESS ); bing_result.close(); return SEARCH_SUCCESS; } }else{ if (getBingArticles(indicatorStr) == SEARCH_FAIL){ return SEARCH_FAIL; } return_data.put(RETURN_VALUE , SEARCH_API_NONE ); return_data.put(RETURN_STRING , indicatorStr ); bing_result.close(); return SEARCH_SUCCESS; } bing_result.close(); }else { //Search only for indicator passed in } // if all APIs should be searched, then start with one passed in. return_data.put(RETURN_VALUE , SEARCH_FAIL ); return SEARCH_FAIL; } public Cursor getSelectionList(int exclude){ Cursor result; result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(INDICATOR, null, ""); rawQuery(AREA_SELECTIONS, null, "" + SELECTION_ID + " != '" + exclude + "'"); return result; } public Cursor getIndicatorList(){ Cursor result; result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(INDICATOR, null, ""); rawQuery(INDICATOR, null, ""); return result; } public Cursor getIndicatorList(String category){ Cursor result; Log.d(TAG, "getting indicators for category :" + category); result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(INDICATOR, null, ""); rawQuery("" + INDICATOR + " i INNER JOIN " + IND_CATEGORIES + " i_c ON i." + INDICATOR_ID +" = i_c." + I_ID + " ", new String[] {"i."+ INDICATOR_ID,"i."+ INDICATOR_NAME ,"i."+ WB_INDICATOR_ID}, "" + CAT_ID + " ='" + category + "'"); return result; } public Cursor getCategoryList(){ Cursor result; result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(INDICATOR, null, ""); //only pull for those categories that have indicators. rawQuery(WB_CATEGORY + " c INNER JOIN " + IND_CATEGORIES + " i_c ON c." + CATEGORY_ID +" = i_c." + CAT_ID + " ", new String[] {"DISTINCT c."+ CATEGORY_ID,"c."+ CATEGORY_NAME ,"c."+ WB_CATEGORY_ID}, ""); return result; } public Cursor getCountryList(){ Cursor result; result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(COUNTRY, COUNTRY_NAME, ""); rawQuery(COUNTRY, null, ""); return result; } public boolean inDatabase(String s_table, String params){ Cursor s_result; // query search table for API-Indicator combination. s_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(s_table, null, params); rawQuery(s_table, null, params); // if data exist for combination, check if there exist data exist for all countries. if (s_result.getCount() != 0){ // if some countries are missing then update }else{ // if combination does not exist the get data for all countries. } return true; } synchronized public Cursor getData(int dataSource, String indicatorID, String[] country){ Log.e(TAG, "Get Data"); Cursor cursor, search_cursor, ind_result, wb_result, country_result, country_IDresult; String table = "", indicatorStr, params = "", country_name; int ind_id, in_country_id, country_id, search_country_id, c_id; //, period; Integer[] search_country_array; parser = new JSONParse(context); if ((dataSource > BING_SEARCH) && (dataSource != COUNTRY_REPORTS)){ if (dataSource == SAVED_ARTICLES){ table = BING_SEARCH_RESULTS; params = "" + D_T_ID + " ='" + ARTICLES_DATA + "'"; cursor = rawQuery("" + SAVED_DATA + " s INNER JOIN " + table + " b ON s." + ENTITY_ID +" = b." + _ID + " ", null, params); Log.d(TAG, "Returning data. Num of records: " + cursor.getCount()); }else if (dataSource == SAVED_REPORTS){ table = IDS_SEARCH_RESULTS; params = "" + D_T_ID + " ='" + REPORTS_DATA + "'"; cursor = rawQuery("" + SAVED_DATA + " s INNER JOIN " + table + " b ON s." + ENTITY_ID +" = b." + _ID + " ", null, params); Log.d(TAG, "Returning data. Num of records: " + cursor.getCount()); }else if (dataSource == COLLECTION_CHARTS){ table = CHARTS; params = " d." + COLL_ID + " = '" + indicatorID + "'"; cursor = rawQuery("" + COLL_DATA + " d INNER JOIN " + SAVED_DATA + " s ON d." + S_D_ID +" = s." + SAVED_DATA_ID + " INNER JOIN " + table + " c ON s." + ENTITY_ID + " = c." + CHART_ID + " INNER JOIN " + INDICATOR + " i ON c." + I_ID + " = i."+ INDICATOR_ID , new String[]{"c." + CHART_ID, "c." + CHART_NAME, "c." + CHART_DESC, "c." + I_ID, "c." + CHART_COUNTRIES, "c." + I_POSITION, "c." + I_GROUP, "i." + WB_INDICATOR_ID + " AS wb_id" }, params); Log.d(TAG, "Returning data. Num of records: " + cursor.getCount()); }else if (dataSource == COLLECTION_ARTICLES){ table = BING_SEARCH_RESULTS; params = " d." + COLL_ID + " = '" + indicatorID + "'"; cursor = rawQuery("" + COLL_DATA + " d INNER JOIN " + SAVED_DATA + " s ON d." + S_D_ID +" = s." + SAVED_DATA_ID + " INNER JOIN " + table + " c ON s." + ENTITY_ID + " = c." + _ID +" ", null, params); Log.d(TAG, "Returning data. Num of records: " + cursor.getCount()); }else if (dataSource == COLLECTION_REPORTS){ table = IDS_SEARCH_RESULTS; params = " d." + COLL_ID + " = '" + indicatorID + "'"; cursor = rawQuery("" + COLL_DATA + " d INNER JOIN " + SAVED_DATA + " s ON d." + S_D_ID +" = s." + SAVED_DATA_ID + " INNER JOIN " + table + " c ON s." + ENTITY_ID + " = c." + _ID +" ", null, params); Log.d(TAG, "Returning data. Num of records: " + cursor.getCount()); }else{ cursor =null; } }else { if(dataSource == COUNTRY_REPORTS){ // get Country ID from db ind_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(INDICATOR, null , "" + WB_INDICATOR_ID + " ='" + indicatorID + "'"); rawQuery(COUNTRY, null , "" + COUNTRY_ID + " ='" + indicatorID + "'"); Log.i(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " Retrieving data for Country: " + indicatorID); if (ind_result.getCount() != 1){ ind_result.close(); Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " Error Retrieving data for Country "); return null; }else{ Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID)); ind_result.moveToFirst(); Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getString( ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID))); c_id = ind_result.getInt(ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID)); country_name = ind_result.getString(ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(COUNTRY_NAME)); ind_id = 0; indicatorStr = country_name; dataSource = IDS_SEARCH; } ind_result.close(); }else{ ind_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(INDICATOR, null , "" + WB_INDICATOR_ID + " ='" + indicatorID + "'"); rawQuery(INDICATOR, null , "" + WB_INDICATOR_ID + " ='" + indicatorID + "'"); if (ind_result.getCount() != 1){ Log.e(TAG, "Error retrieving Indicatror Information: indicator - " + indicatorID ); ind_result.close(); return null; }else{ Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID)); ind_result.moveToFirst(); Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getString( ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID))); ind_id = Integer.parseInt(ind_result.getString(ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID))); indicatorStr = ind_result.getString(ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(INDICATOR_NAME)); c_id = 0; int pos; // find position of first parenthesis or comma to extract relevant words. pos = indicatorStr.indexOf(","); if (pos < 0){ pos = indicatorStr.indexOf("("); } // remove section of string after the comma or within and after the parenthesis if(pos > 0){ indicatorStr = indicatorStr.substring(0, pos-1); } } ind_result.close(); } switch (dataSource) { case WORLD_SEARCH: table = WB_DATA; params = "" + I_ID + " ='" + ind_id + "'"; // get search id Corresponding to search table wb_result = rawQuery(SEARCH, null, params); // get corresponding search country results that relate to that indicator //only one search result should be returned per indicator and api combination. if (wb_result.getCount() == 1){ //check db information starting with country data. wb_result.moveToFirst(); // if data exist for combination, check if there exist data exist for all countries. // get countries list related to search record country_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(SEARCH_COUNTRY, null, ""+ S_ID +" ='" + wb_result.getInt(wb_result.getColumnIndex(_ID)) +"'"); rawQuery(SEARCH_COUNTRY, null, ""+ S_ID +" ='" + wb_result.getInt(wb_result.getColumnIndex(_ID)) +"'"); if (country_result.getCount() > 0){ // check to see if country params for the current search are already within the database. // Loop through the list of countries currently being searched for, Checking each against the list returned for the current indicator for (int n = 0; n < country.length; n++){ // get country ID from country table using the country name or WB_Country _ID passed in country_IDresult = //dbHelper.rawQuery(COUNTRY,null, ""+ COUNTRY_NAME +" ='" + country[n] +"'"); rawQuery(COUNTRY,null, ""+ COUNTRY_NAME +" ='" + country[n] +"'"); if (country_IDresult.getCount() == 1){ country_IDresult.moveToFirst(); //wb_country_id = country_IDresult.getString(country_IDresult.getColumnIndex(WB_COUNTRY_ID)); in_country_id = country_IDresult.getInt(country_IDresult.getColumnIndex(COUNTRY_ID)); //Check through list of countries returned for search record for countries passed in country_result.moveToFirst(); whileloop:while(! country_result.isAfterLast()){ country_id = country_result.getInt(country_result.getColumnIndex(C_ID)); //period = country_result.getInt(country_result.getColumnIndex(P_ID)); search_country_id = country_result.getInt(country_result.getColumnIndex(_ID )); if (country_id == in_country_id ){ countryIDs.add(search_country_id); break whileloop; } country_result.moveToNext(); } }else{ Log.e(TAG,"Error in retrieving Country information: " + country_IDresult.getCount() + " rows returned"); country_IDresult.close(); country_result.close(); return null; } country_IDresult.close(); }// end for }else{ // if 0 rows were returned, return error. As Initial search would have returned at least 1 country info. Log.e(TAG,"Error in retrieving Country information: " + country_result.getCount() + " rows returned"); country_result.close(); return null; } country_result.close(); // update cursor to be returned with the country data search_country_array = (Integer[])countryIDs.toArray(new Integer[countryIDs.size()]); for(int a = 0; a < search_country_array.length; a++){ if(a == 0){ params = "" + SC_ID + " = '" + search_country_array[a] + "'"; }else{ params = params + " and " + SC_ID + " = '" + search_country_array[a] + "'"; } } }else{ Log.e(TAG,"No Search Info: " + wb_result.getCount() + " rows returned"); return null; } apiRecord = new ContentValues(); apiRecord.put(I_ID , wb_result.getInt(wb_result.getColumnIndex(I_ID ))); apiRecord.put(AP_ID , 1 ); apiRecord.put(SEARCH_VIEWED , parser.timeStamp()); //FROM_SEARCH = {SEARCH_ID, I_ID, AP_ID, SEARCH_CREATED, SEARCH_MODIFIED, SEARCH_URI}; insert(SEARCH, apiRecord, 1); wb_result.close(); break; case IDS_SEARCH: table = IDS_SEARCH_RESULTS; params = "" + I_ID + " ='" + ind_id + "'AND " + C_ID + "= '" + c_id + "'"; // query search table for API-Indicator combination. search_cursor = rawQuery(IDS_SEARCH_TABLE, null, params); if (search_cursor.getCount() ==1 ){ search_cursor.moveToFirst(); params = "" + IDS_S_ID + " ='" + search_cursor.getInt(search_cursor.getColumnIndex(IDS_SEARCH_ID))+ "'"; }else{ Log.e(TAG,"No Search Info: " +search_cursor.getCount() + " rows returned"); return null; } apiRecord = new ContentValues(); apiRecord.put(I_ID , search_cursor.getInt(search_cursor.getColumnIndex(I_ID))); apiRecord.put(C_ID , search_cursor.getInt(search_cursor.getColumnIndex(C_ID))); apiRecord.put(IDS_VIEW_DATE , parser.timeStamp()); //String[] FROM_IDS_SEARCH= {IDS_SEARCH_ID, I_ID, IDS_BASE_URL, IDS_SITE, IDS_OBJECT}; insert(IDS_SEARCH_TABLE, apiRecord, 1); search_cursor.close(); break; case BING_SEARCH: table = BING_SEARCH_RESULTS; params = "" + BING_QUERY + " ='" + indicatorStr + "'"; // query search table for API-Indicator combination. search_cursor = //dbHelper.rawQuery(BING_SEARCH_TABLE, null, params); rawQuery(BING_SEARCH_TABLE, null, params); if (search_cursor.getCount() ==1 ){ // if the indicator data is found then the assumption is that relevant results are in the database search_cursor.moveToFirst(); params = "" + B_S_ID + " ='" + search_cursor.getInt(search_cursor.getColumnIndex(BING_SEARCH_ID))+ "'"; }else{ Log.e(TAG,"No Search Info: " +search_cursor.getCount() + " rows returned"); search_cursor.close(); return null; } apiRecord = new ContentValues(); apiRecord.put(BING_QUERY , search_cursor.getString(search_cursor.getColumnIndex(BING_QUERY))); apiRecord.put(QUERY_VIEW_DATE , parser.timeStamp()); insert(BING_SEARCH_TABLE, apiRecord, 1); search_cursor.close(); break; } cursor = rawQuery(table, null, params); Log.e(TAG, String.format("Params: %s. Table: %s", params, table)); } return cursor; } synchronized public Cursor getGlobalData(int datasource, String searchStr){ Log.e(TAG, "Get Global Data from " + datasource + " search:-> " + searchStr); Cursor cursor, search_cursor; String table = "", params = ""; parser = new JSONParse(context); switch(datasource){ case BING_SEARCH: table = BING_SEARCH_RESULTS; params = "" + BING_QUERY + " ='" + searchStr + "'"; // query search table for API-Indicator combination. search_cursor = //dbHelper.rawQuery(BING_SEARCH_TABLE, null, params); rawQuery(BING_SEARCH_TABLE, null, params); if (search_cursor.getCount() ==1 ){ // if the indicator data is found then the assumption is that relevant results are in the database search_cursor.moveToFirst(); params = "" + B_S_ID + " ='" + search_cursor.getInt(search_cursor.getColumnIndex(BING_SEARCH_ID))+ "'"; }else{ Log.e(TAG,"No Search Info: " +search_cursor.getCount() + " rows returned"); return null; } apiRecord = new ContentValues(); apiRecord.put(BING_QUERY , search_cursor.getString(search_cursor.getColumnIndex(BING_QUERY))); apiRecord.put(QUERY_VIEW_DATE , parser.timeStamp()); insert(BING_SEARCH_TABLE, apiRecord, 1); search_cursor.close(); break; case IDS_SEARCH: table = IDS_SEARCH_RESULTS; params = "" + IDS_PARAM_VALUE + " ='" + searchStr + "'"; // query search table for API-Indicator combination. Log.e(TAG,"Search Info => params:-> " + params ); search_cursor = rawQuery(IDS_SEARCH_PARAMS, null, params); if (search_cursor.getCount() ==1 ){ search_cursor.moveToFirst(); params = "" + IDS_P_ID + " ='" + search_cursor.getInt(search_cursor.getColumnIndex(_ID))+ "'"; Log.e(TAG,"Result Info => params:-> " + params ); }else{ Log.e(TAG,"No Search Info: " +search_cursor.getCount() + " rows returned"); search_cursor.close(); return null; } Log.e(TAG,"Position: " + search_cursor.getPosition() + "and " + search_cursor.getCount() + " rows returned"); search_cursor.close(); apiRecord = new ContentValues(); apiRecord.put(I_ID , 0); apiRecord.put(IDS_VIEW_DATE , parser.timeStamp()); //String[] FROM_IDS_SEARCH= {IDS_SEARCH_ID, I_ID, IDS_BASE_URL, IDS_SITE, IDS_OBJECT}; insert(IDS_SEARCH_TABLE, apiRecord, 1); break; } cursor = rawQuery(table, null, params); Log.e(TAG, String.format("Params: %s. Table: %s", params, table)); return cursor; } synchronized public Cursor getRecentData(int dataSource){ Log.e(TAG, "Get Recent Data"); Cursor max_cursor, cursor = null; switch(dataSource){ case WORLD_SEARCH: max_cursor = //dbHelper.rawQuery(SEARCH, "MAX("+ SEARCH_VIEWED +") AS recent_time", ""); rawQuery(SEARCH, new String[] {"MAX("+ SEARCH_VIEWED +") AS recent_time"}, null, SEARCH_VIEWED); if(max_cursor.moveToFirst()){ cursor = //dbHelper.rawQuery(SEARCH, null, "" + SEARCH_VIEWED + " = '"+ //max_cursor.getLong(max_cursor.getColumnIndex("recent_time"))+ "'"); rawQuery(SEARCH, null, "" + SEARCH_VIEWED + " = '"+ max_cursor.getLong(max_cursor.getColumnIndex("recent_time"))+ "'"); if(cursor.moveToFirst()){ max_cursor.close(); return cursor; } }else{ Log.e(TAG, "Error retrieving recent WB Data:" + max_cursor.getLong(max_cursor.getColumnIndex("recent_time"))); max_cursor.close(); return null; } max_cursor.close(); break; case IDS_SEARCH: cursor = //dbHelper.rawQuery(IDS_SEARCH_RESULTS, null, "" + IDS_VIEW_DATE + " > 0 ORDER BY " + IDS_VIEW_DATE + " LIMIT 10" ); rawQuery(IDS_SEARCH_RESULTS, null, "" + IDS_VIEW_DATE + " > 0 ", IDS_VIEW_DATE + " LIMIT 10" ); break; case BING_SEARCH: cursor = //dbHelper.rawQuery(BING_SEARCH_RESULTS, null, "" + IDS_VIEW_DATE + " > 0 ORDER BY " + QUERY_VIEW_DATE + " LIMIT 10"); rawQuery(BING_SEARCH_RESULTS, null, "" + IDS_VIEW_DATE + " > 0 ", QUERY_VIEW_DATE + " LIMIT 10"); break; } return cursor; } synchronized public Cursor getReport(int reportID){ Log.e(TAG, "Get Report"); Cursor cursor ; parser = new JSONParse(context); cursor = //dbHelper.rawQuery(IDS_SEARCH_RESULTS, null, "" + _ID + " = '" + reportID + "'"); rawQuery(IDS_SEARCH_RESULTS, null, "" + _ID + " = '" + reportID + "'"); if(cursor.getCount() != 1){ Log.e(TAG, "Error In Retrieving Report: Amount returned:->" + cursor.getCount()); cursor.close(); return null; }else{ cursor.moveToFirst(); apiRecord = new ContentValues(); apiRecord.put(IDS_DOC_ID, cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(IDS_DOC_ID))); apiRecord.put(IDS_VIEW_DATE, parser.timeStamp()); insert(IDS_SEARCH_RESULTS, apiRecord, 1); } return cursor; } public synchronized void updateArticle(String bingUrl){ parser = new JSONParse(context); apiRecord = new ContentValues(); apiRecord.put(BING_URL, bingUrl); apiRecord.put(IDS_VIEW_DATE, parser.timeStamp()); insert(BING_SEARCH_RESULTS, apiRecord, 1); } public synchronized int getCountryIndicators(int indicator_id, String indicator, ArrayList<String> countries, ArrayList<Integer> countryIDList, String date){ parser = new JSONParse(context); String queryStr = ""; String countryString = ""; String[] countryArray; Integer[] countryIDArray; Log.e(TAG, "Num of Countries:" + countryIDList.size()); countryArray = (String[]) countries.toArray(new String[countries.size()]); countryIDArray = (Integer[])countryIDList.toArray(new Integer[countryIDList.size()]); for(int n = 0; n < countryArray.length; n++){ // create country String for API call if(n == 0){ countryString = countryArray[n]; }else{ countryString = countryString + ";" + countryArray[n]; } } queryStr = queryStr + countryString + "/indicators/" + indicator + "?per_page=1&" + date + "&format=json"; int numOfRecords = parser.getWBTotal(dataService.HTTPRequest(0,queryStr)); if(numOfRecords == 0 ){ // error in parsing JSON data Log.e(TAG, "Error In Parsing JSON data:" + queryStr); return SEARCH_FAIL; }else{ queryStr = "" + countryString + "/indicators/" + indicator + "?per_page="+ numOfRecords +"&" + date + "&format=json"; return parser.parseWBData(dataService.HTTPRequest(0,queryStr), indicator_id, countryIDArray, queryStr); } } public synchronized int getDocuments(int indicator, int country, String[] parameters){ parser = new JSONParse(context); String querybase = ""; int return_int; String site = "eldis/", object = "documents/", parameter="q", num_results = "num_results=" + prefs.getString("resultNumber", "25"); String extras = "extra_fields=timestamp+date_created+site+urls+description+author+publication_year+publisher+publication_date"; String queryStr; String paramStr = ""; for(int n = 0; n < parameters.length; n++){ if(n==0){ paramStr = paramStr + parameters[n]; }else{ paramStr = paramStr + "%26" + parameters[n]; } } queryStr = querybase + site + "search/" + object + "?" + parameter + "=" + paramStr + "&" + extras + "&" +num_results; //queryStr = ""; Log.e(TAG, "Pulling IDS Data:" + queryStr); return_int = parser.parseIDSData(dataService.HTTPRequest(1,queryStr), indicator, country, paramStr, queryStr); if(return_int > 0){ return SEARCH_SUCCESS; }else{ return SEARCH_FAIL; } } public synchronized int getBingArticles(String param){ parser = new JSONParse(context); String querybase = ""; String query = "Query=", format="$format=json", num_results = "$top=" + prefs.getString("resultNumber", "25") ; String queryStr; String paramStr = ""; String[] parameters = param.split(" "); for(int n = 0; n < parameters.length; n++){ if(n==0){ paramStr = paramStr + parameters[n]; }else{ paramStr = paramStr + "%20" + parameters[n]; } } queryStr = querybase + "?"+ query + "%27" + paramStr + "%27" + "&" + num_results + "&" + format; Log.e(TAG, "Pulling BING data:" + queryStr); return parser.parseBINGData(dataService.HTTPRequest(2,queryStr), param, queryStr); } public synchronized String[] getCountry() { //SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase(); providerUri = Uri.parse(AreaProvider.AUTHORITY+"/"+ COUNTRY); cursorCountry = areaResolver.query(providerUri, new String[] {COUNTRY_NAME}, null, null, null); //Cursor cursorCountry = db.query(COUNTRY, new String[] {COUNTRY_NAME}, null, null, COUNTRY_NAME, null, null); String[] countryArray; if(cursorCountry.getCount() > 0) { countryArray = new String[cursorCountry.getCount()]; int i = 0; while(cursorCountry.moveToNext()) { countryArray[i] = cursorCountry.getString(cursorCountry.getColumnIndex(COUNTRY_NAME)); i++; } } else { countryArray = new String[] {}; } cursorCountry.close(); return countryArray; } public synchronized Cursor getCountry(int countryID) { return rawQuery(COUNTRY, null, "" + _ID +" ='" + countryID +"'"); } public synchronized int getIndicatorID(String indicator){ Log.e(TAG, "Get Indicator ID by String"); int id = -1; Cursor ind_result; ind_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(INDICATOR, null , "" + WB_INDICATOR_ID + " ='" + indicator + "'"); rawQuery(INDICATOR, null , "" + WB_INDICATOR_ID + " ='" + indicator + "'"); if (ind_result.getCount() != 1){ Log.e(TAG, "Error retrieving Indicatror Information: indicator - " + indicator ); ind_result.close(); return id; }else{ Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID)); ind_result.moveToFirst(); Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getString( ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID))); id = Integer.parseInt(ind_result.getString(ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID))); } ind_result.close(); return id; } public synchronized String getIndicatorName(String indicator){ Log.e(TAG, "Get Indicator ID by Name"); String indicatorStr = ""; Cursor ind_result; ind_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(INDICATOR, null , "" + WB_INDICATOR_ID + " ='" + indicator + "'"); rawQuery(INDICATOR, null , "" + WB_INDICATOR_ID + " ='" + indicator + "'"); if (ind_result.getCount() != 1){ Log.e(TAG, "Error retrieving Indicatror Information: indicator - " + indicator ); ind_result.close(); return indicatorStr; }else{ Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID)); ind_result.moveToFirst(); Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getString( ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID))); indicatorStr = ind_result.getString(ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(INDICATOR_NAME)); } ind_result.close(); return indicatorStr; } public synchronized String getIndicatorName(int indicator){ Log.e(TAG, "Get Indicator Name"); String indicatorStr = ""; Cursor ind_result; ind_result = //dbHelper.rawQuery(INDICATOR, null , "" + INDICATOR_ID + " ='" + indicator + "'"); rawQuery(INDICATOR, null , "" + INDICATOR_ID + " ='" + indicator + "'"); if (ind_result.getCount() != 1){ Log.e(TAG, "Error retrieving Indicatror Information: indicator - " + indicator ); ind_result.close(); return indicatorStr; }else{ Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID)); ind_result.moveToFirst(); Log.e(TAG,"" + ind_result.getCount() + " ID: " + ind_result.getString( ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_ID))); indicatorStr = ind_result.getString(ind_result.getColumnIndexOrThrow(WB_INDICATOR_ID)); } ind_result.close(); return indicatorStr; } public synchronized String[] getSearchCountries(int search_id){ Log.e(TAG, "Get COuntries BY Search ID"); String[] countries; Cursor country_results, country; country_results = //dbHelper.rawQuery(SEARCH_COUNTRY, null, "" + S_ID +" ='" + search_id +"'"); rawQuery(SEARCH_COUNTRY, null, "" + S_ID +" ='" + search_id +"'"); if(country_results.getCount() > 0){ countries = new String[country_results.getCount()]; country_results.moveToFirst(); int n = 0; while(!country_results.isAfterLast()){ country = //dbHelper.rawQuery(COUNTRY, null, "" + COUNTRY_ID + " = '" + country_results.getInt(country_results.getColumnIndex(C_ID))+ "'"); rawQuery(COUNTRY, null, "" + COUNTRY_ID + " = '" + country_results.getInt(country_results.getColumnIndex(C_ID))+ "'"); if(country.getCount() !=1){ country.close(); countries = new String[0]; break; } country.moveToFirst(); countries[n] = country.getString(country.getColumnIndex(COUNTRY_NAME)); country.close(); country_results.moveToNext(); n++; } }else{ countries = new String[0]; } country_results.close(); return countries; } public synchronized double[][] getIndicatorList(int Indicator_id, String countryStr, int period){ Log.e(TAG, "Get List of Indicators with Corresponding country data"); double [][] values = null; int search_country_id, country_id, search_id; String params; Cursor search, search_country, country, wb_data; params = "" + I_ID + " ='" + Indicator_id + "'"; // get search id Corresponding to search table search = rawQuery(SEARCH, null, params); // get if(search.getCount() == 1){ search.moveToFirst(); search_id = search.getInt(search.getColumnIndex(_ID)); country = //dbHelper.rawQuery(COUNTRY,null, ""+ COUNTRY_NAME +" ='" + countryStr +"'"); rawQuery(COUNTRY,null, ""+ COUNTRY_NAME +" ='" + countryStr +"'"); if (country.getCount() == 1){ country.moveToFirst(); country_id = country.getInt(country.getColumnIndex(_ID)); search_country = //dbHelper.rawQuery(SEARCH_COUNTRY, null, ""+ S_ID +" ='" + search_id +"' and " //+ C_ID +" ='" + country_id +"'" ); rawQuery(SEARCH_COUNTRY, null, ""+ S_ID +" ='" + search_id +"' and " + C_ID +" ='" + country_id +"'" ); if(search_country.getCount() == 1){ search_country.moveToFirst(); search_country_id = search_country.getInt(search_country.getColumnIndex(_ID)); Log.e(TAG,String.format("SC_ID %s - _ID %s ", search_country_id, search_country.getInt(search_country.getColumnIndex(_ID)) )); wb_data = //dbHelper.rawQuery(WB_DATA,null, ""+ SC_ID +" ='" + search_country_id +"'" +" ORDER BY " + IND_DATE); rawQuery(WB_DATA,null, ""+ SC_ID +" ='" + search_country_id +"'", IND_DATE); if(wb_data.getCount() > 0){ values = new double[2][wb_data.getCount()]; for(int n = 0; n < wb_data.getCount(); n++){ wb_data.moveToNext(); values[0][n] = (double) wb_data.getInt(wb_data.getColumnIndex(IND_DATE)); values[1][n] = wb_data.getDouble(wb_data.getColumnIndex(IND_VALUE)); } wb_data.close(); } else{ wb_data.close(); values = new double[0][0]; } }else{ //search_country.close(); values = new double[0][0]; } search_country.close(); }else{ //country.close(); values = new double[0][0]; } country.close(); }else{ //search.close(); values = new double[0][0]; } search.close(); return values; } public synchronized Cursor rawQuery(String tableName, String[] tableColumns, String queryParams, String order) { retCursor = null; providerUri = Uri.parse(AreaProvider.AUTHORITY+"/"+ tableName); //retCursor = dbHelper.rawQuery(tableName, tableColumns, queryParams); retCursor = areaResolver.query(providerUri, tableColumns, queryParams, null, order); return retCursor; } public synchronized Cursor rawQuery(String tableName, String[] tableColumns, String queryParams) { retCursor = null; providerUri = Uri.parse(AreaProvider.AUTHORITY+"/"+ tableName); //retCursor = dbHelper.rawQuery(tableName, tableColumns, queryParams); retCursor = areaResolver.query(providerUri, tableColumns, queryParams, null, null); return retCursor; } private Calendar getDate(String epoch){ Calendar calendar = null; try{ Date date = new Date(); date.setTime(Long.parseLong(epoch)); calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(date); }catch (NumberFormatException e){ Log.e(TAG,"Exception in parsing date string "+e.toString()); } return calendar; } public void populateKeywords(){ INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.AGR.TRAC.NO", "agriculture machine" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.CON.FERT.MT", "fertilizer consumption" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.CON.FERT.PT.ZS", "fertilizer consumption" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.CON.FERT.ZS", "fertilizer" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.LND.AGRI.K2", "agriculture" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.LND.AGRI.ZS", "agricultural land" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.LND.ARBL.HA", "arable land" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.LND.ARBL.HA.PC", "arable land" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.LND.ARBL.ZS", "land usage" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.LND.CREL.HA", "cereal production" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.LND.CROP.ZS", "cropland" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.LND.FRST.K2", "forrest area" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.LND.FRST.ZS", "forrest area" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.LND.IRIG.AG.ZS", "irrigated land" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.LND.PRCP.MM", "precipitation" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.LND.TOTL.K2", "land area" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.LND.TRAC.ZS", "tractors" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.PRD.CROP.XD", "crop production" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.PRD.FOOD.XD", "food production" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.PRD.LVSK.XD", "livestock production" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.SRF.TOTL.K2", "land area" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("AG.YLD.CREL.KG", "cereal" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("EA.PRD.AGRI.KD", "agriculture worker" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("EN.AGR.EMPL", "agriculture employ" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("NV.AGR.TOTL.ZS", "agriculture growth" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("SH.H2O.SAFE.RU.ZS", "water source" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("SI.POV.RUGP", "rural poverty" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("SI.POV.RUHC", "poverty line" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("SL.AGR.EMPL.ZS", "agriculture employment" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("SP.RUR.TOTL", "rural population" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("SP.RUR.TOTL.ZG", "population growth" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("SP.RUR.TOTL.ZS", "rural population" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("TM.VAL.AGRI.ZS.UN", "agriculture imports" ); INDICATOR_KEYWORDS.put("TX.VAL.AGRI.ZS.UN", "agriculture exports" ); } public long saveChart(String chart_name, String chart_desc, String indicator, String[] countryList, int group, int child) { //Cursor ind = rawQuery(INDICATOR, new String[]{INDICATOR_ID}, WB_INDICATOR_ID + " = " + indicator); //FROM_CHARTS = { CHART_ID, CHART_NAME, CHART_DESC, I_ID, CHART_COUNTRIES, I_POSITION, I_GROUP}; /*if (!ind.moveToFirst() || (ind.getCount() > 1)){ return SEARCH_FAIL; }else{*/ values = new ContentValues(); values.put(CHART_NAME, chart_name); values.put(CHART_DESC, chart_desc); values.put(I_ID, indicator); values.put(I_GROUP, group); values.put(I_POSITION, child); values.put(CHART_COUNTRIES, arrayToCSV(countryList)); long chart = insert(CHARTS, values, 0); if (chart > 0) { return saveData(CHARTS_DATA, "" + chart); } else { return SEARCH_FAIL; } //} } public String arrayToCSV(String[] array){ String retStr = ""; if (array == null){ retStr = ""; }else if(array.length > 0){ for (int a = 0; a < array.length; a++){ if (array.length == 0){ retStr = "" + array[a]; }else if(a == (array.length -1)){ retStr += "" + array[a]; }else{ retStr += "" + array[a] + ","; } } } Log.i(TAG, "Country CSV: " + retStr); return retStr; } public String[] CSVToArray(String csvString){ return csvString.split(","); } public Cursor getChart(String indicatorID, String[] country) { @SuppressWarnings("unused") Cursor retCursor; return retCursor = rawQuery(CHARTS, null, I_ID + " = '" + indicatorID + "' AND " + CHART_COUNTRIES + " = '" + arrayToCSV(country) + "'"); } public Cursor getChart(String country) { @SuppressWarnings("unused") Cursor retCursor; return retCursor = rawQuery(CHARTS, null, CHART_COUNTRIES + " LIKE '%" + country + "%'"); } public Cursor getChartList() { @SuppressWarnings("unused") Cursor retCursor; //FROM_CHARTS = { CHART_ID, CHART_NAME, CHART_DESC, I_ID, CHART_COUNTRIES, I_POSITION, I_GROUP}; return retCursor = rawQuery(CHARTS + " c INNER JOIN " + INDICATOR + " i ON c." + I_ID + " = i."+ INDICATOR_ID , new String[]{"c." + CHART_ID, "c." + CHART_NAME, "c." + CHART_DESC, "c." + I_ID, "c." + CHART_COUNTRIES, "c." + I_POSITION, "c." + I_GROUP, "i." + WB_INDICATOR_ID + " AS wb_id" }, null); } public long saveData(int dataType, String entityid) { //FROM_SAVED_DATA = { SAVED_DATA_ID, D_T_ID, ENTITY_ID}; values = new ContentValues(); values.put(D_T_ID, dataType); values.put(ENTITY_ID, entityid); return insert(SAVED_DATA, values, 0); } public int saveCollection(int col_id, String col_name, String col_desc) { //FROM_COLLECTIONS = { COLLECTION_ID, COLLECTION_NAME, COLLECTION_DESC}; values = new ContentValues(); if (col_id > 0){ values.put(COLLECTION_ID, col_id); } values.put(COLLECTION_NAME, col_name); values.put(COLLECTION_DESC, col_desc); if (insert(COLLECTIONS, values, 1) > 0) { return SUCCESS; } else { return SEARCH_FAIL; } } public Cursor getCollections() { @SuppressWarnings("unused") Cursor retCursor; return retCursor = rawQuery(COLLECTIONS, null, null); } public boolean hasCollections(){ Cursor cursor; cursor = getCollections(); if (cursor.moveToFirst()){ cursor.close(); return true; } cursor.close(); return false; } public int addToCollection(int coll_id, long saveData) { //FROM_COLLECTIONS_DATA = { COLL_DATA_ID, COLL_ID, S_D_ID}; values = new ContentValues(); values.put(COLL_ID, coll_id); values.put(S_D_ID, saveData); if (insert(COLL_DATA, values, 0) > 0) { return SUCCESS; } else { return SEARCH_FAIL; } } public Cursor getDataCollections(int entity, int type, String table) { Cursor cursor; //String table = IDS_SEARCH_RESULTS; cursor = rawQuery(String.format("%s c LEFT OUTER JOIN %s d ON c.%s = d.%s " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN %s s ON d.%s = s.%s " + "LEFT JOIN %s e ON s.%s = e.%s", COLLECTIONS,COLL_DATA, COLLECTION_ID, COLL_ID, SAVED_DATA, S_D_ID, SAVED_DATA_ID, table,ENTITY_ID, _ID), new String[]{"c." + COLLECTION_ID, "c." + COLLECTION_NAME , "SUM((s." + ENTITY_ID + " = " + entity + ")) AS new"}, "1 = 1 ) GROUP BY (" + "c."+COLLECTION_ID); Log.i(TAG, Arrays.toString(cursor.getColumnNames())); while(cursor.moveToNext()){ Log.d(TAG, "" + cursor.getString(0) + " | " + cursor.getString(1) + " | " + cursor.getString(2) + " | " ); } Log.d(TAG, "" + cursor.getCount()); cursor.move(-1); return cursor; } public boolean isSaved(int entity, int type) { Cursor cursor; cursor = rawQuery(SAVED_DATA, null, D_T_ID + " = '" + type + "' AND " + ENTITY_ID + " = '" + entity + "'"); if (cursor.getCount() > 0){ Log.d(TAG, "Entity " + entity + " is saved"); cursor.close(); return true; } cursor.close(); return false; } public boolean isSavedChart(int indicator, String[] countryList) { Cursor cursor; cursor = rawQuery(CHARTS, null, I_ID + " = '" + indicator + "' AND " + CHART_COUNTRIES + " = '" + arrayToCSV(countryList) + "'"); if (cursor.getCount() > 0){ cursor.moveToFirst(); Log.d(TAG, "Chart " + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(CHART_NAME)) + " is saved"); cursor.close(); return true; } cursor.close(); Log.d(TAG, "Chart " + indicator + " :-> " + Arrays.toString(countryList) + " is not found"); return false; } public int deleteChart(int indicator, String[] countryList) { int rows_affected = 0; Cursor cursor; int chart_id = 0; cursor = rawQuery(CHARTS, null, I_ID + " = '" + indicator + "' AND " + CHART_COUNTRIES + " = '" + arrayToCSV(countryList) + "'"); if (cursor.getCount() > 0){ cursor.moveToFirst(); chart_id = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(CHART_ID)); rows_affected = delete(SAVED_DATA, ENTITY_ID + " = " + chart_id, chart_id); Log.d(TAG, "Chart " + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(CHART_NAME)) + " exists"); } if (!(rows_affected > 0)){ Log.d(TAG, "Chart deleting Failed "); }else{ rows_affected = delete(CHARTS, CHART_ID + " = " + chart_id, chart_id); } cursor.close(); return rows_affected; } public long updateChart(int chart_id, String[] countryList) { Cursor cursor = rawQuery(CHARTS, null, CHART_ID + " = '" + chart_id + "'"); if (cursor.moveToFirst()){ values = new ContentValues(); values.put(CHART_NAME, cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(CHART_NAME))); values.put(CHART_DESC, cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(CHART_DESC))); values.put(I_ID, cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(I_ID))); values.put(I_GROUP, cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(I_GROUP))); values.put(I_POSITION, cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(I_GROUP))); values.put(CHART_COUNTRIES, arrayToCSV(countryList)); cursor.close(); return insert(CHARTS, values, 1); } cursor.close(); return 0; } public boolean indicatorHasCharts(int indicator) { Cursor cursor; cursor = rawQuery(CHARTS, null, I_ID + " = '" + indicator + "'"); if (cursor.getCount() > 0){ cursor.moveToFirst(); Log.d(TAG, "Chart " + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(CHART_NAME)) + " is saved"); cursor.close(); return true; } cursor.close(); Log.d(TAG, "Chart with indicator: " + indicator + " is not found"); return false; } public int getProfileIndicators(String countryID) { /* * indicators to fetch * GDP (current US$) => NY.GDP.MKTP.CD * GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) => NY.GNP.PCAP.CD * Poverty gap at $2 a day (PPP) (%) => SI.POV.GAP2 * Life expectancy at birth, total (years) => SP.DYN.LE00.IN * Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above) => SE.ADT.LITR.ZS * Population, total => SP.POP.TOTL */ parser = new JSONParse(context); String queryStr = ""; values = new ContentValues(); final int gdp = 0, gni = 1, poverty = 2, life_ex = 3, literacy = 4, population =5; String [] indicators = new String[]{"NY.GDP.MKTP.CD", "NY.GNP.PCAP.CD", "SI.POV.GAP2", "SP.DYN.LE00.IN", "SE.ADT.LITR.ZS", "SP.POP.TOTL"}; Cursor country; String wb_country_id, date; int year = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); // get date string and format as "20 years ago:currentyear" date = "date=" + (year - 20) + ":" + year; // get WB Country ID country = rawQuery(COUNTRY,null, COUNTRY_ID + "= '"+ countryID + "'"); if(country.moveToFirst()){ wb_country_id = country.getString(country.getColumnIndex(WB_COUNTRY_ID)); country.close(); }else{ country.close(); Log.e(TAG, "Error in retrieving country info"); return FATAL_ERROR; } queryStr = queryStr + wb_country_id + "/indicators/"; // loop through list of indicators to update for (int a = 0; a < indicators.length; a++){ int numOfRecords = parser.getWBTotal(dataService.HTTPRequest(0,queryStr + indicators[a] + "?per_page=1&" + date + "&format=json")); if(numOfRecords == 0 ){ // error in parsing JSON data Log.e(TAG, "Error In Parsing JSON data:" + queryStr); return FATAL_ERROR; }else{ // get individual indicator values from WB api // update Content Values and then update database record switch (a){ case gdp: values.put(GDP, parser.parseWBIndicator(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, queryStr + indicators[gdp] + "?per_page=20&" + date + "&format=json"), indicators[gdp], "" + (year - 20) + ":" + year)); break; case gni: values.put(GNI_CAPITA, parser.parseWBIndicator(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, queryStr + indicators[gni] + "?per_page=20&" + date + "&format=json"), indicators[gni], "" + (year - 20) + ":" + year)); break; case poverty: values.put(POVERTY, parser.parseWBIndicator(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, queryStr + indicators[poverty] + "?per_page=20&" + date + "&format=json"), indicators[poverty], "" + (year - 20) + ":" + year)); break; case life_ex: values.put(LIFE_EX, parser.parseWBIndicator(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, queryStr + indicators[life_ex] + "?per_page=20&" + date + "&format=json"), indicators[life_ex], "" + (year - 20) + ":" + year)); break; case literacy: values.put(LITERACY, parser.parseWBIndicator(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, queryStr + indicators[literacy] + "?per_page=20&" + date + "&format=json"), indicators[literacy], "" + (year - 20) + ":" + year)); break; case population: values.put(POPULATION, parser.parseWBIndicator(dataService.HTTPRequest(0, queryStr + indicators[population] + "?per_page=20&" + date + "&format=json"), indicators[population], "" + (year - 20) + ":" + year)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Loop is not stopping at the right value, we are now at position: " + a); break; } } } values.put(WB_COUNTRY_ID, wb_country_id); return (int) insert(COUNTRY, values, 1); } public Cursor getCountrySearch(int countryID) { return rawQuery(SEARCH_COUNTRY, null, C_ID + " = '" + countryID + "'"); } public Cursor getSearch(int search_id) { return rawQuery(SEARCH, null, SEARCH_ID + " = '" + search_id + "'"); } }