package com.angrykings; import; import org.andengine.entity.Entity; import org.andengine.entity.modifier.AlphaModifier; import org.andengine.entity.modifier.DelayModifier; import org.andengine.entity.modifier.SequenceEntityModifier; import org.andengine.entity.primitive.Rectangle; import org.andengine.entity.sprite.AnimatedSprite; import org.andengine.entity.text.Text; import org.andengine.input.touch.TouchEvent; import org.andengine.opengl.font.Font; import org.andengine.util.color.Color; /** * GameHUD * <p/> * Manages the HUD (head up display) * * @author Shivan Taher <> * @date 31.05.13 */ public class GameHUD extends HUD { private final AnimatedSprite whiteFlagButton; private final Font statusFont; private final Font playerNameFont; private Runnable onAimTouched; private Runnable onWhiteFlagTouched; private final LifeBar leftLifeBar; private final LifeBar rightLifeBar; private final Text leftPlayerNameText; private final Text rightPlayerNameText; private final Text statusText; private final static int MAX_TEXT_LENGTH = 256; private final static int HUD_MARGIN = 20; private final static int BUTTON_OFFSET_Y = 32; private final static float PLAYER_NAME_ALPHA = 0.7f; /** * This entity represents a slider to indicate the height of the players castle. */ public class LifeBar extends Entity { public final static float BAR_HEIGHT = 6; public final static float BAR_WIDTH = 200; private final static float BAR_ALPHA = 0.5f; private final Rectangle barFrame; private final Rectangle barFilled; private final boolean isLeft; private LifeBar(float x, float y, boolean isLeft) { this(x, y, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, LifeBar.BAR_ALPHA), new Color(1, 0, 0, LifeBar.BAR_ALPHA), isLeft); } private LifeBar(float x, float y, Color frameColor, Color lifeColor, boolean isLeft) { super(x, y); GameContext gc = GameContext.getInstance(); this.isLeft = isLeft; this.barFrame = new Rectangle(0, 0, BAR_WIDTH, LifeBar.BAR_HEIGHT, gc.getVboManager()); this.barFrame.setColor(frameColor); this.attachChild(this.barFrame); this.barFilled = new Rectangle(isLeft ? 0 : BAR_WIDTH, 0, isLeft ? LifeBar.BAR_WIDTH : -LifeBar.BAR_WIDTH, LifeBar.BAR_HEIGHT, gc.getVboManager()); this.barFilled.setColor(lifeColor); this.attachChild(this.barFilled); } public void setValue(float value) { this.barFilled.setWidth((isLeft ? 1 : -1) * LifeBar.BAR_WIDTH * Math.min(Math.max(value, 0.0f), 1.0f)); } } public GameHUD() { super(); GameContext gc = GameContext.getInstance(); ResourceManager rm = ResourceManager.getInstance(); this.statusFont = rm.getStatusFont(); this.playerNameFont = rm.getPlayerNameFont(); // // white flag button // this.whiteFlagButton = new AnimatedSprite( GameConfig.CAMERA_WIDTH - rm.getWhiteFlagButtonTexture().getWidth() - GameHUD.HUD_MARGIN, GameConfig.CAMERA_HEIGHT - rm.getWhiteFlagButtonTexture().getHeight() - GameHUD.HUD_MARGIN, rm.getWhiteFlagButtonTexture(), gc.getVboManager()) { @Override public boolean onAreaTouched(TouchEvent pSceneTouchEvent, float pTouchAreaLocalX, float pTouchAreaLocalY) { if (pSceneTouchEvent.isActionUp()) { if (onWhiteFlagTouched != null); } return true; } }; this.whiteFlagButton.setAlpha(0.8f); this.attachChild(this.whiteFlagButton); // // player slider // this.leftLifeBar = new LifeBar( GameHUD.HUD_MARGIN, GameHUD.HUD_MARGIN + playerNameFont.getLineHeight(), // GameConfig.CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2 - LifeBar.BAR_HEIGHT / 2, true ); this.leftLifeBar.setValue(0.5f); this.attachChild(this.leftLifeBar); this.rightLifeBar = new LifeBar( GameConfig.CAMERA_WIDTH - LifeBar.BAR_WIDTH - GameHUD.HUD_MARGIN, GameHUD.HUD_MARGIN + playerNameFont.getLineHeight(), //GameConfig.CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2 - LifeBar.BAR_HEIGHT / 2, false ); this.rightLifeBar.setValue(0.9f); this.attachChild(this.rightLifeBar); // // players names // this.leftPlayerNameText = new Text(0, 0, this.playerNameFont, "", GameHUD.MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, gc.getVboManager()); this.leftPlayerNameText.setAlpha(GameHUD.PLAYER_NAME_ALPHA); this.attachChild(this.leftPlayerNameText); this.rightPlayerNameText = new Text(0, 0, this.playerNameFont, "", GameHUD.MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, gc.getVboManager()); this.rightPlayerNameText.setAlpha(GameHUD.PLAYER_NAME_ALPHA); this.attachChild(this.rightPlayerNameText); this.statusText = new Text(0, 0, this.statusFont, "", GameHUD.MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, gc.getVboManager()); this.attachChild(this.statusText); this.setLeftPlayerName("Left Player"); this.setRightPlayerName("Right Player"); this.setStatus("Status Message"); } public void setOnWhiteFlagTouched(Runnable onWhiteFlagTouched) { this.onWhiteFlagTouched = onWhiteFlagTouched; this.registerTouchArea(this.whiteFlagButton); } public AnimatedSprite getWhiteFlagButton() { return whiteFlagButton; } public LifeBar getRightLifeBar() { return rightLifeBar; } public LifeBar getLeftLifeBar() { return leftLifeBar; } public void setLeftPlayerName(String name) { this.leftPlayerNameText.setText(name); this.leftPlayerNameText.setPosition( GameHUD.HUD_MARGIN, GameHUD.HUD_MARGIN ); } public void setRightPlayerName(String name) { this.rightPlayerNameText.setText(name); this.rightPlayerNameText.setPosition( GameConfig.CAMERA_WIDTH - this.rightPlayerNameText.getWidth() - GameHUD.HUD_MARGIN, GameHUD.HUD_MARGIN ); } public void setStatus(String status) { this.statusText.registerEntityModifier( new SequenceEntityModifier( new AlphaModifier(0.3f, 0.0f, 1.0f), new DelayModifier(1.5f), new AlphaModifier(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f) ) ); this.statusText.setText(status); this.statusText.setPosition( GameConfig.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2 - statusText.getWidth() / 2, GameConfig.CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2 - statusText.getHeight() / 2 ); } }