package com.jiuqi.njt.receiver; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.jiuqi.njt.service.UpPositionByTypeService; import com.jiuqi.njt.ui.NxwPushInfoDetailActivity; import com.jiuqi.njt.ui.QueryDetailActivity; import com.jiuqi.njt.util.Constants; import com.jiuqi.njt.util.TextToSpeechUtil; import com.jiuqi.njt.util.UIUtil; import com.jiuqi.njt.util.login.GetRoleAndUserModuleTask; /** * 自定义接收器 * * 如果不定义这个 Receiver,则: 1) 默认用户会打开主界面 2) 接收不到自定义消息 */ public class MyPushReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { private static final String TAG = "MyPushReceiver"; private String id = ""; private String title = "农机通"; private String msg = ""; private MyApp application; private String type; private String random; final String UpPositionServiceName = "com.jiuqi.njt.service.UpPositionByTypeService"; private OptsharepreInterface sharePre; private String pushRoleCode = ""; private String name = ""; private String flag; private String message; private String readMessage; @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras(); application = (MyApp) context.getApplicationContext(); sharePre = new OptsharepreInterface(context); // Log.d(TAG, "onReceive - " + intent.getAction() + ", extras: "+ // printBundle(bundle)); if (JPushInterface.ACTION_REGISTRATION_ID.equals(intent.getAction())) { String regId = bundle .getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_REGISTRATION_ID); Log.d(TAG, "接收Registration Id : " + regId); // send the Registration Id to your server... } else if (JPushInterface.ACTION_UNREGISTER.equals(intent.getAction())) { String regId = bundle .getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_REGISTRATION_ID); Log.d(TAG, "接收UnRegistration Id : " + regId); // send the UnRegistration Id to your server... } else if (JPushInterface.ACTION_MESSAGE_RECEIVED.equals(intent .getAction())) { Log.e(TAG, "接收到推送下来的自定义消息: " + bundle.getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_MESSAGE)); msg = bundle.getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_MESSAGE); // String title =bundle.getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_TITLE); // 没有登录不提示信息 if (application.getIsLogin()) { openNotification(context, bundle); openNotificationToDriver(context, bundle); openNotificationToModule(context, bundle); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(id)) { msg = bundle.getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_TITLE); // title = bundle.getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_TITLE); send(context, Constants.NXW_MODULER_URL_DETAIL_BASE + id, id); } else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) {//久其合作社 msg = bundle.getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_EXTRA); sendByData(context);//解析Json数据 // ShareMethod shareMethod = new ShareMethod(context); // shareMethod.getLocToService(LBSType.getLbsType(Integer.parseInt(type)),random); }else if(!TextUtils.isEmpty(pushRoleCode)){ String code = sharePre.getPres("role"); if(pushRoleCode.equals(code)){ new GetRoleAndUserModuleTask(context, true).execute(); } }else { startUpPositionService(context); } } } else if (JPushInterface.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_RECEIVED.equals(intent .getAction())) { Log.d(TAG, "接收到推送下来的通知"); int notifactionId = bundle .getInt(JPushInterface.EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_ID); Log.d(TAG, "接收到推送下来的通知的ID: " + notifactionId); } else if (JPushInterface.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_OPENED.equals(intent .getAction())) { Log.d(TAG, "用户点击打开了通知"); // 打开自定义的Activity } else if (JPushInterface.ACTION_RICHPUSH_CALLBACK.equals(intent .getAction())) { Log.d(TAG, "用户收到到RICH PUSH CALLBACK: " + bundle.getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_EXTRA)); // 在这里根据 JPushInterface.EXTRA_EXTRA 的内容处理代码,比如打开新的Activity, // 打开一个网页等.. } else { Log.d(TAG, "Unhandled intent - " + intent.getAction()); } } private void sendByData(Context context) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub JSONObject extrasJson; try { extrasJson = new JSONObject(msg); String sim = extrasJson.optString("sim"); String juli = extrasJson.optString("juli"); Double price = extrasJson.optDouble("price"); Double sLon = extrasJson.optDouble("slon"); Double sLat = extrasJson.optDouble("slat"); Double eLon = extrasJson.optDouble("elon"); Double eLat = extrasJson.optDouble("elat"); String endTime = extrasJson.optString("endTime"); String address = extrasJson.optString("address"); String infoType = extrasJson.optString("infoType"); String newsType = extrasJson.optString("newsType");// 信息类别 Intent mintent = new Intent(context, QueryDetailActivity.class); if ("WorkTaskNewsBean".equals(infoType)) { // 作业面积 flag = "jobNew"; // DataDictionaryBean workType = (DataDictionaryBean) extrasJson // .opt("workType");// 作业类型 // DataDictionaryBean newsType= (DataDictionaryBean) extrasJson // .opt("newsType");// 信息类别 // String zylx = null == workType.getName() ? "" // : workType.getName(); String workType = extrasJson.optString("workType"); double maxPrice = extrasJson.optDouble("maxPrice"); double minPrice = extrasJson.optDouble("minPrice"); WorkTaskNewsBean bean = new WorkTaskNewsBean(); bean.setAddress(address); bean.setEndDateStr(endTime); bean.setContactor(name); bean.setContactMobileNumber(sim); bean.setAddPersonName(juli);// 距离 bean.setLatitude(sLat); bean.setPrice(price); bean.setMaxPrice(maxPrice); bean.setMinPrice(minPrice); bean.setLongitude(sLon); DataDictionaryBean workTypeDataDictionaryBean =new DataDictionaryBean(); workTypeDataDictionaryBean.setName(workType); DataDictionaryBean newsTypeDataDictionaryBean =new DataDictionaryBean(); newsTypeDataDictionaryBean.setName(newsType); bean.setNewsType(newsTypeDataDictionaryBean); bean.setWorkType(workTypeDataDictionaryBean); message = workType + "求助作业信息"; String priceMsg = minPrice+"至"+maxPrice+"元"; mintent.putExtra("bean", bean); readMessage = "\n" + "\t" + newsType + "\n" + workType + "\n" + "\t" + "结束时间" + "\n" + endTime + "\n" + "\t" + "作业价格" + "\n" + priceMsg + "\n" + "\t" + "联系人" + "\n" + name + "\n" + "\t" + "联系电话" + "\n" + sim + "\n" + "\t" + "地址" + "\n" + address; } else if ("SupplyAndDemandTaskNewsBean".equals(infoType)) { // 农资供需 flag = "supply"; // DataDictionaryBean dataDictionaryBean = (DataDictionaryBean) extrasJson // .opt("newsType");// 信息类别 // DataDictionaryBean goodDataDictionaryBean = (DataDictionaryBean) extrasJson // .opt("goodsType");//商品种类 // DataDictionaryBean goodsUnit = (DataDictionaryBean) extrasJson // .opt("goodsUnit");//单位 String goodsType = extrasJson.optString("goodsType"); String goodsName = extrasJson.optString("goodsName"); String goodsUnit = extrasJson.optString("unit"); double count = extrasJson.optDouble("count"); SupplyAndDemandTaskNewsBean bean = new SupplyAndDemandTaskNewsBean(); bean.setAddress(address); bean.setEndDateStr(endTime); bean.setContactor(name); bean.setContactMobileNumber(sim); bean.setPrice(price);// 价格; bean.setAddPersonName(juli);// 距离 DataDictionaryBean dataDictionaryBean = new DataDictionaryBean(); dataDictionaryBean.setName(newsType); DataDictionaryBean goodDataDictionaryBean = new DataDictionaryBean(); goodDataDictionaryBean.setName(goodsType); DataDictionaryBean goodsUnitDataDictionaryBean = new DataDictionaryBean(); goodsUnitDataDictionaryBean.setName(goodsUnit); bean.setNewsType(dataDictionaryBean); bean.setGoodsType(goodDataDictionaryBean); bean.setGoodsUnit(goodsUnitDataDictionaryBean); bean.setGoodsName(goodsName);// 商品名称 bean.setLatitude(sLat); bean.setLongitude(sLon); bean.setCount(count); bean.setGoodsUnit(goodsUnitDataDictionaryBean); // String newsType = null == dataDictionaryBean.getName() ? "" // : dataDictionaryBean.getName(); // String goodsType = null == goodDataDictionaryBean.getName() ? "" // : goodDataDictionaryBean.getName(); message = goodsType + newsType; mintent.putExtra("bean", bean); readMessage = "\n" + "\t" + newsType + "\n" + goodsType + "\n" + "\t" + "结束时间" + "\n" + endTime + "\n" + "\t" + "价格" + "\n" + price + "\n" + "\t" + "联系人" + "\n" + name + "\n" + "\t" + "联系电话" + "\n" + sim + "\n" + "\t" + "地址" + "\n" + address; } else if ("CarTaskNewsBean".equals(infoType)) { // 农机信息 flag = "machine"; // DataDictionaryBean newsType = (DataDictionaryBean) extrasJson // .opt("newsType"); // KindsOfCarBean carTypeNew = (KindsOfCarBean) extrasJson // .opt("carTypeNew"); // DataDictionaryBean cropType = (DataDictionaryBean) extrasJson // .opt("cropType"); String carTypeNew = extrasJson.optString("carTypeNew"); String cropType = extrasJson.optString("cropType"); double maxPrice = extrasJson.optDouble("maxPrice"); double minPrice = extrasJson.optDouble("minPrice"); int count = extrasJson.optInt("count"); CarTaskNewsBean bean = new CarTaskNewsBean(); bean.setAddress(address); bean.setEndDateStr(endTime); bean.setContactor(name); bean.setContactMobileNumber(sim); bean.setAddPersonName(juli);// 距离 DataDictionaryBean newsTypeDataDictionaryBean = new DataDictionaryBean(); newsTypeDataDictionaryBean.setName(newsType); KindsOfCarBean carTypeNewKindsOfCarBean = new KindsOfCarBean(); carTypeNewKindsOfCarBean.setName(carTypeNew); DataDictionaryBean cropTypeDataDictionaryBean = new DataDictionaryBean(); cropTypeDataDictionaryBean.setName(cropType); bean.setNewsType(newsTypeDataDictionaryBean);// 信息类别 bean.setCarTypeNew(carTypeNewKindsOfCarBean);// 农机类别 bean.setCropType(cropTypeDataDictionaryBean);// 作物类别 bean.setCount(count); bean.setMaxPrice(maxPrice);// 价格区间 bean.setMinPrice(minPrice); bean.setLatitude(sLat); bean.setLongitude(sLon); // String xxlb = null == newsType.getName() ? "" : newsType // .getName(); // String zylb = null == carTypeNew.getName() ? "" : carTypeNew // .getName(); // String zwlb = null == cropType.getName() ? "" : cropType // .getName(); message = newsType + cropType + carTypeNew; mintent.putExtra("bean", bean); String priceMsg = minPrice+"至"+maxPrice+"元"; readMessage = "\n" + "\t" + newsType + "\n" + cropType + carTypeNew + "\n" + "\t" + "结束时间" + "\n" + endTime + "\n" + "\t" + "数量" + count + "\n" + "\t" + "价格" + "\n" + priceMsg + "\n" + "\t" + "联系人" + "\n" + name + "\n" + "\t" + "联系电话" + "\n" + sim + "\n" + "\t" + "地址" + "\n" + address; } sharePre.putPres("lat", eLat + ""); sharePre.putPres("lon", eLon + ""); mintent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); mintent.putExtra("flag", flag); UIUtil.sendNotification(context, title, message, mintent); speechInfo(context, readMessage); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Unexpected: extras is not a valid json", e); } } private void openNotificationToDriver(Context context, Bundle bundle) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String extras = bundle.getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_EXTRA); JSONObject extrasJson; name = ""; try { extrasJson = new JSONObject(extras); // String json = extrasJson.optString("json"); // JSONObject o = new JSONObject(json); // // JSONArray array = new JSONArray(json); // extrasJson = (JSONObject) array.get(0); name = extrasJson.optString("name"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Unexpected: extras is not a valid json", e); } } private void openNotification(Context context, Bundle bundle) { String extras = bundle.getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_EXTRA); JSONObject extrasJson; try { extrasJson = new JSONObject(extras); id = extrasJson.optString("id"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(TAG, "Unexpected: extras is not a valid json", e); } try { extrasJson = new JSONObject(extras); random = extrasJson.optString("random"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(TAG, "Unexpected: extras is not a valid json", e); } try { extrasJson = new JSONObject(extras); type = extrasJson.optString("type"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(TAG, "Unexpected: extras is not a valid json", e); } } private void openNotificationToModule(Context context, Bundle bundle) { String extras = bundle.getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_EXTRA); JSONObject extrasJson; pushRoleCode = ""; try { extrasJson = new JSONObject(extras); pushRoleCode = extrasJson.optString("roleCode"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Unexpected: extras is not a valid json", e); } } public static boolean isNumeric(String str) { for (int i = str.length(); --i >= 0;) { if (!Character.isDigit(str.charAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } public void send(Context context, String url, String id) { Intent mintent = new Intent(context, NxwPushInfoDetailActivity.class); mintent.putExtra(Constants.PARAM_URL, url); mintent.putExtra(Constants.PARAM_ID, id); mintent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); UIUtil.sendNotification(context, title, msg, mintent); String isread = getIsRead(context); if ("yes".equals(isread)) { speechInfo(context, msg); } } private String getIsRead(Context context) { SharedPreferences Voice = context.getSharedPreferences( Constants.SOFTSET_SHEAREFILENAME, 0); String isRead = Voice.getString("isRead", "no"); return isRead; } private void speechInfo(Context context, String msg) { TextToSpeechUtil ttsUtil = new TextToSpeechUtil(context); ttsUtil.textToSpeechTextWithoutDialog(msg); } // 开启天气预报服务 private void startUpPositionService(Context context) { boolean isStart = CheckStateInterface.isServiceRunning(context, UpPositionServiceName); if (!isStart) { Intent intent = new Intent(context, UpPositionByTypeService.class); intent.putExtra("random", random); intent.putExtra("type", type); context.startService(intent); } } // private void stopUpPositionService(Context context){ // boolean isStart = // CheckStateInterface.isServiceRunning(context,UpPositionServiceName); // if (isStart) { // context.startService(new i); // } // } }