package; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.osmdroid.util.BoundingBoxE6; import org.osmdroid.util.GeoPoint; import org.androad.R; import org.androad.sys.ors.adt.Error; import; import; import org.androad.sys.ors.exceptions.ORSException; import org.androad.util.constants.Constants; import org.androad.util.constants.TimeConstants; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import android.util.Log; public class CloudmadeRSParser extends DefaultHandler implements TimeConstants, Constants { // ==================================== // Constants // ==================================== // ==================================== // Fields // ==================================== private final ArrayList<Error> mErrors = new ArrayList<Error>(); private int mErrorNumber = 0; private Route mRoute; private ArrayList<GeoPoint> mPolyline; private double maxLat = 0; private double maxLon = 0; private double minLat = 0; private double minLon = 0; private boolean inGpx = false; private boolean inExtensions = false; private boolean inDistance = false; private boolean inTime = false; private boolean inStart = false; private boolean inEnd = false; private boolean inWpt = false; private boolean inRte = false; private boolean inRtept = false; private boolean inDesc = false; private boolean inOffset = false; private boolean inDistanceText = false; private boolean inDirection = false; private boolean inAzimuth = false; private RouteInstruction mTmpRouteInstruction; // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== public CloudmadeRSParser() { } // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== public ArrayList<Error> getErrors(){ return this.mErrors; } public Route getRoute() throws ORSException{ if(this.mErrors != null && this.mErrors.size() > 0) { throw new ORSException(this.mErrors); } return this.mRoute; } // ==================================== // Methods from Superclasses // ==================================== @Override public void startDocument() throws SAXException { this.mRoute = new Route(); this.mRoute.setRouteInstructions(new ArrayList<RouteInstruction>()); this.mPolyline = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>(); this.mRoute.setPolyLine(this.mPolyline); super.startDocument(); } @Override public void startElement(final String uri, final String localName, final String name, final Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {; if(localName.equals("gpx")){ this.inGpx = true; } else if(localName.equals("extensions")){ this.inExtensions = true; } else if(localName.equals("distance")){ this.inDistance = true; } else if(localName.equals("time")){ this.inTime = true; } else if(localName.equals("start")){ this.inStart = true; } else if(localName.equals("end")){ this.inEnd = true; } else if(localName.equals("wpt")){ this.inWpt = true; final double lat = Double.parseDouble(attributes.getValue("", "lat")); final double lon = Double.parseDouble(attributes.getValue("", "lon")); if (maxLat == 0 || lat > maxLat) { maxLat = lat; } if (maxLon == 0 || lon > maxLon) { maxLon = lon; } if (minLat == 0 || lat < minLat) { minLat = lat; } if (minLon == 0 || lon < minLon) { minLon = lon; } final GeoPoint geo = new GeoPoint( (int) (lat * 1E6), (int) (lon * 1E6)); this.mPolyline.add(geo); } else if(localName.equals("rte")){ this.inRte = true; } else if(localName.equals("rtept")){ this.inRtept = true; final String lat = attributes.getValue("", "lat"); final String lon = attributes.getValue("", "lon"); final GeoPoint gp = new GeoPoint( (int) (Double.parseDouble(lat) * 1E6), (int) (Double.parseDouble(lon) * 1E6)); int first = this.mLastFirstMotherPolylineIndex + 1; this.mLastFirstMotherPolylineIndex = this.mRoute.findInPolyLine(gp, this.mLastFirstMotherPolylineIndex); for (;first < this.mLastFirstMotherPolylineIndex; first++) { final GeoPoint geo = this.mPolyline.get(first); this.mTmpRouteInstruction.getPartialPolyLine().add(geo); } this.mTmpRouteInstruction = new RouteInstruction(); this.mRoute.getRouteInstructions().add(this.mTmpRouteInstruction); this.mTmpRouteInstruction.getPartialPolyLine().add(gp); this.mTmpRouteInstruction.setFirstMotherPolylineIndex(this.mLastFirstMotherPolylineIndex); } else if(localName.equals("desc")){ this.inDesc = true; } else if(localName.equals("offset")){ this.inOffset = true; } else if(localName.equals("distance-text")){ this.inDistanceText = true; } else if(localName.equals("direction")){ this.inDirection = true; } else if(localName.equals("azimuth")){ this.inAzimuth = true; } else { Log.w(DEBUGTAG, "Unexpected tag: '" + name + "'"); } super.startElement(uri, localName, name, attributes); } protected StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); private int mLastFirstMotherPolylineIndex = 0; @Override public void characters(final char[] chars, final int start, final int length) throws SAXException {, start, length); super.characters(chars, start, length); } @Override public void endElement(final String uri, final String localName, final String name) throws SAXException { if(localName.equals("gpx")){ this.inGpx = false; } else if(localName.equals("extensions")){ this.inExtensions = false; } else if(localName.equals("distance")){ this.inDistance = false; if (inExtensions) { if (!inRte) { this.mRoute.setDistanceMeters((int)Float.parseFloat(; } else { this.mTmpRouteInstruction.setLengthMeters((int)Float.parseFloat(; } } } else if(localName.equals("time")){ this.inTime = false; if (inExtensions) { if (!inRte) { this.mRoute.setDurationSeconds((int)Float.parseFloat(; } else { this.mTmpRouteInstruction.setDurationSeconds((int)Float.parseFloat(; } } } else if(localName.equals("start")){ this.inStart = false; } else if(localName.equals("end")){ this.inEnd = false; } else if(localName.equals("wpt")){ this.inWpt = false; } else if(localName.equals("rte")){ this.inRte = false; } else if(localName.equals("rtept")){ this.inRtept = false; } else if(localName.equals("desc")){ this.inDesc = false; this.mTmpRouteInstruction.setDescriptionHtml(; } else if(localName.equals("offset")){ this.inOffset = false; } else if(localName.equals("distance-text")){ this.inDistanceText = false; } else if(localName.equals("direction")){ this.inDirection = false; } else if(localName.equals("azimuth")){ this.inAzimuth = false; } else { Log.w(DEBUGTAG, "Unexpected end-tag: '" + name + "'"); } // Reset the stringbuffer; super.endElement(uri, localName, name); } @Override public void endDocument() throws SAXException { if(this.mErrors == null || this.mErrors.size() == 0){ int first = this.mLastFirstMotherPolylineIndex + 1; for (;first < this.mPolyline.size(); first++) { final GeoPoint geo = this.mPolyline.get(first); this.mTmpRouteInstruction.getPartialPolyLine().add(geo); } this.mRoute.setBoundingBoxE6(new BoundingBoxE6(maxLat, maxLon, minLat, minLon)); this.mRoute.setStart(this.mPolyline.get(0)); this.mRoute.setDestination(this.mPolyline.get(this.mPolyline.size() - 1)); this.mRoute.setStartInstruction(this.mRoute.getRouteInstructions().remove(0)); // Modify the arrival-instruction that is just shows final RouteInstruction last = this.mRoute.getRouteInstructions().get(this.mRoute.getRouteInstructions().size() - 1); last.setFirstMotherPolylineIndex(this.mPolyline.size() - 1); } super.endDocument(); } }