package org.androad.db; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import android.util.Log; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import microsoft.mappoint.TileSystem; import org.androad.adt.DBPOI; import org.androad.util.constants.Constants; import org.osmdroid.util.BoundingBoxE6; import org.osmdroid.util.GeoPoint; public class POIDBManager { // =========================================================== // Final Fields // =========================================================== private final String TABLE = "poi"; private final int VERSION = 1; private final String[] COLUMNS = new String[]{"id", "x", "y", "name", "name_en", "type", "subtype", "opening_hours", "phone", "site"}; // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== private String dbfile; private BoundingBoxE6 limits; private SQLiteDatabase db; // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== POIDBManager(final Context context, final String dbfile) { this.dbfile = dbfile; db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(dbfile, null); // Get This code from Osmand project if(db.getVersion() != VERSION){ db.close(); db = null; return; } String metaTable = "loc_meta_" + TABLE; Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='"+metaTable+"'", null); boolean dbExist = cursor.moveToFirst(); cursor.close(); boolean found = false; boolean write = true; if(dbExist){ cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT MAX_LAT, MAX_LON, MIN_LAT, MIN_LON FROM " +metaTable, null); if(cursor.moveToFirst()){ limits = new BoundingBoxE6(cursor.getDouble(0), cursor.getDouble(1), cursor.getDouble(2), cursor.getDouble(3)); found = true; } else { found = false; } cursor.close(); } else { try { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + metaTable + " (MAX_LAT DOUBLE, MAX_LON DOUBLE, MIN_LAT DOUBLE, MIN_LON DOUBLE)"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // case when database is in readonly mode write = false; } } if (!found) { Cursor query = db.query(TABLE, new String[] { "MIN(y)", "MAX(x)", "MAX(y)", "MIN(x)" }, null, null, null, null, null); if (query.moveToFirst()) { GeoPoint topright = new GeoPoint(get31LatitudeY(query.getInt(0)), get31LongitudeX(query.getInt(1))); GeoPoint bottomleft = new GeoPoint(get31LatitudeY(query.getInt(2)), get31LongitudeX(query.getInt(3))); limits = new BoundingBoxE6((int) (topright.getLatitudeE6() + 1 * 1E6), (int) (topright.getLongitudeE6() + 1.5 * 1E6), (int) (bottomleft.getLatitudeE6() - 1 * 1E6), (int) (bottomleft.getLongitudeE6() - 1.5 * 1E6)); } query.close(); if (write) { db.execSQL("INSERT INTO " + metaTable + " VALUES (?, ?, ? ,?)", new Double[]{limits.getLatNorthE6() / 1E6, limits.getLonEastE6() / 1E6, limits.getLatSouthE6() / 1E6, limits.getLonWestE6() / 1E6}); } } } // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Methods from SuperClass/Interfaces // =========================================================== @Override public String toString() { return dbfile; } // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== public static double get31LongitudeX(int tileX){ double x = tileX / 1024f; return x / getPowZoom(21) * 360.0 - 180.0; } public static double get31LatitudeY(int tileY){ double y = tileY / 1024f; int sign = y < 0 ? -1 : 1; return Math.atan(sign*Math.sinh(Math.PI * (1 - 2 * y / getPowZoom(21)))) * 180d / Math.PI; } public static double getPowZoom(float zoom){ if(zoom >= 0 && zoom - Math.floor(zoom) < 0.05f){ return 1 << ((int)zoom); } else { return Math.pow(2, zoom); } } public static int get31TileNumberX(double longitude){ while (longitude < -180 || longitude > 180) { if (longitude < 0) { longitude += 360; } else { longitude -= 360; } } long l = 1l << 31; return (int)((longitude + 180d)/360d * l); } public static int get31TileNumberY(double latitude){ while (latitude < -90 || latitude > 90) { if (latitude < 0) { latitude += 180; } else { latitude -= 180; } } double eval = Math.log( Math.tan(Math.toRadians(latitude)) + 1/Math.cos(Math.toRadians(latitude)) ); long l = 1l << 31; if(eval > Math.PI){ eval = Math.PI; } return (int) ((1 - eval / Math.PI) / 2 * l); } public boolean contains(final BoundingBoxE6 view) { if (limits == null) return false; if (limits.contains(view.getLatNorthE6(), view.getLonEastE6())) { return true; } else if (limits.contains(view.getLatNorthE6(), view.getLonWestE6())) { return true; } else if (limits.contains(view.getLatSouthE6(), view.getLonEastE6())) { return true; } else if (limits.contains(view.getLatSouthE6(), view.getLonWestE6())) { return true; } return false; } public List<DBPOI> getPOIs(final BoundingBoxE6 view) { final ArrayList<DBPOI> list = new ArrayList<DBPOI>(); if (db == null) return list; String squery = "? < y AND y < ? AND ? < x AND x < ?"; Cursor query = db.query(TABLE, COLUMNS, squery, new String[]{get31TileNumberY(view.getLatNorthE6() / 1E6) + "", get31TileNumberY(view.getLatSouthE6() / 1E6) + "", get31TileNumberX(view.getLonWestE6() / 1E6) + "", get31TileNumberX(view.getLonEastE6() / 1E6) + ""}, null, null, null); if(query.moveToFirst()){ do { final GeoPoint c = new GeoPoint(get31LatitudeY(query.getInt(2)), get31LongitudeX(query.getInt(1))); final DBPOI poi = new DBPOI(query.getString(3), c); poi.setId(query.getLong(0)); poi.setEnName(query.getString(4)); if(poi.getEnName().length() == 0){ poi.setEnName(poi.getName()); } poi.setType(query.getString(5)); poi.setSubType(query.getString(6)); poi.setOpeningHours(query.getString(7)); poi.setPhone(query.getString(8)); poi.setSite(query.getString(9)); list.add(poi); } while(query.moveToNext()); } query.close(); Log.d(Constants.DEBUGTAG, "count dbpoi = " + list.size()); return list; } }