package me.ramswaroop.linkedlists; import me.ramswaroop.common.SingleLinkedList; import me.ramswaroop.common.SingleLinkedNode; import java.util.Random; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * * @author: ramswaroop * @date: 7/21/15 * @time: 12:57 PM */ public class RandomNode { /** * Returns a random node from linked list with each node having an equal probability. * * This method uses the simplified version of Reservoir Sampling ({@link me.ramswaroop.arrays.ReservoirSampling}) * where k = 1. * * @param node * @param <E> * @return */ public static <E extends Comparable<E>> SingleLinkedNode<E> getRandomNode(SingleLinkedNode<E> node) { SingleLinkedNode<E> result = node, curr = node; for (int i = 2; curr != null; i++) { int rand = new Random().nextInt(i); if (rand % i == 0) result = curr; curr =; } return result; } public static void main(String a[]) { SingleLinkedList<Integer> linkedList = new SingleLinkedList<>(); linkedList.add(00); linkedList.add(11); linkedList.add(22); linkedList.add(33); linkedList.add(44); linkedList.add(55); linkedList.add(66); linkedList.add(77); linkedList.add(88); System.out.println(getRandomNode(linkedList.head).item); } }