package me.ramswaroop.linkedlists; import me.ramswaroop.common.SingleLinkedList; import me.ramswaroop.common.SingleLinkedNode; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * * @author: ramswaroop * @date: 7/1/15 * @time: 12:39 PM */ public class DetectAndRemoveLoop { /** * Detects loop if any in {@param list} and removes it. * * Algorithm: * * 1) Use Floyd's cycle detection algorithm to detect loop. * 2) Acc. to FCD, once the fast pointer meets the slow pointer we conclude that there is a loop. * 3) Now compute the length 'l' of the loop. * 4) Move the fast pointer length 'l' from head. * 5) Now move both slow and fast pointer at same pace and where they meet is the starting point of the loop. * 6) Lastly, to remove the loop make the next of the node (before the starting point of loop) to null. * * @param list * @param <E> * @return {@code true} if loop exists {@code false} otherwise. */ public static <E extends Comparable<E>> boolean detectAndRemoveLoop(SingleLinkedList<E> list) { int i = 0, length = 0; boolean isLoopPresent = false; SingleLinkedNode<E> slow = list.head, fast =; while (fast != null && != null) { if (slow == fast) { isLoopPresent = true; break; } slow =; fast =; } if (isLoopPresent == false) return false; // compute length of loop while ( != slow) { fast =; length++; } // move fast pointer from head by the length of loop slow = fast = list.head; while (i <= length) { fast =; i++; } // move both pointers at same pace to determine the starting node of loop while (true) { slow =; fast =; if ( == { = null; break; } } return isLoopPresent; } public static void main(String a[]) { SingleLinkedList<Integer> linkedList = new SingleLinkedList<>(); linkedList.add(00); linkedList.add(11); linkedList.add(22); linkedList.add(33); linkedList.add(44); linkedList.add(55); linkedList.getNode(1).next = linkedList.getNode(0); System.out.println(detectAndRemoveLoop(linkedList)); linkedList.printList(); } }