package problems.medium; import problems.utils.ListNode; /** * Created by sherxon on 1/2/17. */ // there are two solutions 1) with arraylist 2) without any extra space public class LinkedListRandomNode { ListNode head; //List<ListNode> a; ListNode x; /** * Returns a random node's value. */ int count = 0; /** @param head The linked list's head. Note that the head is guaranteed to be not null, so it contains at least one node. */ public LinkedListRandomNode(ListNode head) { this.head=head; this.x=head; // ListNode x=head; // a= new ArrayList<>(); // while(x!=null){ // a.add(x); //; // } } public int getRandom() { // int rand=(int) (Math.random()*a.size()); // return a.get(rand).val; ListNode rr=head; if(x!=null){ count++; rr=x;; }else{ int rand=(int)(Math.random()*count); for(int i =1; i<=rand; i++); } return rr.val; } }