package algo.graph; import ds.graph.Edge; import ds.graph.WeightedGraph; import java.util.*; /** * Created by sherxon on 1/7/17. * <p> * This is the algorithm to find shortest Path in weighted and non-negative edged graph. Graph can be directed * or undirected. This is not optimized version as shortestPath() method searches vertex with minimal weight * every time. To optimize Fibonacci heap can be used. This algorithm finds shortest path from source vertex * to all other reachable vertexes. Time complexity is O(VE) */ /** * This is the algorithm to find shortest Path in weighted and non-negative edged graph. Graph can be directed * or undirected. This is not optimized version as shortestPath() method searches vertex with minimal weight * every time. To optimize Fibonacci heap can be used. This algorithm finds shortest path from source vertex * to all other reachable vertexes. Time complexity is O(VE) * */ /** * Choosing vertex with min distance is the main factor that affects running time of this algorithms * 1) Using naive approach i.e. iterating vertex and choosing vertex with nim distance O(EV) * 2) Binary Heaps, if decreaseKey is implemented O(E logV) * 3) Fibonacci Heap, O(V logV + E), impractical * */ public class Dijsktra { Map<Integer, Double> distance; private WeightedGraph graph; public Dijsktra(WeightedGraph graph) { this.graph = graph; distance = new HashMap<>(); } /** * This is naive implementation of Dijsktra shortest path algorithm. Running time is O(VE); * this implementation works best with dense graphs * */ public void shortestPath(Integer source) { Set<Integer> openSet = new TreeSet<>(); for (Integer vertex : graph.getVertices()) { if (source.equals(vertex)) distance.put(source, 0d); else distance.put(vertex, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); openSet.add(vertex); } while (!openSet.isEmpty()) { Integer min = 0; double minDis = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (Integer vertex : openSet) { if (minDis > distance.get(vertex)) { minDis = distance.get(vertex); min = vertex; } } openSet.remove(min); for (Edge edge : graph.getEdges(min)) { Double newPath = distance.get(min) + edge.getWeight(); if (distance.get(edge.getTo()) > newPath) { distance.put(edge.getTo(), newPath); } } } } /** * This is optimized version of shortest path algorithm, whose running time is O(E logE) * this works better than other implementations in practise * */ public void shortestPathOptimized(Integer source) { PriorityQueue<Pair> queue = new PriorityQueue<>(); Map<Integer, Pair> map = new HashMap<>(); for (Integer vertex : graph.getVertices()) { Pair pair; if (source.equals(vertex)) pair = new Pair(vertex, 0d); else pair = new Pair(vertex, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); queue.add(pair); map.put(vertex, pair); } while (!queue.isEmpty()) { Pair pair = queue.remove(); if (map.get(pair.label) != pair) continue; // if pair is already updated for (Edge edge : graph.getEdges(pair.label)) { Double newPath = pair.weight + edge.getWeight(); if (newPath < map.get(edge.getTo()).weight) { Pair newPair = new Pair(edge.getTo(), newPath); map.put(edge.getTo(), newPair); queue.add(newPair); } } } } private class Pair implements Comparable<Pair> { Integer label; Double weight; public Pair(Integer name, Double weight) { this.label = name; this.weight = weight; } @Override public int compareTo(Pair p) { return (int) (this.weight - p.weight); } } }