package com.brightcove.proserve.mediaapi.wrapper.apiobjects; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.jsonBC.JSONArray; import org.jsonBC.JSONException; import org.jsonBC.JSONObject; import com.brightcove.proserve.mediaapi.wrapper.apiobjects.enums.EconomicsEnum; import com.brightcove.proserve.mediaapi.wrapper.apiobjects.enums.GeoFilterCodeEnum; import com.brightcove.proserve.mediaapi.wrapper.apiobjects.enums.ItemStateEnum; /** * <p>Represents a Video object to/from the Media API.</p> * * <p>From the Brightcove documentation on 2009/08/18 (<a href=""></a>):<br/> * <code>The Video object is an aggregation of metadata and asset information associated with a video. A Video has the following properties:</code> * <table> * <thead> * <tr> * <th style="width: 20%;" scope="col"><strong>property name</strong></th> * <th style="width: 10%;" scope="col"><strong>type</strong></th> * <th style="width: 10%;" scope="col"><strong>read only?</strong></th> * <th style="width: 60%;" scope="col"><strong>description</strong></th> * </tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr> * <td>name</td> * <td>String</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>The title of this Video, limited to 60 characters. The name is a required property when you create a video.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>id</td> * <td>long</td> * <td>yes</td> * <td>A number that uniquely identifies this Video, assigned by Brightcove when the Video is created.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>referenceId</td> * <td>String</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>A user-specified id that uniquely identifies this Video, limited to 150 characters. A referenceID can be used as a foreign-key to identify this video in another system.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>accountId</td> * <td>long</td> * <td>yes</td> * <td>A number, assigned by Brightcove, that uniquely identifies the account to which this Video belongs.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>shortDescription</td> * <td>String</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>A short description describing this Video, limited to 250 characters. The shortDescription is a required property when you create a video.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>longDescription</td> * <td>String</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>A longer description of this Video, limited to 5000 characters.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>FLVURL</td> * <td>String</td> * <td>yes</td> * <td>The URL of the video file for this Video. Note that this property can be accessed with the Media API only with a special read or write token. See <a href="accessing-video-content-media-api">Accessing Video Content with the Media API</a>.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>renditions</td> * <td>Array</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>An array of <a href="#Rendition">Renditions</a> that represent the dynamic delivery renditions available for this Video. A Video should have not more than 10 Renditions. Note that this property can be accessed with the Media API only with a special read or write token. See <a href="accessing-video-content-media-api">Accessing Video Content with the Media API</a>.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>videoFullLength</td> * <td>Rendition</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>A single <a href="#Rendition">Rendition</a> that represents the the video file for this Video. Note that this property can be accessed with the Media API only with a special read or write token. See <a href="accessing-video-content-media-api">Accessing Video Content with the Media API</a>.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>creationDate</td> * <td>Date</td> * <td>yes</td> * <td>The date this Video was created, represented as the number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>publishedDate</td> * <td>Date</td> * <td>yes</td> * <td>The date this Video was last made active, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>lastModifiedDate</td> * <td>Date</td> * <td>yes</td> * <td>The date this Video was last modified, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>itemState</td> * <td>Enum</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>An <a href="">ItemStateEnum</a>. One of ACTIVE, INACTIVE, or DELETED. You can set this property only to ACTIVE or INACTIVE; you cannot delete a video by setting its itemState to DELETED.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>startDate</td> * <td>Date</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>The first date this Video is available to be played, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>endDate</td> * <td>Date</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>The last date this Video is available to be played, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>linkURL</td> * <td>String</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>An optional URL to a related item, limited to 150 characters.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>linkText</td> * <td>String</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>The text displayed for the linkURL, limited to 40 characters.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>tags</td> * <td>List</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>A list of Strings representing the tags assigned to this Video. Each tag can be not more than 64 characters, and a video can have no more than 1200 tags.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>videoStillURL</td> * <td>String</td> * <td>yes</td> * <td>The URL to the video still image associated with this Video. Video stills are 480x360 pixels.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>thumbnailURL</td> * <td>String</td> * <td>yes</td> * <td>The URL to the thumbnail image associated with this Video. Thumbnails are 120x90 pixels.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>length</td> * <td>long</td> * <td>yes</td> * <td>The length of this video in milliseconds.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>economics</td> * <td>Enum</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>An <a href="">EconomicsEnum</a>. Either FREE or AD_SUPPORTED. AD_SUPPORTED means that ad requests are enabled for this Video.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>geoFiltered</td> * <td>boolean</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>True indicates that the video is <a href="geo-filtering-media-api">geo-restricted</a>.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>geoFilteredCountries</td> * <td>List</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>A list of the <a href="" target="_blank">ISO-3166 two-letter codes</a> of the countries to enforce geo-restriction rules on. Use lowercase for the country codes.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>geoFilterExclude</td> * <td>boolean</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>If true, the video can be viewed in all countries except those listed in <code>geoFilteredCountries</code>; if false, the video can be viewed only in the countries listed in <code>geoFilteredCountries</code>.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>cuePoints</td> * <td>List</td> * <td>no</td> * <td>A List of the <a href="#CuePoint">CuePoints</a> objects assigned to this Video.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>playsTotal</td> * <td>Integer</td> * <td>yes</td> * <td>How many times this Video has been played since its creation.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>playsTrailingWeek</td> * <td>Integer</td> * <td>yes</td> * <td>How many times this Video has been played within the past seven days, exclusive of today.</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * </p> * <p>Note that another field - "Custom Fields" is also supported by this API, but not officially documented as yet.</p> * * @author Sander Gates < @at@> * */ public class Video { private String name; private Long id; private String referenceId; private Long accountId; private String shortDescription; private String longDescription; private String flvUrl; private Date creationDate; private Date publishedDate; private Date lastModifiedDate; private Date startDate; private Date endDate; private String linkUrl; private String linkText; private String videoStillUrl; private String thumbnailUrl; private Long length; private Boolean geoFiltered; private Boolean geoFilteredExclude; private Integer playsTotal; private Integer playsTrailingWeek; private Date releaseDate; private List<Rendition> renditions; private Rendition videoFullLength; private ItemStateEnum itemState; private List<String> tags; private EconomicsEnum economics; private List<GeoFilterCodeEnum> geoFilteredCountries; private List<CuePoint> cuePoints; private List<CustomField> customFields; /** * <p>Default Constructor.</p> * * <p>All fields set to null to start - required fields must be set before calling Write Media API.</p> * */ public Video(){ initAll(); } /** * <p>Constructor using JSON string.</p> * * <p>Given a JSON string from the Media API, attempts to construct a new Video object and fill out all of the fields defined. All other fields will be null.</p> * */ public Video(String json) throws JSONException { initAll(); if(json == null){ throw new JSONException("[ERR] Video can not be parsed from null JSON string."); } JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(json); finishConstruction(jsonObj); } /** * <p>Constructor using JSON object.</p> * * <p>Given a JSON object from the Media API, attempts to construct a new Video object and fill out all of the fields defined. All other fields will be null.</p> * */ public Video(JSONObject jsonObj) throws JSONException { finishConstruction(jsonObj); } /** * <p>Private method to finish construction for other constructors</p> * * @param jsonObj * @throws JSONException */ private void finishConstruction(JSONObject jsonObj) throws JSONException { String[] rootKeys = JSONObject.getNames(jsonObj); for(String rootKey : rootKeys){ Object rootValue = jsonObj.get(rootKey); if((rootValue == null) || ("null".equals(rootValue.toString()))){ // Don't bother setting the attribute, it should already be null } else if("name".equals(rootKey)){ name = (String)rootValue; } else if("id".equals(rootKey)){ if(rootValue instanceof Integer){ // Some JVMs seem to be returning this as an integer instead of a long... id = new Long((Integer)rootValue); } else{ id = (Long)rootValue; } } else if("creationDate".equals(rootKey)){ Long rootLong = jsonObj.getLong(rootKey); creationDate = new Date(rootLong); } else if("accountId".equals(rootKey)){ Long rootLong = jsonObj.getLong(rootKey); accountId = rootLong; } else if("startDate".equals(rootKey)){ Long rootLong = jsonObj.getLong(rootKey); startDate = new Date(rootLong); } else if("endDate".equals(rootKey)){ Long rootLong = jsonObj.getLong(rootKey); endDate = new Date(rootLong); } else if("FLVFullLength".equals(rootKey)){ videoFullLength = new Rendition(((JSONObject)rootValue).toString()); } else if("itemState".equals(rootKey)){ if(rootValue.toString().equals("ACTIVE")){ itemState = ItemStateEnum.ACTIVE; } else if(rootValue.toString().equals("DELETED")){ itemState = ItemStateEnum.DELETED; } else if(rootValue.toString().equals("INACTIVE")){ itemState = ItemStateEnum.INACTIVE; } else{ throw new JSONException("[ERR] Media API specified invalid value for item state '" + rootValue + "'. Acceptable values are 'ACTIVE', 'DELETED' and 'INACTIVE'."); } } else if("geoFilterExclude".equals(rootKey)){ geoFilteredExclude = jsonObj.getBoolean(rootKey); } else if("excludeListedCountries".equals(rootKey)){ geoFilteredExclude = jsonObj.getBoolean(rootKey); } else if("playsTotal".equals(rootKey)){ playsTotal = jsonObj.getInt(rootKey); } else if("geoFiltered".equals(rootKey)){ geoFiltered = jsonObj.getBoolean(rootKey); } else if("geoRestricted".equals(rootKey)){ geoFiltered = jsonObj.getBoolean(rootKey); } else if("version".equals(rootKey)){ // Not currently handled... // Usually looks like: 'version'='5' } else if("playsTrailingWeek".equals(rootKey)){ playsTrailingWeek = jsonObj.getInt(rootKey); } else if("length".equals(rootKey)){ length = jsonObj.getLong(rootKey); } else if("thumbnailURL".equals(rootKey)){ thumbnailUrl = rootValue.toString(); } else if("tags".equals(rootKey)){ tags = new ArrayList<String>(); JSONArray tagArray = jsonObj.getJSONArray(rootKey); for(int tagIdx=0;tagIdx<tagArray.length();tagIdx++){ String tag = tagArray.get(tagIdx).toString(); tags.add(tag); } } else if("videoStillURL".equals(rootKey)){ videoStillUrl = rootValue.toString(); } else if("referenceId".equals(rootKey)){ referenceId = rootValue.toString(); } else if("FLVURL".equals(rootKey)){ flvUrl = rootValue.toString(); } else if("videoFullLength".equals(rootKey)){ videoFullLength = new Rendition(((JSONObject)rootValue).toString()); } else if("shortDescription".equals(rootKey)){ shortDescription = rootValue.toString(); } else if("lastModifiedDate".equals(rootKey)){ Long rootLong = jsonObj.getLong(rootKey); lastModifiedDate = new Date(rootLong); } else if("releaseDate".equals(rootKey)){ Long rootLong = jsonObj.getLong(rootKey); lastModifiedDate = new Date(rootLong); } else if("geoFilteredCountries".equals(rootKey)){ geoFilteredCountries = new ArrayList<GeoFilterCodeEnum>(); JSONArray countryArray = jsonObj.getJSONArray(rootKey); for(int countryIdx=0;countryIdx<countryArray.length();countryIdx++){ String country = countryArray.get(countryIdx).toString(); for(GeoFilterCodeEnum gfce : GeoFilterCodeEnum.values()){ if(gfce.getCode().equals(country)){ geoFilteredCountries.add(gfce); } } } } else if("allowedCountries".equals(rootKey)){ geoFilteredCountries = new ArrayList<GeoFilterCodeEnum>(); JSONArray countryArray = jsonObj.getJSONArray(rootKey); for(int countryIdx=0;countryIdx<countryArray.length();countryIdx++){ String country = countryArray.get(countryIdx).toString(); for(GeoFilterCodeEnum gfce : GeoFilterCodeEnum.values()){ if(gfce.getCode().equals(country)){ geoFilteredCountries.add(gfce); } } } } else if("economics".equals(rootKey)){ for(EconomicsEnum ee : EconomicsEnum.values()){ if(ee.toString().equals(rootValue.toString())){ economics = ee; } } } else if("publishedDate".equals(rootKey)){ Long rootLong = jsonObj.getLong(rootKey); publishedDate = new Date(rootLong); } else if("longDescription".equals(rootKey)){ longDescription = rootValue.toString(); } else if("linkText".equals(rootKey)){ this.linkText = rootValue.toString(); } else if("linkURL".equals(rootKey)){ this.linkUrl = rootValue.toString(); } else if("renditions".equals(rootKey)){ renditions = new ArrayList<Rendition>(); JSONArray rendArray = jsonObj.getJSONArray(rootKey); for(int rendIdx=0;rendIdx<rendArray.length();rendIdx++){ String rend = rendArray.get(rendIdx).toString(); Rendition rendition = new Rendition(rend); renditions.add(rendition); } } else if("cuePoints".equals(rootKey)){ cuePoints = new ArrayList<CuePoint>(); JSONArray cueArray = jsonObj.getJSONArray(rootKey); for(int cueIdx=0;cueIdx<cueArray.length();cueIdx++){ String cue = cueArray.get(cueIdx).toString(); CuePoint cuePoint = new CuePoint(cue); cuePoints.add(cuePoint); } } else if("customFields".equals(rootKey)){ customFields = new ArrayList<CustomField>(); JSONObject customObj = jsonObj.getJSONObject(rootKey); String[] customKeys = JSONObject.getNames(customObj); if(customKeys != null) { for(String customKey : customKeys){ String customValue = customObj.getString(customKey); CustomField customField = new CustomField(customKey, customValue); customFields.add(customField); } } } else{ throw new JSONException("[ERR] Unknown root key '" + rootKey + "'='" + rootValue + "'."); } } } /** * <p>Fully initializes the video object by setting all fields to null</p> */ public void initAll() { name = null; id = null; referenceId = null; accountId = null; shortDescription = null; longDescription = null; flvUrl = null; creationDate = null; publishedDate = null; lastModifiedDate = null; startDate = null; endDate = null; linkUrl = null; linkText = null; videoStillUrl = null; thumbnailUrl = null; length = null; geoFiltered = null; geoFilteredExclude = null; playsTotal = null; playsTrailingWeek = null; releaseDate = null; renditions = null; videoFullLength = null; itemState = null; tags = null; economics = null; geoFilteredCountries = null; cuePoints = null; customFields = null; } /** * <p>Gets the name (title) for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The title of this Video, limited to 60 characters. The name is a required property when you create a video.</code></p> * * @return Name of the Video */ public String getName(){ return name; } /** * <p>Gets the id for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A number that uniquely identifies this Video, assigned by Brightcove when the Video is created.</code></p> * * @return The id for this Video */ public Long getId(){ return id; } /** * <p>Gets the reference id for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A user-specified id that uniquely identifies this Video, limited to 150 characters. A referenceID can be used as a foreign-key to identify this video in another system.</code></p> * * @return Reference id for this Video */ public String getReferenceId(){ return referenceId; } /** * <p>Gets the account id for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A number, assigned by Brightcove, that uniquely identifies the account to which this Video belongs.</code></p> * * @return Account id for this Video */ public Long getAccountId(){ return accountId; } /** * <p>Gets the short description for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A short description describing this Video, limited to 250 characters. The shortDescription is a required property when you create a video.</code></p> * * @return Short description for this Video */ public String getShortDescription(){ return shortDescription; } /** * <p>Gets the long description for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A longer description of this Video, limited to 5000 characters.</code></p> * * @return Long description for this Video */ public String getLongDescription(){ return longDescription; } /** * <p>Gets the FLV URL for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The URL of the video file for this Video. Note that this property can be accessed with the Media API only with a special read or write token. This property applies, no matter whether the video's encoding is FLV (VP6) or MP4 (H.264). See <a href="">Accessing Video Content with the Media API</a>.</code></p> * * @return FLV URL for this Video */ public String getFlvUrl(){ return flvUrl; } /** * <p>Gets the creation date for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The date this Video was created, represented as the number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.</code></p> * * @return Creation date for this Video */ public Date getCreationDate(){ return creationDate; } /** * <p>Gets the published date for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The date this Video was last made active, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.</code></p> * * @return Published date for this Video */ public Date getPublishedDate(){ return publishedDate; } /** * <p>Gets the last modified date for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The date this Video was last modified, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.</code></p> * * @return Last modified date for this Video */ public Date getLastModifiedDate(){ return lastModifiedDate; } /** * <p>Gets the release date for this Video.</p> * * <p><b>Note:</b> This field is undocumented in the BC documentation as of 2009/10/06, but does appear on videos in some accounts.</p> * * @return Release date for this Video */ public Date getReleaseDate(){ return releaseDate; } /** * <p>Gets the start date for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The first date this Video is available to be played, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.</code></p> * * @return Start date for this Video */ public Date getStartDate(){ return startDate; } /** * <p>Gets the end date for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The last date this Video is available to be played, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.</code></p> * * @return End date for this Video */ public Date getEndDate(){ return endDate; } /** * <p>Gets the related link URL for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>An optional URL to a related item, limited to 150 characters.</code></p> * * @return Link URL for this Video */ public String getLinkUrl(){ return linkUrl; } /** * <p>Gets the related link text for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The text displayed for the linkURL, limited to 40 characters.</code></p> * * @return Link text for this Video */ public String getLinkText(){ return linkText; } /** * <p>Gets the video still URL for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The URL to the video still image associated with this Video. Video stills are 480x360 pixels.</code></p> * * @return Video still URL for this Video */ public String getVideoStillUrl(){ return videoStillUrl; } /** * <p>Gets the thumbnail URL for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The URL to the thumbnail image associated with this Video. Thumbnails are 120x90 pixels.</code></p> * * @return Thumbnail URL for this Video */ public String getThumbnailUrl(){ return thumbnailUrl; } /** * <p>Gets the length for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The length of this video in milliseconds.</code></p> * * @return Length for this Video */ public Long getLength(){ return length; } /** * <p>Gets the geo filtered state for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>True indicates that the video is <a href="">geo-restricted</a>.</code></p> * * @return Geo filtered state for this Video */ public Boolean getGeoFiltered(){ return geoFiltered; } /** * <p>Gets the geo filtered exclude state for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>If true, the video can be viewed in all countries except those listed in geoFilteredCountries; if false, the video can be viewed only in the countries listed in geoFilteredCountries.</code></p> * * @return Geo filtered exclude state for this Video */ public Boolean getGeoFilteredExclude(){ return geoFilteredExclude; } /** * <p>Gets the plays total count for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>How many times this Video has been played since its creation.</code></p> * * @return Plays total count for this Video */ public Integer getPlaysTotal(){ return playsTotal; } /** * <p>Gets the plays trailing week count for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>How many times this Video has been played within the past seven days, exclusive of today.</code></p> * * @return Plays trailing week count for this Video */ public Integer getPlaysTrailingWeek(){ return playsTrailingWeek; } /** * <p>Gets the renditions for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>An array of <a href="">Renditions</a> that represent the dynamic delivery renditions available for this Video. A Video should have not more than 10 Renditions. Note that this property can be accessed with the Media API only with a special read or write token. See <a href="">Accessing Video Content with the Media API</a>.</code></p> * * @return List of renditions for this Video */ public List<Rendition> getRenditions(){ return renditions; } /** * <p>Gets the full length rendition for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A single <a href="">Rendition</a> that represents the the video file for this Video. Note that this property can be accessed with the Media API only with a special read or write token. See <a href="">Accessing Video Content with the Media API</a>.</code></p> * * @return The full length rendition for this Video */ public Rendition getVideoFullLength(){ return videoFullLength; } /** * <p>Gets the item state for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>An <a href="">ItemStateEnum</a>. One of ACTIVE, INACTIVE, or DELETED. You can set this property only to ACTIVE or INACTIVE; you cannot delete a video by setting its itemState to DELETED.</code></p> * * @return The item state for this Video */ public ItemStateEnum getItemState(){ return itemState; } /** * <p>Gets the keyword tags for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A list of Strings representing the tags assigned to this Video. Each tag can be not more than 64 characters, and a video can have no more than 1200 tags.</code></p> * * @return The keyword tags for this Video */ public List<String> getTags(){ return tags; } /** * <p>Gets the economics for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>An <a href="">EconomicsEnum</a>. Either FREE or AD_SUPPORTED. AD_SUPPORTED means that ad requests are enabled for this Video.</code></p> * * @return The economics for this Video */ public EconomicsEnum getEconomics(){ return economics; } /** * <p>Gets the geo-filtered countries for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A list of the <a href="">ISO-3166 two-letter codes</a> of the countries to enforce geo-restriction rules on. Use lowercase for the country codes.</code></p> * * @return The geo-filtered countries for this Video */ public List<GeoFilterCodeEnum> getGeoFilteredCountries(){ return geoFilteredCountries; } /** * <p>Gets the cue points for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A List of the <a href="">CuePoints</a> objects assigned to this Video.</code></p> * * @return The cue points for this Video */ public List<CuePoint> getCuePoints(){ return cuePoints; } /** * <p>Gets the custom fields for this Video.</p> * * <p>This feature is not explicitly documented in the Brightcove documentation</p> * * @return The list of custom fields to use for this video */ public List<CustomField> getCustomFields(){ return customFields; } /** * <p>Sets the name (title) for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The title of this Video, limited to 60 characters. The name is a required property when you create a video.</code></p> * * @param name Name of the Video */ public void setName(String name){ = name; } /** * <p>Sets the id for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A number that uniquely identifies this Video, assigned by Brightcove when the Video is created.</code></p> * * @param id The id for this Video */ public void setId(Long id){ = id; } /** * <p>Sets the reference id for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A user-specified id that uniquely identifies this Video, limited to 150 characters. A referenceID can be used as a foreign-key to identify this video in another system.</code></p> * * @param referenceId Reference id for this Video */ public void setReferenceId(String referenceId){ this.referenceId = referenceId; } /** * <p>Sets the account id for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A number, assigned by Brightcove, that uniquely identifies the account to which this Video belongs.</code></p> * * @param accountId Account id for this Video */ public void setAccountId(Long accountId){ this.accountId = accountId; } /** * <p>Sets the short description for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A short description describing this Video, limited to 250 characters. The shortDescription is a required property when you create a video.</code></p> * * @param shortDescription Short description for this Video */ public void setShortDescription(String shortDescription){ this.shortDescription = shortDescription; } /** * <p>Sets the long description for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A longer description of this Video, limited to 5000 characters.</code></p> * * @param longDescription Long description for this Video */ public void setLongDescription(String longDescription){ this.longDescription = longDescription; } /** * <p>Sets the FLV URL for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The URL of the video file for this Video. Note that this property can be accessed with the Media API only with a special read or write token. This property applies, no matter whether the video's encoding is FLV (VP6) or MP4 (H.264). See <a href="">Accessing Video Content with the Media API</a>.</code></p> * * @param flvUrl FLV URL for this Video */ public void setFlvUrl(String flvUrl){ this.flvUrl = flvUrl; } /** * <p>Sets the creation date for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The date this Video was created, represented as the number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.</code></p> * * @param creationDate Creation date for this Video */ public void setCreationDate(Date creationDate){ this.creationDate = creationDate; } /** * <p>Sets the published date for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The date this Video was last made active, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.</code></p> * * @param publishedDate Published date for this Video */ public void setPublishedDate(Date publishedDate){ this.publishedDate = publishedDate; } /** * <p>Sets the last modified date for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The date this Video was last modified, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.</code></p> * * @param lastModifiedDate Last modified date for this Video */ public void setLastModifiedDate(Date lastModifiedDate){ this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate; } /** * <p>Sets the release date for this Video.</p> * * <p><b>Note:</b> This field is undocumented in the BC documentation as of 2009/10/06, but does appear on videos in some accounts.</p> * * @param releaseDate Release date for this Video */ public void setReleaseDate(Date releaseDate){ this.releaseDate = releaseDate; } /** * <p>Sets the start date for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The first date this Video is available to be played, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.</code></p> * * @param startDate Start date for this Video */ public void setStartDate(Date startDate){ this.startDate = startDate; } /** * <p>Sets the end date for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The last date this Video is available to be played, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.</code></p> * * @param endDate End date for this Video */ public void setEndDate(Date endDate){ this.endDate = endDate; } /** * <p>Sets the related link URL for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>An optional URL to a related item, limited to 150 characters.</code></p> * * @param linkUrl Link URL for this Video */ public void setLinkUrl(String linkUrl){ this.linkUrl = linkUrl; } /** * <p>Sets the related link text for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The text displayed for the linkURL, limited to 40 characters.</code></p> * * @param linkText Link text for this Video */ public void setLinkText(String linkText){ this.linkText = linkText; } /** * <p>Sets the video still URL for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The URL to the video still image associated with this Video. Video stills are 480x360 pixels.</code></p> * * @param videoStillUrl Video still URL for this Video */ public void setVideoStillUrl(String videoStillUrl){ this.videoStillUrl = videoStillUrl; } /** * <p>Sets the thumbnail URL for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The URL to the thumbnail image associated with this Video. Thumbnails are 120x90 pixels.</code></p> * * @param thumbnailUrl Thumbnail URL for this Video */ public void setThumbnailUrl(String thumbnailUrl){ this.thumbnailUrl = thumbnailUrl; } /** * <p>Sets the length for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>The length of this video in milliseconds.</code></p> * * @param length Length for this Video */ public void setLength(Long length){ this.length = length; } /** * <p>Sets the geo filtered state for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>True indicates that the video is <a href="">geo-restricted</a>.</code></p> * * @param geoFiltered Geo filtered state for this Video */ public void setGeoFiltered(Boolean geoFiltered){ this.geoFiltered = geoFiltered; } /** * <p>Sets the geo filtered exclude state for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>If true, the video can be viewed in all countries except those listed in geoFilteredCountries; if false, the video can be viewed only in the countries listed in geoFilteredCountries.</code></p> * * @param geoFilteredExclude Geo filtered exclude state for this Video */ public void setGeoFilteredExclude(Boolean geoFilteredExclude){ this.geoFilteredExclude = geoFilteredExclude; } /** * <p>Sets the plays total count for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>How many times this Video has been played since its creation.</code></p> * * @param playsTotal Plays total count for this Video */ public void setPlaysTotal(Integer playsTotal){ this.playsTotal = playsTotal; } /** * <p>Sets the plays trailing week count for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>How many times this Video has been played within the past seven days, exclusive of today.</code></p> * * @param playsTrailingWeek Plays trailing week count for this Video */ public void setPlaysTrailingWeek(Integer playsTrailingWeek){ this.playsTrailingWeek = playsTrailingWeek; } /** * <p>Sets the renditions for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>An array of <a href="">Renditions</a> that represent the dynamic delivery renditions available for this Video. A Video should have not more than 10 Renditions. Note that this property can be accessed with the Media API only with a special read or write token. See <a href="">Accessing Video Content with the Media API</a>.</code></p> * * @param renditions List of renditions for this Video */ public void setRenditions(List<Rendition> renditions){ this.renditions = renditions; } /** * <p>Sets the full length rendition for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A single <a href="">Rendition</a> that represents the the video file for this Video. Note that this property can be accessed with the Media API only with a special read or write token. See <a href="">Accessing Video Content with the Media API</a>.</code></p> * * @param videoFullLength The full length rendition for this Video */ public void setVideoFullLength(Rendition videoFullLength){ this.videoFullLength = videoFullLength; } /** * <p>Sets the item state for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>An <a href="">ItemStateEnum</a>. One of ACTIVE, INACTIVE, or DELETED. You can set this property only to ACTIVE or INACTIVE; you cannot delete a video by setting its itemState to DELETED.</code></p> * * @param itemState The item state for this Video */ public void setItemState(ItemStateEnum itemState){ this.itemState = itemState; } /** * <p>Sets the keyword tags for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A list of Strings representing the tags assigned to this Video. Each tag can be not more than 64 characters, and a video can have no more than 1200 tags.</code></p> * * @param tags The keyword tags for this Video */ public void setTags(List<String> tags){ this.tags = tags; } /** * <p>Sets the economics for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>An <a href="">EconomicsEnum</a>. Either FREE or AD_SUPPORTED. AD_SUPPORTED means that ad requests are enabled for this Video.</code></p> * * @param economics The economics for this Video */ public void setEconomics(EconomicsEnum economics){ this.economics = economics; } /** * <p>Sets the geo-filtered countries for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A list of the <a href="">ISO-3166 two-letter codes</a> of the countries to enforce geo-restriction rules on. Use lowercase for the country codes.</code></p> * * @param geoFilteredCountries The geo-filtered countries for this Video */ public void setGeoFilteredCountries(List<GeoFilterCodeEnum> geoFilteredCountries){ this.geoFilteredCountries = geoFilteredCountries; } /** * <p>Sets the cue points for this Video.</p> * * <p><code>A List of the <a href="">CuePoints</a> objects assigned to this Video.</code></p> * * @param cuePoints The cue points for this Video */ public void setCuePoints(List<CuePoint> cuePoints){ this.cuePoints = cuePoints; } /** * <p>Sets the custom fields for this Video.</p> * * <p>This feature is not explicitly documented in the Brightcove documentation</p> * * @param customFields The list of custom fields to use for this video */ public void setCustomFields(List<CustomField> customFields){ this.customFields = customFields; } /** * <p>Converts the video into a JSON object suitable for use with the Media API</p> * * @return JSON object representing the video */ public JSONObject toJson() throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); if(name != null){ json.put("name", name); } if(id != null){ json.put("id", id); } if(referenceId != null){ json.put("referenceId", referenceId); } if(accountId != null){ json.put("accountId", accountId); } if(shortDescription != null){ json.put("shortDescription", shortDescription); } if(longDescription != null){ json.put("longDescription", longDescription); } if(flvUrl != null){ json.put("FLVURL", flvUrl); } if(creationDate != null){ json.put("creationDate", creationDate.getTime()); } if(publishedDate != null){ json.put("publishedDate", publishedDate.getTime()); } if(lastModifiedDate != null){ json.put("lastModifiedDate", lastModifiedDate.getTime()); } if(releaseDate != null){ json.put("releaseDate", releaseDate.getTime()); } if(startDate != null){ json.put("startDate", startDate.getTime()); } if(endDate != null){ json.put("endDate", endDate.getTime()); } if(linkUrl != null){ json.put("linkURL", linkUrl); } if(linkText != null){ json.put("linkText", linkText); } if(videoStillUrl != null){ json.put("videoStillURL", videoStillUrl); } if(thumbnailUrl != null){ json.put("thumbnailURL", thumbnailUrl); } if(length != null){ json.put("length", length); } if(geoFiltered != null){ // json.put("geoFiltered", geoFiltered); // Change to Media API (circa 3.2.x maybe?) "geoFiltered" is // now "geoRestricted" json.put("geoRestricted", geoFiltered); } if(geoFilteredExclude != null){ json.put("geoFilterExclude", geoFilteredExclude); } if(playsTotal != null){ json.put("playsTotal", playsTotal); } if(playsTrailingWeek != null){ json.put("playsTrailingWeek", playsTrailingWeek); } if(renditions != null){ JSONArray jsonRenditions = new JSONArray(); for(Rendition rendition : renditions){ JSONObject renditionJson = rendition.toJson(); jsonRenditions.put(renditionJson); } json.put("renditions", jsonRenditions); } if(videoFullLength != null){ json.put("videoFullLength", videoFullLength.toJson()); } if(itemState != null){ json.put("itemState", itemState); } if(tags != null){ JSONArray tagArray = new JSONArray(); for(String tag : tags){ tagArray.put(tag); } json.put("tags", tagArray); } if(economics != null){ json.put("economics", economics); } if(geoFilteredCountries != null){ JSONArray countryArray = new JSONArray(); for(GeoFilterCodeEnum country : geoFilteredCountries){ countryArray.put(country.getCode()); } json.put("geoFilteredCountries", countryArray); } if(cuePoints != null){ JSONArray cuePointsJson = new JSONArray(); for(CuePoint cuePoint : cuePoints){ JSONObject cuePointJson = cuePoint.toJson(); cuePointsJson.put(cuePointJson); } json.put("cuePoints", cuePointsJson); } if(customFields != null){ JSONObject customFieldsJson = new JSONObject(); for(CustomField customField : customFields){ if(customField.getName() != null ) { customFieldsJson.put(customField.getName(), customField.getValue()); } } json.put("customFields", customFieldsJson); } return json; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString(){ String ret = "[com.brightcove.proserve.mediaapi.wrapper.apiobjects.Video (\n" + "\tname:'" + name + "'\n" + "\tid:'" + id + "'\n" + "\treferenceId:'" + referenceId + "'\n" + "\taccountId:'" + accountId + "'\n" + "\tshortDescription:'" + shortDescription + "'\n" + "\tlongDescription:'" + longDescription + "'\n" + "\tflvUrl:'" + flvUrl + "'\n" + "\tcreationDate:'" + creationDate + "'\n" + "\tpublishedDate:'" + publishedDate + "'\n" + "\tlastModifiedDate:'" + lastModifiedDate + "'\n" + "\treleaseDate:'" + releaseDate + "'\n" + "\tstartDate:'" + startDate + "'\n" + "\tendDate:'" + endDate + "'\n" + "\tlinkUrl:'" + linkUrl + "'\n" + "\tlinkText:'" + linkText + "'\n" + "\tvideoStillUrl:'" + videoStillUrl + "'\n" + "\tthumbnailUrl:'" + thumbnailUrl + "'\n" + "\tlength:'" + length + "'\n" + "\tgeoFiltered:'" + geoFiltered + "'\n" + "\tgeoFilteredExclude:'" + geoFilteredExclude + "'\n" + "\tplaysTotal:'" + playsTotal + "'\n" + "\tplaysTrailingWeek:'" + playsTrailingWeek + "'\n" + "\trenditions:'" + renditions + "'\n" + "\tvideoFullLength:'" + videoFullLength + "'\n" + "\titemState:'" + itemState + "'\n" + "\ttags:'" + tags + "'\n" + "\teconomics:'" + economics + "'\n" + "\tgeoFilteredCountries:'" + geoFilteredCountries + "'\n" + "\tcuePoints:'" + cuePoints + "'\n" + "\tcustomFields:'" + customFields + "'\n" + ")]"; return ret; } }