package com.brightcove.proserve.mediaapi.wrapper.apiobjects; import org.jsonBC.JSONException; import org.jsonBC.JSONObject; /** * <p>Represents a CustomField object to/from the Media API.</p> * * <p>Note that custom fields aren't officially dcoumented on the Brightcove documentation as of 2009/08/18 (<a href=""></a>).</p> * * @author Sander Gates < @at@> * */ public class CustomField { private String name; private String value; /** * <p>Default Constructor.</p> * * <p>All fields set to null to start - required fields must be set before calling Write Media API.</p> * */ public CustomField(){ InitAll(); } /** * <p>Constructor using JSON string.</p> * * <p>Given a JSON string from the Media API, attempts to construct a new Custom Field object and fill out all of the fields defined. All other fields will be null.</p> * */ public CustomField(String json) throws JSONException { InitAll(); if(json == null){ throw new JSONException("[ERR] Custom Field can not be parsed from null JSON string."); } JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(json); String[] rootKeys = JSONObject.getNames(jsonObj); for(String rootKey : rootKeys){ // Object rootValue = jsonObj.get(rootKey); = rootKey; this.value = jsonObj.getString(rootKey); } } /** * <p>Constructor using key-value pair.</p> * * <p>Given a custom name and value, attempts to construct a new Custom Field object and fill out all of the fields defined. All other fields will be null.</p> * */ public CustomField(String name, String value) { InitAll(); = name; this.value = value; } /** * <p>Initializes all variables to null</p> */ public void InitAll(){ name = null; value = null; } /** * <p>Gets the name of the Custom Field.</p> * * @return Name of the Custom Field */ public String getName(){ return name; } /** * <p>Sets the name of the Custom Field.</p> * * @param name Name of the Custom Field */ public void setName(String name){ = name; } /** * <p>Gets the value of the Custom Field.</p> * * @return value of the Custom Field */ public String getValue(){ return value; } /** * <p>Sets the value of the Custom Field.</p> * * @param value Value of the Custom Field */ public void setId(String value){ this.value = value; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString(){ String ret = "[com.brightcove.proserve.mediaapi.wrapper.apiobjects.CustomField (\n" + "\tname:'" + name + "'\n" + "\tvalue:'" + value + "'\n" + ")]"; return ret; } }