package; import static*; import; /** * An acceptor only. * See class Parser for an elaboration that allows for injection of semantic actions. */ public class Acceptor { private Lexer lexer; private Token lookahead; // Parse a file public void accept(String s) throws FileNotFoundException { lexer = new Lexer(s); company(); match(EOF); } // // Match expected with actual tokem. // Consume the token if successful. // Throw exception if not successful. // private String match(Token token) { if (test(token)) { lookahead = null; return lexer.getLexeme(); } else throw new RecognitionException("Expected: " + token + "; Found: " + lookahead); } // Test actual token private boolean test(Token token) { if (lookahead==null) lookahead =; return (lookahead==token); } // Parse companies private final void company() { match(COMPANY); match(STRING); match(OPEN); while (test(DEPARTMENT)) department(); match(CLOSE); } // Parse departments private final void department() { match(DEPARTMENT); match(STRING); match(OPEN); match(MANAGER); employee(); while (test(EMPLOYEE)) { match(EMPLOYEE); employee(); } while (test(DEPARTMENT)) department(); match(CLOSE); } // Parse employees private final void employee() { match(STRING); match(OPEN); match(ADDRESS); match(STRING); match(SALARY); match(FLOAT); match(CLOSE); } }