package; import*; import; import; import; import; /* * Implementation of the Feature Unparsing */ public class Unparsing { private Writer writer; int indent = 0; // Local write that swallows checked exception, too private void write(String s) { try { writer.write(s); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // Convenient macros for pretty printing private void space() { write(" "); } private void tab() { write("\t"); } private void nl() { write("\n"); } private void right() { indent += 1; } private void left() { indent -= 1; } private void indent() { for(int i=0; i<indent; i++) tab(); } public void unparseCompany(Company c, String s) throws IOException { writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(s)); write("company"); space(); write(c.getName()); space(); write("{"); right(); nl(); for (Department d : c.getDepts()) unparseDept(d); left(); indent(); write("}"); writer.close(); } public void unparseDept(Department d) { indent(); write("department"); space(); write(d.getName()); space(); write("{"); right(); nl(); unparseEmployee(true,d.getManager()); for (Employee e : d.getEmployees()) unparseEmployee(false, e); for (Department s : d.getSubdepts()) unparseDept(s); left(); indent(); write("}"); nl(); } public void unparseEmployee(boolean isManager, Employee e) { indent(); if (isManager) write("manager"); else write("employee"); space(); write(e.getName()); space(); write("{"); right(); nl(); indent(); write("address"); space(); write(e.getAddress()); nl(); indent(); write("salary"); space(); write(Double.toString(e.getSalary())); nl(); left(); indent(); write("}"); nl(); } }